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The Mellon Jun 2019
Do you think it will be forever?

To answer this a story said,


End of Story.

But wait theres more to say,
A hypocrite in the light of day!
She speaks of trust-
The rust of your new toys...

Opinions screamed
You take to heart
All you see,
Real or fake opinion stands
Just so long as they regect your plans.

Lover lover know my tone
Nothing left for you
Not a bone.

Go find a new toy and
Wear it out.
When they treat you like ****
I wont doubt.

That you know I was better.

That you know we will never.

Just my opinion.
Jan 2019 · 936
Midnight Tears
The Mellon Jan 2019
My shoulder is damp.

It's been a rough week.

"College is tough kids"
Too bad they never told us it was never the work.

College is tough.
Because people are tough.

Because my friends sob every night because some
Thought she was his God given right.

In the span of three months 3 of my friends are *****.
Yet their cries are an empty echo down the presidential hall.

So instead they cry.

Last night one of them told me,
I let him get close to me... we were friends. Now I'm scared to have guy friends... even you.

So my letter is

Dear ******* Everywhere,

Next time you think about touching a girl without concent, how about you go **** yourself with sandpaper instead.
-The guy losing his friend because you decided her body was your property
Jan 2019 · 332
The Mellon Jan 2019
I made tea today.

I dunked in my
Totally-not-bigger-than-it-should-be-table-spoon of honey.
I poured the milk into the mix
(I know, I know, how could I)

Then i jumped into the cup for an adventure.

Upon entering the steaming silky waters
A school of fish blasted past me

A school....
A class of three thousand people

All looking at me  
The whole world is watching me.

If I fail-
Oh **** what if I fail.

Lost in terror

I smell.


Vanilla spice?

Oh yeah. The tea.
I made tea for the stress.
I have tea.

My tea is cold.

Jan 2019 · 2.0k
American Dream, well. Sorta.
The Mellon Jan 2019
This land is your land,
This land is my land.

This land is our land,
But Not a black land,

Not from sea to shining sea.

Attention Mexicans everywhere!

This land is not your land,
This land is our land,
Home of the free!
(Some requirements apply)

God bless America,
Where at least I know I'm free,
Home of the ignorant,
Yet land of the free,
(Skin color based exceptions)

Happy Happy new Year!
New year to You and Me!

Happy Happy new year,
Except for your country,
(Build the wall!)

Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel,
I made it out of clay,
If the makers Muslim,
Please don't explode I pray.

America the beautiful,
As hypocritical dumpster fires tend to be.
This is a sarcastic poem depicting the worse of America. I do not believe these racist sexist etc. comments.
Dec 2018 · 544
The Mellon Dec 2018
Friends are like bad days,

They seem to be fine most of the time,
Then they decide to
Stab you in the back
And ask you if your ok?
You seem pale,
As I bleed to death on the floor.

But it's alright, clearly they cared about my well being.
Stabbing me was for my own good.

It only nearly ruined the rest of my life.

But hey, what are bad friends for anyway?
Nov 2018 · 314
Mirror Mirror Who Am i
The Mellon Nov 2018
Dark flashes and
Bright shadows make me wonder

where am I

More importantly endless
Pitter patter
Contemplating through the snow.

Wind gusts smooth silk
Over stationary

Ink stains through my reality.

I do not know where I am.
Who I am.
Or where I must be going.

Teeter totter towers

The floors gone out below
So I walk on the ceiling

And rise to my downfall
Nov 2018 · 477
Twenty-One Years and A Day
The Mellon Nov 2018
Twenty-One years and a day ago,
On a lonely November night,

There was a woman,
One who is to be respected and loved.
Who was nine months pregnant
No longer.

In her arms arrived a crying pale child,
The mother whispered her name
And the wind caught it.

Little did she know that whisper traveled to me, 17 years later,
And delivered to me the name,
Of the woman I fell in love with.
Happy birthday my love, or at least it was yesterday :) <3
Nov 2018 · 253
The Mellon Nov 2018
I'm still awake.

I'm still awake.

My mind is foggy-
My stomach is churning-
Starbucks booster pack
Double punching me in the gut...

34 hours ago I woke up.

I'm still awake.

I'm still awake.

And it *****.
**** it not again...
Nov 2018 · 312
For Her Sister
The Mellon Nov 2018
I know why you're mad...
I don't blame you for that
I would be too.

Your sister isn't the only one I hurt,
Yes believe it or not you have feelings too
But we are fixing what we broke.

