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Rachael Judd Apr 2015
People will hurt you. Its just the way it is. People lie, steal, cheat.
They love but they hate.
Sometimes hate overpowers love and they make mistakes.
People are cruel, they learn to love you just so they can learn to break you.
They find your sensitive part inside of your heart, then cut it out and take it for themselves.
No matter how hard you try, a person can't be perfect.
I have learned in years of suffering that life isn't a field of flowers.
Its burned grass, with dead trees surrounding your bare feet.
Its you sitting on the edge of a mountain watching another's life pass by and you sit there staring.
Its sitting alone hearing muffled sounds like you've been submerged under water.
And as the water slowly drowns you, you gasp for one breath, but the crowd grows larger and they surround you till your dead.
Life isn't cherishable, it isn't magnificent.
Its dead dandelions and no rainbows.
Its black coffee and stale bread.
Its broken hearts and shattered dreams.
Life isn't love, its nothing more than a book without an ending.
Its worse than death.
Rachael Judd Jan 2015
You showed up into my life when everyone had left.
My boyfriend just walked out on me and i was alone.
I needed a new home, someplace to go.
You walked through my door
Smiling with wide eyes and open arms.
I didnt realize your feelings towards me till that one night i fell down and got hurt,
You carried me in your arms,
Up the stairs
And through the hall
You stayed with me all night
To make sure i was alright.
I started to feel something,
Just one butterfly.
Until that night ontop of the water tower
All our friends climbing so high we could touch the stars with our finger tips,
Sitting side by side,
Smoking cigarettes
I could feel your hand inch closer to mine,
Till your warmth spread through out me and thats when i knew you'd break my heart.
After that night we filled our days with something close to love but not quite.
You always got drunk with our friends, and from the corner of the room where i stood, i watched you laughing so hard you'd cry,
I could see your smile spread from eye to eye.
You made the whole room feel warm,
Your brown eyes ******* me into your arms
And when our lips met, i felt everything.
Every butterfly,
Every nerve in my body,
Every twitch of muscle,
Every part of me was on fire,
And just a couple days later you became my worst nightmare,
I saw the darkest part of you
And i never was able to look at you again.
You changed me in ways that i didnt even know were possible.
You gave me a living hell,
And im broken
Unable for my wounds to ever be mended again.
I never thought i loved you, until i started writing this down.
And now i realize,
It was real.
Rachael Judd Nov 2014
We sit at the table with joined hands
And say grace
But then you sit there and say what your thankful for.
Are we thankful that this so called "god" gave us this life?
Are we thankful that he's put us through hell with tied hands that can't do anything?
Are we thankful that he gave us situations where we were supposed to be strong but he let us break?
Why should we be thankful for a god who doesnt exist for a life we dont wish we had.
We are the kids who sit at tables with joined hands but open eyes with tears starting to form because we are not thankful.
Rachael Judd Jun 2015
Her name is an oceans wave
Or a tree that creaks when it sways in the wind
Its the church bells chimming together in sweet harmony from a distance
Its the singing songs of wildlife in the depths of the unknown forests

Shes a girl with brown eyes with golden specks.
Long brown hair always kept straight at the ends.
A body that everyone dreams of having, when you see her you can hear the crowd catch thier breath as she walks into the room.
All eyes on her.

She has the voice of the lullabys your mother sang to you when you were five.
She has healing hands, just as Snow White she makes everything come alive
Each footstep she takes you can see the grass grow greener and the flowers turn colors rather than black and white.

She makes sunsets look like rainstorms, and mountians look like hills.
She has laughters filled with grief and sorrow printed across her teeth.
She has this blue cloud radiating from her body, you can feel her when shes not even touching you.

Her cries are filled with dread, all the thoughts that swarm her head. Death seemed like a way out, but she couldn't bear the pain of her mother at her funeral.
Her grandparents died in the beginning of sixth grade, she said to me that one day they will come knocking on the front door saying they had a lovely trip.
She sees them in the butterflies that fly and the trees that spoke. She sees them in herself.

