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1.6k · Dec 2015
Love Dec 2015
-and if you choose to stay,
come to accept the things I say,
as the surface of everything hidden,
because my heart can tell you what my mouth didn't.
Simple thoughts. I really miss you and can't wait for you to come home.
1.6k · Jun 2016
Love Jun 2016
You ask me why I'm so guarded,
Why I won't let you in,
And why I stayed in bed for three months after my 18th birthday.
Maybe you should be asking why my favorite movie is perks.

We love the things we relate with.
1.6k · May 2017
Love May 2017
You become annoyed by a flash,
make a rude comment,
and go on with our day.
A wasted breath,
The pictures you hate are the ones I savor.

Let me tell you a little story.
A story of a girl named Rose.
She was my best friend.
The quiet girl with the kindest soul.
She never spoke in public but once we were alone she would never shut up.
She was the prettiest girl I have ever laid my eyes upon, the prettiest girl I have ever laid my hands on.
The prettiest girl I have ever loved.

When I met her, she was cliche.
She had stick straight red hair, glasses, freckles, skinny, and always had a book in her hand.

When she died she looked like death was her personal designer with a gay sidekick.

I could spend years describing this beautiful girl I called Rosie, but you would never be able to fully comprehend her beauty because I have no proof of the girl she once was.

A beautiful red rose.
1.6k · Sep 2015
Love Sep 2015
Why do we insist on smiling in all our pictures? We hide our emotions and thoughts behind our baring teeth while our eyes show the truth. We use social media as a virtual scrapbook. All we're doing is lying to our future , reminiscing over forgotten memories and "look how happy I was".  Its okay not to smile.
1.5k · May 2016
Hooked In
Love May 2016
It's a liberating experience. Leaving the house for the first time in eight years without something constricting my ******* that are supposed to be shamed by society if I left them to go free range. My body is not something I will let be shamed by society. I am a grown woman and I will not be constricted, I will not be hooked in
My ******* and my body are not something that I should be ashamed of. This summer I will be free. This summer they will be free.
Summer is not only for the men with flat chests and leg hair. Summer is for the women with curves and fat and stretch marks from bearing life. Summer is for fat girls in bikins and sunbathing **** within the proper setting with no shame.
Because our matter what size, shape or color are something to be worshiped and loved. Not constricted.
So this summer I will be free, and this summer I will finally show the hidden and best parts of me.
1.5k · Dec 2015
My Dearest Katlyn
Love Dec 2015
My dearest Katlyn,
I love the way that sounds. I love the way your name just flows off my tongue like it’s the most natural thing in the world. To me, we are the most natural thing in the world. I believe it was fate that brought us together all those years ago, when we were nothing more than innocent children. Now our innocence has been stripped from our bones and our bodies have developed along with lines of laughter and worry across our faces. Yet you are the one, who after all this time, I still cling to. Back then, you were my rock and my safety net in a new and confusing environment, not much has changed.
Our history is a rocky one, to say the least. It’s full of drama and heartbreak; but as well as love and passion. I swear we could add a little embellishments and have our own soap opera. Despite all the troubles from our past, I hold those memories dear. Because when I recall those times, I don’t just recall arguments and words thrown, I recall the way you stumble over words when you’re flustered and how red your face gets when your choking words down. As for our better times, I worship those memories as if they are held upon a mental shrine; protected, never to be tampered with or tainted. There are things I have come to regret. I regret not swallowing my fear and being proud to tell everyone, “This is the girl I love!”, but during those times, I wasn’t ready. Although, our hidden love did make sneaking around so much more exciting. Sometimes I wish we could go back in time about three years and just show ourselves then that it was okay and it turns out for the best.
Things are more than okay. You are the love of my life and the one to spend forever with, however long forever may be.
1.5k · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
I feel like I'm drowning,
Or smothering,
Or suffocating...
I cant breathe anymore.
Its a lot of work.
Somedays thats all I can think when I sit in class.
I'm miserable,
And I'm not sure as to why.
1.5k · Nov 2016
Winter Flowers
Love Nov 2016
You told me to write about the trees and the flowers.
But what you didn't realize is its winter.
The trees are bare
The flowers are dead
And so am I.
1.5k · Oct 2015
Love Oct 2015
Maybe we're not meant to be.
Maybe our last departure should have been all.
Maybe fate ******* up.
Maybe that day in the restaurant I never go to was fate.
Maybe fate didn't ***** up.
Maybe we are meant to be.
Maybe I'm delusional.
1.5k · Jan 2016
To Be Said On Our Big Day
Love Jan 2016
April 14, 2008 was a Monday. My family had just moved into a new house, we were starting a new life, and I was starting a new school. I was 10 years old then. I thought that moving schools and leaving all my friends behind was the worst thing in the world, the worst thing that could ever happen. I didn't realize it then, but moving was the best thing that ever could have happened to me. At Mulberry Elementary, I was put into Mrs. Bell's fourth grade class. I remember the principal standing behind me with her hand on my shoulder as I tried not to make eye contact with all the faces who were staring at me. I was terrified. I think the teacher could tell how scared I was. She sat me beside of a blonde haired girl named  Katlyn. I was an over weight, ginger kid with glasses; and Mrs. Bell knew she was the only one who would be nice to me. That year, she was the only one who was nice to me. I remember thinking how weird this girl was with all the faces she made. I also remember being confused, because the way she made me feel inside, was something I had never felt. Soon enough we became best friends. We were inseparable. Throughout the years we have gone our separate ways, had a couple of fights, and even more kisses. It was always you I came back to in the end. They say that love is kind, and patient, and works in mysterious ways. And now there's one more Love to add to that.
One day in fourth grade, I took her hand and looked her in the eye. I about broke down as we promised to be best friends for forever and sealed it with a pinkie promise. Today, I married my best friend and sealed it with a kiss...and a pinkie promise.
I haven't married her...yet.
1.5k · Mar 2016
Love Mar 2016
Time may heal all wounds,
But it kisses goodbye with scars.
1.5k · Aug 2016
My Prayers are Answered
Love Aug 2016
Never give up on your prayers. Even if you've been praying for the same thing for the past 5 years, don't give up. They eventually do get answered in due time. That's what I went through and I felt like God wasn't listening or like He had gave up on me. No. He was just waiting for the full lesson to be taught.
For the person out there who might be struggling with their faith, you are most certainly not alone in this. My faith has been like a roller coaster and I just now feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be.
I knew I needed change in my life, and I knew that change needed to happen before I would be secured in my faith. I gave up and gave it to God. I was trying to figure it all out on my own, and I didn't need to. Just lay the broken pieces at the Saviors feet!
1.4k · Jul 2014
Fiery Poet
Love Jul 2014
A fiery poet is nothing more than a fire
that took the image of a person
to burn out its creativity
through words.

Its a true burning passion
that only the best have within them.
A flaming soul
Never to be extinguished.

Able to manipulate the flames
and form words
burned on paper
through black ink

They are a camp fire
With food roasted
And stories told around them
Holding memories forever.

The poets are a house fire
Pictures burned
Melted into the flames
And spit out as a rhyming haiku.

They are a candle
Lit by a bed side
During a lovers first time
With the flames flickering on the wall.

A fiery poet is nothing if not the fire that burns the fuel that runs the world.
Challenged by Francisco DH to write a "Fiery Poet" poem. Here it is.
1.4k · Apr 2015
Night Sky
Love Apr 2015
I lay awake at night
thank god for my life
and the stars for their light
I look to the morning star and pray
God give me strength to put down this knife
protect my girl, keep her safe and okay
this girl is my sin
One day to be my wife
the girl who I pray will let me in
so dear god, dear stars and the moon
protect my girl, let her get through this strife
keep her safe and okay so that I may see her soon.
1.4k · Nov 2016
Love Nov 2016
You are still the pain in my chest.
You are the person I long for on cold winter nights and I dream of you arms around my waist.
I still ache for your lips on mine and those three simple words.
I wish I had the strength to hate you, but it's taking everything I have not to love you with every breath.
You are the knots in my stomach and tear on my cheek.
You are still the pain in my chest.
You are every part of me that I loathe.
I wish I could hate you.
1.4k · Jul 2015
Love Jul 2015
I haven't been myself.
I haven't bled in two months.
I haven't wrote in over a month.
I haven't exercised in three weeks.
I haven't picked up a book in two weeks.
I haven't had a panic attack in five days.
I haven't slept in three days.
I haven't cried in two days.
I haven't missed you in...
1.4k · Jul 2014
Te Amo (Precuela)
Love Jul 2014
You are my love,
Mi corazón,
Mi vida.

The ruler of my world,
Mi reina.
Although our love is not typical,
Tu me dijeste te amo
And I believe you
because you are mine.
Mi chica.
And I, yours.
You say that one day,
voy a ser la desposada
But my dear,
you will be mine too.
*Casado bajo el ocaso.
Te Amo.
Just so you guys know, Spanish is my second language and I'm still learning. If I messed up anywhere that any of you spanish speaking people notice, please feel free to inform me.
1.4k · Feb 2016
Goodbye Pen
Love Feb 2016
The time has come again, where I have put down my pen,
my tool into the literary world.
I have betrayed myself as a poet, and my followers know it,
fighting with my words, forcing a sentence.

The time has come again, where I have put down my pen,
I'm gone for the time being. I may come back and write, I may not. But I will continue to read and share all of your beautiful stories. There's been too much going on around me recently, even writing doesn't help. I've made the decision to stop forcing it. My inspiration is fleeting.
1.4k · Jan 2014
Love Jan 2014
Do you think its funny?
To make fun of a person,
A culture,
A lifestyle,
That they have no control over?
It isn't cool.
Not at all.
It hurts,
And its unacceptable.
But I keep my head down,
And continue walking,
Let you win,
Because no one wants a fight.
1.3k · Feb 2014
Love Feb 2014
To anyone out there who hates their freckles,
The way your body looks,
Your voice,
Or your life in general.
Your imperfections are perfect.
They are beautiful and they make you, you.
Be proud of them,
And wear them with a smile,
No matter how a-dork-able your smile may be.
1.3k · Apr 2016
Love Apr 2016
I feel like I've forgotten how to breathe. Like the wave is coming down on me and I've forgotten how to swim.
1.3k · Jan 2014
Dyslexia II
Love Jan 2014
As I read through my old journal,
I realized what I have overcome,
How much I've learned,
And I remembered why I used to hate reading and writing.
Dyslexia has always been a pain for me.
I couldn't really read until I was in 3rd grade.
I could read,
But its because I saw words like pictures.
I knew what they were,
But I never gave them any real thought.
I would read,
"The cat is brown."
And my teacher would ask,
"What color is the cat?"
And I would respond with,
"What cat?"
Like the lady had lost her mind.
I started my journal when I was in 5th grade.
I had practically only been reading for 2 years.

I'm grateful now,
Of how far I've came.
I couldn't spell simple words.
I spelt the word remember as remeber.
The word sandwich was sandwicht for me.
Diary was dairy.
Behind was beeheind.
Even so much as the word and had its own difficulties. I spelt it as aedn.
The word sorry was missing an "R" and the word very had an extra one.
Concrete was concreaete.
A purse was a purce to me.
Every time I would write a poem,
I would write pemo and then put a number beside of it.
I wouldn't have a clay model, I would have a klayh modle.
Festival was feastaival.
Favorite was favearit.
Does was dose,
And should was suhood.

Living with this...
To say the least has been a struggle,
But I've overcame it,
And I'm proud of how far I've come.
Not really a poem meant to be read out loud.
1.3k · Jan 2014
All The People
Love Jan 2014
Can I take a second,
To try and sort out the things,
Thats going through my head,
And turn it into a story?

Five people to tear my love between,
Is way too much...
I dont know who to drop,
Or which way to turn,
So I'm sorting it out with words,
Trying to figure this mess out.

Because being bisexual is complicated.
Can I just be married to my music instead?

