Something so well known, it shakes man’s soft core.
Duality of man makes us wonder,
If not but nothing has been done before
Though mysteries and superstitions roar
Life and death cause us all such a blunder,
Something so well known, it shakes man’s soft core.
As time moves in one circle, such a bore
I see duality go asunder
If not but nothing, has been done before
Like a philosopher I reach, I soar,
In search of something way over yonder
Something, so well known, it shakes man’s soft core
The duality of man is a war
One of unending battle and plunder.
If not but nothing has been done before
And now I slumber dreaming something more
Awoken by a clap of harsh thunder
Something so well known it shakes man’s soft core
If not but nothing has been done before
Same kinda poem as Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas