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brandon nagley Apr 2017
What dost thou hope in, O' lost man,
Materials, the temporal; castles of

Wherein is thy hope, O' children of
Hopelessness, in good deals, fast
Meals; lust of the filthy rich.

What dost thou hope in, being free
From labored chains? Art thou
Burdened with bloodied stains,
From the pains thou hast given
And taken.

What is thy hope? Liberated ***,
Bags of dope, needles, hard liquor
To make thee sicker with needle

Wherein is thy hope, somewhither
Beyond the stars, with razors to
Release the angers and pains,
Cutting wrists making pools
Of blood to feel alive
Once again.

Wherein is thy hope, for hope thou
Canst hath, from the free gift of
Christ's blood that was shed,
From the crown of thorns
Placed on his head. From
The holes by nails driven
Through his hands and
Feet, by his tears in the
Garden he didst weep.
By the eternal life he
Didst offer; even to
His murderers, to
His scoffers and

If thou art a lawyer, or a doctor,
Or peasant or slave, one man,
God's son, died for all men,
Yeshua hamashiach, (Jesus
The Messiah is his name).
So all may enter heaven,
Yet only by his name, if
Thou shalt confess him
As Lord, open thy hearts
Door to let him in thou
Shalt be saved. Romans
10:9-10, go read that
Hopeless reader, and
John 3:16, he gives life,
As tis he's the son
Of the creator.

Wherein O' writer is thy hope?
Is it the world that is hopeless?
Or Christ Jesus who arose.
Wherein O' reader is thy
Hope? I tell thee today
Jesus Christ offers
Thee eternal life.
Where thou shalt
Never thirst again; wherein
Thou shalt be with Christ in heaven
After this dreadful life.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
©Hope series
Romans 8:24-25
24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Titus chapter 2;13-14
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Please read below find out how to be saved in Jesus Christ before to late. Time is running out, as I'm here only to show you truth and Christ's love for each and every one of you. Pray you accept that love today... Read below the links I leave underneath it's how to make Jesus Christ your Savior today, tonight wherever you are and put some facts what's happening now, what's coming to your world your world gvt doesn't want you to know. It's very serious and so many are asleep well time to wake up I pray you'll accept Jesus Christ before the hours late and it's the midnight hour just about. Please read links asap. Also go to go to link up top in that site a link called salvation. Please read it all and then I pray you'll say sinner's prayer below this and accept Christ as your Lord today.

Don't know Christ as savior will leave link below already left up top. my churches website . It shows biblical way to be saved not man's word , Church and religion won't save us. False prophets won't save you not money or possessions,( nor any other quote "God's" in reality false teachers. It's only through Christ and trusting and faith in him can you be saved
Pray you accept him now. Our times running out. That's not an understatement.
( Learn why, how to be saved in yeshua Jesus Christ) below

If read what's up top wanna make Lord Jesus your Messiah and be saved in him and have eternal security. Peace. Through God please say sinner's prayer below . Get yourself a Bible kjv preferably if not that a nkjv... Because many denominations are changing scriptural words and adding also taking words out. Please say prayer below mean it believe it trust Christ now. Your times running out... That's truth.
Please note: The Salvation Prayer (sometimes referred to as the    Sinner’s Prayer) below, is not an “official prayer” but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus into your heart. You can pray to God in your own words if you choose.
Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Close eyes now bow head
We pray to god the father in his son Jesus' name.

Dear God, I come to you Right now and admit I'm a lost sinner who deserves to go to hell if I died today/tonight. I believe your son Jesus died and rose again the 3rd day as scripture says. I believe your son Jesus is the only way to eternal life and salvation. I want to accept Jesus your son right now into my heart and life. I am turning from my sinfulness right now. And am making Jesus my Lord and Savior. So I ask Jesus be my lord and Savior today, as I turn from these sins I've lived in. Thank you for saving me, as I will live my life for you.
( End prayer in Jesus name)
In Jesus  name I pray, amen...

Also follow Christs teaching ( especially loving one another , and forgive always) .to overcome sins let his holy spirit in you work in you, as we all sin and must stay in constant repentance as if do sin, lord is willing to forgive you though you must repent meaning turn to Christ away from sin. Also study Bible daily soak in gods words. Tell others who Jesus is spread his gospel wether by showing Christs love or prophesying whatever gods gift is he gave you. Use it. We're all given a different talents as gospel sais. Also get baptised if can if can find good church or good pastor to who speaks on hell heaven salvation not money preaching churches all glitz glamour leads you to hell Churches. Baptism isn't required for salvation it's a representation of Christs death ,his burial ,and resurrection. We usually get baptised after getting saved though baptism (doesn't save us) it is to represents our lords death burial and rising from the grave, we do it because we love him and want to follow him. If can get saved if find good church and good pastor who preaches on hell heaven and salvation through jesus alone, not good works. Pray you accept Jesus Christ asap, times short.