So there's this guy...
Lets call him Derick.
Derick was the guy I loved.
I gave him my heart and my everything.
For nearly a year,
He was the one that I called "mine".
After school started,
We drifted apart,
But that wasn't unexpected considering we go to different schools.
We had our fair share of fights,
And dates,
And then our time was over.
Only to reconnect a few months later,
Which led to one hell of a scare.
Last night we talked,
And I think...
I think I fell for you again.

But then I think,
How can I fall for Derick,
When I also love Lynn.

I've known Lynn for years,
Shes been my best friend forever.
Shes amazing,
And beautiful.
When our lips touched for the first time,
It was magic,
That I still hold on to.
I think I love you too...


Theres also Ashley, Shane, and Cory.

Ashley was my first real girlfriend.
A person I'd known since before I knew myself.
She inspired me and led me into being comfortable with who I am.
But then something happened,
And we couldn't be together.
Every time I see you though,
I still miss the warm embrace of your arms.

Shane is just awesome.
His voice is---ahhh.
He's helped me so much,
With anything I need.
He loves me,
I know he does,
But I dont know if he loves me,
The way that I love him.

And then there's Cory.
I really like him,
And were in to all the same stuff,
But there's no way he could return my feelings.
We would never work,
And I really need to let go of that glimmer of hope,
That I have sitting in the back of my mind.

I love all these people,
I love them to death,
But I dont know where to go,
With any of it.

Derick just broke up with his girlfriend,
And he'd be my number one option,
But thats really bad timing.

Cory would be my number two,
But theres not chance,

Lynn would be my third option,
But she has a boyfriend,
And I missed my chance with her long ago.

Wow...I really hate numbering them,
But I need some order,
To make since of this.

Shane would be my number four,
But he's so wishy washy with all the girls he dates,
That I'd be afraid of heart break,
Along with that,
He's figuring out some sexuality things for himself.

And finally, theres Ashley,
Who would have to be number five,
Because even thought I love her to death,
I wont go back.
Shes too much for me to handle.

So my causers of stress at the moment,
Are the people I hold dearest to me.
All of the names are changed.
Not really meant for an audience, but I needed to write it.
1.3k · Dec 2013
Beautiful Liar
Love Dec 2013
You're so beautiful,
At everything you do,
Even the dark lies you tell,
They're pretty shades of blue.

The lies you tell are as dark as any,
But you make them so charming,
You make them sound okay,
No matter how truly alarming.

You are beautiful,
A beautiful liar, that is,
But I don't trust you anymore,
Not the words you say, nor his.

He is a liar too,
His lies are the darkest of them all,
Be careful not to trust him, darling,
He won't catch you when you fall.
I wrote this about the girl I like and her boyfriend.
1.3k · Nov 2013
Shes my love.
Love Nov 2013
I was sad,
And broken...
I felt alone.
I felt like no one understood the way I felt.
But she did.
She let me know-
That I wasn't alone,
And that she loved me.
I felt a little better.
There was now a possibility that someone knew how I felt,
And knew what the demons were whispering in my ear.
Shes there for me.
Shes my love.
1.3k · Feb 2014
Love Feb 2014
If only she knew,
What goes through my head,
Every time I think of her,
And then emotions start to swirl around,
And pure crazy.
I hide them,
Repress them,
Almost to the point that they're smothered.
Whats the point?
I can hide all of it,
And be a dead bud,
Or I can be a beautiful blooming flower with love,
Be true to myself,
And let my true colors shine,
For all to see.
1.3k · Dec 2015
Love Dec 2015
I can not follow you through the holes and lanes of the skinny people, the ones you glide effortlessly through with no concern for leaving me behind.
1.3k · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
They tell me it runs in my family.
That it kills every single one of us that it takes over,
That its our own curse and nightmare,
That its a silent death.
They tell me to stay away from it,
So that I dont become like Aunt Andy,
Who is an alcoholic,
With her life spiraling down the drain.
Or like Great Uncle Bill,
Who died before I was born,
Of liver cancer,
Because of alcohol.
They say that if I don't go near it,
Then I'll be fine.
What is it?
A rabid dog?
The smell of the poison,
It calls me in,
Like a Siren would a Sailor.
It puts me in a trance.
They tell me to never start,
To never go near it.
I'm already at its door.
They say its in our genes.
They've told me this for years.
I always figured that someone spilled beer on their jeans,
Apparently not.
Apparently we have what they call a "
To the silent killer.
Why did they always call it the silent killer?
Drunks aren't silent at all.
My daddy warns me,
And begs me to stay away,
And to not get involved,
But there's already a burning want for it.
The burn as it trickles down your throat,
And then the buzz you get in the back of your head.
Maybe just one drink,
What will that hurt?
Thats how it always starts,
In my family at least.
1.2k · Jan 2016
Love Jan 2016
I love you with my thoughts and the deepest interwoven workings of my mind.
In my love for you, my heart is irrelevant.
Love Apr 2015
Listen to what I mean, not what I say. Because its 1am and I'm eleven poems in. I just texted "Yeah I'm fine lol" and I'm sitting in the bathtub, my chin wearing the mascara my eyes sported earlier and I'm too tired to chase my sanity down the drain.
1.2k · Oct 2015
Boat (Part 1)
Love Oct 2015
The reason for my sudden disappearance.*