She has cuts on her arms and three on her thigh, i remember asking her why.
I graze them every now and then, but she doesnt seem to notice, my heart burns and breaks each time i see them.
She has eyes that sparkle but heavy bags that show her pain.
I never got an answer to my question why, just a shy smile and shake if her head.
Shes always been mysterious, never speaking the whole truth. But never confessing to a lie

She is beauty in a sunrise and she is beauty in a thunderstorm.
A poem about my bestfriend. Happy Birthday, i love you dearly.
Rachael Judd Dec 2014
You texted me and said hello,
you told me i was so beautiful,
you said that you thought we would be perfect for eachother
you told me you liked me,
and i fell for you
boy, i fell hard.
Im stuck on you,
you wont leave my mind
your face is just constantly flashing across my eyes
I thought you were different
I thought you would treat me right, like I was royalty
but you threw dirt on me,
because obviously, if you gave two ***** about me,
you would be here right now
but your not.
You said you don't talk to me anymore because you get to busy and forget.
Well, sorry i just wasn't important enough.
I guess i never will be.
I told you about my past,
I think thats what drove you away.
Now you think I'm crazy,
and hell,
maybe I am,
but I am head over heels for you
and I don't know what to do,
because this was just a week ago.

*Im losing it.
Rachael Judd Mar 2015
We try to escape reality with hallucinations that feel like we are in a wonderland that we created, and filled all the spaces with what our mind could imagine. Because life is too dull for creative heads like ours, where the possibilities are endless.
We believe that we know everything, that we are smarter than you are, adults think we're delusional. But truth is, we see a certain perspective among the world and its people. We see all shades, no matter the color.
We see the world for what it really is, a cell with walls painted in blue skies and cement colored green with fake trees. We are birds, born for flying. But our wings have been chopped from our bodies to keep us stationary, imprisoned.
We scare you because our head isnt ******* on just right. Too many thoughts bubbling inside our mind. We could tell you stories about how we think the world was made, but you won't bother to listen anyway.
We tell you that we don't believe in a god because even if there was, and he was oh so mighty and powerful, why would bad things happen to those who only do good? You would reply with an annoyed breath and say that maybe church would do us some good. "Your clothes are too revealing anyways, the preacher wouldn't  be proud."
We tell you that were sad, and sometimes it doesn't feel so easy to get out of bed anymore, You would reply with a snide comment about teenagers these days and how society wants us to believe that we're ****** up in the head so parents will pay money to corporations for anti-depression medication.
We start to cry a lot more often now as the days go by. We thought that this sadness would start to go away, but now it feels like a lingering pain, after you stub your toe on the edge of the coffee table and scream but then its just a dull throb. Thats what life starts to feel like for us, a dull throb.
We try to open up to you about our problems, at least we're trying to seek help. We tell you that all our views and perspectives about life have changed. We say that we used to love living and cherish every waking moment. But now it doesn't seem so interesting anymore, we say that we're starting to give up.
Then you put us in therapy.
Thats when the downfall begins, we start eating less because society tells us we are pretty unless were a size 0, and besides we aren't hungry anyway.
