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Nope Aug 2014
Between being touched by you
and ripped apart by myself
my body has lost all its worth
ha **** over a thousand cuts in 3 months is a lot but nothing compares to the pain i felt every time you even looked at me
Nope Aug 2014
It's 2 o'clock in the morning and all i can think of
is how it feels to have you lying next to me.
I sleep better when you're here
because every time you touch me i feel like im at home.
Every time you throw your leg across me
and steal all of my covers
i feel like i belong.
I feel like someone loves me
when i wake up in the middle of the night
and you don't yell at me when i open the window
to smoke one more cigarette,
but you roll over and you kiss me on the cheek
and you tell me im cute when my hair is a mess.
I feel like someone loves me when you dismiss
all of my flaws because none of them matter to you.
All you want to do is hold my hand,
and right now all i want to do is hold yours.
Nope Aug 2014
"Don't punish yourself with boys, sweetheart"
She says to me over and over
to try and calm me down
when i called her at 3 in the morning
crying so hard that i couldn't breathe,
only able to mutter "I didn't want to"
through muffled screams
And I thought to myself,
Why would i punish myself with ***?
But now i'm sitting here again
at 3 in the morning
doing things i do not want to do.
Nope Aug 2014
I remember laying under the stars with you
and I remember talking about everything under the moon.
You promised me you would keep me safe.

You told me I was beautiful and then you started to kiss me.
I still feel what it was like to have you on my lips.
And more importantly, I still feel what it was like to let the words
“I’m to drunk to do this”
spill from between my teeth

Then everything is black.

The next thing I remember is you pushing my head down, forcing me to pleasure you
and me crying
and you telling me you were going to **** me

Then it was black again

I still feel what it was like to regain some sort of knowledge of what was going on around me
and realize what I was doing
I can still taste you in my mouth
I can still feel your voice pumping through my veins
Nope Oct 2014
Love is not what people make it out to be:
Love isn't a boy looking into your eyes and seeing nothing but galaxies full of undiscovered potential that he would do anything to explore.
Love isn't a girl kissing you on the cheek at 3 am because you woke up cold but she had all the covers and you didn't even bother to take them back from her.
Love isn't two people sitting on the roof in the middle of the night smoking cigarettes while staring at the stars and wishing that they were frozen in that moment forever.
Love is the blood that pours from your wrists when you realize all those moments have to end.
i will always love you
Nope Dec 2013
i’ll let the sound of your voice
run through my veins
only if you’ll breathe in mine
and dont leave me sitting on this rock alone
im ready to jump but you’re here
and maybe if we jump together death wont be so hard
and maybe if we jump together
it will be our happily ever after
Nope Aug 2014
Sometimes when I think about you
I end up thinking about the universe,
because that is what you were to me.
And though most of you is dark and undiscovered,
the parts of you you share
are brighter than any supernova
and i miss it.
Without your light i am stuck in that darkness.
Nope Aug 2014
I've never felt so close to death as i did the day you left me
Nope Sep 2014
I think I'm about to have *** with someone I really don't want to have *** with.
Apparently doing it once is an excuse for life.
And apparently my consent doesn't matter.
But that's nothing new.
That whole "we've done it before so what's the big deal" thing is coming up a lot
Nope Sep 2014
I haven't even had the scent of ***** lingering around me since we ******, nonetheless had it running down my throat. It's finding it's way to my veins and going straight for my heart, just like you did, except nothing will ever burn as much as your touch. Nothing will ever feel the way it felt to hold you. My mother once told me that there will always be boys who take advantage of you and that you will learn to be okay with it, but if taking shot after shot is learning to be okay with it then I don't wanna be in this class anymore. If this is what it takes to survive then id rather be dead.
Nope Aug 2014
I ****** up the nerve endings in my wrist so now every once in a while it feels like my arm is ripping apart, but somehow I still think that it's you trying to touch me.
Nope Aug 2014
Maybe if i lace my thighs with bandaids
I can trick my brain into thinking that i ripped myself apart
just moments ago
and maybe i'll get the adrenaline rush anyway.
Since all it takes is the sting of a razor blade for me to feel something,
maybe the thought of pain will do the same.
"The mind is everything, what we think we become."
**** selfharm trigger depression suicidalthoughts relapse depression **** abuse
Nope Aug 2014
All I wanna do is forget.
Every ******* word you said to me, every person who doesn't give a **** about me, every time you laid your hands on me, everything.
I feel the ***** burning as if runs down my throat.
But it's working.
Why be stuck feeling sad when I can  choose to not feel anything at all?
Nope Aug 2014
I'm not going to remember today 10 years from now so why the **** does it matter? Why does anything matter?
Nope Aug 2014
Losing myself in the messages,
trying to make up for every time i felt unwanted by letting this 23 year old i met at a party a year and a half ago bury himself inside of me, because someone finally wants me.
He craves my touch the way i crave yours.
The only difference is that i love you and the only reason he cares is because he isn't getting enough from his girlfriend.
So why not?
*Unfulfillment leads to ***.

— The End —