So I hope someday you'll move past this,
I know it won't be easy
But I almost lost your sister,
And it would **** to lose you too.
Nov 2018 · 433
The Mellon Nov 2018
I am many things.

Most of them I am not proud of...

I am my own lurking monster in the dark,
My own nightmare in the flesh.

I am my own worst enemy,
Even when I'm at my best.

As far as ways I'm good.
There was just you...

And now that you don't believe in me,

I have nothing
I'm am no good...
I'm empty
Nov 2018 · 5.5k
Kissed by Fire
The Mellon Nov 2018
Mamma always told me-
I was struck motionless at the sight of her
Don't let me catch you playin' with fire.-
Her hair was ablaze
One of these days you're gonna get burned. -
Yet I am but a moth to her flame
Two poems in one, because 2 is always better than one.
Oct 2018 · 3.0k
The Mellon Oct 2018
People are beautiful,


Pretty people please a perverted industry,
Of powerful men
Preferring **** to passion to progress,

Preferring ******* productions over
#metoo protests
As mr. president likes to grab 'em by the p..

Provoking pain-passing-fists
Pulsating pro-rights protests,
Journalists plee for coverage praying no one pulls a
Knife and produces plumes of blood from the press
All while
Young picassos paint Guernica in America.

A broken people of a nation perpatrating hate-

Where red plus blue can only make purple-
But dark blue and dark red parish and persecuted plee for due process?

Plain racism profoundly perpatrates power and policy because polititions prefer power over people!

A parchment in hand is worth two poor people on the shores of Philippine islands passing pork bones around on plastic forks polluteing ashore to portion a pathetic excuse for super.

Admittedly population proceeding proper capacity depleting the recourse needed per proper production for product based programs-
-tax breaks produce proper rich persons-
Poor penny pedalers paddle street corners prostituting their dinner from someone's porch steps.

Pathetic "Presidential" GOPs
Catapaulting propaganda past press outlets producing media paranoia.

Piranhas perhaps are the least problematic politition ashore.
Petulance is peace right?

Perhaps Palestinian misplacement and
Poor communication produce
A melting *** per pound of C 4
Terrarist propaganda pasted
On highways toting plywood posters
Providing hate.

Parasitic politics polluting a proud nation
Patrolled by plastic islands and pay-per-view gun violence.
Police brutality providing protection for
Parkland shooting,
The NRA having premeditated lawsuits against progress

Programs protecting people getting

-Sorry blocked,

By political party(s)
Preferring deep pockets to
Public safety

Appocoliptic predictions
Loom in present day policy
As unreputable "science" papers
Preach lies to gospel preachers

Perhaps human problems
Produce paper cuts
Peeling skin to skin
For radical apologies to bleed out,

Perhaps bleeding pools
Poor out filling
Evaporated paradise
With EPA Pruit's preference of
Proper science.

Perhaps penguins and polar bears
Produced proper plans:

Die off before the planet plummets per plume cloud of nuclear power.
Or more likely planetary pestilence
For people.
Inspired by Harry Bakers poem "Paper People"
Oct 2018 · 875
3 AM
The Mellon Oct 2018
It's almost three in the morning.

The problem is,
I'm not tired,
I'm Broken
Oct 2018 · 228
Frozen Tremors.
The Mellon Oct 2018
My feet are cold.
Maybe one too many tears froze to them now.  

Standing in my own tundra of regret,

He who should walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death...

The wind stings my face.
It whispers in my ear:
~Happiness will never find you~
I wish it would lie to me.

I take a step forward so I can look at the track I left behind.

I peer close and see the destruction of my soul,
Ripped from her hands,
Torn by my teeth,
Shredded by her words.

Laying tattered underfoot.

Oh God I'm alone.
With only my mistress of depression to accompany me.

I lay in the permafrost, using the snow as a blanket, and shiver.
Oct 2018 · 1.2k
Molly Jane Berrus
The Mellon Oct 2018
Your name means many things my sweet.

Your first is a continuation of many before. A take on a name well loved.

It resembles family narrative and new beginnings,
Yet it brings back memories of old favorite books.

Though she didn't know it your middle means a lot too.
My grandmothers name, may it someday pass to you.
I'm sure she would love you, and your mother, she was a spitfire too after all.

Though she didn't mean for me to see, I love the choice and all it means to me, least I know it means something to you too.

Lastly comes Berrus, my family namesake.
We don't come from much,
But we offer all that we are.

