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Tehreem Aug 2016
My love your words are knives
Broken arrows impaled in my side
Alienpoet Jul 2016
I am the message, I inspire
set souls on fire.
A vestige of hope in days of darkness
I speak words of revolution
I can be the solution if you act now
so don't detract from the words I am saying
and the message given
which is driven home with concrete verbs and feeling
sealing the change for the future
I teach I nuture souls with love and not disdain
I heal the pain of the poor
but i shame the guilty with words fired like justice driven arrows
to make them atone for their sins
but I let them change themselves within
and their ways
I am the message
think feel me
absorb my words.
Pastell dichter May 2016
you are my armor
my shield against all things bad and harmful
I'm sorry I use you to block the arrows that are hateful comments and quiet sinister whispers
but when I'm in your arms I'm safe wrapped up in my armor
Sarah Mar 2016
The devil can't find us here.
We're out of his reach.
His burning arrows can't reach us.

We're here in our own world.
Filled with hope and love. Invulnerable.

The devil can't find us here.
We're hidden.
His glowing eyes can't see us.

We're with each other.
Love can make everything possible. Love can change a human or the whole word. Love is, what is life about. ♥
Aditi Uniyal Oct 2015
They told me that the ultimate arrow
That would pierce its way
Into my mundane heart,would be
The death of a loved one,
But as time flipped its own pages,
I embraced the realisation that
Losing loved ones is not as painful as
Intentionally letting them slip
Through your hand like grains of sand
That merrily mingle with the rest-
But no,the girl next door said that
She saw warm blood flow from the throat
And along the flaky skin of her
Abusive father,whom she despised
With all her soul and that was when
Her heart felt lacerated,
But then the old lady at the bus stop said
That when her step mother,
A lady of fine taste,
Burned her hand with a piece of coal,
She heard her heart shatter,
With a slight tinkling noise,
As if it was made of glass.
Bafflement took over me,
And I sat on the couch,
Pondering about the‘ultimate arrow’
They warned me about,
Wondering how the Arrow could have multiple forms,
And then, I found what
I was searching for-
The Arrow,
Is not just a single sardonic notion,but
A quiver full of sorrows
And grievances, that shot
People’s hearts, one by one.
Psychoticries Nov 2014
Cupid's arrow is such a dangerous thing,
Hitting people without a clue,
Fixing their hearts together to never fall apart, stuck together like glue.

Until one day,
Cupid's arrow disappears and the glue fades away,
The people become depressed and lose all interest in life,
Their hearts feel like they've been ripped apart with a switchblade knife.

And once again, that stupid arrow comes flying past,
Creating love too fast, and destroying people's hearts,
Cupid's arrow is such a dangerous thing.
joyce knee May 2014
Our love can not exist.
      Echo's final plight.
           Ero's arrow askew.

Come find me beyond the
I'll wait among the whispering
      among the weeping
i wait for you at the breaking of
Kasey Apr 2014
Arrows raining down on our feet,
And yours aren't covered.
None hit our heads but the bottoms of your feet blister.
So take my sole to save your soul,
Because we can't control these arrows or how far we have to walk.
We can't tell our feet to stop blistering and moving
When there's work to be done in places
That aren't here.
Thousands of tiny arrows make their way from our feet to our shirts,
Just over our left *******,
Where we thought our hearts were no longer.

— The End —