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5.5k · Dec 2014
Michelle Dec 2014
Cobalt. Gunmetal. Pastel. Powder. Forget-me-not.
Out of all the blues,
She has the eye color with no name
The eye color that is slowly driving me insane.
Who gave her the right?
To have something so beautiful

I see blue everywhere;
In paintings, photographs—even the air
There are no crayons that can capture it
Not even color codes on computers can match her eyes

Her eyes are the space between the rippling depths of the ocean and the shards of reflected sky
They are the eyes that squint a bit as she smirks because she thinks she's sly

No matter how much I glance to the left during lunch
The color escapes my mind and simply becomes a concept
In my thoughts frustration likes to roam
If it weren't for the non-existent green, her eyes would look like sea foam
But here is no green—
Only hundred year old glaciers, rivers, and stormy skies

I don't even know what blue is anymore
As angering as they are, her eyes are still something I adore
I'm tempted to just ask her what color they are,
But that would mean that I don't pay attention
To do so would be like mistaking a stranger for your dad
Everyone will become apprehensive and think that I have gone mad

Her placid gaze tends to bore through my shell
I feel vulnerable— like she can see my dilapidated soul
But I know that she means no harm;
She is amiable and full of charm

Who knew blue could mean so much
And still be convoluted?
Blue washes the shore with the push and pull of the tides
Blue has managed to stain my thoughts and dye my insides
2.1k · Jul 2015
Flor de Nopal
Michelle Jul 2015
I dream of permutations and of potted cacti sitting on crystal shelves.
I listen for melancholy silence and I pray that hope and peace of mind tiptoe gently around splintered frustrations.
I want to see the hot sun beat down on prickly green skin until it feels whole again and flowers bloom from its head.
For you.
1.4k · Jan 2016
Dumb poem
Michelle Jan 2016
It is far too hot even for December
I am left feeling hazy and out of breath
These twinkling lights used to warm my soul like a desperate gulp of scalding tea

Now I long for glacier blue eyes and a solid body

I can only see a reflection in a ***** window

What once gave me a sense of hope now leaves me feeling empty and full of want

To feel what I did two years ago would be a blessing
Even alone I was content with twinkling nights
1.3k · Jan 2015
Michelle Jan 2015
Life starts to seep through lines
I can't continue
To pretend that
Won't scare
old poem from my poetry journal
1.2k · Oct 2015
Sleepy Head
Michelle Oct 2015
Sleepy head, you've gone far too long without a wink of sleep

How you've managed to stay alive for this long, it's a secret I can't keep

Sleepy head, pay no mind to those silly dreams

Or else you'll start to fall apart at the seams

Sleepy head, a brave and guilty fool

Stop diving into the deep end of  the pool

Sleepy head, that bottle of Jäger was a mistake

Indifference is something you can't fake

Sleepy head, lock your heart and swallow the key

Secretly crying so hard that you can't see

Sleepy head, it's time to sleep and move on

Far too friendly with the soft glow of dawn
1.1k · Feb 2015
Michelle Feb 2015
Not sure what to make of it
I felt comfortable--
Knowing that the fire extinguisher was there
It made me feel safe
If anything ever caught fire I could put it out
I was a selfish child--full of arrogance and naivety
The world mistook my insecurity and inexperience for apathy
All I wanted was a place to call my own,
Something to hold on to
I did not worry about the still-lit cigarette
Not even when it bounced from the sidewalk to the grass
The red hot embers glowed among the dying grass
I did not worry when the fire began
I took my sweet time in getting the extinguisher
By the time I came back my world was engulfed in flames
Scrambling, I tried to smother the heat
The extinguisher let out a pathetic puff of dust
And I stood as hell fire consumed my home
Acrid smoke muffled my screams and floating ashed blinded me
All that was left was a charred fire extinguisher and the frames of my glasses
word ***** that i needed to get rid of
1.0k · Sep 2015
Michelle Sep 2015
Summer tries to kiss me goodbye--
Handing me "bring a sweater; just in case" cold weather
Summer tries to leave me without actually saying farewell
The trees have yet to strip of their green, fluttering foliage
Summer doesn't promise to come back anytime soon
Stagnant, hazy heat becomes a long lost memory
Summer has disappeared for a day, leaving no trace
Autumn has lost its appeal without you here
997 · Apr 2016
Michelle Apr 2016
Forget me not—
You've become the cotton in my ears,
the smoke in my lungs,
the tepid water that I'm drowning in

Forget me not—
You can't make a difference in someone's life,
then leave without at least saying goodbye
I just need a goodbye

Forget me not—
Sleepless nights and forgotten meals are my
new lovers as of late, but I suppose
we're quite familiar with each other already

Forget me not—
Why can't I make nothing of it?
I was nothing for you
We were nothing

Forget me not—

Forget me
752 · Aug 2015
Michelle Aug 2015
With ink stained fingers this happiness swells
Like a ripe peach on a summer day
Michelle Feb 2016
Farewell to my inhibitions
Drunk on impulse and corona
A simple "hello" dripping with golden courage
You can't shake me so easily
I'm the gum on the sole of your shoe
Those ******* baby blues so warm and inviting
Melting chocolate sunsets and burning hearts anew
614 · Jan 2015
Michelle Jan 2015
I avoid the hours between 11 pm and 5 am
Light does not exist then—
Only useless questions, dangerous thoughts, and the Void
Darkness swallows reason and spits out impulse
All of these mix together and try to drown me
Melancholy fills my mouth and I gag on its rotten taste
Cold seeps through my skin and settles in my bones
I am floating through midnight and I have never felt so alone
The constellations no longer console me
Galaxies hurtle away from me
And black holes call my name
428 · Jan 2015
For R.L.
Michelle Jan 2015
I know that sometimes my words are unclear
I can't speak outside of paper, ink, and lines because of fear.
You are the first snowfall of the year
Your skin reflects light more beautifully than the copious blankets of snow
You are here and my mind stutters, my heart races, and time begins to slow
I looked through the bus window and the sky was like Starry Night by Van Gogh.
The inky canvas was illuminated by countless stars everywhere
Even the blinking windmill lights added a silent kind of beauty to the air
The scene was grand; all I could do was stop and stare
I glanced over and saw your sleeping face
I didn't want to wake you, so I held my breath just in case
For once everything felt like it was in place
Your eyelashes cast shadows across your cheekbones
Sometimes I can't believe that I am your own
Describing you through words and rhymes is a skill I will never hone
I'm not sure how much more I could emphasize
God himself could not even dream about imitating the celestial blue-grey of your eyes
Any clouds or storms conjured would be nothing but terrible lies
Neither the churning sea nor the swirling fields of grey would suffice
Although I wouldn't call it a vice,
I have caught myself staring more than twice
This was the original poem I was gonna give you.

— The End —