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Mar 2020 · 94
When this world stops breathing
Where do we all go?
Do we die all at once?
In the same manner?
Or do we just disappear
And not remember who we are?
Mar 2020 · 86
The things we want the most
Are those that are too far from us
And the things we never wished for
Come to us freely
Without even a single warning
Feb 2020 · 76
I wish I got lost in a forest
At least I could see trees
And hear birds
But I'm lost in my own thoughts
I could only see darkness
I could only hear voices I didn't ask for
Feb 2020 · 95
Who Am I?
They say I'm pretty
But the mirror says no
They say I have fair skin
But all I could see are bruises
Knives from my back
And bullet holes
They say people can only see
What they want to
And show what they only want to
Maybe it's true
They say I'm perfect
Because that's what I want them to see
Not the ugly and dark clouds
Inside me
Feb 2020 · 65
I wish my ride took me forever
To reach my destination
But it said
It will only take 2 hours
And I eventually made it after 2 hours
Dec 2019 · 143
You will not get to know me
Based on my poetry
Because everything you've read
Isn't even half with what's in my head
Dec 2019 · 80
Someday, these bullets
Are going to melt inside me
And become flowers
Someday, I'll bloom
And nobody would ever
Dare to touch me
Nov 2019 · 91
I think of all the nights I thought I was happy
I am always alone
I can't make a happy memory alone
I can't make myself happy
I don't know how to be happy
Nov 2019 · 287
Birthday Wish
Nov 2019 · 140
It gets worse every year right?
You lose a lot,
Your worth
Oct 2019 · 409
You will still have your worst days,
even if you have the best things in life.
Oct 2019 · 10.4k
We have holes in our hearts
That are either
Scars from the past
Or empty compartments
To be filled in the future
Sep 2019 · 169
You pointed out my flaws
As if I'm not aware of them
Laugh at me when I'm down
Pinning me hard to this muddy ground

My whole life
I wanted you to be happy
I don't know about you
Maybe this makes you happy

I'm crawling, in this muddy ground
Crying, hurting, waiting
For a sound, a hand, a smile
From you
But you didn't come

I've fallen and stood up
For quite a hundred times
Yet you only show up
When I have the spotlight

This isn't a stage drama
You don't have to show off your tears
When people are watching you
And applauding you

There aren't behind the scenes
Because if there were
You could've been part of it
You can't

After some time
I learned one thing
I've been holding on to people
Who have already let me go

I'm trying to stop writing sad poems
Especially if it's because of you
But you always make me want to
Because this is my only way

I see you everyday
Waving like a homecoming queen
At people you probably think
Are on your side

I can't make a statement about you
Not even the bad ones
I don't wanna use my mouth
To say your name
Because my heart's too broken
To even think of you

But here I am
Writing this
Not for you
But about you
Sep 2018 · 197
Not A Love Letter
If I died today
Would people come to my funeral
Cry like I deserved better
And leave me sweet messages I wouldn't hear
Would my friends miss me
Or would my family put me in their hearts forever

If I died today
Would you come to my wake
Bring me flowers
Remember my days
And pray for me

If I died today
Where do you think would I go
To heaven, a place of eternity
Or to hell, the place I suppose I deserve
Sep 2018 · 158
Birthday Sadness
I'm 22
An adult I suppose
My age cannot be counted
Without using my 10 fingers thrice
I'm stuck
In a chapter full sorrows
A phase I didn't wish for
Nothing's great
I wake up
Not stressed out with work
But with the never ending
Roller coaster of failures
Sometimes, I can handle it
Mostly, it's killing me
But I'm 22
And I'm supposed to be an adult
Act like one
Live like one
Suffer like one
Because I'm 22
Aug 2018 · 453
A Confession
I was supposed to die the other year
I was in a dead end
The flowers withered
My soul stopped dreaming
Most nights I cried
Walked with bad ideas in the morning
Everything stopped
I hated my own heartbeat
Why was it beating so loud
I wanted to shut it off
I was alone and lonely

My parents didn't notice
My friends thought I was crazy
I wasn't crazy, I was lost
I didn't reach out to anyone
I didn't drink
I didn't smoke
I didn't get high
Everything was black
I wanted to scream
But the voices were louder than my thoughts
I could hear death