Link two; speaking on part of destruction coming though much more will go with it as our Bible spoke.
#salvation #jesus #christ #callonjesus #waytruthlife

Wanna reach me if got ?S after accepting Christ as Lord or just got ?S write me Brandon nagley on Facebook
Also (imagine923) is my Instagram account
Thanks for reading
brandon nagley Apr 2017
Avaunt, I wilt be from the blackness of this foredoomed orb, men slaying for thing's they lusteth after; God's sentence shalt be handed down, by quake's to shake the grounds, fireballs twixt the skies wilt
Pound, bombs to mankind's bullet rounds
Shalt be found amongst wailing shores.
Avaunt, I shalt be caught away into the
Third heaven, like an eagle seen then
Gone, I wilt soar past hopeless love,
That wilt mourn below mine feet.
Deplore thy world O' creation
that sleeps; for the harbingers hath
been painted on thy subway Wall's
And steel-plated towers. Thou hath
Mocked Yahweh's prophets, and son's
And daughter's; thy trees shalt turn to
Crisp in the afternoon hours, thy rivers,
Oceans, shalt turn to blood, whilst thou
Slept around in foreign bed's to find thy
Own love, dying for the affections of other's,
Yet rejecting God's only son, contemplate now for thy night's wilt be of the undead,
As death shalt thou seek. Tsunamis wilt
Be blankets across thy soils to sweep, as tides shalt turn brides into watery graves.
Free thou art thou dost thinkest, yet still enslaved; by media, the elite who keep the
Innocent locked away in a ****** cage.
As Satan laughs, with thee in his fingers, puppets with many he dangles and plays.
Avaunt soon I'll be feasting with mine Lord, none more worries of what's before, but forgetting what's behind. Open thy heart dear reader, put eyesalve on thy eyes, for this planet shan't save thee from the thing's to come, don't be caught up in life's lusts, for tis not love. (Acts 4:12), Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. That means O' dear poet and poetess, Jesus Christ is the ONLY way. The way to escape the judgement coming upon our earth, for born of the ****** Mary by the ****** birth. He spoke of what's coming, as did the Prophets afore him, he spoke of he's the only way, to escape hell and go to heaven. For he was mocked, spat upon, beard ripped out and torn, upon his head was placed, a crown of broken thorns. By his stripes we art healed, as he was whipped for thou and me, what's coming thou can't escape reader, by the way for thou he didst bleed. Nailed in his hands, as holes to in his feet, hanging upon the wooden cross, his bloods loss was for thy souls keep. As to he was pierced into his heart in his side, flowing water with  crimson, that water is life. He died, rose again the third day, that all may hath eternal life with Christ, so in heaven thou shalt stay. Avaunt from the misery soon to hit one day. Maybe in months, days. For Christ the lord is coming, as every eye shalt witness his beauty, as every knee shalt bow, every tongue shalt confess his name. The morrows not promised, he offers thee
Eternal life; make the right decision now,
For the morrows not promised, neither is
Thy life. For I tell thee now, he's coming
For his wife. His wife is the bride (the church who's accepted him as their savior). He shalt say come up here, the mainstream wilt report in news and papers, BILLIONS ART MISSING ( WE THINK ITS BECAUSE OUR ALIEN SAVIORS). World governments wilt lie, as Jesus Christ came to take his bride, they'll tell thee it's our (alien brothers and sisters) in reality demons pushed as good guys. But Christ wilt soon call us, for the signs art happening in the heavens now, and millions wilt be left behind, on the planet with an Antichrist and false prophet, giving out RFID chips in the hands and between thy brow. For if thou dost reject Christ before he rescues his children, thou shalt be left behind, to worship the Antichrist, and the image the false prophet makes that wilt be seen reaching high. If thou dost take that mark, as sayest in Revelation thirteen, doomed shalt thou be, in gods book of life then erased wilt be thy name. Today do choose which place thou shalt stay. In heaven or in hell, dost thou knoweth thy stay? Wilt it be with the Lord? Happy in peace? In God's light and true love? Or wilt thou be left behind when the papers read MILLION'S VANISHED, THE ALIENS DIDST COME! Though as I saidst dear reader, it wilt be Christ who's coming to take those who accepted him, the world leaders wilt give lies like butter spread out in one world togetherness. Yeshua hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah is close). Soon to take his church; wilt thou accept him today to spend eternity with him? Or be caught in the lie, that (aliens) reality demonic beings art our friends.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry
© Prophetic poetry
Word meanings-
Avaunt; away.
Foredoomed; condemn beforehand to certain failure or destruction.
Orb- the earth.
Lusteth-lust. (Archaic form).
Deplore- feel or express strong disapproval of (something)..
Hath-have .
Harbinger,- a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another. (Signs, signal, warnings).
Yahweh- name for God to Jews and Christians just as gods name is also called Elohim, Jehovah, the great I am, Emmanuel ( meaning god with us).
Eyesalve- medical ointment for eyes, to open them for one to see.
Shan't-shall not.
Tis-it is.
Afore-before at an earlier time.

