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solfang Apr 2018
Maybe that's why
I prefer dogs;
animals probably have
more culture than you.

the way you take
quick glances at my trembling self
by the roadside,
with ear-piercing whistling—
does that excite you
as much as it scares me?

you made me look at
my long-sleeved dress
and ankle-hidden boots;
yet I question,
are my outfits deemed ******
till it entices your manhood?

I grip my bags firmly
and wallow in self-grief
for temporary relief,
as I fear more than just
compliments threw by
preys on the streets.

should you disagree,
of my brother,
whistling and signalling
your blood-sister,

should you disagree,
of my father,
oversexualising your mother,
then don't be a disgrace
to the ladies watching.
It was a sunny afternoon, and I was wearing a formal knee-length skirt and a loose, long-sleeved blouse. And then there's the cat-calling.
I can't believe I'm drenching myself in sweat to avoid this— and it still happened.

Just stop.
Nayana Nair Mar 2018
Rivers of people
crowded the alleys of my mind.
Every thought of mine
had to go through them.
And they were relentless.
By the time it made through them,
it was not the same.
That beautiful new born thought
had turned into a old stranger.
I learned one thing
that I can never have a thought
or an action
that is truly my own.
And even when the building and the skies
of my mind decay,
the people in those alleys will live on.
empty seas Mar 2018
Sometimes I get so worried about
the future
Because what college is going to want
a stupid kid
from an education system
that failed her?
I’ll never know as much as those other, richer kids
The kids in better states
with better teachers
better classes
better school
and while I know I need to do something
take action on my own
I still can’t find the strength
to get out of bed
So I wait, anxious, depressed, and with enough self-hate to fill an ocean
for the day I get rejected and see
my future
crumple before my eyes
And regret everything
Our state proudly takes 50th in education.
My friend from Texas sounds like she goes to a private school, but really it’s because it’s probably funded, and I’ve never gone to a properly funded school.
Leila Valencia Mar 2018
Years went by and a single dream
Intoxicated me like none other.

Willow leaves whispered silent lullabies
And the sunlight's rays poured into my haze
I stared longingly at the possibility.............

Yet these lustful diaries
so forbidden,
so drunk with rich fantasies,
the smell of each thought
fumed with tempestuous spirits
dragged me under into the lonely abyss.

And the fantasized romance became torture
and freedom -
limitation and liberation all at once.
This dream was a playground.
A sanctuary, a church to let my spirit soar.
Glorious joy I could feel, but only for a second

Then, the truth sank in
like a sinking ship  

The shackles of a single question still haunts me
-- what if?
And I wonder.

The pain is dull, haunting, yet hangs over me constantly
I am reminded that I remained in my dream world.
Unable to speak up,
From the wisdom of the pure heart

Unable to see the dream was always on this earthly plain
In plain sight.

In frustation, rage, and pain
Silent pain

I flip through my poetry account

-- God damm it. I have done this before
More humor in my maturity and realizations of how I live in my love world
I, am the action
What you see, right here and now
Is only my words.
i create what i speak!
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
I'm done
I'm tired of unfinished songs unsung,
The goals, the things, the one
I know will make the way clear. Destiny.
It's choice, its worth, its certainty.
Words like lasers with direction
Are meaningless without proper action.

For me, at the time, this was the word equivalent of a table flip, to a certain extent, lol.
It is in that moment,
mid-city, with people
everywhere there is to be,
that you seek an outlet
for catharsis.

Not the alley though,
because alleys are
still open to these

We found ourselves
in a parking garage,
not for our cars
as he takes the P12
while I'm a red-liner,
but because we
found that outlet.

We entered the elevator
on floor 1,
and we clicked floor 7.
For 15 seconds,
70 feet was heaven.

And then on floor 7,
we clicked for floor 1.

And  you can guess
what happened at floor 1.

And you can guess
what I meant by heaven.

Again. Again. Again.
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