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 Jun 2020 anna
Carlo C Gomez
Sometimes clouds
Sometimes rain

Sometimes a little gray
to wash away
the inhumane
 Jun 2020 anna
Lavender for Luck
When we chance
upon each other
years later,
you will ask me

          do you still write?

and I will answer

           of course I do.

you took my heart
with you when you left,
not my hands.
 Jun 2020 anna
Karli Z
 Jun 2020 anna
Karli Z
In times where reality
is restricted and numb,
virtual spaces become
the commonality.
I have lived in virtual reality since the beginning of March. It's given me a safe place and many new friends. I hope everyone is staying safe and in good health.
 Jun 2020 anna
Zack Ripley
these days, shining a light
In the darkness
Is harder than it sounds.
But don't give up.
There are still people
Looking to be found
 Jun 2020 anna
 Jun 2020 anna
How many blades
Do I need
To sever these connections?

Or are they just too strong
To accept severance
By mortal blades?
What kind of connection might I be talking of? People, emotions, life, or etc?? And how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?? The world may never know.
 Jun 2020 anna
 Jun 2020 anna
Neither to imagine inarticulately the moon,
Nor to articulate unimaginatively the sun,
But to scan the celestial sphere for sublime inspiration: the poet.

‘I think our lives are surely but the dreams
Of spirits, dwelling in the distant spheres,
Who as we die, do one by one awake.’
- Edgar Saltus, Poppies and Mandragora
 Jun 2020 anna
 Jun 2020 anna
Dream your life in watercolours,
Live your life in oils,
Frame your canvases with time and distance;

Hang each by a silver thread,
In a windowed gallery of memories,
Exhibit often and without discrimination;

Celebrate the beauty in your clumsiest brushwork,
Accept the imperfections in your mastery,
Reshape your truths, as light plays and colour transforms.

‘If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.‘
- Émile Zola
 Jun 2020 anna
 Jun 2020 anna
“I won’t lose you,” I say
as you slide through my fingers and fade away..
Dwelling on the past again
 May 2020 anna
so i laughed
 May 2020 anna
sat heavily on my chest
squeezing my heart
and burning my head

so i piled three pillows
on top of one another
and tried to scream
the emotions out

nothing changed
except that now
my throat hurts and
my pillows are concerned

so i laughed
at my failed attempt
and wrote a poem about it

sometimes you have to laugh at yourself. i feel a bit better
 May 2020 anna
Keerthi Kishor
Being a poet
is both a pain and a privilege.

All you do is
bleed your emotions
on a thousand pages
while people sing your praises
for ages.
Only a poet will understand.
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