We will put food on the table and a roof overhead and we will be
Fiercely Loyal.
We arnt known for always making well thought out decisions,
But we always try to do what we think is right.

So long as I someday get to meet you
Molly Jane Berrus.
Aug 2018 · 233
3am Struggles
The Mellon Aug 2018
I should really go to bed.

But I can't.

I keep thinking of her.

And honestly I keep thinking of cheesecake.

Now I realize that I can't have either of these tonight,
And that staying up won't help that.

But I am lonely.

And I want some cheesecake.

Aug 2018 · 3.5k
Long Distance
The Mellon Aug 2018
A day like today is but that,
Another **** day.

Just me,
My self,
My own personal swamp.
A bed ready to share...
Next to the desk you set your hair ties on.
Above the floor you set your bags on when you visit.

But today is just another **** day without you.

But a day like tomorrow,
Oh but a day like tomorrow...

There will be hair ties on my desk,
Extra bags on my floor,
And best of all someone here to share my bed with.
So that tomorrow will not be just another day,

But a day where long distance becomes short,
Even for just a few short days.
I love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Apr 2018 · 208
Food chain
The Mellon Apr 2018
I realized today that people are not the top if the food chain,

It may be beleaved that we are,

But that is a common misconception.

We are not the top,

Guns are
This will **** some people off, I don't actually care. As a hunter and gun enthusiast I can tell you what I need for hunting and what I don't.
Mar 2018 · 389
When Words Fail
The Mellon Mar 2018
When words fail,
How will I tell you...

You're beautuful.

Will the moon light shinning down on your eyes
Will the fireflies in disguise
Be enough.
To tell you you're beautiful.

When words fail,
How will I tell you...

I love you.

Would a thousand red roses
Will a great symphony composes
Be enough.
To tell you I love you.

When words fail,
How will I tell you...

Forever and ever you're  mine.

Would a thousand poems spoken
Will arms forever open
Be enough.
To tell you,
Forever and ever you're mine.

When words fail,
I'll show you my heart threw my eyes instead
I'll dance with you threw the night
I'll hold you close so you might

Know that when words fail,

I'll always love you.
Nov 2017 · 198
The Mellon Nov 2017
Sometimes in life.
Life just *****.
And that's life.
Which *****.
Not how I'm feeling. Just think it's a fun poem.
Sep 2017 · 427
The Mellon Sep 2017
I remember seeing you in my dreams.

You were walking towards me in a field,
The bottom of your sun dress brushing over queen Anns Lace and yellow wild flowers.  

When you made to me you wrapped me in your arms.

I planted a kiss on your forehead.

I miss my dream.
And I miss you.

Sometimes when the sunset is stunning,
It reminds me of how much I want to watch it with you.

I miss you.

In the dead of winter.
When there's several feet of snow outside.

I sit in the kitchen,
Freshly made tea in front of me,
It's steam billowing upwards with the conviction that it matters.

The only thing missing is another cup of tea next to me and someone to sip on it with.

I miss you.
A lot.
Sep 2017 · 495
The Song of the Moon
The Mellon Sep 2017
There was a night not so long ago,
I felt like dancing in the moonlight,
My arms around your waste,
You're head resting on my chest.

We would bend and sway like a young
Tree slowly starting to grow.
We would murmur of silly things
Like tea and sunflowers.

After our dance I would have liked to lay in the grass.
You know the spot.
Where we laid together last time.
Where we watched the wind.

I want to lay there again with you.
I want your head to be rested on my chest.
I want to idly play with your hair
While we watch the moon.

Someday we will do these things.

Yesterday I went out and looked at the moon. It was beautiful and full.
Today I returned to look at it and little had changed.
So tomorrow I'm going to sweep you off your feet,
And we will dance in the moonlight until the wind blows us to the ground.
Aug 2017 · 339
It's Not the Same
The Mellon Aug 2017
Poetfreak was my first poetry home
Skill and pants optional

It brought me in and introduced me
To possibilities.

Ones that I alone contained,

But it was not hard to try.
In every post was people giving affirmation,
In every clever prose there was a wave
If encouragement and advice.

Then the cruelty of someone who loves destroying a community corrupted my home.

It broke down rules,
It took over people's profiles.

Ultimately it shut us down.

It's not the same here.

It's not that HP is bad,
It's just not home.

I feel like I'm on an awkward first date
During our first dance
And I'm being held at arm's length.
Even though I'm trying to get closer.

