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Robert Ippaso Apr 2020
I get it
I finally get it
It took a while
But now I'm showing my style.

To every home
With somber tone
My daily briefings
Broadcast my teachings;

I tell them all
To heed my call
So all may strive
To stay alive.

My change of tack
A stroke of luck
And just in time
The polls to climb;

For every day
I get my say
The ratings spike
With me on Mike.

Now the prime task
A real big ask
To find that cure
Something sure.

This virus sticks
All experts kicks
But as to me
Just watch and see.

I have a plan
Beat this I can
Wait for fine weather
To Covid tether.

Once that is done
They'll hail the man
Making things right
With wisdom and might;

Never a pause
Fighting the cause
Winning's my creed
I've proved that indeed.

Then all the vile doubters
The downers and shouters
Will finally see
Their champion is Me.
Robert Ippaso Mar 2020
I'm restless and bored
Concerned not a bit,
We're winning this war
This virus we'll lick.

Enough with the drama
The bad news and all,
Doomsters and Experts
Making us stall.

The Media's just feeding
Their frenzy so clear,
Why all the fuss
With the end now so near?

I closed up to China
And then Europe too,
My actions inspired
To help protect you.

Some say I'm a genius
The man of the hour,
I bask in their praise
Whilst Democrats scour.

History making
My actions folklore,
No hope for poor Biden
When it's me they adore.
101 · Feb 2020
Has our World gone mad?
Robert Ippaso Feb 2020
I’m confused
At times bemused
By the turn society’s taking,
Sexuality so complex
Gender needing further context
All my preconceptions breaking.

Are cows good
On this we brood
Carbon footprint the new quandary,
Should we fly
Or cycling try
A simpler world I recall fondly.

Left or Right
The current fight
Politicians all grandstanding,
Little caring
Of our hearts and minds demanding.

To take part
Is quite an art
Every word now needing measure,
Opinions rue
So fast to sue
No surprise the past I treasure.
Robert Ippaso Sep 2020
Mumbling, rambling, wizened and old
This sorry old man leaves me angry and cold.
How such a fool made it this far
Must be the luck of some weird Irish star.

Now I'm expected to play fair and smile,
But against this buffoon that really does rile
Each bone in my body from morning to night,
With his cocky demeanor and memory plight.

Protected and pampered by the media and stars,
He speaks from his basement and meets from parked cars,
Trading favors for votes, a pattern he's shown
And to pressure he’ll cave, for this he is known.

No wonder the Marxists all love him so much,
What better for President, one so out of touch,
The country in ruins but what will he care,
When all he can do is the 90 yards stare.

But all said and done I relish the chance
To prove once again how well I can dance;
And in the great words of my hero Ali,
I'll float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.
Robert Ippaso Feb 2020
So many words, such boring waffle
Posturing peacocks, whispering snakes,
Actions so twisted doubtful if lawful
A bunch of connivers, dithering flakes.

In the House which they rule
They pointed and frowned
Lectures unending as if back at school,
Comments unwelcomed, arguments drowned.

Then to the Senate the matter was sent
Pelosi's grandstanding the Media in tow,
Swaying opinion her only intent
Her hands animated, her face all aglow.

But Mitch was just waiting,
Lurking, knives drawn,
Biding his time skillfully baiting,
For he had the Queen, they just the Pawn.

Here comes their bleating
Lost sheep wailing foul
They accuse us of cheating
Which makes me just howl.
Boy I like winning
It's such a huge high,
I so can't stop grinning
While watching them cry.

Now the deal's done
This farce put to bed,
I'll continue to stun
As I forge way ahead

They thought they could win
By playing the part
But if acting's a sin
I've mastered that art.

Another four years
Of me and my tribe,
No matter their tears
To me they'll subscribe.
Robert Ippaso Nov 2022
I'm mad as hell
I thought I had it in the bag
But this leftie groundswell
Throws in an unexpected snag.

The Media blab my name
Gorges on the outcome
They shout it's me you have to blame
To the beat of their usual drum.

DeSantis isn't helping
The guy needs worship at my shrine
I'm the one who did the selling
Kudos for his win should be all mine.

As to my wife her instincts proved so wrong
Dr Oz was clearly not a match
For a muddled guy who simply came on strong
And that unexpected win did ******.

Another curve ball in my life
I'm sick and tired of all this tripe
While I'm great at handling strife
I so detest such lousy hype.

Still today's another day
My foes should know me well by now
I'd suggest they start to pray
As through their fields of hope I'll plow.

Run I will and watch me swing
I'm a winner through and through
My bark and bite will sorely sting
And if all fails, I'll simply sue.
trump power satire humor usa politics biden
84 · Jan 2021
Twitter's Aflutter
Robert Ippaso Jan 2021
Twitter's aflutter with Trump's missing tweets,
The window the measure of how his heart beats,
Half of the tweeters relieved beyond words,
The other half chirping like a flock of lost birds.

On one hand the world has lost a pastime
On the other the message is clearly sublime,
Words matter they echo, incite and inflame,
If used to promote ideas clearly lame.

