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Will you love me when I'm 80
When I walk and talk real slow?
Will you love my wrinkles
If I let them show?
Will you hold me every night
And kiss me in the morning light?
And when I see my last sunrise
Will you hold me when I die?
  Jan 2015 Lindsey Nicole Isbell
beware when you fall in love
with an artist
be it a painter, a singer, or poet

for the artist will
paint you
with strokes and hues
in shapes of every kind

sing about you
with heartbreak lyrics
and feelings which rhyme

write about you
with the simplest words
and a secret message she wants to say

beware of the artist,
and her love
one wrong move
and you're an artwork in her display
Will I forever remain
A light in your eyes
An ornament
Stationary, at your side

One day will I see your irrational side?
The darkest, deepest part of your mind
Like you already know mine

You brought light
Where I thought there would be none
You showed me someone loved

I want to see every side of you
Every part of your mind
Lead me to your soul
My love, there is nothing I hide
I will love you for all of time

I love you with more than just my heart
I love you with my mind
I love you with my soul
I love you from my head to my toes
The very essence of me love you

Please, love, tell me
Will I forever remain
A light in your eyes?
An ornament
Stationary, by your side

Will you keep me forever
Set my love free

If one day the answer is no
Will you promise to remember me fondly?

I love you more than my heart can bare
So tell me again love

Will I forever remain
A light in your eyes?
An ornament
Stationary, by your side

Will you allow me to love you
For all of time?
While eveyone else
Waste their time
Making new year resolutions
I confess I don't have mine
But do you wan to know what?

I don't want mine
All I want
Is for this year to be full of you
That's all I need to make this year good
As long as I have you
All my years will hold happiness

I don't resolve to lose weight
To be happier than last year
All I want is you

Only God knows what this year had in store
I just pray he will never take you away
I thank him for you a lot

Of I resolve to do anything
I think I'd resolve to pray
And thank God for you everyday

Maybe new year resolutions
Aren't so stupid after all
I've opened up so easily
A blooming flower
Willingly, I tell you everything
I'm a field
Not a building in the way to end my reign
I'm not this for anyone else
It's just you love

You fill me with sweet emotions untouched
Awakened me to the deepest form of trust
All these feeling new
Or to new extremes

Around you I can feel free to bloom
Release the me I've been hiding
Hide me in your trees
Protect me in your forest
I don't want the world to see me and you
For fear
They'd fall inlove with you too

Cause with you there are no lies
I can take off my mask
And be who I am
Isn't that what the world dreams of?

I'm not ashamed
Don't get the wrong idea
I just want you for myself
You're mine now
And nothing can take that away

Before you I wouldn't have the courage
To speak these words
I can write freely
Speak freely
Thanks to you, love
I don't know what was wrong
I tried to hide my face
He pulled me close and asked what was wrong
I told him it was back
He pulled me into his arms
I turned and buried my face in his chest
As traitor tears fell down my face
Forever it seemed
We laid like that
Him holding me together
While I was bursting at the seams
Panic taking over me
It became hard to breathe
Still he just held me
Asked if he could help
Rubbed my back
Planted kisses on my head
I'm so lucky
To have his help
Without his love
I wouldn't still be built
The worst thing about being a poet
Is that you're drawn to pain
The pain and fear inspire
Great works and wonders
For those of us good with words

Some who are lucky
Can write well of all things happy
Those rare few

Most everyone I know
Write of pain
Pain and fear
Or we compare, criticize
This crap society of ours

Emotions fill us
We feel to the fullest
We might get scared
But it's not the pain we fear
We realize that pain leads us
Leads is to discover great rhymes
A nice flow of words
Words that help ease our minds
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