I just want to be closer.
I want this to be a new home.

I've been here long enough to wonder if that's possible.
Aug 2017 · 319
So Before I Go
The Mellon Aug 2017
My thoughts are a canvas painted in spray paint along a rundown subway.

I look back on my nearly twenty years of life and I'm amazed

At how much I've done.
How much I haven't.
How much I should or shouldn't have done.

I see my deep past,
The part of me I earnestly tell people
At three in the morning.

I see school days flickering by
Like an old school flip book that measured My life.

As the pages flicker by
A clear picture becomes evident:

Where one is not enough,
Many together can overcome.

My friends as life would so have it
We are getting pulled to different parts of the world.
Some of us may thrive,

Others may fall,

It is up to us to hold together;

If one can not overcome, many together can.
For my friends. You are the reason I exist. You are my brothers. My sister's. You are my support and you are my role model. You push me when I struggle, you pull me up when I fall. You keep me grounded when I am out of my mind. Just because we may be leaving for college, you will never leave my heart, and you will never leave my thoughts, and we will never leave eachother sides.
Aug 2017 · 490
The Mellon Aug 2017
There is a thief among us.
One so stealthy and sneaky-
A shadow on the wall would be too loud for her stealth.

How then do I know she is here?
And how do I know that she is a she?

Well that's because she stole the heart right out of me.

I never saw it coming,
I was to blind...
To thickheaded,
I admit even to selfish.

I had this thief in front of me

One year.
She had beautiful red hair that could make a cardinal weep.
She had a smile and a blush just as bright.

Yet she snuck under my radar.

She stealthed her way two more years
Always there
Always connected
Always noticed
But never known.  

Then she made her move.
In the dead of night,
While we were on the phone.
She spoke seven clever words.

Seven words spoken true can make anyone fall for you.

Then she called threw my screen.
She reached her tender hands into my soul and caressed my heart, and taking part of it with her she retreated.

But not to hide.
She blew her cover.
Now she had part of me, and I part of her

I know who she is,
And I know that I want her in my life.
Inspiration for seven words segment credited to Patrick Rothfus, author of the King Killer Chronicles
Jul 2017 · 229
The Mellon Jul 2017
I spend time today staring into my wall.
I suppose I can give the ceiling a break.
I stared at that yesterday.

A part of me worries that my intensity might spark a fire in the wall and burn a hole.

Then I remember my intensity can't spark much of anything.
Be it love.
Be it fire.

I've stared into her eyes with a cousin of this same intensity.
One a little less

I saw myself in her eyes.
Not because I belonged their,
But because her eyes were a mirror
Never letting me

The funny thing is,
I like to think that if I write long enough
My romantic view of the world will

Like a daisy.


It won't.

The world I live in is dark. The soil unfit


If I try to dig down so I can plant,
My fingers scrape on broken glass-

Or was that a broken heart.
Hard to tell these days.

So I return to the wall.
Only when I burn my eyes at it all I can see is the fragments of my

Thrown like throwing stars into the plaster.

Remnants of a heart broken one too many times.
Jun 2017 · 428
A Simple Hug.
The Mellon Jun 2017
I fear the arms of love and comfort.

I do not fear them as if they mean harm,
As truly no such harm can be meant from
Love and Comfort.

I fear them because if they wrap around me,
They will discover how broken I am.

They will uncover how small I have become and how broken I am.

I fear them because they will shed light on
And my pitiful existence.

If the arms of my love were around me,
I would implode in on myself
Like a poorly made bomb.

Nothing would be safe as my scream of
Wishful comfort
Projects out of the kicked puppy of my soul.

The irony is that the only thing that will ever repair my dejected self,
Is the arms of love and comfort.
Jun 2017 · 414
Hyperventilating Thoughts.
The Mellon Jun 2017
I'm in the backseat.
The world is flashing by me in the window.

The occasional pond.

All of it and none of it,
What does it matter.

Today I left the Harbor
Of my school.

My ship is heading for unknown waters.

Yet I sit here in the backseat.
She is driving.
The girl of my dreams.

She is driving, my mind is in turmoil.

We are leaving.
I won't see her for who knows how long.

I won't see any of them...
I break
Jun 2017 · 275
The Mellon Jun 2017
I love you.
A declaration I sneaked in as we friends joke.

Caleb says no no no, I love you more.
I disagree.

