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Aug 2020 · 276
middle of extremes.
gabriela arias Aug 2020
stuck between simple
& very, very complicated.
relatable girl
Jul 2020 · 260
hasta 100.
gabriela arias Jul 2020
antes me decías:
"cierra los ojos, cuenta hasta cien."
yo toda ilusionada.
yo contaba mucho más.

                                      contaba hasta trescientos
y tú todavía no estabas.
                                            hasta seiscientos
decías que vendrías.

                                                      ­               y apareciste, como a los mil.
y ahora que estás aquí,
ahora te digo:
"cierra los ojos, cuenta hasta cien."
y yo te prometo,
que no te dejaré esperando.

La diferencia es que cuando los abras,
                                                          ­            en el cien,
                                                           ­                                  yo ya no estaré.
Jul 2020 · 260
gabriela arias Jul 2020
solía ser
la que mejor te conocía.
ahora cuando me preguntan como estás
tengo que decirles

que también me lo pregunto.
Sep 2019 · 420
“and yet, it moves”
gabriela arias Sep 2019
“eppur si muove”, said galilei.
and it shall continue. with or without you.
“and yet it moves”
(the earth around the sun)
Jul 2019 · 331
gabriela arias Jul 2019
every life is a novel.
mine is just a romantic tragedy
a happy ending.
Jul 2019 · 440
9,128 pieces.
gabriela arias Jul 2019
when I was a little girl
my father left my heart
in 4,564 pieces.
then one day,
you promised to take care of me,

little did I know
that by telling you what he had done
you’d just catch
creative ideas
and colorful new ways
to leave me broken and behind,
May 2019 · 454
gabriela arias May 2019
cartas para el amor de mi vida (vol I):
aún no te conozco y ya te hago poemas.
May 2019 · 478
gabriela arias May 2019
If you are a fan of art:
1. go ahead and  break  my heart.
title suggestions?
Apr 2019 · 3.1k
el problema conmigo.
gabriela arias Apr 2019
.es que no importa cuanto la beses a ella,
seguirás pensando en mi.
.es que mientras más intentes olvidarme,
más me recordarás.
.es que no me se me disuelve con alcohol,
ni se borran mis trazos de la piel.
.es que por mi culpa mueras sin saber,
que es son los escalofríos a primer contacto.
.es que tal vez no vuelvas a experimentar,
los pelos de *****.
.es que te malcrié con tantas caricias,
y ahora no sabes qué hacer.
.es que aunque mis manos son pequeñas,
te hacían reaccionar.
.es que no habías conocido un amor tan delicado,
y no encontrarás otro corazón tan tierno.
tan fuerte.
.es que yo te quise,
cuando el problema lo tenías tú.

el problema conmigo,
es que yo soy la solución al problema que tienes tú.
y me perdiste.
en español, por favor.
Apr 2019 · 395
gabriela arias Apr 2019
y que te ame todavía? sí
y que te desee lo mejor? no sabes cuanto.
pero que te quiera como quería? yo que daba hasta la vida por ti?
ay nunca jamás.

(además, ya le conté todo a mi mamá y parece que te odia.)
enamorándome del español ultimamente.
Apr 2019 · 447
gabriela arias Apr 2019
yo que te hice tantos poemas y captions para instagram,
y tú que me partiste el corazón.
en español, please!
Mar 2019 · 408
a l e r g i a s .
gabriela arias Mar 2019
si con todo y la alergia crónica que tengo hacia los girasoles, ellos no me matan, y nacemos en el mismo mes,
¿que te hace pensar que puedes tú, acabar conmigo?
en español, please.
Feb 2019 · 404
gabriela arias Feb 2019
You are so loved.
I don't think you understand.

You are being
c   h  a s ed
by undeserving and unfailing

and whether you want it or not,
you are loved.

and whether you believe it or not,
you are loved.
Mar 2018 · 461
b l u e .
gabriela arias Mar 2018
today I decided
to paint my nails blue.

I remember you'd say
that when painted this way
I looked like a 'child';

you liked it when I would paint them,
scarlet red.

I remember you'd say
I'd be taken seriously this way
it's the color of 'passion'; I looked like a

but I am not what you say I am
and I do not need you.
and I still AM a woman,
just with her nails painted blue.
No more making fun of my light blue nails, darling.
Mar 2018 · 1.3k
gabriela arias Mar 2018
When I think of you
                                                             ­                    I think of teacups;
for when my mind is blank                
                                 ­  the thoughts of you manage to

       ­                                                       a
        ­                                                              k

­                                                                 ­             inside my head.
inspired on my cracked coffee mug & the love of my life. (to be seen on a computer screen to appreciate layout)
Mar 2018 · 458
then & now
gabriela arias Mar 2018
I remember when you first said you loved me
my heart then did not belong to you,
it belonged to the wind,
to the sea,
to the sun,
to the moon,  
to my dreams,
to myself,
to many things
none of which you
then you did not give up,
then you made it your mission to make me yours now
and my heart slowly became of your smile,
of your eyes,
of your smell,
of your touch,
of your words,
and before I noticed
my heart had become of your heart
& your dreams had become of my own.
so thank you for then fighting for what is now.
the accuracy.
Oct 2017 · 356
gabriela arias Oct 2017
oh you know, anxiety.
the feeling everybody gets
when they get a turn at the printing center
the feeling everybody gets
when they need to ask the waiter for an extra napkin
the feeling everybody gets
when they have to tell the teacher they don’t understand the difference between mass and atomic number
the feeling everybody gets
when they’re the next to pay in line
the feeling i was fine with feeling;
until i found out... nobody else feels this way.
can relate?¿
Oct 2017 · 1.6k
gabriela arias Oct 2017
today i have a stomach ache for some reason.
i think something must be rotten
in there.
i don't know if this malaise comes from
the microwaved chicken wrap
i had for breakfast, or
from the unexpected death of all the butterflies
that used to live inside.
if the second one is true,
the second one was you.
Oct 2017 · 438
what is love?
gabriela arias Oct 2017
what is love?

is it a feeling?
is it a decision?
is it a prescribed death?
I have a problem; I have fallen in love.
it is believed to be the 'most beautiful thing',
but if it is
if this is true,
why am I torn between devotion and distress?
is it because he owns my heart,
or is it because he is too far away from me?
is it because I'm mad at myself for craving him so deeply,
or am I mad that I don't have him beside me?
to kiss me. to hug me.
so please, do tell...
how is this 'a beautiful thing'?
if I can't be with him, but I can't live without him?
this is me being mad at the fact I'm missing my boy who is exactly 7.192,28 km away from me rn.

— The End —