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Jul 2014 · 824
Dear Future Me:
October 20th, 2010

Dear Future Me:
As each day passes, you will think of a way
Through ups and downs to travel
New words shall walk your way
As dreams unfold
But never allow sleep, or your lacking
any Ambiguity
And so I say unto you
That this message be relayed
Until the hands on the clock
Stand still
When the Spectacular
Spectacle Labyrinth draws nigh
Lift your head up, kid
And remember the sky
This was a letter transcribed in code from an old journal of mine. The idea was inspired by the Thousand Suns album by Linkin Park.
Jul 2014 · 734
Bug Bites
I'm starting to collect bug bites
And they sure hurt a bunch
But at least it's not delusional
Which was my first hunch
Something random.
Jul 2014 · 716
Re: The Real You
I believe we are all innately energy. Energy can never be destroyed, but is subject to constant restructuring it's design while ever leaning towards entropy. How we can inadvertently give a part of ourselves that is then influenced and redesigned even further by the power of someone else's conscious mind, and then eventually spread so far and thin that it's as if we were never there beyond the grave as time passes. Beyond recognition. Take for example the lives we engage ourselves in. Have you ever sat down and said your name, given yourself an assessment of who you are today? Who you feel you are becoming through your actions and desires? Do you remember who you were years ago, or who you thought you might have been but had no possible way of ascertaining? We can't see the future (very far), but our imaginations allow us to dive in to possible futures based on our own self-cognitive intuition, desire, and furthermore by experiences of déjà vu. there are theories suggesting that our minds are so powerful that we send out electromagnetic impulses unconsciously which very well affect the world around us. I've had profound epiphanies like this a few times in my life, and it makes me think about my avoidance to be engaged in the present. And memory is biased towards our desire as well. We can repress our thoughts, blur years of experience, or forget them entirely. With all this said, I would like to end with a George R. R. Martin quote which concludes my belief that we are all inherently and innately forms of all types of energy, because for most, this is true.
"Men live their entire lives trapped in an eternal present, between the mists of memory and the sea of shadow that is all we know of the days to come."
This is not a poem, but rather something I wrote after staying up all night which was influenced by the late scholar and philanthropist Alan Watts. His edited lecture "The Real You" which can be found on youtube is something everyone should watch.
As this bird
After so long took jauntily to the sky
Once again
He held his head high in triumph
After so long being confined and contained
He soars gratefully
Majestically through the air
For perpetually he fell, contemplating
Why not?
Having been in despair
Imprisoned so long
It's all he knows

Today gravity shall not take him
Euphoria is counter-intuitive
And he falls up into the clouds
This bird did smile then,
at such a wondrous epiphany

The torment was over
Replaced with magnificent opportunity
No longer will his song remain unheard
The melody of vindication
has permeated his body and soul
His relief a sigh
A new song fills his heart
Jul 2014 · 413
When the mind wages war on it's own
Tearing away with no mercy within
Overpowering thoughts
Twist and turn through the heart
Ever the victim
Chaos ensues
To lie down wounded and bleeding
Peculiar because with pain
the war is not over
With pain, though
The war is not lost

Overwhelming because
It's unexplainable to touch
Listening patiently
And the same thoughts
Once brought such joy
The ember now burns dimly

But the heart continues it's beat
Though wounded, still alive
Though drowning, resuscitated
Stand strong, keep going!
This is what was told
The belief, the faith.
Unquestioned, sheer strength in wisdom
What is known
What will be
Now, speak with power!
Feel with passion!

Remain listening.
What You know.
You know nothing
"Everyone quiet now."

A rose petal floats through the air
so effortlessly
Always reaching the ground
too quickly

Is it falling
or does it scamper away?

Is it living
or not worth the attention?

Beautiful mystery,
the most lovely thing
to mind or mention.

Frightening discovery
the most lending thing
to tension

"And ugly as sin!"

Yet still heard are bird songs...

"everyone quiet now"

Listen to the wind blow
Feel it kiss and caress your face
Watch flowers bloom

"Out of toxic waste!"

"everyone quiet now"

The grass ascends from the ground
Each delicate blade touched by the sun

"Profound! Like worms in the mud!"

"everyone quiet now"

"Hear this, pay stark attention with respect
it may save your life some dark day-inflect"

The sun glistens through all clouds
seeming to envelop the sky
Shining through any darkness
That can and will
Relentlessly devour
Consume all in its path

"Like the leaves on a tree from a mother giraffe!"

"everyone quiet now. This is important."*

Look back to the sky
Sparkling luminously
Ever at day
Ever at night
Powers and magic
Beyond any vast imagination
And you at its core with every sensation
to reveal this much and more, provide inspiration
This poem is a depiction of an environmental enthusiast attempting to enlighten a group of young teenagers using an original poem he wrote, using subtle analogies and foreshadowing love as the idea in the beginning; a tactic to draw them in.
Jul 2014 · 852
Her Secret
The world is now a medley
Contradictions, paradoxes, and catch-22s
Values and morals broken
by Tolerance

And this is incidentally overly-permissive
her secret is...