Free speech isn't free when used to disrupt,
The tool of all those who seek to corrupt,
A fine line however to walk and uphold,
For those who control lest dissent they blindfold.

The lessons are many, solutions far less,
In our age of fixation with tweets to excess,
Time to consider, pause and renew
Our search for the truth and the clutter cut through.
Robert Ippaso Jan 2021
In with a bang out with a whimper
An American story reminiscent of old,
Brashness and vigor, street smart and temper,
Rising to greatness then collapsing stone-cold.

How could this happen in this day and age,
Have we not learned from lessons long taught,
But there lies the moral, we gave him the stage,
His victory gifted, neither stolen nor bought.

The reasons were many, the anger profound,
The swamp and it's dwellers entitled and deaf,
Their smugness alone caused Trump to be crowned,
With neither side listening, as each out of breath.

But what of the Media, greedy and loud,
They built up the story their coffers to fill,
This great institution at one time so proud
Debasing core standards their audience to thrill.

What next may we ask, back to the same?
Politicians grandstanding, jostling for power,
Caring little for action, just personal fame,
Riding the airways, seizing the hour.

Enough of this folly, time to unite,
Reason and truth need blossom anew,
Our democracy young, our future still bright,
Faith in our system we must now renew.
Some say I'm soulful,
Others the Devils tool,
One minute I might find you doleful,
The other acting quite the fool.

Yet that's patently unfair,
One aspect that I can't abide,
For I'm as pure as the morning air,
A child of the gentle ocean tide.

You may not think I live, but live I do,
Spawned in my cocoon of flames,
I thrive, but then die too,
Often amongst angst and conflicting claims.

My pedigree is strong,
Admired and always wanted,
With me you simply can't go wrong,
At times even something to be flaunted.

Your forebears held me close,
I'm privy to their secrets,
Through me their lifeline flows,
Despite them lying with the crickets.

I'm a chameleon, color is my muse,
I change according to my company,
Treat me well, never abuse,
For at my core a fragile symphony.

Where I came from no one knows,
But the world is my own oyster,
Having neither friends nor foes,
Life itself is what I foster.

Now you ask, who can I be
Someone quite so clearly needed,
Look around and you might see,
Generations that preceded.
The one word answer needs fit every stanza and there are clues throughout. Feel free to email me.
Robert Ippaso Apr 2020
Shuttered windows, peering eyes
Furtive glances, children's cries,
Broken spirits, sleepless nights,
Empty streets, lonely lights.

Where once lived the sounds of laughter
Lively cafes filled with bluster,
Muted echoes share the void,
Empty, sullen, unemployed.

Faces hidden, eyes averted
Buying food from streets deserted,
Needs dictating, thoughts repressed,
Purpose steering, fear suppressed.

All that matters, all that's clear
Keeping loved ones safe and near,
They're the reason, life's true light
Inner strength for this great fight.
78 · Dec 2022
A Brit in the USA
Robert Ippaso Dec 2022
You know you're in trouble
When folks burst your bubble
That your fine English accent
Most others lament.

Their eyes grow far larger
Their countenance harder
As they gaze with intent
To listen hell bent.

Their attention a treasure
At first such a pleasure
Until one quite grasps
Their ****** contrasts.

As you blabber away
Their head starts to sway
To the tones of your words
Like a flock of wild birds.

Too late you catch on
Their attention long gone
It seems they got stuck
In your sonnet like muck.

Shakespeare or Keats
Moved out by those Tweets
Leaves you silently grasping
And for sympathy asking.

Your hope turns to prayer
That perhaps they'll forbear
Whilst you fast learn their lingo
To squirm out of limbo.

For the speech we hold dear
The moral's now clear
If you want to converse
Just don't do it in verse.
humor, British, society, speech, USA, words
Robert Ippaso Mar 2020
Tension palpable, one can cut it with a knife
As the quiet assassin glides with unfettered ease,
Wreaking mayhem, misery and strife,
Choosing victims from anyone he sees.

No border, boundary, wall to hold
This wily master of his trade,
His mere presence causing misery untold,
Scant protection from his voracious blade.

We can but hold our loved ones tight
In private prayer and contemplation,
Hoping, wishing with all our might
To yet defeat this aberration.

Is this punishment deserved,
Are we the ones to hold the blame
For having nature so disturbed,
For playing God in all but name.

Do we now reap what we have sown,
Our failing clear for all to see,
Could we truly not have known
And simply left our Earth just be.
Robert Ippaso Jan 2020
Are those tears of sorrow or pure wrath,
God’s anger at mankind
Put on earth to tread his path,
Just to see us stumbling blind.

Little knowing, quite uncaring
Of our world so full of life,
Wanton damage truly glaring,
Callous actions clearly rife.

Have we suddenly forgotten,
Is our arrogance that strong,
That we too were once downtrodden,
But a cog in nature’s throng.

Now we act as Lord and Master,
Spitting sentence with huge swaths,
Destruction fostered ever faster
Life’s fabric swarmed by human moths.

Time to pause, soak in the wonder
At Earth’s bounty in all it’s forms,
Embrace God’s gift and stop the plunder,
Live our lives by Nature’s norms.

— The End —