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Sarah Gammon Dec 2016
All my life I've tried to provide for others
I've kept trying to put people back together;
I ride the tide of their most stormy weather,
but I have yet to actually make anyone better.

I failed because I never knew where to begin.
I learned over time we must heal ourselves within
before helping broken people as a mission
but even that simple beginning, I can't win.

Shattered into pieces, I know not how many years,
only that I cannot remember a time without tears.
The struggle is more than real, it's all my fears
and there's total misunderstanding amongst peers.

All I ever wanted was to make another whole,
to reach out to someone and fix their broken soul.
It was foolish of me to try and it has taken a toll
leaving me empty, miserable and with no goal.

I don't think I can ever mend myself right,
I keep trying, but I never win the fight.
Every now and then I think I see the light
only to watch it dissipate into the night.

I stay awake thinking deeply about our world
and how I am merely but one broken girl
searching through waste, looking for a pearl
but whisked away in defeat as it whirls.

If I can't save myself, or anyone at all,
I'm not sure I'll ever be able to stand tall.
I will weep until the day I crumble and fall,
knowing I couldn't change a thing, nothing at all.
Copyright Sarah-JG 2016
Angie S Nov 2016
Under the burning sun, we run,
our brave hearts beating as one.
Beneath the shining moon we rest,
and in the morning we're at our best.
Together in battle we fight to win;
we'll beat the odds no matter how thin.
You're my partner through and through--
so let's use our ultimate Z-Move!
Who else is playing Pokemon Sun and Moon?!?! Don't spoil anything for me though haha I'm not even close to beating Sun yet... but do tell me what starter you chose!!!!! I'm team rowlet myself :^)
Thomas Newlove Oct 2016
I am a walking contradiction.
I am six feet, five inches tall
But I feel microscopic.
I am a proud Englishman,
Disgusted by his history and absent
Of allegiances to any land, any country.
I am a nomad, but there is so much I haven't seen.
I am filled with wanderlust,
But also crave routine, and hate change.
I am a passionate writer,
But it pains me to write.
I am so very concerned by the world,
Its people and emotions,
Yet I distance myself, want no part in it,
Thrive off any psychopathic habits I develop -
I enjoy the disdain I have for most people.
I am well-educated, above-average intelligence,
But I know nothing... and always will.
I am surrounded by people that I love and care about,
But I feel so often, so desperately alone.
I crave my own space, my solitude,
The freedom of my own head and my mind's
Undivided attention, but it haunts me,
And I miss the feeling of warmth beside me in my bed.
It taunts me. It makes me want to die.
I am a walking contradiction because I desperately
Want to live, if only to achieve something worth
Being remembered for, worth dying for.
There's no poetic justice, beauty in death of
An ordinary man with uninteresting achievements.
That is wasted oxygen to me, and wasted talent
(if you can even call it that for)
I crave success, but fear I am talentless.
I am a walking contradiction.
Sometimes I think I am delusional,
But, then again, I am one of the most logical people
I know. I'm boring. But I want to excite, to entertain.
I am not funny, but I want to make people laugh.
I want to live forever and die tomorrow.
I am a walking contradiction.
Nobody mourns the poor - of pocket or of soul.
I fear that I am both.
I fear that I am a walking contradiction.
Completely devoid of purpose, of meaning
But so hopelessly in love with the beauty of it all.
TK Nov 2016
Secondary thoughts leak from an opened portal
Demanding to have their own way
An inner war battles round after round
No one around has a clue about the hidden chaos
Of this never-ending brawl
This is no dual, more like a free-for-all
Despite being psychological, the impact is physical
But the worst part is not knowing, if this ongoing cycle
Is ever going to go away
Amid the restlessness of a blood enthused crowd
Stood two gladiatorial practitioners both battle proud
From the inner arena a barking summons rang out
Calling the combatants to engage in battle's bout

The blood lust crowd wanted sport without delay
No quarter was ceded in the gladiator's display

Slashing lashing swords flayed high then to the midriff
Shields clanged and clinked in alternate shift
The foot-work of battle was magnificent of flair
Both took the onslaught with a disdainful air

Around the arena walls went a deafening cloud
The performance of the gladiators intoxicated the crowd
While in the bowels of the arena lions and tigers roared
Battle fervour rose to the gladiators they who are adored

Striking like a lightning bolt the victor's sword kills
His opponents chest dies in blood's gushing spill
Enthused by the spectacle of blood the crowd cried for more
Other combatants offered themselves to the gladiatorial floor

Battle Gods gathered at the celestial fray
Sang songs of battle to the arena's clay
STLR Nov 2016
The tip is welded sharply but the mind is much sharper mental scribbles are illustrated with the ink of a marker let's make it bolder let's make it much darker don't tell the doctor

but I think I'm sick, drenched flashbacks are flushed down in my minds sink I think clicks like clocks tick, my gears are offset so I change my axis

