when I found love,
it was nighttime.
I remember hoping that
maybe he couldn't see
what I looked like
in the darkness.
we laugh at that now.
it was a real fear then,
but now I realize how
irrational it was.
how does that make any sense?
someone who loves you
will see you eventually.
if they wouldn't want to see you,
then how can you call that love
in the first place?
you shouldn't need to
dress up and go on dates.
true love is found
wearing sweatpants
and a baggy shirt,
with no makeup on.
you shouldn't need to
go looking for love.
the truth is that
you will be alone
for a while, maybe even
for a long time.
and the truth is
that loneliness will hurt
and it will not be easy.
but if you go looking
for love before you are
meant to come across it,
you will only find it
in the wrong places.
when you do find love,
it won't be perfect.
it will be messy sometimes
and awkward and hard,
but don't throw it away.
it's that messiness and
that imperfection and
those awkward moments.
those are love.
love is being yourself
with someone who loves you
for being yourself,
and who doesn't
just want to love you.
they want you to love yourself
the same way that they love you.
they want you to see yourself
through their eyes,
so that you can finally know
how truly amazing you are.