I confess how I love her like the moon loves the oceans. Night after night Luna stairs down at her beloved,
Casting her gentle glow on her face.

But the waters care not.
At night they only have eyes for the promised dawn.

I say how I am like Luna. I see my beloved in the distance.
Close but so far.

But I will always be out done by the sun.

Once in a great while,
I block out the sun.
Even if for only a brief moment,
The Grace of the waters see me.

It is those moments that keep me alive.

Even if I died, my love would live on.

Like ever present Luna I would always watch over the waters.

I would because truly Loving someone means wanting the best for them,
Even if their best doesn't include you in their life.
For her. My secret Love never known. Never may she know...
The Mellon Jun 2017
I'm in love and there's nothing I can do about it.

It wasn't on purpose,
So don't give me that look.

I didn't choose this folly,
It is doomed before it will begin.

You see. I'm not in love with just
A cute face
Or a nice smile

I'm in love with Grace
And it's been coming for awhile.

I knew her when I was young.
I guess you could say she's my childhood hero.

You know most people look to Superman-
Or wonder woman-

I looked up to the person who saved my life.

No she didn't take a bullet or anything.
She talked to me.
She became my friend.

My first one at the age of 11

Sure I had a couple people I called friends,
But they couldn't match this girl.

She boggled my mind.

I was suicidal.
With Grace I loved life.

Nothing there has changed.

She drove me to become who I am today.

So here I am now.

Nineteen and in love.
There's nothing to do.
I know she's not interested, and we're both leaving the area for college.
So I'm in love, and there's nothing I can do.

So do me a favor, and tell the person you love that you do,
Because it's something I won't be able to do.
The Mellon Jun 2017
The blood beneath my skin is racing

My breath is short
So short

The feeling of terror overcomes me
It's a sickne--
The Scream booms threw me
I throw my fave backwards
I cling to my friends around me
I feel a hand around me too
They are trying to help me

**** it screamed again
My heart is beating

The music
It's building
The slow drone of a high pitched whistle
It's building
It's coming
**** what was that
In the corner
In the ******* corner
I'm back in my friends arm
I'm pretty sure I'm crying
I can't tell
I'm blocking everything

Laughter this time
I'm done.
I'm done.
I'm done.

Help me



Don't let go.
Don't. Let. Go.
Jun 2017 · 416
Black Clouds
The Mellon Jun 2017
I kneel here surrounded by grass

It is wet from recent rainfall.
The droplets soak into the knee of my jeans
And I continue to kneel anyway.

I gaze at the horizon-
I see the black clouds coming-
As if they are tormentors-
Returning to haunt my world.

I kneel in the field and watch the storm come.
I see blue tongues flicker threw the air.
I here their booming hiss as it shatters the peace.

I can see there dripping venom fall from miles away.

The storm is coming.

I feel the first drops of sin land on my shoulders and face.
I stand as if anything I do could change the inevitable.
I am blasted with the force of mockery.

The storm is here.

I am enveloped in the torrent.
It lashes against me.
As if to mock my protest a tree some hundred yards ahead shatters in a blue explosion.
A chunk of shrapnel clips my leg,
I wonder if it got wet from the drops in the knee of my jeans.

I kneel back onto the grass.
The soaking ground ignores my soaking jeans.

I stand and look into the horizon
Black clouds are all I see.
May 2017 · 300
Why. I want to know Why.
The Mellon May 2017
I would like to know why.
Why someone feels the need
The drive
The ambition to impose their agenda on those who are innocent.

Why an eighteen year old young woman had to go to bed in tears because either
Her body was
Toyed with
Lusted over

Not to forget **** shamed,
Assumed fat probably
And objectified again

Then because she wore a "low cut shirt"
"Wants it". - (That sentence disgusts me so much I would go back in time to spit on the original misogynist who phrased it together.) -
Or is flaunting.

Sense when is a tank top so grossly sexualized?

Sense the idea of a 'perfect woman' has no body fat
He's an hour Glass figure
To match her perfect hands that
Don't touch anything outside the kitchen
And children

That way us men can keep our women pure. -(The fact that this is true for so many makes me sick)-

The fact that me writing the truth hurts people so badly that they might comment
"Hey, keep yourself to yourself, don't go telling me how to treat my woman."
While in actuality all they would do is prove my point by laying claim to "my" woman. Essentially placing ownership.

I want to know why a friend could be so offended by someone they care about so badly that they don't even confront the person.