, Rapture is a state or experience of being carried away. The English word comes from a Latin word, rapio, which means to seize or ****** in relation to an ecstasy of spirit or the actual removal from one place to another. In other words, it means to be carried away in spirit or in body. The Rapture of the church means the carrying away of the church from earth to heaven.

The Greek word from this term “rapture” is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated “caught up.” The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to ****** or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven.
Rapture is where Christ physically removes his believers both dead and living to be with him in heaven for seven years he removes his bride (the church) Christians who accept him as Lord right before tribulation of seven years (gods judgement and wrath) is poured on this earth meanwhile during the seven year tribulation an Antichrist will proclaim to be God in the new third Jewish temple that will be built during the seven year's of tribulation (JUDGEMENT) and the Antichrist will have a false prophet (religious) leader bringing all world religions together to worship the Antichrist and an image of the Antichrist that will be built during the tribulation hour of (seven years) while JUDGEMENTs one after another'hit the earth during seven year's tribulation, though gods people shall be protected in the third heaven as I speak in poem there are three heavens mentioned in our Bible by apostle Paul.
1st heaven- sky you see, air we breathe
2nd- space, universe, stars sun Moon planets,
3rd- actual heaven beyond what we see where angels are . And where one actually goes to when died when accepted Jesus as Lord, where gods throne is. Where Jesus is.

Read below anyone not saved in Christ o came to warn others being a watchmen of god I must tell you what's to come as our Bible prophesied of from prophets of old to our Lord Jesus Christ what he said would come as is happening now . I'm giving you the only way to escape the JUDGEMENT coming to your planet and I'm being straight serious when I say judgement is coming and so quick you have no idea. I've seen what's coming to your world in dreams and visions things out Bible speaks of the fireballs, the massive things to hit your planet. As our Bible spoke things are coming that will make men's hearts fail them. I'm giving you an opportunity to escape what's coming to this planet so heed my warning and please accept the only Messiah who died for your sins that all mankind may have eternal life and go to a real heaven whether you die today or Christ raptures his church any second now which he will. Time to wake up as I'm blowing the trumpet Loudly to warn you. I don't Care if you like this or not at least read it so you know what's coming this is just some of it. Wanna​know more write me (Brandon nagley) on Facebook or imagine923 Instagram also Brandon nagley in YouTube in my channel there thanks...

You may ask the question, "How can anyone really know 100% sure that they are going to heaven when they die?" The answer is found in the Scriptures. Here we will not look at what man has to say, but what God says in the Bible. Remember, if what man or religion teaches is contrary to God’s Word - God’s Word is always right over man’s word.


I Jn 5:12-13...
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

According to God’s Word one can know that he or she has eternal life. In order to have this settled one must realize Salvation is only through Christ.


Acts 4:12...
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
John 14:6...
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Many have been taught salvation is either through church membership, baptism, good works, or taking the sacrament. Most religions teach living a good life is required for one’s salvation.


Eph 2:8-9...
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”...
Titus 3:5...
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
Gal 2:16...
“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”
Gal 3:10-11...
“For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.”
Gal 3:24...
“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”
Rom 3:20...
" Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin".Understand, one can be sincere about their beliefs yet wrong. If you were sick and someone gave you poison to take instead of a medicine remedy; it doesn’t matter how sincere you are about taking what you believe to be medicine - if it is poison, you are in trouble.
Prov 14:12...
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

God’s Word makes it plain that the gift of salvation is only through Jesus and is by grace, not by doing good things.

According to the Scriptures, to once and for all settle in your heart that you are going to heaven...


1. Why We Need a Saviour? WE ARE ALL SINNERS.

Rom 3:23...
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Rom 5:12...
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"
Rom 3:19...
"Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God."
James 2:10...
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

Unless you admit you are a sinner; you will never see the real need for the Saviour. If we could get to heaven by our good works, why did Christ have to suffer such agony on the Cross?