We start sleeping a lot more, even at the dinner table when you're talking about you horrible day at work, we cradle our head in our hands and start to drift off, into a new dream.
We start skipping family gatherings to spend time in our rooms alone listening to music that no one understands, but we know the meaning. Once our therapist decides we're on the verge of a breakdown, they tell you and when we get home you sit us down and tell us that were wasting your money cause we're not really "depressed".
We scream, not at you, because you're a **** parent who can't handle their own children. We scream at the top of our decaying lungs because theres nothing left to do. We scream because the air that surrounds us is suffocating, all all we have left is that one scream.
You stand, stunned.
We return to the quiet spaces of our room, but it doesn't seem so quiet anymore, our head is as loud as ever. All this anger has built up for so many years, but not enough energy to do with any of it.
We wake up the next morning, our throat tight from sleepless screams. Your down the stairs reading the morning newspaper drinking ****** coffee.
Another therapy appointment today, she says that we need to go on anti-depression medication, because she's scared that soon we won't be able to bear the pain anymore.
We have it all planned, the note is written, left on the desk with the stack of school books.
All the pills we stole from the cabinet down stairs in the kitchen.
We hear you coming up the stairs, the door **** slowly turns and your face will be the last thing we see, because we already swallowed the death pills.
In the seconds we have left, in the corner of our eye we see the anti-depression medication.
Well look at that. You had to buy the ******* meds anyways.
And then we're gone.
First short story, kind of.
Rachael Judd Dec 2014
Im tired of just surviving,
I want to live.
Make me feel something!
Rachael Judd Jul 2016
He grabs my neck
And pulls me closer
Till his breath
Is the only air I breathe
He stares at me
While I'm staring back
He's lost control
And drives his tounge
Into my mouth
Kissing me
Hard and soft all at once
Screaming into my mouth
That he loves me
With his passionate kiss
His hands move down
From my neck to my hips
Grabbing at the soft parts of my skin
Trying to get closer
As if we weren't two people but one
Steadying his hands on my waist
He pulls apart from the kiss
And we're panting both waiting for more
He pushes the hair out of my face
Tucking it sweetly behind my left ear
Kissing my cheek
Then my nose
And head
Till his lips are parted so small
He kisses my lips
Soft at first then gazes up at me
Speaking with his eyes
That I'm something worth kissing
He takes my mouth to his
And loves me
Like I've never been loved
Rachael Judd Jan 2015
I believe we have a choice in this world on how to live
We can ethier shut down and wait for life to slap us in the face and tell us to get up and start living
Or we can go, adventure to new places and tell new stories with new people.
We constantly sit in this little box we call home, but its not living.
Were just a breathing corpse.
We need something to tell us to be free, we feel like were trapped, with no where to go.
But let me tell you theres a life out there with things you cant even imagine.
Yeah, its a scary world sometimes.
But there are endless possibilities that at any moment can happen.
You just have to stand up, wipe the dust off your jeans and walk, even run out that door.
Its a brighter day and its waiting for you.
I promise as soon as we start getting up and leaving those prision walls we will find a joy in this life.
Because why waste your time sitting when the clock is ticking
And your running out of time.
Life is as simple as an hour glass,
Each grain of sand is a day you wasted.
And the sand doesnt stop falling.
Rachael Judd Mar 2015
Brisk early morning