I want to know what drives a person to minipulat
And push to have someone friendship severed due to their own displeasure.

Why an honest man gets accused of heinous crimes when they simply were avoiding the problem.

Why is it that they are so brutally persecuted when the antagonist is let free.

(The entire fact that I have to weave this poem into existence bothers me. If people could be kind and loving, the world might not go to **** every three days)

The more people stay silent and think someone else will step up is
The sooner the entire
Populous will
The world is discussing me on a daily basis. I haven't seen human decency in so long I wonder if it even exists anymore. End rant. Goodbye. Scroll on you're done here. I doubt you'll comment anyway.
Mar 2017 · 332
Global Warming.
The Mellon Mar 2017
When the waters of a rising ocean quench the fires of a burning society maybe people will believe in the science that could have prevented it all.
Global Warming is not even a question. You either acknowledge its existence as a threat to society, or you are ignorant. There is no in-between.
Mar 2017 · 307
One Hug from Falling Apart
The Mellon Mar 2017
I'm a hairline fracture one hug from breaking apart.

And I'm falling apart anyway.

I'm a melting *** of emotions dumped into the floor.

So, thanks for asking, I am not okay.
Feb 2017 · 465
The Love of my Friends
The Mellon Feb 2017
A while back a friend asked me a good question:
What is the best compliment you've ever received?

Now while we can't answer philosophy without poetry my answer really wasn't that hard.

You see I was asked this question by an amazing lady in a letter,

I was all to happy to see the letter end with

Love, Gabby.

So my reply was simple.

The best compliment I can receive is that of love.

Whenever a friend tells me they love me, whether that's my brother by birth
Or my brothers and sisters by bond,
It's the best compliment anyone can give me.

Without my friends love I would not be alive today.

I've written a thousand stanzas protesting suicide and a thousand more against self harm,

I've written love poems to death and refuted them with disgust,

I've penned down quatrains with the blood of self hate and the tears of depression,

But I wrote them down because I was alive to do so.

Without the compliment of my friends love

The only writing done would be that of crooked tally marks on the inside of my coffin.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have the friends I have. I'm blessed to be so lucky. Sorry this wasn't much of a poem. Feel free to answer the question for yourself, share if you feel up to it.
Feb 2017 · 254
The Mellon Feb 2017
What a day to be alive!
The snow is falling down in
Sheets of individual art pieces all part of the mosaic,
Students are flocking to class in a vain attempt at higher education,

Workers head to work
Night shifters head home to sleep
Bar goers are getting ready to wake
To a less pleasent morning.

Then theirs me
Eyes brimfull as I kneel surrounded by my own mosaic of a collapsing life
The Mellon Feb 2017
Sifting threw my numerous papers of
Stuff to learn
AP biology with the synapse of the nerve cell
And the phosphorylation of

I numbly flicker threw these pages
Resigned deep within myself to a deep and dark and silent place.
Full of self doubt

So much to do with so little will
But my mind is off ---

Never mind.
This poem isn't very good
The meter ***** and the allusions don't allude.
I'm better off just going to sleep
Laying their to miserable to weep

My mind will drift away across the waves
Of a far off lake
A while back

When all I had to worry about
Was what to have for a snack
But crap.

I'll never know those days again
I'll never be able to easily pick up a pen
To write my auto biography
Of the ups and downs I guess the topography
Of my life.

I'm bleeding my sorrows into the paper
But in reality I don't bleed

I'm instead sitting here on bended knee to plead

God don't let my life be known as a pesky ****

Give me some confidence so that I might lead

A life respectable to help those in need

With their suffering and pain
Lord lift me from my pit
Of despair and show me the smell of clean air
Put my feed under me and say "Go"
Jan 2017 · 876
The Cry of a Broken Wolf
The Mellon Jan 2017
A long ways off a wolf howls into the wood,
But their is no call back.
He howls again, the despair in his call echos back in the crying of song birds

The song they sing is picked up and repeated into the world.
A song so full of pain that people crumple to their knees in soundless agonie.

The wolf howls again,
Challenging the moon as to whome,
Whome is more alone in the universe,

The lonely one who travels the sky,
Or the broken one who has known company but for folly now goes without.

Even the moon grows colder with the grief of the wolf.

The wolf makes its own path around the world.
Where their isn't a trail he creates one,
The ground underneath being crushed with the weight of a heavy heart.

