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 Dec 2014 Sam cee
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Sometimes it makes me feel like Dr. Seuss
What’s that word…oh ya moose
It’s a good way to teach the little one
And it is a whole lot of …uh….fun

I think that it makes it easier to read
It adds rhythm and speed
I sing it like a song
Ya maybe that’s wrong

Who would have thought who knew?
I would rhyme poetry for YOU
I can’t think of topic so I’ll stop
Or else I’ll recite “Hop on Pop”

So I’ll leave with this treat
About flowers so sweet
Bright yellow and orange…
Huh, oh ya nothing rhymes with orange
I had fun writing this one :)
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
My body shakes,
The needle breaks,
The medicine makes the monster tame.
I feel so lost,
I’m getting tossed,
My brains insane,
But I’m made this way.
I find a mirror and take a glance,
I scream in fright as another face looks back.
Screams on the walls,
Voices down the halls,
Blood boiling in range,
I am deranged.
I may be Ill I may be sought,
But this wont change Schizophrenia thoughts.
For the people who Suffer Schizophrenia or the ones who don't understand it.
I don't know what it is about you,
That brings me back,
Time and time again.
When we're together,
I can't tell where you end and I begin.

I am complete,
and you are complete,
but what are we when we meet?

Why is it that when I'm with you, time flies?
Perhaps it is because your rain
is deeper than all the oceans of the skies.

I just can't bring myself to let go of the ways,
In which we would spend our summer days,
Nervously touching lips for a while,
When you would look into my eyes and smile...
If only I could capture those moments,
I'd hold them in my hand, heart, and mind,
And there would be no missing pieces left to find.

I tried so hard.
I tried so ******* hard to work everything out,
but what am I left with?
An unheard scream, a sigh, a shout.

This shouldn't have happened to you,
but it did.
The visions you saw,
The voices you heard,
The things you hid.

I'll never forget you,
The way you were.
I promise you,
I will find the cure.
"Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Emma Holderness
You've been stuck waiting,

For what seems a million years.

I'm praying for dulled silence,

But the words are choked by tears.

You've overwhelmed me this time,

Are you happy to know?

Do you like to see me stuttering?

Like to see me sink below?

It's really not your fault,

That you've got me frozen here.

Your perfection leaves me clueless,

So much I want to disappear.

How do I follow your words?

I need to block the sound...

With a guitar I strum,

And a base drums I pound.

There's lyrics in my head,

A chorus in my mind.

The voices of a thousand,

Rising from behind.

Singing, shouting, screaming,

The words I want to speak.

The deaf and the blind,

The strong and the weak.

A rebellion of thoughts,

I'm too afraid to say aloud.

I might myself be fearful,

But here they're shouted high and proud.

My arguments have faltered,

My hands are shaking too.

So I turn on my mind music,

To stop me singing this to you.

I want to tell you so much,

Perhaps give you a slight clue.

But I just turn on my mind music,

To stop me singing this to you.
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
infinite mind
your mind is like the ocean
a constant wave of emotion
for a second it was a storm of hate crashing out
now it is a calm tide of love surfacing about

beneath the tides lie countless wrecks
like memories resting inside my head
I thought I'd forgotten
placed them deep below
but they surface from time to time
trying to stay afloat  

my mind has a never ending complexity
I own it - yet struggle to control it
it is drowning in emotion
it is struggling to keep afloat

but for now I will bathe in the undisputed unknown
Unable to breath
Unable to scream
Lost and trapped
Lost in a dream?

Murdered by love
Murdered tragic
Killed with agony
Killed like magic

Lying so hopeless
Lying unforeseen
Lost in your love
Lost in a dream?

Sadness infected
Sadness it grew
Murdered by love
Murdered by you
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
In my mind,
There lives two wolves.
Two distinct voices.
Each telling me to make different choices.
How am I supposed to know which one to pick?
Quite honestly, the stress of it all is making me sick.
Is the right answer instilled in us?
In our heart and in our brain?
Or maybe two voices is all it will take to drive someone like me insane.
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
I wage war
That's never been seen before
Is sanity worth fighting for?
I'm not really sure

A calamity?
I call it individuality!

Who is Society
To create this hypocrisy?!?
It seems like such a tragedy
To waste such ingenuity
To dull the creativity
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