The sun barely shining

Birds are cherping

Trees are singing

The moon still gleaming

Cigarette still burning

Lungs slowly dying

Life is ending

Sadness is killing

Time is nothing

And death is pleasuring
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
Some trees are harder to climb, some have spindly branches that break with each step you take. Some trees are too high up that the fear of falling enables you to climb. Life is like a tree, sometimes life has spindly branches that break. Sometimes the fall is too great to take another step. But sometimes the climb is worth it, because the view is beautiful.
Rachael Judd Dec 2014
Its like your sitting at a table
Then a handsome man walks up and sits down
You have a few drinks
And share a couple laughs
You get to know eachother,
You share old memories
And untold secrets,
Then a bell rings
And hes gone in a blink of an eye
Winking at the next girl
At the very next table.
You'll share a glance or two,
But after a couple minutes hes a little further down the line.
Rachael Judd Jan 2015
I fear no evil
Because it is inside me
I see the demons
They are my friends
I dont talk much
But i hear whispers in my head

I fear no darkness
Because it is all around me
I see the gravestones
They are my home
I dont think much
But they control my thoughts

I fear no death
Because it is in my soul
I see my lifeless eyes
They are empty holes
I dont feel much
But im already dead
Rachael Judd Dec 2016
She's the girl who only drinks black coffee
And smokes menthol cigarettes
With her lipstick staining the filter
She laughs at corny jokes
And dances in the rain
until her hair is soaking wet
She's the girl who listens to birds singing
In the mornings before spring
And writes poetry about heartbreaks
She is the storm before a hurricane
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
Love can be as simple as the dust on your bedside shelf. Its easy to get rid of, all it takes is a little effort but sometimes a little effort is too much
Rachael Judd Apr 2015

Love is a silent word

Kept hidden with secrets

Under lock and key

In a shadowed box

Shaped as a beating heart

Rachael Judd Mar 2015
Loneliness makes my heart scream
For something more than just
An empty room
It makes my head swim
For anything more than
These uncrowned waters
Left for me to drown in
It makes my bones ache
For something more than just this paper and pen
It makes my ears ring
For anything rather than this screaming silence
Making my skin crawl
Rachael Judd Mar 2016
What a lonely world
All of this seems
Every broken heart
Haunts our dreams
In the dead of night
I can hear my screams
Tearing from my chest
Tears are like streams
Flowing from my eyes
Midnight memories
Ache in my heart
What a lonely world
Rachael Judd Dec 2014
Im not here anymore,
My mind is lost
My heart is gone
Im searching to find my soul
Everyone has left me
And i am alone
There is no hope
There is no sain
Everyone is painless
Or filled with emptyness
I am emotionless
No grief
No sorrow
There's no happiness ethier
Its just another face
Another place.
Rachael Judd Jan 2016
Tears are falling from my eyes though it feels I am crying boulders when each step I take is walking into a crater full of hate.
Cigarette between my teeth rotting my lungs and staining my teeth, filling me with smoke I breathe out air full of lies.
Pieces of my heart dropping from my heart as an angel drops from heaven when it loses its wings.
Demons in my head screaming out for attention but everybody is dead. Dreadful cries spreading through souls like wildfire, lighting flames to all the world.
Rachael Judd Mar 2016
I lost myself
In you
Losing all of me
To become
Only a small part of
Lost in the ocean
Lost in the trees
Lost in the desert
Lost in the seas
I found my way
To a better
With lost souls
And lost dreams
I lost myself
In losing you
Rachael Judd Jan 2016
Take my hand