The very infrastructure
The basis of normalcy is
not just broken down
But warped altogether
Shabby Spackle cracks reveal CHANGE
Ephemeral periods to lick wounds
That are, indeed, a fallacy
And the dogs howl for convalescence
Imagine the point of no return,
where light can only remain an idea
for the overwhelming pitch black veil enveloping you
Faces distant blur as shadows creep contemptuously
Through a place only light should know
The gateway to the soul has been breached!
Defaced, sold.
With a guaranteed price tag!
this poem is not about government policy
Jul 2014 · 742
The Thin Line
Of colours in the air
Black is the darkness
and White pure light

Black the epitome of all draining sorrow
and emptiness


White the epitome of pleasure
and innocent delight


Yet something always daunting
Remains to be seen
Laughing and taunting
The thin line between

Grey is difficult to [   ]
and life is *grey
Jul 2014 · 483
Sweet Mourning Rain
Fabrics spun on the spot
So fast

An inevitable noose just winding
Waiting it's descent into particularly sensitive flesh
Internal suffering to actually bear guilt..
Of truth
Place blame
Place excuses for each web made
All things considered,
it rains.

Rain being ephemeral in it's extent
Yet always powerful in it's duration
Rain is the silent secrets that out pour
As claws dig in and tear away
Send them all out, and bleed
The only way wounds mend
Take all the thoughts
Wild river...
And clarify
Cease the riptide

And all the same river that creates them
Even with eyes shut
Perpetually, we are in control


...Tell yourself that
Close your eyes
Just dream
It will stop raining soon, sweet child
Jul 2014 · 410
The Human Condition
As simple as can be
Will you really see
Or am I only coloured
Less than me?
As simple as can be
Do you really wish to know?
Or would you rather be
Entertained by a show?

I am not simple, as eyes deceive
I am a being expressing prolific glee
I am effervescent vapor and bio-luminescent glow
I am the petroleum covered mocking crow
I am unrelenting desire to know
I am of the past-reflect on woe
I am content with this now and resume my flow
I am the journey of a star's light
I am why snow can fall on a cloudless night
I am all that was and ever has been
I am the paradox with the Cheshire grin
I am the relapse of the eldest fear
I am the softest touch of a hand held dear
I am fantastic vivid details
And every one is genuine

As simple as can be
I am humanity
I see you
Do you see me?
Jul 2014 · 814
The Reunion That Never Was
Is it really you?
I rejoice with this
How long has it been?
Lifetimes ago
That resplendent smile carried so well
Whispers on the breeze,
bring this back
Illuminating without a doubt
I was carried away
I remain to this day
With each inflection
Every gesture
Never gone away
I reminisce
At times with stress
The clock's laughing
Stern hands
Made me grimace
But only for an instant
No lingering duress
Indelible mark in my heart
I have missed you
Though we were never...
And will never be apart
Jul 2014 · 3.2k
Gravity come back
Or leave me suspended
Masks and mirrors
Images defaced
Replace the smile under the sun
I want star light
Or just leave it somewhere
Reflection has gone away
Just don't vanish
While there's still tension
Don't pull it back
If only until the morning light
My apathy
Jun 2014 · 434
When I close my eyes
I kiss the air
A shadow dawns on me
I become aware
I kiss the air
I kiss the air
But the fragrance lost
Was no perfume
One day
This loser you saw
Looks just like you
I kiss the air
Yes, I kiss the air
But still
I recollect washing all the dogs
The wandering stray cat
Caught in a fog
When you served me that notice
I was in the ditch
But you couldn't have seen
Too busy putting on lipstick
All the flirting
Taunting teens
Pay due respect to the ice queen
But one glance from between the eyes
Reminds her
Chances can pass by
High heels
Short skirt
The well is about to flood
Because i once knew
She's misunderstood
But those days are gone
Like a snow globe once shaken
The levee fractured and all but taken
What wise words say
I was mistaken
And I kiss the air
I kiss the air
Tip Your hat
And curtsy low
The masses so mandate absolute guile
A handshake, a smile, a proper and refined bow!
To adorn thy head and semble wit
And do your best!
Take pride with etiquette
If not informed
Ye won't last a mile
And differentiation between animals distinguishes you,
Resplendent child
Wash your hair and underclothes with soap
Lest ye resemble sow
And goodness dear
Have I forgotten now?
Always remember to smile!
So I'll take your Winter clothes with zest
I'll scramble on point
No unruly mess
Oh, did i forget your coat?
No, I've got it, relax, care for a smoke?
My apologies, please forgive my latency
It must be warm in here for my blood
In fact...
Boiling over kettle within
Prevent me from committing sin
I do wish to vent
Pick up this pen
And release red wells from his dainty, fragile neck
The underbelly. It's beknownst to me entrails are thick
Now whatever shall I do with this fresh clutter?
I'll act for free, so cordially!
With my chivalrous lines
But can you, my friend, respond in kind?
After all, it's only common courtesy
It's over now, my fantasy
It dissipates with urgency
And this is my confession
Imbibed in me from every grueling, tedious lesson
An implication of uniformity
The daydreams borne from the perfunctory
This is for anyone who has ever worked in the retail industry. As politely as you can possibly express it.
Jun 2014 · 636
The Industry
The Power of Change can make you deranged
Whether be engaged
or Fazed
Simultaneously enraged
A predisposition that is conditioned to ears
That really Listen
Hymns and silent prayers
Vocals from the ditches
Hissing and Echoing
Pray, loud while we discover right now
Become well endowed
Or disemboweled
By a psychotic mind state
As the crime rate lengthens it is our time to strengthen
That which is inside
For cowardice and pride
It's a lie
Take what is mine
And slam forward through the doors
Winding down time

— The End —