I will never forget how it felt to be on top of the world. I felt like a mermaid, like the ones that guide the ships through the sea, misleading and ultimately leading many men to their demise.
On the front of our speed boat in the most popular tourist destination in my small town, with the wind blowing through my hair, time stood still. I felt invincible.
Hell, back then I was invincible. Every teenager likes to be a melodramatic little ****, and I was no different.
It was the summer before I started college, the summer where I would depart from all my adolescence and emerge in the adult world.
Right now is where you can mentally insert the sound of a record player being violently stopped.
That summer where I felt on top of the world was the calm before the storm.
Falling off the top of the world hurts, and here I sit with my only friend being Atlas, trying to collect myself.
Who knew there would be a type-writer in hell?

I wish someone would have warned me how rough everything would be. The movies make it out as if the transition between being a child and an adult is smooth and gradual, but for me, that wasn't the case.
I went to bed a child and woke up wishing I hadn't taken the time for granted.
To be continued...
1.2k · Nov 2013
I Cant Stay Away From You
Love Nov 2013
I cant bare it.
I cant take it anymore.
I cant stay away from you.

You are beautiful.
You are lovely.
You drag me in,
And make me fall,
And over,
And over again,
For you.
I cant stay away from you.

I love you.
I always have,
I always will.
I cant stay away from you...
But who said I wanted to?
1.2k · Jan 2014
Love Jan 2014
I wish I could take an eraser to my skin,
And get rid of the outcome,
Of what happened when I took part of a pencil sharpener to it.
1.2k · Mar 2016
Love Mar 2016
You have to learn to be content with sleeping on your own,
With sitting by yourself,
With singing by yourself.
You have to learn to be content with thinking on your own,
With singing by yourself,
With fighting by yourself.
You have to learn to be content with being on your own.
1.2k · May 2016
Coffin in the Horizon
Love May 2016
I wish to get out and do things with my life,
before tomorrow becomes today,
and the future is here.
My youth is fleeting.
My body is aging.
1.2k · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
I feel so guilty...
For every bite of food that I take.
For every scar I put on my body.
For everyone that I've hurt.
I feel so guilty for sometimes not wanting to be here,
When someone else is fighting for another day,
And they don't have a choice.
1.2k · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
"Where did we go wrong?"
They say.
"How did such conservative parents,
Raise such a liberal daughter?"
Its called,
Drum roll please,
Shes gay.
And she wants human rights for her people.
She wants equality,
And change.
1.1k · Jan 2014
Russian Roulette
Love Jan 2014
I want to play a game of Russian Roulette,
But I dont want a partner,
So honey sit down.
This way,
In the end,
I'm the winner,
No matter what.
This makes no sense unless you know what Russian Roulette is.
1.1k · Nov 2016
Love Nov 2016
"God. You're so ugly without your makeup. You know you really shouldn't show your face in public. You don't want to end up on that People of Walmart website."