And watch me go

To places that are unknown

Follow my feet

Under this bridge

Down the rabbit hole

To meet again

Just like Alice

Lost in wonderland
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
Love is like a cigarette
One pulling on it like its the last drag they'll ever take
the other smoking because it burns their lungs
and they like the pain.
Theres always one who loves more, your either the one who can't breathe without them there
the one who likes the pain
Love is balance
and maybe
she can't breathe
and he craves pain
will perfectly even the scale
Rachael Judd Mar 2015
Was it love?
That shot us into thin air making our insides burn
Like the universe was punishing us
And setting fire to our heart?
Was it lust?
That turned us into the dust that collects on your bedside shelf
That your mother nags you to clean?
Was it love?
That made us break into abandoned buildings at 4 a.m and see flashing lights outside the broken glass windows
Then racing into the trees with racing hearts that could barely breathe?
Was it lust?
That pushed us into this nothingness but disire and we craved every part of one another until there was no space left between us?
Was it love.
Was it lust.
Rachael Judd Jun 2016
Lust is such a word describing love while takes away the sappy romance story and straight down to the *******.
Rachael Judd Jan 2017
Looking at you is like standing in an art museum starring at such a masterpiece. You are a work of art, from you're jawline to the tip of your fingers. You're eyes are this blue green color that remind me of the sea. People would call us sinners, ******* eachother with a simple stare. I can't help but to touch you, and I always crave to feel you're body touching mine. Crying the words I love you, while taking my hand in yours and kissing it softly is how I lost myself in you're voice. Following the sweet sound of the melodies you sing I wander off to dream.
Rachael Judd Sep 2015
I don't want diamonds on my finger, wrap a flower around my pinky and tell me you love me,
Don't buy me jewls and golden things
Take me to a field of roses and tell me how they make you think of me.
I don't need money or clothes to be happy,
We can run naked in a field of daisies and laugh as the flowers tickle our bare feet.
Don't take me to the movies and buy me popcorn,  take me to the mountains so we can watch the moon rise.
I don't need material things I need laughter and love as the sun kisses our pale skin
Don't give me teddy bears and chocolate, give me your body and make me feel worthy
I don't need a diamond crown on my head telling me I'm a princess, put flowers in my hair and tell me I'm the queen of the forest.
Don't take me to a restaurant with fancy foods and expensive wine, take me to the to the valley and have a picnic with cheap beer and Chinese food.
I don't need a mansion, with a pool in the backyard, we can live in a shack on the harbor sipping wine from plastic cups.
All I need is nature and you
Rachael Judd May 2016
I've got an ache
Deep in my chest
I can't seem to stop the bleeding
From my veins
Their pouring out my secrets
Telling the world all my mistakes
I've got a death wish
With my name on it
Maybe I wished it myself
Maybe I didn't
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
Maybe* if the bags under my eyes weren't so heavy
Or if my arms weren't so bony
And had a curvy body
Or if my hands didnt tremble all the time
If i didnt cry over little things
Or if i didnt rub my wrists till they were red,
when i got overwhelmed with anxiety
Or if my eyes sparkled in the night you could see the galaxies swirling through them
If my mouth wasn't turned down at the corners from greif
And my walls weren't built so tall to keep anyone from climbing into my heart
Then maybe, just maybe
You might have loved me more than her.
Knowing that i lost you hurt. But realizing that your actually gone, hurts even more.
Rachael Judd Apr 2020
I am not your first love.
You are not the first person I have looked at with a mouthful of possible forevers.
We have known more heartache than most, loosing hope for this final moment.
Because we have both known loss like the jagged edges of a dull knife.
We had giving up on love.

Then I saw you in the waiting line.

Fair skinned, blonde hair tucked behind your ears, and deep sea green eyes looked back at me.
Then you wrapped your arms around my waist just long enough making my soul ache to just be seen.
From that moment after I couldn’t get you out of my head.
Then just two days later I’m starring at your purest self lying naked in my bed.

Our love came unannounced in the middle of the night.
Our love came without forage or fight.
It came when we had given up on asking love to come.
But here we are your hand in mine laughing, under the setting sun.

I will write poems to the pieces of you that you can’t seem to find, like they got stolen or lost along the way to find a home. I will write novels to the scars above your waist. I will write a dictionary of all the words I have used trying to describe the way that it feels to have finally found you.  I will kiss you with forgiveness because you will never be forgot.
I will not be afraid of your scars and worn out pages, because even if it’s hard to let me see you in all your cracked perfection I want you to know :

That wether it is the days you burn
More brilliant than the sun,
Or the nights spent cradling a bottle of ***
To wash away yesterday pain.
Please know that you are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen.
And I will love you when you are a still day,
And I will love you when you are a hurricane.
Because no mater how bad the rain
There’s always sunshine after a storm.
Rachael Judd Jan 2015
Your face is just a blurry picture in the back of my head instead of the only thing id ever see
Your voice is now only a faint echo in my mind rather than a scream
Your hands that once touched my body, i never feel the imprints they left on me

One day the memories will come roaring back in my head like the rivers that once flowed
And your face will be the only thing i see
Your voice, the only thing i hear screaming at me
And your old hand imprints will be the only thing i feel touching all over me.