Scared to go on with my life
Happiness was never a word
It was just pure fantasy
But I gave it a shot
Just one more year
Let's see if I could make it
Just one more year
Try to ignore the voices
I reminded myself
Everyday, just one more year
Nov 2017 · 294
A Family Portrait
I was raised by a man with a hammer and nail
My world was all about forests and gardens
Watered by rain and nurtured by sunlight
The carvings made by my father
Were masterpieces worth a thousand of joy
My toys were made of wood
A shiny purple kite he played with me on windy days
A little cart where I stayed most of the day
While staring at the sky, laughing all alone
Those were the days

I was raised by a woman with cloth and needle
She made me beautiful dresses and handkerchiefs
I could smell love and passion everytime I wear them
On special occasions, even on regular days
The curtains she made for our only window
Where she changed the colors, seven times a week
We danced before going to bed
And pretended to be the queen and princess
From a castle far away
Those were the days

I was raised by a man and a woman
Showered with love and rinsed with hope
I was fed with dreams and drank from sweet life
I was taught with lessons one could never learn from school
Read from the books with no prints
But visuals of reality and forgiveness
I was raised by a man and a woman
Who painted the sky with bright colors
They were my fairy and genie
Who filled my entire life with magic

I was raised by a man and woman
Who have aged after some time
They’ve spent more than four decades
Living a life watching me grow up
I was raised to become a woman and find my own man
Who’s going to build a new castle, a new life, a new home with me
I was raised to say yes to the right man
I walked down the aisle with the man and woman
They are ready to hand me to the man I am destined to be with
The man I am going to spend my new life with, raising the resemblance of our true love
Oct 2017 · 312
in me
maybe, i was born to hold fire
to be hurt and damaged
by my own strength and might

maybe, i was born to be the fire
ready to burn and to be burned
Aug 2017 · 152
wired & tired
I am a puppet
Controlled by robots
None of my dreams
Can be real
I am controlled
By a machine
Fuelled with smelly gasoline
To make me alive
I am held by thin wires
With cables attached
To my head and chest
Everything I say
Is numbered and scaled
So don't trust me
Jun 2017 · 142
Ghosts are real
Alive and disturbing
Not playing, not lying
Only a piece of you
Is all they need
To stay here
To be with you
May 2017 · 177
I stared at my reflection
and saw a different person
Same face, same body
but different souls

I could see through her
the scars and bruises
bullets and knives
All inside her

I smiled, she did
I could feel her pain
Killing her again and again
But she's a warrior

There's a story behind her dress
A melody in her skin
A lost note in her hair
A burning desire in her eyes

She uttered a word
I couldn't guess
She asked for my hand
  But I ran away

Little did I know
I was running away from my reflection
I couldn't get to places
Because I couldn't save me
Dec 2016 · 307
Her lips are red
Pretty cheeks
And pointy nose

The sway of her hips
With the sound of heels
Wore a vintage dress

She laughs like a bomb
Funny gestures
Are on the way

Loser in a play
Classic reactions
She seems too slow

A lady in age
Lost in her generation
A Class D with mascara on
Nov 2016 · 566
the wall between us
And all the rantings I thought were gone
But the anger in your voice
Drives me to different galaxies
Nothing has changed in me
Or in you
We, both are still the same
Separated by these asteroids and moons
Still fighting for a glimpse of light
Oct 2016 · 221
Your eyes are like the sun
And that one eclipse
Told me how you lied
Sep 2016 · 242
I found the key
I've been looking for
a couple of years

I took the chance
Unlocked the door
Dragged myself out

I ran and stumbled
Never taking my eyes
Off that door

I am far away
Of that I'm sure
I stopped, closed my eyes

Laying in the dirt
I couldn't ask for more
But where am I?

