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 Dec 2014 Sam cee
forget, forget
my memory you will regret

don't look, don't look
under the cover of this book

just sleep, just sleep
deep enough to miss me weep
I want to stab someone then wash them clean in my tears.
I have issues.
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Do not fall in love with people like me.
I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments,
and kiss you in every beautiful place,
so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like
blood in your mouth.
I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible.
And when I leave, you will finally understand,
why hurricanes are names after people.
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Zainab Attari
The smallest coffins are the heaviest!
The smallest coffins are the heaviest!
No one wears stained clothes
No person likes stained walls
We make sure that they are cleaned
We make sure it is all stainless

But on a colourless Tuesday
Terrorists spilled red all over a school
They ransacked the classrooms
They set a teacher on fire

They shot aimlessly at tiny hearts and hands
They murdered their future
They banged bullets through budding brains
And all that was left were stains.

Terrorists stained crisply ironed uniforms
They spilled blood in corridors once filled with colourful paintings
They blemished the thoughts of little souls
They damaged the hearts of parents young and old.

Terrorists persist in staining their hands
They exult in staining their nation
They stain the meaning of Islam
They stain the words of Allah in the holy Quran

The redness of young blood will haunt them
These red pigments will soak them into hell
These blotches won’t be disregarded
These stains will sustain till eternity!

-Zainab Attari
#PeshawarAttack 16th December 2014 is a day no human will forget. We are deeply sorry for the loss of all the families, we are all with you dear people of Peshawar! Let's #FightBackTerrorism because we cannot afford losing a single drop of blood of anymore innocent lives.
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Call Me Satan
I'm sick of the fall
when I try to fly
I'm sick of the let-downs
and regular goodbyes

I'm sick of the lying
scheming and deceiving
sick of depression
illness and under-eating

I'm tired of living
in a misshapen society
I'm tired of myself
and my constant anxiety

I can't help but think
if I just slipped away
would anyone care
or ask me to stay?

For he says I'm his love
then leaves the next day
meets another dreadful hook-up
and presumes I'm okay

Well, I'm done with the deluding
I'm done with the cheating
I'm done with my heart
and I'm done with its beating.
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Awesome Annie
Its nothing I can say, only something I can feel. If only I could wake up and know it isn't real.

I lost it, through my fingers let it slip. Heard and felt it in my heart as it broke away and ripped.

Grief can never be a comfort, as time goes ticking fast. But I know for people like me, happiness doesn't last.

I sit and wait, for this test in life just to finally end. But we know from past lessons learned, that sorrow has no friend.
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Indigo Prince
Seemingly wandering into an unknown place
Falling over into chaos
Waiting forever for the person deemed true
True to what goes on in this asylum
True to who can comprehend what happens here
This asylum of confusion, this asylum that is fear
This asylum that is, me
Locked inside my own head
Please help me to get

I'm stuck
Stuck in this cycle of confusion and failure
Is there anything to even do now ?
I can only see what's in front of me
The love, a lie
This life, standby
If only, I could be
Strong enough to see
That it's really over.

Wake me when I'm sober
Wake me when I'm ok to breath
Ok to see
That somewhere in life things will work out for me.
I just wrote what came to mind at the moment.
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Every coin has two sides.
But neither faces the other
On the toss of a coin Lives can ride
And flipped so much it has decided.
It's been used to finance
Used to romance, but
The best use is
For a second chance
Because misunderstandings are due
When each side has a different view
just something to say

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Anthony Perry
This is how i have become, walking a path led by a dead man pointing to *****. A waking apocolyptic hypocrisy with an apathetic view and a systematic face, I fear that this life will be nothing less than a simplistic disgrace. I have no need for a preacher when im dead, my loved ones will be sad for a while but i would'nt want to see them misslead. My ideals are my own and my beliefs will always be unknown, this world is a glass factory and its only a matter of time before i see how far this pebble can be thrown. After this life everything about me will die but my mind will transcend and go someplace I cant quite comprehend, until that day i have to live a forced life, hiding in plain sight, taking revenge on those who have caused strife, until the day I reach the end of life, until the day i blink and see the darkness of light.
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