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Elioinai Sep 2016
You can do Anything
Dream Big
Go for the gold
Dance in the Rain
Who told me these things?
Not you

Good grades were all you seemed to expect and a clean room
and a modest closet
a quiet spirit
Did you never envision greatness for your children?
I guess my mom thought living a victorious Christian life was goals enough for her kids, but that's a bit skewed. Everyone has an important purpose in life, and we reach our greatest potential by serving Christ as we pursue the dreams he gives us.
ShowYouLove Sep 2016
Love one another clothed now in Christ
Morning draws near to cast out the night
Things done in secret no longer can hide
Thorns in his brow and spear in his side
Love beyond measure, peace like a flood
Washed white as snow by his precious blood

Love your neighbor as yourself showing kindness to all
Work together in unity lest we may fall
Wrap yourself with truth and justice put on peace and grace
With wisdom and understanding we might know and see his face
The Word is our sword and faith is our shield
On our knees we steel ourselves on the holy battlefield

Clothed now in Christ we look to the sky
And together, with one voice, we cry
Lord, banish the darkness and show us the way
The sun is rising bringing forth a new day
The war is over Jesus has won
But here once again the battle’s just begun
Adapted from Romans 13:8-14 and Ephesians 6:10-18
leinstinct Sep 2016
Yes i am
So long lost
Try to find
Meaning on my life alone
It is no depression
I don't believe in that ****
It is no" suicidal tendency"
Life is meant to be lived and happily
It is more of a confusion
More of a too much going on
More of a nice battle
More of a looking forward to the war
More of a learning period
That is where i am at
Lost confused but glad i am
Shruti Gauba Dec 2016
My heart and mind have been fighting against
since when your touch left my skin.
So now in the night, when I loose all control,
I let their battles begin.
Crimsyy Sep 2016
The sequel to "Sublime"**

I need to end this monster,
it's taken my mind apart,
a secret I've been holding
tight in my heart,

The pain you held
was the pain I felt,
you wanted to erase me,
but I'm not one to settle down,
so come as you are,
I will end you with
the light of a thousand stars,

I need to end you, monster,
or you'll ****** all your prisoners
after you blur the tunnel's light,
and like a vampire,
you'll flee from anything bright,
but our breath is
deadly and Heavenly;
you will not be
feasting on our blood tonight.
Rebecca Cerrone Sep 2016
You have a war inside you that's all your own.
You close your eyes and feel your pulse weakening in every moment I am gone.
You try to rest your mind of me, but realize the battle has yet to start.
Expecting harmony?
A greatest irony it is.

How do you dare?
when your own heart and mind cannot harmonize?

How do you dare?
When eyes and vision cannot harmonize?

How do you dare?
When your should be's and could be's never seem to harmonize?

How do you dare?
When your wishes and duties cannot harmonize?

And, my friend

Expecting harmony?
A greatest irony it is.
Nelize Sep 2016
I look up to the mountains
where does my help come from?

sliding rocks, slithering snakes
Life's patches, wailing winds
thorns in my flesh
cliffs taunt my feet
Serpent hisses all the while

all I see is steep punishment
all I feel is lactic burn
the air thin
I have no fleshly kin
"carry me Eagle, fly me high!" I yearned
but Eagle responds echoeingly
"your footprints carried you all the way,
but through the Way you will have learned"

I look up to the sky
His words  lifted me
I look up to the sky
where does my help come from?

Eagle, how high now am thee?
gone is the Serpent
Eagle's cross shaped shadow sweeps over me
bright light above me
"well  done  my  faithful  servant"
said the Source where help cometh from

I soar on wings like Eagle,
lactic burn leaves my soul
I run and don't grow weary

I saw where help came from.
Devin Lawrence Sep 2016
Superheroes inspire us all,
superheroes make us marvel.
Superheroes are adored
from Beijing to Washington D.C.

But superheroes don't wear capes,
they wear a '96 Olympic shirt
and loose-fitting pants
you would never catch me in.

They don't have x-ray vision,
they've worn glasses
for as long as you remember.
They cannot fly,
and yet they seem larger than life.

They never seem to lie,
and they still say "I love you"
in the exact same way
almost sixty years after they bound it to eternity.

They don't have super-strength,
but they are your super strength
and they lift you up
until you can do it on your own.

They seem invincible,
but life has a way of reminding you
that even Superman has Kryptonite.

They are stubbornly steady
even when the bill of health
isn't clean.
Just as they are your strength,
you feel your aching mortality
when you find out
even superheroes get cancer.

Yet somehow,
after their greatest battle is fought,
there they are in all that remains
spreading an unyielding light
upon whoever sees them soaring by.

We wear an "S", a bat,
or even a spider
to pretend that we are our heroes
and emulate their image;
but I won't wear that old shirt,
or those terrible, worn-in jeans.
I'll harness that unbreakable spirit,
and maybe one day
I'll be a superhero too.
I love you Papa.
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