Yeah I know.

"No seriously. You look like you've been hit by a bus."

Nope. Not hit by a bus. Just your ****** comments.

"You know they say sarcasm is just a deflection of an internal struggle, it's an underling issue to something bigger. Maybe you're going crazy."

I'm not going crazy. I'm getting my **** together. I'm in college now.

"Yeah, sure."

No. I wake up at a reasonable hour everyday. I take a shower and do my hair and make up. I do my homework and I make good grades. How can I be crazy when I'm getting my **** together. I have my **** together!

"Look at your room."

What about it?

"It's a mess."

So what?

"It's a mess. Just like you are. You are a mess."

I am not.

"You can shut the door and pretend it doesn't exist. Just like you're doing with that mask you put on every morning. Beyond these walls you're a fake. But behind them, they show who you truly are."

And what's that?

"That you're crazy and chaos. Your room represents what's on the inside. You're falling apart."

I am not crazy.

"Not crazy? As if. You've just been talking to your reflection for the past 10 minutes. Just like you have every day for the past four years. Just wait sweetie, one day I'll come out and play."
1.1k · Jan 2015
Love Jan 2015
I love you to the moon and back, to the ends of the Galaxy, to the tops of the universe and no star can stand in my way.
1.1k · Feb 2016
Love Feb 2016
Sometimes I wonder if I should leave,
and do what's right.
I can't stand the thought of sleeping alone...
Just me and my thoughts at night.
I wrote this a while back and found it on my phone. I figured I might as well share it.
Life gets hard sometimes but keep holding on!
1.1k · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
I said I wasn't mad,
Because I wasn't.
I was sad,
And upset,
And disappointed.
But mad?
I could never be mad at you.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
I have an incredible,
And increasing urge,
To draw.
That's kinda messed up.
I call it drawing,
A harmless,
Innocent thing,
That a child would do.
But this kind of drawing is different.
No pencils,
No paper.
Just skin,
And metal.
They both turn out pretty pictures.
So when I say,
"I want to draw",
Im not talking about the one with pencils and paper.
Dont trust me alone,
Dont leave me by myself,
Because I have a bad habit of drawing,
When there's no one around to stop me.
Love Nov 2013
There she was.
Her parents found her lying on the floor,
not moving,
not breathing.
Her mother screams in terror,
But her father can't say a word.
Something catches his eye,
A note,
Lying on her bed.
He walks over,
Picks it up,
And begins to read.
It says,
"I apologize.
I love you both dearly,
I could not stay.
I couldn't bear it any longer.
I was already gone,
Dead inside.
I'm sorry.
You shouldn't have to see me like this.
Know one thing,
I'm happier now.
I'm in a better place,
I'm at peace.
Resting in peace.
Please don't cry,
Don't be sad.
I just went away,
Its not like I wont see you again.
I look forward to that day,
The day in which I see your smiling faces,
And you see mine.
I'll see you up in paradise.
I love you."
Her father fell,
On his knees,
His body filled with horror,
And shock.
He cried,
And cried,
And cried.
He wanted to know where...
Where he had went wrong.
And when...
When he had lost his little girl.
She was his world.
And now,
His world was gone.
It was physically there,
On the floor,
Marks all over its arms,
And legs.
His world was gone.
It was destroyed,
Shattered into a million pieces.
He could never get her back,
And now,
There was nothing he could do.
He felt helpless.
He sat there with his wife,
And they both cried.
They cried a billion tears,
Tears that seemed to never stop.

Her little brother walked into the room,
And saw his sister laying there,
And dead.
That night was the night he first cut his wrists...
And then the cycle begins again.