He searches the world,
Echoing his desperate howl across all seven seas.
Hoping someday to find,
Where his beloved does lie.
His howl replaced as a broken cry.
Jan 2017 · 284
Broken Knot
The Mellon Jan 2017
I didn't know I was broken until today

You always hear about that kid
The one with a rough past
Maybe his or her heart was broken

Maybe their dad left

Maybe their mother hit the bottle

I always thought I was the pretzel tied together

Only now I know that in fact I'm knot OK

Don't let the puns fool you
That's just me
Trying to say hi
From the pits of self hate and despair

I'm broken and to proud to say so

To bad theirs no one listing anyway

I could show this to my loved ones and they would say well written

They wouldent even see the salt on the pretty picture that makes my eyes run dry every night

It's OK though
I'll just learn to live as a broken knot
Seems as the core of me was broken long ago
Dec 2016 · 1.9k
Skipping Stones
The Mellon Dec 2016
Skip a stone across a still pond,
Creating ripples of obscurity.

Skip a stone across a river
Screaming I believe,
I believe.

Who can know with sure and sound
That rocks will make their presence found?

Maybe so if rocks are shy
They may quietly skip on by.

Little to you be known,
Rocks can snarl as they go.

So if you mean no harm
Take steady aim before you throw,

Because skipping a stone across a pond
Is a whole lot more chaotic
Than skipping in a river.

Skipping in a pond is profound
Lasting until the edges had eroded.

Skipping in a river is forgotten.
Rock swallowed up.

Know your goal before release
A single stone can shatter peace;

A single stone can go unknown
But leave it's seed to be grown.

Know the change you want to see,
So you can release your stone Carfully.
I dunno. It popped into my head. Maybe it will make sence to one of you. Beats me where the hell this came from or what it means, please, let me know if you know.
Dec 2016 · 269
Political pain
The Mellon Dec 2016
I'm not one to play a name game
But sometimes it's a necessary pain
When the next leader of your countries name
Is more known for fame
Than his Political game

Now my mind wouldent be in pain
If the names he named
For his cabinet weren't insane

He is a political stain
Who rubs the whole world against the grain
For his own political gain
With out caring on who he places the strain

Of staying sane
Without pain
With enough leftover for today's grain
So my life dosent go down the drain

Don't you see.

He is naming names
Without a clear end game
And when he has had his fame
The world will be left dying and in pain
Nov 2016 · 680
Broken Promises
The Mellon Nov 2016
I've dipped my pen in the ink well of love
And calligraphied my way into your heart

I've spent hours timing a rhyme so you could be mine this time

With my left hand I grabbed ahold of courage so with my right i could ask for yours

I would write my own eulogy if that's what it took to win you

You know last time I wrote about you
Last time I stated your parting wish
To not come after you again

I hope you forgive me
I've never been good at making wishes come true, but if you do
You could make mine come true instead.
Nov 2016 · 1.7k
Dear future wife
The Mellon Nov 2016
I don't know if I know you yet,
I'm only 19 after all.

I don't know if I've made you laugh,
But I can already hear it now.

I've probably made you smile,
I'm sure it made my day.

I probably even once have made you cry,
I hope it was forgivable.

I know one things for sure,
Future wife.

I already love you.
Nov 2016 · 286
Young Love
The Mellon Nov 2016
If you shatter me you could see right threw me.

If you cared to look, you would find
The decay of my heart manifesting on the floor.

If you cared to look you would see my hands,
Drawn thin and white knuckled


Grasping for you


A nest of small tinder laying in a blackened pit,
Surrounded by large blocky logs

A small spark-
So small even the tinder barely feels it,
Prods itself deep into the nest.

It grows it's own angry roots,
It flickers them up the pile,
It consumes the nest in its
Small chance of survival.

It is overbearing.

So let me dash the fire with my fist-
Inhale the aroma of a chance-
Burn myself upon my hope.


A lost boy wanders in the woods,
Hoplessly lost without a clue what to do
He wanders eternally.


A young woman is curled upon her run down sofa,
Numbly wondering why his name can't get out of her head

She likes him
A lot
She just can't bring herself to spark a fire
She won't call his name
She closed herself off...

A young man sits dumbfounded on the floor in the center of his room.
He can't understand why,
Why she won't feel the same

His passion is tender and transparent and his hope is ever-grasping

His soul is lost without guidance
His heart is lost without love.


So why must our love be broken my sweet...
Nov 2016 · 325
Your Love is a Stolen Good
The Mellon Nov 2016
I'm not a gentlemen I'm a thief.