2. If we die without Christ as our Saviour there is a penalty of eternal punishment in Hell.

Rev 21:8...
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
Rev 20:14-15...
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

3. Christ paid the penalty for our sin. We MUST receive Him as our personal Lord and Saviour.

Isa 53:6...
"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."
Gal 3:13...
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:"
Rom 5:8...
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
John 3:16...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

4. Receive Christ as your Saviour.

In conclusion:
If you have already admitted you are a sinner and according to the Bible deserve to go to hell and if you believe with your heart that Christ died for your sins and arose from the grave the third day...

Rom 10:9-109...
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Right now after reading these Scriptures if you would simply bow your head and call upon the name of the Lord He will save you and give you eternal life. Remember, it is not just believing. Satan believes in God but that certainly doesn’t mean that he is going to heaven.

Rom 10:13...
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
John 1:12...
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"

Your Salvation is your own personal choice now. You can either RECEIVE CHRIST or REJECT HIM. It is up to you. Salvation is determined by what you do with Christ.

If read what's up top wanna make Lord Jesus your Messiah and be saved in him and have eternal security. Peace. Through God please say sinner's prayer below . Get yourself a Bible kjv preferably if not that a nkjv... Because many denominations are changing scriptural words and adding also taking words out. Please say prayer below mean it believe it trust Christ now. Your times running out... That's truth.
Please note: The Salvation Prayer (sometimes referred to as the    Sinner’s Prayer) below, is not an “official prayer” but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus into your heart. You can pray to God in your own words if you choose.
Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Close eyes now bow head
We pray to god the father in his son Jesus' name.

Dear God, I come to you Right now and admit I'm a lost sinner who deserves to go to hell if I died today/tonight. I believe your son Jesus died and rose again the 3rd day as scripture says. I believe your son Jesus is the only way to eternal life and salvation. I want to accept Jesus your son right now into my heart and life. I am turning from my sinfulness right now. And am making Jesus my Lord and Savior. So I ask Jesus be my lord and Savior today, as I turn from these sins I've lived in. Thank you for saving me, as I will live my life for you.
( End prayer in Jesus name)
In Jesus  name I pray, amen...

Also follow Christs teaching ( especially loving one another , and forgive always) .to overcome sins let his holy spirit in you work in you, as we all sin and must stay in constant repentance as if do sin, lord is willing to forgive you though you must repent meaning turn to Christ away from sin. Also study Bible daily soak in gods words. Tell others who Jesus is spread his gospel wether by showing Christs love or prophesying whatever gods gift is he gave you. Use it. We're all given a different talents as gospel sais. Also get baptised if can if can find good church or good pastor to who speaks on hell heaven salvation not money preaching churches all glitz glamour leads you to hell Churches. Baptism isn't required for salvation it's a representation of Christs death his burial and resurrection. We usually get baptized after salvation to follow what he did because we love him and want to follow our lord, so if do get saved try to get baptised in a godly church though if cant it doesn't mean you aren't saved, as said baptism doesnt save us .Pray you accept Jesus Christ asap, times short.

Also wanna get more details can also read my poem called (nibirus approach, or one titled for all poets to read, serious note)

I came here to bring light and truth where there is none. I'm no prophet nor do I predict anything, I'm just here to give you the message of Christ's love for Every one of you and for you to accept him now as Lord and savior before it's to late for you to do so. Because much deception is being pushed in the world as Satan's working hard to decieve and blind many eye's.... Telling you the world will save you or materials or fake gods that sit in tombs or how good you live or that your own works of being a good person will get you to heaven or that there are many paths to heaven! All demonic inspired lies from Satan himself
Don't be tricked reader and read all I wrote accept Jesus Christ today as your savior. Your eternal destination is yours to choose. God made hell for the devil and his demons not for you as gospel spoke. Yet when you reject his love and Christ on your free Will it's what you choose. I know it's not (popular,) to tell you truth but I'm not here to be popular I'm here to bring you raw truth and gods light. We have free will to choose and it hurts Christ Everytime people reject him and choose themselves and the world. What will you choose today poet??? Think hard and deep and make your decision quick... I know truth many wanna shut out but I came to give up so heed my warning.
brandon nagley Apr 2017

Lassie of broken dreams, wailing, hurt,
God is waiting for thee; for his arm's art
Open to thy lost smiles, for he awaits
Thee dear child of hopeless days
And despair.


Dost not thou knowest my friend, for how
Much God dost careth for thee, for in thy
Cuts he didst share.


He took thy doubts and worries on
That cross, two thousand years ago,
For thee his blood was lost.


For thou owest nothing, he's payed the
Price, for thee hopeless one, he gave
His life.

Verily, verily I speak of Jesus Christ.


He saidst come unto me all ye who labor and he shalt give thee rest, O' he wants to
Bring thee peace, not the cutting holes
Inside thy chest.


He's been right there with thee, though thou
Dost not know, thou canst not hide thy tears, for thy tears to God doth show. He ascended after ressurecting, to the heaven's he didst go; being seen by over five hundred, with other's and two angels.


