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Juhlhaus Jan 2019
Hangs over head by a solitary hair
Pommel set with Lucifer's star
Crossguard of the crescent moon
The Blade a king's interminable doom
On January 31, 2019 in the darkness before dawn I witnessed the triple conjunction of Venus, Luna, and Jupiter in perfect alignment, creating the shape of a long sword in the southern sky. Venus (the "Light Bringer") adorned the pommel, the waning crescent moon formed the crossguard, and kingly Jupiter gleamed at the blade's point. The omen was revealed to me as the fabled Sword of Damocles (dam-uh-kleez) which hangs over all those in seats of power, suspended by a single strand of hair.
Euphie Dec 2018
Quiet and strong.
He who hunts
in the sky,
will hunt
for eternity.

He is daring,
and holds no fear.
Hunting for
the Great Bear

Who could weaken—
Orion’s belt?
No one,
except for Orion—
Sometimes I like to go for a late-night swim

I strip down and sit on the edge of the horizon

Dip my toes in the darkness before plunging into the stars

I swim and swim until my feet can’t touch the skyline and the moonlight could easily drown me

I lay on my back and gaze down at the city below me

I watch cars on the freeway and lovers on the boardwalk

I dive deep into the universe open my eyes to observe the planets

Soon the sun starts to float towards me

Wrap myself in its rays

Walk back into my apartment

I grab coffee and watch the world rotate around me

Those nights are when I feel most content

Watching the world below grounds me
zebra Nov 2018
abstinence and cruel practice
old dancers have no feet
living our beliefs
in this house of rabies
a house of lies
lies that tell the truth
taught through the agony of disillusionment

the planets move
we do their dance
fire points
angles in motion

when they square
we are constrained
when opposed
swords cross
when trine
we are graced
always the dance of the other

the world whorls
strikes like lightning
breaking the nose of every beautiful thing

forcing their delusions
twisting metaphors of history
they smear the world

you are its hands, heart, spine
darkness tears and sighs

whispering feet on dark floors
send you their dreams
and construct inner mythology
to bend your will
always on its own side
redundantly unanimous in that
a real villain

an odyssey through your heart
thats how it gets inside you
while your hands remain folded
and your genitals sleep on a plate

dance school arcade pinballs planets
twisting wraith flies flying in circles, circling
in black mother
like hands on a clock
conveyance of ardor
born in the
palace of tears
inspired by sysperia
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