I came back to my senses
Found myself
On this familiar ground

I looked around
There, I saw
That same old door

I tried to run
But I'm chained
I lost again
haunted chased
Sep 2016 · 213
have i told you
i am never going to fall in love
with anyone

have i told you
i am never going to be that girl
who changes for you, for everyone

have i told you
i am never going to stop writing
because of you
Aug 2016 · 283
Dèjá vu
Like the scenes in movies
Glass shattering
Screaming, crying
And slamming of doors
She had them twice

Once at 9
An angel so young
Saw everything in life
Tasted grief and loss
Thirsty of love and hope

The other at 25
An angel grew up too fast
She screamed and cried
Picked up the pieces of glass
While he slammed the door
She wasn't at all surprised
Jul 2016 · 210
The Best
A painter can paint beautiful skies and you
A writer can write stories of him and you
A singer can sing a song for you*
But a lover can love you
Everything about you
Jul 2016 · 290
her eighth
Pink backpack
With a face of a girl
Painted on the cloth

Rode on his bike
Every day on that road
Rain or shine

Hopped from the bike
Kissed his cheek
Whispered, "I'll miss you"

Sun set at 6
She's out of the room
He waited for her

6 months passed
She's out of the room
He waited for her

Hopped on the bike
Kissed his cheek
Whispered, "I miss him"
Jun 2016 · 261
I named it
It all started with you
And ended without you
Jun 2016 · 409
You are a fire,
they say
But you got
a heart,
so cold.
Jun 2016 · 286
i am
You opened your doors
To a girl like me
You let me in
But never let me be
You showed me your paradise
Every rainbow I could see
You let me touch you
Every way I had
I memorized your every soul
Your hidden paths
And mysterious calls
You looked at me
With flowers on the bloom
I took off your mask
So you could see me
But you won't
I guess I know why
I'm just your what if
That you never dared ask
this was also published on my blog, link on my bio
Apr 2016 · 314
One must lose, the other must win
I'd stop fighting for you
If my loss is your gain
I'd rather lose this war
Than to keep fighting
Knowing you wouldn't be mine
Mar 2016 · 287
paper bill
After all,
I was just a paper bill
An exchange for something you love.
After all,
I was just a paper bill
A printed piece that can be crumpled, given, and lost.
Feb 2016 · 257
all the shades of gray
You painted walls with me
With colors so bright
The way you smile at me

We filled it up with joy
And laughter and glee
That was a masterpiece

You held my hand
As you brushed the sheet
You kissed my cheeks
And told me you're lucky having me

It was just yesterday
The colors turned gray
As it rained
And my tears fell down
Cause you walked away

Maybe, it wasn't  a masterpiece
That's what you're good at
Changing the canvas
When I do it my way
Feb 2016 · 275
One came with a tool
Looked for the best soil
Started digging until
Every layer could be seen
Making the little rock to fall deeply
The lowest of all grounds
Saved the rock
It fell without one
Holding it back
It fell with no sound
The little rock broke
Bits scattered
Joining the tiny pieces from before
No one dared to pick it up

"You dig a hole because you want to build something in it"
"I dig to make use of the soil."
Feb 2016 · 681
Heart's pounding
For reasons unknown
Being chased
By nothing
But empty halls

The tempting darkness
Pulls one's foot
Back to the game
Be brave
Put down the fear

The rule is simple
Walk straight
Don't shed a tear
It might just be a dream
Jan 2016 · 269
when the rain pours,
does it tire?
like the wind blows,
does it fade?
the sun shines
until five
do you recall?
you wiped my tears,
to let the new one fall.
Dec 2015 · 370
Her thoughts are of you
You smile like yellow
You laugh like orange

Her dreams are for you
You blink blue
Your touch is lilac

Her tears are because of you
You talk in grey
Your reason is black

Her tomorrow isn't with you
Your voice is nothing
Nothing can be seen
Dec 2015 · 631
"See you soon"
And he left
Didn't turn again
It was it.

He said,
"Just look up, I'm always there"
I believed in him
So I did.

"Is Dad home?"
I asked her
She just smiled,
"Look outside"

I looked up
Saw a plane
Waved my hand
As if he could see me.

My faith in him
Was as high as the sky.
He promised
"I'll be back"

Five months is long
But I waited.
I've waived to the sky
Even at midnight.