Why cant you just be a faint memory?
Rachael Judd Jun 2016
In the middle of the night
I find a way to cry
In the middle of a sentence
I find a way to escape
In the middle of a moment
I find a way to break it
In the middle of silence
I find a way to disrupt it
In the middle of the day
I find a way to be okay
Rachael Judd Dec 2015
She looks at herself in the mirror,
Examining her face and aging wrinkles
Her eyes turn towards me, i know she hates what she sees.
She watches herself in the mirror tears swelling in her eyes.
She shifts to the left and grabs her razor,
Slitting her throat and screaming.
why is there blood streaming down my neck
I glance in the mirror
She's me, dying in the bathroom with a cut just below her jawline
The walls are going dark and all I see is red.
Rachael Judd Dec 2014
I lost something inside of me,
I lost a living creature inside of my body.
I feel like i am paralyzed
I feel like something has been taken away from me.
I will forever feel emptyness inside my body.
I will forever be unable to look at myself the same way.
I lost a child, that could have been beautiful
I lost myself in every way.
How shall i deal with this pain?
Rachael Judd Feb 2016
Oh how I miss you.
Your sweet brown eyes
The smile you give me when I'm staring at you for to long.
The way you tell me about your day and how it all got better because you got to hear my voice.
I miss how you touch me and everything seems just fine.
Your dimple on the left side of your cheek when I tell you I love you.
The way you hold my hand and kiss me
Just the way I catch you looking at me from the corner of my eye.
God I miss you.
Rachael Judd May 2015
I guess its the moon that makes me think of you, all the emotion in that tiny circle in the sky, it fills me with happiness because i picture you and a smile creeps upon my face and maybe its because im crazy or a little insane but i swear baby i cant get enough of you, your eyes light up like fireflies in the dead of night and your smile grows bigger everytime we kiss and your laugh is beyond beautiful with its cute little giggle. Your heart is the size of the sun filled with laughter and love. I just cant get enough of you and all you make me feel. Even when its the intimate moments we laugh and play around though sometimes you stare into my eyes and all i can do is stare back and admire you, you the person i love is looking at me with wide eyes and a smirk. But i know you love me too, and thats why you remind me of the moon.
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
As i watched the moon disappear into the morning light
Pulling on a cigarette
I fell in love with life
As the dark sky created morning air
Rachael Judd May 2015
Mother Nature is calling me home
telling me to escape this horrid place
she whispers in my ear through the wind
saying all the flowers are dead
come with me and you will feel alive
sunflowers and  dandelions
will cover your eyes
there are no dead roses
and trees cut from there souls
only waterfalls filled with healing powers
and sun dazed smiles
She says run with me
and as she grasps my hand
I can feel the earth within her
She tells me run, don't be afraid
we have to leave this place
escape to the moon
so we can watch from above
where everyone looks like ants
and we have the magnifying glass
watching them burn and squirm
and life leaving there dead eyes.
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
my hands scream
what my lungs can't
because all the nicotine
has taken away
my shaken breaths
and now i want to
so i will scream with
my hands
scribbling on the paper
so people will not only hear me
but see my screams
No one ever hears me.
Rachael Judd Apr 2016
I'm fading much to fast
My love
She's waiting on the bed
For me to return
From the thoughts in my head
I'm longing to touch you
My love
She's watching my every move
I can't take it anymore
My love
I'm falling into the deep end
She's trying to pull me in
I'm running away
My love
She's begging me to stay
But I can't sleep
While she's dreaming
I'm waiting to loose myself
My love
I'm fading
My love
I'm fading
*My love
Rachael Judd Jun 2015
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
I know that I am not enough, there's no need to tell me twice.
Time and time again I've been shut down and ******* upon. So now i just accept the fact that im worthless
Rachael Judd Mar 2016
I see you in my nightmares
Every Time I close my eyes to sleep
I wake with your face imprinted on my eyelids
Awoken with sweaty palms and fear in my throat
Rachael Judd Dec 2014
I never realized how important "no" was,
Until i couldnt force the word of out of my mouth.
I felt his hands creep down my body,
Touch me in places that have never been touched.
The word wouldnt leave my throat,
It felt like it was stuck,
Maybe his forcing mouth kept it there,
Maybe it was my fault,
Maybe i was to weak,
People tell me there was nothing i could do,
But i dont agree.
I felt the screams inside my lungs
Unable to come to the surface,
Like the cigarettes i smoked caged my terrified screams
I felt my tears fall across my face down to my sheets,
I know he saw me crying,
He decided not to care.
He decided to push harder.
As i laid there, my body cold as stone,
Memories flashed across my closed eyes,
The thoughts of everything horrible in my life,
Comparing to that moment.
Now I'll do anything to get his face out of my mind,
Out of my eyes,
Out of my lies.
Ill drink a little to much, and the face starts to blur,
Ill smoke to many cigarettes letting the nicotine run through my veins knowing its killing me through time.
I'll drink a little more to feel alive,
Because I've started to think i died that day.
I've gone away,
To a far of land,
Where im alone,
In a crowded room,
Seeing his face flash across the wall
Feeling the tears fall.
Rachael Judd May 2020
I am not your first love.
You are not the first person I have looked at with a mouthful of possible forevers.
We have known more heartache than most, loosing hope in love stories
Because we have both known loss like the jagged edges of a dull knife.
We had given up on love.