He offered his life, so thou shalt surely live,
Heaven he offers as paradise dear sad one of this worlds abyss. Christ is smiling upon thee now child of many fears, his arms art open to thee friend, thou art more than worthy to us poets and so thou knowest God is near.


So if thou seekest peace, for that peace in Christ alone shalt be found; he loves thee O' dear jotter, for his love for thee shan't forsake thee, his arms art open to thee
As around thy shoulders the holes in
His wrists wilt be wrapped around.
This is a poem dedication to a fellow poetess darkhope she's going through alot right now and has no hope we'll darkhope for one you should change your name because your a light to all poets here and you feel you are a noone and worthless well may I honestly say your worth alot to god and to everyone here so truth I leave you with words below to a Messiah who loves you and his arms are waiting open for you to come to him..
Notes below isn't just for my fellow poetess but all who have no hope and don't know if heaven is your home after your soul leaves your body, you can know for sure and have peace with the true Messiah and loving savior while Alive to...

You may ask the question, "How can anyone really know 100% sure that they are going to heaven when they die?" The answer is found in the Scriptures. Here we will not look at what man has to say, but what God says in the Bible. Remember, if what man or religion teaches is contrary to God’s Word - God’s Word is always right over man’s word.

I Jn 5:12-13...
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

According to God’s Word one can know that he or she has eternal life. In order to have this settled one must realize Salvation is only through Christ.

Acts 4:12...
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
John 14:6...
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Many have been taught salvation is either through church membership, baptism, good works, or taking the sacrament. Most religions teach living a good life is required for one’s salvation.


Eph 2:8-9...
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”...
Titus 3:5...
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
Gal 2:16...
“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”
Gal 3:10-11...
“For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.”
Gal 3:24...
“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”
Rom 3:20...
" Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin".Understand, one can be sincere about their beliefs yet wrong. If you were sick and someone gave you poison to take instead of a medicine remedy; it doesn’t matter how sincere you are about taking what you believe to be medicine - if it is poison, you are in trouble.
Prov 14:12...
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

God’s Word makes it plain that the gift of salvation is only through Jesus and is by grace, not by doing good things.

According to the Scriptures, to once and for all settle in your heart that you are going to heaven...


1. Why We Need a Saviour? WE ARE ALL SINNERS.

Rom 3:23...
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Rom 5:12...
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"
Rom 3:19...
"Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God."
James 2:10...
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

Unless you admit you are a sinner; you will never see the real need for the Saviour. If we could get to heaven by our good works, why did Christ have to suffer such agony on the Cross?

2. If we die without Christ as our Saviour there is a penalty of eternal punishment in Hell.

Rev 21:8...
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
Rev 20:14-15...
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

3. Christ paid the penalty for our sin. We MUST receive Him as our personal Lord and Saviour.

Isa 53:6...
"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."
Gal 3:13...
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:"
Rom 5:8...
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
John 3:16...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

4. Receive Christ as your Saviour.

In conclusion:
If you have already admitted you are a sinner and according to the Bible deserve to go to hell and if you believe with your heart that Christ died for your sins and arose from the grave the third day...

Rom 10:9-109...
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Right now after reading these Scriptures if you would simply bow your head and call upon the name of the Lord He will save you and give you eternal life. Remember, it is not just believing. Satan believes in God but that certainly doesn’t mean that he is going to heaven.

Rom 10:13...
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
John 1:12...
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"

Your Salvation is your own personal choice now. You can either RECEIVE CHRIST or REJECT HIM. It is up to you. Salvation is determined by what you do with Christ.

If read what's up top wanna make Lord Jesus your Messiah and be saved in him and have eternal security. Peace. Through God please say sinner's prayer below . Get yourself a Bible kjv preferably if not that a nkjv... Because many denominations are changing scriptural words and adding also taking words out. Please say prayer below mean it believe it trust Christ now. Your times running out... That's truth.
Please note: The Salvation Prayer (sometimes referred to as the    Sinner’s Prayer) below, is not an “official prayer” but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus into your heart. You can pray to God in your own words if you choose.
Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Close eyes now bow head
We pray to god the father in his son Jesus' name.


Dear God, I come to you Right now and admit I'm a lost sinner who deserves to go to hell if I died today/tonight. I believe your son Jesus died and rose again the 3rd day as scripture says. I believe your son Jesus is the only way to eternal life and salvation. I want to accept Jesus your son right now into my heart and life. I am turning from my sinfulness right now. And am making Jesus my Lord and Savior. So I ask Jesus be my lord and Savior today, as I turn from these sins I've lived in. Thank you for saving me, as I will live my life for you.