When I'm sad,
I wear his shirt
Which he said,
"Wear this and you'll feel my warmth"

I've worn it,
Every single day.
I've longed for your warmth
That's real and alive

The day has come
You'd be home
Timing is rude
As well as you

You said you'd be back
Yes you did
Only in cloth
But not with flesh

One day
I remembered you
Everything about you
I just wept 'til I fell asleep

I woke up
With your shirt on
I jumped from my flat
"I'll see you soon, Dad"
Dec 2015 · 2.1k
i love you?
I love you
she told you
you just smiled
never said a word

I love you
she's in love with you
you hugged her
said thank you

I love you
she cried
you wiped her tears
everything's gonna be fine

I love you
she had her make up on
you held her hand
and walked

I love you
she wore a dress
you touched her hair
said let's go

I love you
she wrote on a letter
you kept it
hid it under your bed

I love you
she waited for you
you had her
but not with her

I love you
said you love her too
it's too late
she loves herself more
Nov 2015 · 404
pour her a cup of silence
Rain was for sadness
Not anymore
To a girl who dreams
Of silence in the storm

The vines of steel
Beneath the jungle of towers
Turned to a 5
Until it reached to a zero

Cold was inevitable
But to the girl
It was more than summer
A summer without voice

Now, the sun has come out
Little dinosaurs roared
Caves were emptied
As they welcomed the king

The music was switched
The melody was gone
For it was the girl
Who talked to no one
Nov 2015 · 344
Two Worlds
I am here
And you're there
I'm legal
You're under
Our worlds crashed
You seem unaffected

You came closer
I was falling
You weren't ready
You called my name
I turned
You smiled
She said, "Hi"

Oct 2015 · 566
that girl
head down
emotions up
she's ready,
might be not

yes or no
she holds
not letting go

she's broken
she never said

she's a tinted glass
what you can't see
is the real her

she's a bestfriend
she's an enemy
she's got a good heart
but they will never know
this is for my friend  who has always been  judged since the first day of school. I almost believed what the "other girls" told me about her but turns out, they were just making stories. She lost almost all her friends because she couldn't take it. But she forgave them.
Oct 2015 · 562
you should be
at 12 and 37
you stumble through
a picture,
a picture of grief,
pain, sorrow, and death

at the same hour
they bumped into:
piles of joy, screams,
wild heart,
perfect timings

how are things possible?
in the blink of an eye,
it's there and then,
it's gone

you are broken,
you are healed,
you are relieved,
and you should be lucky.
i wrote this at exactly 12:37 PM inside our classroom. I grabbed a face/****** tissue in my bag because I haven't brought any paper with me. That was after our pilgrimage. I was so tired and stressed for the final exams the following week. I should be lucky despite being tired.
Oct 2015 · 1.6k
her chair
there's a chair
left in the corner
nobody touches
nobody dares to sit

rumors spreading
it belonged to her
her! that's her chair
the teacher's chair

Oct 2015 · 673
she misses you, Dad
it wasn't like she woke up
and was ready to know the bad news

it wasn't like she heard your voice
but now it's gone

it wasn't like you've prepared breakfast
and now she's alone

it wasn't like you said "good night"
and tonight's empty

you taught her how to be strong
now, she doesn't know

it was Monday morning
a letter was handed to her
she did not understand what it said
except that you're with Him
Aug 2015 · 299
this is not your race
sun rises
so do I
count your steps
i'll count mine

walk straight
give way
look back
don't roll your eyes

your day is yours
theirs are theirs
mine is mine
don't cross any lines

stop breaking fences
apologies can rebuild them
repaint your walls
wash your hands
change your clothes

and say sorry to me.
Mar 2015 · 307
Life Beyond
Beauty was all she was
Surrounded by love and hope
Yet she was weak, fragile, and lost

Sure she had a heart
Pure as the angels sing a lullaby
Sweet as her hidden smile

She asks a lot
All questions left untouched
Her queries, maybe, are of no catch

Most nights she cries
For a reason
She still can't disguise

She can see and hear
But she can never talk
As her lips are covered
With secrets she can never unfold
Jan 2015 · 267
When you can't talk,
And your thoughts are your only reason
To state your sentiments,
To laugh your heart out,
To endure the pain,
Scribble your words
And feel your heart,
Draw your emotions;
It's worth the play,
Than share your part.
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