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Aug 2018 · 734
J Ann Aug 2018
Where will I end up? Somewhere
Will I be lost when I get there? Lost
Where am I suppose to be? There
Will it take all that I've got? Cost
Will I know when I am there? Yes
But should I continue? Go
What will i do? Impress
Do I ever settle for less? No
Who will be there? You
And with me? New
Adventures for all the new? True
A new life that will lead to what? Pursue
Pursue things that lead me where? Home
But what should I continue to do? Roam
Jun 2018 · 531
Sea of Daydreams
J Ann Jun 2018
I am lost in a sea of daydreams
thoughts hitting me like waves on an ocean shore
these waves were beginning to grow
yet I had not realized that a storm was brewing
within my head... because I was too far from reality
this storm was not just a storm but a tsunami
I was at the best part in my daydream
as if I were in the eye of the storm
and we all know what happens once the eye passes
reality hits me as if it were the biggest tsunami wave ever
I question why this happens every time I daydream
then I realize that if I want a daydream to come true
I must live in reality and make it come true
May 2018 · 368
Blind myself
J Ann May 2018
I see you for who you are
Yet I blind myself
As I look into what you could be
Seeing past the flaws
That burden my growth

Many memories have come
And many memories have gone
I will always hold on to them
But as for you I must let go

I will always love you
But our paths are going in
Different directions
Hopefully both positive directions

But as for now or vibes are very different
Hopefully one day we can vibe again once more
blind flaws growth memories love different directions positive vibes paths
May 2018 · 281
J Ann May 2018
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder
But I always look over my shoulder
When someones says "you're beautiful"
Thinking that he never meant that towards me
But all I need to do is realize and see
In every single way I can possibly be
beauty beautiful eye beholder thinking realize see shoulder always look never
May 2018 · 423
their way or no way
J Ann May 2018
do this do that they say
don't look that way look this way
be the way WE want you to be
see the way WE see
then I ask about this or that
and they say "oh no no no"
that's not how WE act
making me realize
they don't want be to be abstract
May 2018 · 1.0k
Written in Braille
J Ann May 2018
Our book of love is written in braille
I can read into our love story
But I am too scared to open my eyes to see it
Because one can daydream a story up in a minute
But we never want to face and see the reality of what it will be
We all want to look into that persons best attributes
But looks can be deceiving
So go with what you know
And stick to the story that is slowing being written
Because skipping a chapter will only leave the reader lost
And once lost it will be hard to be found again
May 2018 · 392
why make rules
J Ann May 2018
were playing the game of life
we try to play by the rules
then someone pulls out a knife
knife then a gun
life then no life
why make rules
May 2018 · 447
J Ann May 2018
Do you ever just wonder?
And sit there and ponder
What life would have been like
If we would have all been alike
Oh it would cause so much damage
Even though it seems like the perfect image
Everyone saying the same thing
Wearing all the same bling
Oh it would be bittersweet
Because everything would seem so complete
Yet it would cause so much confusion
Almost like an allusion
So one should step out of the box
And become unorthodox
Do you ever just wonder?
And sit there and ponder
May 2018 · 388
J Ann May 2018
Save me from my own destruction
And help me with a new introduction
For I am Lost with no vision
And time tells me to make a decision

— The End —