( End prayer in Jesus name)
In Jesus  name I pray, amen...

Also follow Christs teaching ( especially loving one another , and forgive always) .to overcome sins let his holy spirit in you work in you, as we all sin and must stay in constant repentance as if do sin, lord is willing to forgive you though you must repent meaning turn to Christ away from sin. Also study Bible daily soak in gods words. Tell others who Jesus is spread his gospel wether by showing Christs love or prophesying whatever gods gift is he gave you. Use it. We're all given a different talents as gospel sais. Also get baptised if can if can find good church or good pastor to who speaks on hell heaven salvation not money preaching churches all glitz glamour leads you to hell Churches. Baptism isn't required for salvation it's a representation of Christs death his burial and resurrection. We usually get baptized after salvation to follow what he did because we love him and want to follow our lord, so if do get saved try to get baptised in a godly church though if cant it doesn't mean you aren't saved, as said baptism doesnt save us .Pray you accept Jesus Christ asap, times short.
brandon nagley Apr 2017
Reaching out mine poetic finger's,
None to reach back.

Roaming in this passage of expiry,
quietus; how solitary tis.

Patting panels of mysteriousness,
Feel like letting go;

Though do I knoweth I shalt get through
With God, for with humanity I'm alone.

I wilt seest the peep of gleam, just
Yonder the gloaming.

At the moment dead yet living,
Though betimes I'll reach
In pure love all that's
Right and knowing.

With one to hold me
In seas of affections
Warmth, I'll be the
Light I'm meant to
Be- I shalt with
Other's share
Mine torch.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry.
Word meanings-
Quietus- death or something that causes death, regarded as a release from life.
Tis-it is.
Yonder- at some distance in the direction indicated; over there.
Gloaming-dusk, darkness.
Betimes-in time, shortly.
brandon nagley Apr 2017
O' unrelenting dolor, on mine
head thou dost drip, mixing
With mine lachrymose
Glossed lips. How much
More canst mine mind
And body take, maybe
I'll set the pencil down,
The more sickly I feel,
Noones hear to listen,
Only hearing is the real.
I guess I'll continue holding
Onto the tightrope that I dangle,
None human-contact in mine angle
to clasp a soulful-hopeful fool as I; none
Lingo of aye from heavens kind, just liquid
I'll sip that wilt fall from mine weary Eyne.

© Brandon nagley​
© Lonesome poets poetry
Word meanings-
Dolor- state of great sorrow or distress.
Mine- my.
Thou- you.
Dost- do.
lachrymose-tearful or given to weeping.
Lingo- foreign or local dialect (chat, conversation, talking).
Eyne- eyes.
Apr 2017 · 641
A contemning convive
brandon nagley Apr 2017
Moxie after a short nap,
crescive energy from the
Cream-sugared taste; Java

                                   Another minute to
                                   Waste; for this life's
                                   Not long enough.

A coy wouldst be nice,
For tis I am human,
A convive with
Scented candles,
Bare feet; none
Shoes nor sandal.

                                    I seekest contemning
                                    Not more doubts and
                                    In tears to be oceans
                                    For swimming; but
                                    Like a newborn, I
                                    Want to be rocked
                                    In one's arm's, and
                                    Fingertips touching,
                                    Two separate souls
                                    Connecting, as mine
                                    Legs cross with one,
                                    Side to side; arm to
                                    Arms. Mine hand
                                    Over ones hips,
                                    Tightly squeezing.
                                    Lips bitten a bit
                                    For kiss, a gentle
                                    Bleeding, two-
                                    Hearts beating,
                                    Becoming one
                                    Flesh, ones head
                                    Resting upon this
                                    Ancient chest. To
                                    Kiss one's forehead,
                                    And sayest (hey mine
                                    Queen), wakie wakie
                                    Mine love, tis the morn,
                                    I made thee breakfast-
                                    Toast with butter, jelly,
                                    Eggs with cheese on
                                    On top; hot coffee.
                                    Id stroke ones hair
                                   Mine fingers caress
                                   One's scalp and head.
                                  I'll just stop before I
                                 Keep going, these art
                                 Just wantings kept un-
                                 Said. I think I'll just go
                                Back to bed. I think I'll
                                Get lost in mine head.


                       © Brandon nagley
                   © Lonesome poets poetry
Word meanings
Moxie- force of character
crescive- increasing, growing.
Coy- caress, strong with a hand.
convive; a gathering at which there is feasting.
Contemning- love.
Tis- it is.
Java- coffee.
Wouldst- would.
None (no) in archaic form.
Thee-, you.
brandon nagley Apr 2017
This way dear child, Christ's feet leads the way, today tis cloudy; though the morrow won't be the same. Betimes young light, thine tears shalt be dried, don't look in
Satan's mirrors, I made thee as mine
Own, a creation of what's right.