I'm in an out like a fine stitch when I write my eyes twitch then blur out my language, I speak words of the damaged

time is a motion picture that I am watching if I stick then I'm it like the clown so come around before your fears drop to the ground

we play with pop rocks to the sounds of the then, not the now

Never pretend to be a part of the crowd I'm a part of the wow
that **** is shocking
I'm up like an umbrella and Ms. Poppins.

speaking babble like in Islamic
leaking metal calls me bionic
I rather live in a cardboard box than in an office honest I'm twisted but more on it then off it

where have the lights gone? it's about to get cold quick, let me drop this ice bomb
my mind runs longer than Olympic marathons
I'm  a flawed paragon
they ask me if am high
I say no it must be the cloud I'm on

That's right no wings needed
I'm an open flesh wound so this flow keeps bleeding
I will beat these words down till they scream mistreated
These words are missiles that **** for no reason
Now watch me aim into the air and shoot into your region.
STLR Nov 2016
If the sky was the ocean I would dive into the horizon, only to be known as an underwater pilot

See this is how I think of it this is how it rises, it bubbles to the top only to crumble in the climate

I'm a rebel in this human race, you're a pebble to a Titan.

My flow stays negative zero, see on the periodic table I'm element hero.

My element of surprise is like the federal bureaus, I always keep it sweet not short like churros

My thoughts are very crunchy like Pickles or pretzels
I shoot from my booth like two scud missiles, when I'm in class I just call dismissal

I never go for the gold only for the diamonds
I shine like the crooked eyes of the dead pirates

I might just adjust to the norm only to fight the righteous...this is a real flight I get hype off my own excitement..hype man hype it.

I feel old school reebok jumpsuit and some white kicks...every time I think of words I think priceless

My stylish words are furious..see they will get you high off their dopeness..don't sleep just enter's a new stage of awake, it keeps you focused...let's laugh...I'm joking...instead of reading this you should be choking
Element Hero By: Stellarhero
STLR Nov 2016
Fight and struggle, thoughts of milling.
What kind of points will you be killing?

The points that are the sharpest
I will not let you transform this mind into something that is softer!
There's no end game, you lack in confidence, just make another offer

Offers, games, how plastic and lavish?
Your thoughts are simple, hopeful, and savage.

Leave me with my madness
I rather be this, instead of average
Your just mad because I'm a maverick
A stand alone rock
Your side of the brain will never handle my thoughts

Ok Garfunkel, you island
How brave a stone is on your beach,
but my words don't need to be a preach I strangle your mind with time, sand An hourglass will show your faults

Think about what you say before you begin to talk
Strangling me will only put this place at a halt!
You and I coexist, let's unify in this struggle
We can continue fighting, but it will all end in rubble,destruction & burning debris
Can we agree to disagree in these words that we speak
Can we foresee a brighter future
That is within reach
If not our habitat will forever be meek
Silence in violence, a place where two have suffered defeat

Two have defeat?
Can't you see, you are the one to change
Long term thought, intelligent meet
Can't you see, you have become strange
It is proof that I am victorious, your ignorance
It's crazy how you have shown my brilliance
Internal struggle (part 2) - A collaborative poem with anonymous anonymous
Vachaspathi Nov 2016
The soldier pointed the gun at the lad who stood on his knees
He is heavily wounded and is bleeding profusely
Before pulling the trigger, the soldier thought for a moment about the lad's mother
The months of pain it took her to conceive him, years of struggle to raise him, and the lifelong joy of motherhood he gave to her
All will be burned to ashes in a fraction of second
But then he remembered the sorrow of thousands of mothers who lost their daughters and sons
The soldier took a heavy breath, closed his eyes and did the deed
With tears in his eyes and a heavy soul he left the battlefield
**The soldier won the war on the ground but lost in his heart
Scarlett Fuentes Nov 2016
Funny how this isn’t so, because as I was slowly becoming like you, but you never really thought of becoming like me. As I kept breaking your walls, you kept building new ones. During those times I managed to create a small crack that reached upon you. However, you never stopped building them up that I couldn’t keep up no matter how much I wanted to.

I know that I was all that you wanted but many shadows filled your room, and so as I tried so very hard to fix it, you asked me not to. Now I know you’re so much better, even if you’re not completely fixed. Now you can face them without me, even if it would be easier if I gave you a lift. Now as I fall apart in every way, you can’t do the same as I did for you. Because you have your own battles to face too.

I’m here to leave my heart at your door. Finally having the strength to say good-bye. Not because I don’t love you, I really do, but because you don’t need my love anymore.
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