Just ask my beloved
She knows how it is,

At a young age I courted her,
I pursued her,

I told her how her eyes were the full moon
Glistening  in the night
Full of mystery and curiosity.

I convinced her that her voice was smoother than fresh honey,
And sweeter than any sugar candy.

I breathed into her the fact that
I, am in Love with her.

But I didn't do this as a gentleman.


I did this as a theif.

My goal was not to get her heart but to steal it instead,

No heart should be freely given but instead stile away by a craftsmen worthy of stealing it.

So I stole the world's most pressious gem,

I tossed her into the get away car with
Campbell's soup cans tied to the back of it
Neat handwriting spelling

We raced across the streets hair billowing in the wind and smiles and hands held together
So that no one else may steal either of us.

So no,
Sonnet number 23 beauty is you
Written by me
Is not the act of a gentleman,

It is the act of a thief
But one that will never steal again.
Nov 2016 · 398
The Mellon Nov 2016
Ignorance breeds in the homes of those unwilling to educate themself

With my pen i will bleed ink from the sky as a purging rain upon society.

With each Stroke of my pen I display a chasm upon the meaty flesh of society.

I will stab my pen into society
As an endothermic needle
Under the yellowed skin of the addict
Except I will inject a cure

I will tear society from its roots and watch it burn around me

I will photograph the perfect screams of
Racism Prejudice and Hate for my kids to see

Then I will bestow a seed into the ground in which a new world may grow.
Oct 2016 · 959
The Mellon Oct 2016
(n) a lover of rain;
someone who finds joy and peace of mind
during rainy days.

Its raining again, I smile
The shadows of the droplets
Flickering in the window are juxtaposed upon my face.

I watch the delicate lines run down along my skin

Two of them parallel with eachother form a tic-tac-toe board
Between the shadows and the scars along my wrist

I chuckle with the morbid humor of carving in my first move. X. Bottom right corner

It's a smart move. I can move many ways to leave my opponent helpless

Distracted, I look again out the window.
I think about how as a child I watched
Wide eyed with ecstasy as two drops
One right next to the other
Edging forward.
One racing the other

Both eager to reach the window pain where they will finally be free of my unforgiving gaze

Last time I watched two drops race like that they were red.
The poor wood floor was stained with their bitter victory

I think now about that race.
Breaking my trance my eyes shutter over to the throw rug that I hide my sins under

I walk over and stand upon it.
I can just barely see the window from this angle.

I see the cold white tongue of lighting
Flickering it's serpents tongue in the distance

I remember a cold tongue.
The same one that degraded me
Told me nasty things

I remember walking threw the halls of school and hearing people muttering being me
'Look at her!'
'Hey guys who let the cattle out the barn?'
'Does she even own a shower?'
I felt spit sting the side of my face.

The crack of thunder brings me back,
I'm dizzy with displeasure
My blood has gone colder than before
Colder than the knife that cut me.

The rain intensifies as if it sees what I'm doing
What chaos I'm bestowing on myself

The smooth grip of my Father's 44 fits elegantly in my hand,
It feels like it's just an extension of myself,
As if it belongs there as much as my fingers do.
The chrome lined rifling grids out the direction of my bronze freedom fighter to fly

I look at the back of the barrel,
It reminds me of a toy spyglass I had when I was young,
**** the hammer

The thunder rumbles over the screams of my family...
I wrote this is a memento to how horrible depression is. It's not sugar coated. The fact that people don't like it when it is is nessisary. Those who beleave that depression shouldent be dark in explanation are those who need this the most. Editing credit to Anonymous Freak
Oct 2016 · 312
Beauty (20 word)
The Mellon Oct 2016
If beautify is in the eyes of the beholder,
Then the world should look threw the lens of my camera.
The Mellon Oct 2016
I dwindled away upon an asteroid today

Drifting time and space
Transcending indifference towards myself

I learnt one valuable thing on that floating rock
In order to live you need to breath

I live under a zip lock quick zip bag that had been decompressed

Today I took a switchblade to the fabric of society and let loose a bouquet of intimate breaths

I no longer inhale the smoke of society but instead breath the fresh air of rebellion

What a funny thing rebellion
This in power condemn the action

The British did with the their American colonies

Today we praise the rebellion
We won, that's how it works

My fresh air of rebellion can not loose
We are not the rebellion that is looked down upon

We will write our own history as we make it

For rebellion to society's cast system
Until death do us part
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