This way young woman, Christ's hand's direct the path, collecting thy droplets
In water buckets, thine soul wilt
Forever last.

This way mine kóri, none need for any frowns, I made thee for mine glory, I'm
Here in ups and downs. For when thou
Dost crieth to sleep on many night's,
I've been right there with thee, for God
Protects his own as God is light.

Close thy lids forsooth I shalt say,
Tomorrow wilt be much brighter,
When I make the darkness go
Away. The heaven's wilt
Depart, and daughter
I'll call thy name,
Never let thy
Candle smoulder,
For I shalt reignite that flame.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
Word meanings
Betimes- in time.
Thine- your.
kóri- daughter in (Greek dialect)
Forsooth- in truth.
Apr 2017 · 431
Affined to the dingy
brandon nagley Apr 2017
Again this dusk
I shalt abrook,
Mind million
Thoughts building,
None to listen; I'll
Hear the echoes
Across the ceilings.
I'll acknow the t.v
Screen, picture
Bright pupils dance,
Jotting word's of needing cuddling of poetic romance. Giveth me acquittance O' heavenly father, of these late-night ramblings I'd trade for a flower. To
Sit next to a fool as I, how tonight is
No different from the morrow,
affined to the dingy, as a
Prisoner confined.

©Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry
Word meanings-
Abrook; endure.
acknow; acknowledge.
Giveth; give.
acquittance: release from a debt.
Affined; related
Dingy; drab, gloomy.
brandon nagley Apr 2017
Verily this day April fourth, two-thousand and seventeen; there's a boy and girl using razors as allayments, making veins as paintings.

Verily, this day April fourth, two-thousand and seventeen; there's a mother holding her young one in ashes, guts with limb's sketch the war-torn scenes.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; a father toils on concrete and soil, breaking sweats for a dollar-

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; a fiend shoots fire in their blood with syringes, whilst kin makest family arrangements for other's to
Come visit daughter's and sons
In boxes whilst they sleep.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; a poet and poetess write, O' how their word's do excite, whilst they
Dieth daily from secret pains unseen.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; a young woman's locked in
a semi trailer, smuggled by men from foreign labors, O' how her life shalt be
In a room with many strangers; she
Seeks to die yet wants to live.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; there's a broken child in
Many ghettos, whilst elite buy wives stilettos, dope dealing is the only survival, just to put some food in malnutritioned

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; theirs a soldier in many lands, making wealthy men richer, whilst their bullets fly, they come home with the images they've seen, devastating guilt-messed up heads.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; there's God Almighty who's been with each of these people, in their souls he dost seest through, passed their skin, and flesh and bones. He knoweth
Their pains, hurts, he seest their loves,
Loves lost, though none of these people
Once hath stepped into a church. Though
God is not about religion, just for all to
Know his son; who took all of their pains
Two-thousand years ago up on the cross he gave his love. As each of these many spirits from all walks and ways of life, were all just the same, perfectly made and beautiful in God Yahweh's eyes. So his arms wilt always be open to those who hath that feeling of not wanting to live, for he sent his son yeshua hamashiach, (Jesus the Messiah) for God's own son for mankind's salvation didst he give. For poet as thou doth read mine words please do know this one thing, thou art not alone, for dear God Dost love thee, his arms art open for thee to come home to him.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry
Word meanings-
allayment; something to temporarily relieve pain and hurt.
Verily: truly.
Whilst; while.
Makest; make
Dieth; die.
stilettos; expensive high heels.
Dost; means does and do both.
Seest; see
Knoweth; knows.
Hath; have.
Yeshua hamashiach :means (Jesus the Messiah) his actual name in Hebrew as was translated to (Jesus Christ) meaning Jesus the Messiah in English.
Dost and doth- do and does.
Thee and thou mean both (you).

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

1 John 4:7-10King James Version (KJV)

7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

King James Version (KJV)

John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

1 Timothy 2:5 - For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

Matthew 11:28King James Version (KJV)

28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Don't know Christ as savior will leave link below my churches website shows biblical way to be saved not man's word , Church and religion won't save us. False prophets won't save you not money or possessions,( nor any other quote "God's" in reality false teachers. It's only through Christ and trusting and faith in him can you be saved
Pray you accept him now. Our times running out. That's not an understatement.
( Learn why, how to be saved in yeshua Jesus Christ) below

If read what's up top wanna make Lord Jesus your Messiah and be saved in him and have eternal security. Peace. Through God please say sinner's prayer below . Get yourself a Bible kjv preferably if not that a nkjv... Because many denominations are changing scriptural words and adding also taking words out. Please say prayer below mean it believe it trust Christ now. Your times running out... That's truth.
Please note: The Salvation Prayer (sometimes referred to as the    Sinner’s Prayer) below, is not an “official prayer” but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus into your heart. You can pray to God in your own words if you choose.
Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Close eyes now bow head
We pray to god the father in his son Jesus' name.