Seven years ago,
To the day,
His sister took her own life.
He was only a boy,
11 years old.
He didn't understand.
He didn't know why,
Or how she did what she did,
Only that she was gone.
He looked up to her,
After all,
She was his older sister.
She was beautiful,
And strong,
But apparently not as strong as everyone thought.
One day,
He noticed something curious.
She had six tiny red marks on her arm.
The next day,
She had even more.
After that,
She always wore sleeves,
So he never saw her arms again.
He asked her what the marks were.
After a very long silence she responded with,
A simple sentence of,
"They are there to show that the pain can go away,
At least for a little while."
And then she walked away.
That sentence had always stuck with him.
The pain could go away.
He had never felt enough pain,
So much pain,
To turn to what she did,
Until that night.
The night he lost his sister.
That little boy,
Hes now a man.
Hes 18 years old,
And he hasn't went more than a week,
More than a week since that night,
Without cutting.
He goes to school,
And its hell.
He gets bashed for anything,
And everything.
They call him ***,
So many things...
He can ignore all those things,
But there's one thing he cant.
The one thing that hurt him the most is what some ******* had said.
"Why don't you go **** yourself?
Just like your sister.
Nobody would care."
He ran out of the school,
He felt that everything,
Every single word they had said,'
That it was all true.
Nobody would care.
They wouldn't care if he was gone.
His mom,
She's now a drunk.
His dad,
He hasn't seen him in six years,
After his parents divorce.
His sister was gone,
And all his friends are too ****** to even remember him.
Nobody cares.
After he got home,
That same day,
He wrote a letter.
It wasn't addressed to anyone,
Just anyone who would listen.
He wrote as he cried.
When he was finished he slit his wrists,
For one last time.
He went to his closet,
And put on his Sunday best.
He climbed on a chair,
And slipped the rope around his neck,
Something caught his eye.
He saw a girl.
A girl of about 16,
Walk past his door,
And down the hall,
Towards his sisters old room.
He got down,
And he followed her.
She went through the door,
And into his sisters room.
He followed her.
When he walked in,
He was overcome by total shock.
He saw his sister,
Sitting there on the floor,
Where they had found her body.
She beckoned him over.
He sat down beside her,
And laid his head on her cool lap.
She talked,
And talked,
And talked.
She convinced him to hold out,
And stay strong.
She saved his life.
She was his guardian angel.
Everyone has a guardian angel.
Some are on Earth,
Others are in Heaven.
A guardian angel is someone who looks out for you,
And someone who cares about you,
And loves you.
In this case,
He was saved by his guardian angel,
His sister.
If you cant find yours,
Then you're not looking hard enough.
Be strong,
And carry on.
Life is worth living.
It may **** now,
But life wont give you more than you can handle.
It gets better.
Just have faith.
I apologize for it being so long. Just always remember to stay strong, and hold on.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
My hair is either half down,
Or half up,
It depends on the way,
That you look at a cup.
I dont even dont ask.
1.1k · Aug 2015
The World On Drugs
Love Aug 2015
We seem to be on a constant drip of caffeine followed by sleep aids and pain meds for the world that never sleeps. We self-medicate constantly with sodas, chocolate and alcohol.
1.1k · Nov 2015
Love Nov 2015
Happy Birthday to me
On this day 11/17
May all my wishes come true
As I send out farewell love to all the people I once knew.
Rejoice with me on this fine crisp day
But listen to the words I neglected to say
My mouth may smile and my eyes may shine bright
But concerning my thoughts within; all is not right.
1.1k · Oct 2014
Love Oct 2014
Strong in the way that we use it
Simply means that we are broken
And not yet destroyed.
1.1k · Aug 2016
Not a Poem
Love Aug 2016
Hi, this isn't a poem, and I apologize if that is what you expected.
I have had a couple of you guys messaging me, asking what happened, and why I haven't been posting like I used to.
Poetry is my outlet and way of expression. I don't have much to write about, and I'm not going to force a poem to make some of you happy.
I appreciate all the love and comments I have been receiving on the poems I have posted so far this year, but as time goes on, I have less time to write. College is crazy and a new chapter of my life is beginning.
I am by no means leaving Hello Poetry, however my writings will be sparse, saved for when I have a true story to share.
1.1k · Nov 2016
Love Nov 2016
There are things you come to accept when you live in a small town south of the Mason Dixon Line,
not being able to speak out about liberal policies is one of these things.
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