Our love came unannounced in the middle of the night.
Our love came without forage or fight.
It came when we had given up on asking love to come.
But here we are your hand in mine laughing, under the setting sun.

I will write poems to the pieces of you that you can’t seem to find, like they got stolen or lost along the way to find a home. I will write novels to the scars above your waist. I will write a dictionary of all the words I have used trying to describe the way that it feels to have finally found you.  I will kiss you with forgiveness because you will never be forgot.
I will not be afraid of your scars and worn out pages, because even if it’s hard to let me see you in all your cracked perfection I want you to know

That wether it is the days you burn
More brilliant than the sun,
Or the nights spent cradling a bottle of ***
To wash away thoughts of yesterday
You are the one who stole my heart, and that’s something I find so hard to give.
I will love you when you are a still day,
And I will love you when you are a hurricane.
Because no mater how bad the rain
There’s always sunshine after a storm.
Rachael Judd Mar 2018
I fall into the depths for carefree conversations, where the other person isn’t pretending to be something they’re not. I fall for the childish laughters that rise deep in their stomach. I fall for the inadvertent smilies that grow without the intention of doing so. I fall for the moments right before you sleep when your eyes begin to shut and you drift away into a dream. I fall for the soul of you, not the skin which carries you.
Rachael Judd Feb 2016
One kiss
One touch
One hug
One love
One chance
One moment
One hand
One soul
One heart
One mind
One world
One star
These worlds will collide
Rachael Judd Apr 2016
He took
One look
At her
And he was sure
She was the one
Because her light was brighter than the sun
And her eyes
Were the color of grey skies
Her radiance beamed of gold
And he watched her he told
The world she was magic
And he was nostalgic
Without her presence
He felt a feeling of emptiness
All it took
Was one soft look
At the beauty of her
And he was so sure
She was the one
To hold him till his days were done
And he could be in the grave beside
Her and she would be his bride
Rachael Judd Mar 2015
Life is only temporary
Not everlasting
It all ends
There is no forever
It is questionable
Wether there will be a tomorrow
So hold onto what you've got
Cause promises dont last
And everything is left unsaid
They say nothing is temporary, well theyre right even this life will end no matter how hard you try to make it.
Rachael Judd Dec 2014
I heard our song tonight
I remember when you told me that it reminded you of me
And then a beautiful smile flashed across your face
As we listened to it in the car that day
With the windows rolled down
And the wind flowing through our hair
Then we stopped at a park
And you told me you loved me with all your heart
As we stared at the midnight sky
The stars were twinkling so bright,
Like your eyes
Then you said i was the only one who could make you feel whole again
And you kissed me with an open mouth allowing me to only breathe the breath you gave me
All i wanted was that night to last forever
But now im sitting here listening to our song
Wishing for the pain to go away
And the memories flushing through my mind like it was yesterday,
And all the stars line up perfectly like they did that night
As i sit here looking at the stars that were once ours
I only wish that it would have lasted forever,
But now I've come to realize that nothing lasts, and people leave,
Especially when you need them.
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