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Vania Irene Oct 2018
i am a Gemini.
the twins,
the two faces.
people mistakenly me as the most unstable sign.
actually, it depends on
their action.

if you caught my attention,
you will know by my
loud dolphin laughter,
or by my random wide smile.
it means that you got my respect.

if you disgust me,
you can notice it by the
way i am so quiet around,
and by the ***** that you
will never get, ever.
i will be that quiet girl,
you are going to think that
i am a cold ***** who
does not even care about
your existence,
it is because i do not want
to waste my precious time to deal with
whatever you do.

if i am into you,
you are going to see me shaking,
you are going to feel that i am
so nervous around you,
you are going to see my fast
transformations from the introverted
type of human, to the annoying extrovert.
i will start the conversation,
and make sure it will keep going.

if i am in love with you,
you will know it by the joke i tell, that does not funny at all.
i will randomly kiss you in front of
many people without giving a single care about their judgements.
i will rub your back, even when i am sleepy.
you will be the one, and only exception.
i will break down my walls for you
simply because,
i am in love with you.
i do not care about grammar lol
Elisabeth Oct 2018
the moon rises and soothes my heated skin
red and blistered from the sun’s brutal eyes
harsh and judging giving me no blink of a break
a gentle touch caresses and heals my peeling cheeks
staring directly into such hot eyes leaves a piercing feeling through the back of my skull and an orange glow over my pupil
the moon’s soft glow allows my eyes to open wide with wonder no fear of being blinded
warm pleasant air keeps me from freezing underneath that pretty white glow
in daylight the wind is vicious and whips me in the face hurting where I’m already burned
a whole night for me to heal
only to be blistered again
Aa Harvey Oct 2018

My chorus is silent;
My muse now a mute.
I choose non-violent to be unlike the news.
I gaze upon stars with knowledge gained and confusion.
I never did understand nuclear fusion.

The mad scientist creates black holes in his dreams.
Empty heads need filling with anything.
Learn to know the difference between hope and wrong.
School is out for summer and forever;
We were too busy going for a song.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Apollo Hayden Sep 2018
Have you ever felt the pain
from the sting of a scorpion?
It burns and sets in so quickly then eventually leaves you numb.
Takes away your breath and makes it hard for you to breathe.
May cause illusions and confusion till you're left sinking deeper into the sunken place.
Oh, mind your steps and protect your heart cuz if you're ever caught slipping,
they'll wait for the perfect time then pierce you right where the tenderness is.
Beautiful and magnificent, yet dangerous and unpredictabl...
They pull you in till you've become one of them, then leave you searching for your soul.
Every now and then run your fingers across your scars;
They're there to remind you of what's been done and exactly who they are.
If ever you come across a scorpion just admire from afar, take care and take heed in making sure that you're protecting your own heart.
Cuz ain't no pain like the sting from a scorpion.
It'll leave you lost, dazed and confused.
Have you trying your best to not become numb.
Jayce Aug 2018
It's easy to blame the way the planets are moving
When you've lost your faith in a god who only seems to neglect you
And so your fingers trace the outlines of constellations and track retrogrades
In order to understand why your life has never been in sync
Darkly Jul 2018
I will never accuse you of being dramatic, because I know that your words and actions come straight from the heart.
Our greatest strength.
win Feb 2018
aquarius rising
age of the future
brotherhood of man
beginning with psychic
compelled creative
created to follow a perfect plan

discovering the essence of
emotions of the higher mind
ephemeris pointing true
for illustration that is me
forget me not as is my ascendant sign
Eleni Jul 2018
In my next lifetime, maybe,
I will be the Sun and You the moon;

I will attract you with an unwavering force, twice of your Earth.

She may ground you for now,
Keep your visions satisfied-
But speak, revolve around those orbit lies.

Her gravity may intoxicate you
Yet, little does she know-
Her runes manifest around me:
We are all part of the same body.

The warming of my gynoecium,
Like does the deepest desire-
Attract the bees- that tend the shores I was once born upon.

Next time you wish to connect-
Trace the atoms around my chest.
The axis is one and the same.
The cyphers ask you to reflect.
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