Dear God, I come to you Right now and admit I'm a lost sinner who deserves to go to hell if I died today/tonight. I believe your son Jesus died and rose again the 3rd day as scripture says. I believe your son Jesus is the only way to eternal life and salvation. I want to accept Jesus your son right now into my heart and life. I am turning from my sinfulness right now. And am making Jesus my Lord and Savior. So I ask Jesus be my lord and Savior today, as I turn from these sins I've lived in. Thank you for saving me, as I will live my life for you.
( End prayer in Jesus name)
In Jesus  name I pray, amen...

Also follow Christs teaching ( especially loving one another , and forgive always) .to overcome sins let his holy spirit in you work in you, as we all sin and must stay in constant repentance as if do sin, lord is willing to forgive you though you must repent meaning turn to Christ away from sin. Also study Bible daily soak in gods words. Tell others who Jesus is spread his gospel wether by showing Christs love or prophesying whatever gods gift is he gave you. Use it. We're all given a different talents as gospel sais. Also get baptised if can if can find good church or good pastor to who speaks on hell heaven salvation not money preaching churches all glitz glamour leads you to hell Churches. Baptism isn't required for salvation it's a representation of Christs death his burial and resurrection. We usually get baptized after salvation to follow what he did because we love him and want to follow our lord, so if do get saved try to get baptised in a godly church though if cant it doesn't mean you aren't saved, as said baptism doesnt save us .Pray you accept Jesus Christ asap, times short.
brandon nagley Apr 2017
You walk into the room with your pencil in your hand
You see somebody naked and you say, "Who is that man?"
You try so hard but you don't understand
Just what you will say when you get home
Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?
You raise up your head and you ask, "Is this where it is?"
And somebody points to you and says, "It's his"
And you say, "What's mine?" and somebody else says, "Well, what is?"
And you say, "Oh my God, am I here all alone?"
But something is happening and you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?
You hand in your ticket and you go watch the geek
Who immediately walks up to you when he hears you speak
And says, "How does it feel to be such a freak?"
And you say, "Impossible!" as he hands you a bone
And something is happening here but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?
You have many contacts among the lumberjacks
To get you facts when someone attacks your imagination
But nobody has any respect, anyway they already expect you to all give a check
To tax-deductible charity organizations
Ah, you've been with the professors and they've all liked your looks
With great lawyers you have discussed lepers and crooks
You've been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books
You're very well-read, it's well-known
But something is happening here and you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?
Well, the sword swallower, he comes up to you and then he kneels
He crosses himself and then he clicks his high heels
And without further notice, he asks you how it feels
And he says, "Here is your throat back, thanks for the loan"
And you know something is happening but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?
Now, you see this one-eyed ****** shouting the word "Now"
And you say, "For what reason?" and he says, "How"
And you say, "What does this mean?" and he screams back, "You're a cow!
Give me some milk or else go home"
And you know something's happening but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?
Well, you walk into the room like a camel, and then you frown
You put your eyes in your pocket and your nose on the ground
There ought to be a law against you comin' around
You should be made to wear earphones
'Cause something is happening and you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?
Ballad of a Thin Man" is a dirge song written and recorded by Bob Dylan, and released as the final track on Side One of his sixth album, Highway 61 Revisited, in 1965.
Dylan's song revolves around the mishaps of a Mr. Jones, who keeps blundering into strange situations, and the more questions he asks, the less the world makes sense to him. Critic Andy Gill called the song "one of Dylan's most unrelenting inquisitions, a furious, sneering, dressing-down of a hapless bourgeois intruder into the hipster world of freaks and weirdoes which Dylan now inhabited."[6]

In August 1965, soon after recording the song, when questioned by Nora Ephron and Susan Edmiston about the identity of Mr. Jones, Dylan was deadpan: "He's a real person. You know him, but not by that name... I saw him come into the room one night and he looked like a camel. He proceeded to put his eyes in his pocket. I asked this guy who he was and he said, 'That's Mr. Jones.' Then I asked this cat, 'Doesn't he do anything but put his eyes in his pocket?' And he told me, 'He puts his nose on the ground.' It's all there, it's a true story."[7] At a press conference in San Francisco in December 1965, Dylan supplied more information about Mr. Jones: "He's a pinboy. He also wears suspenders."[8]

In March 1986, Dylan told his audience in Japan: "This is a song I wrote a while back in response to people who ask me questions all the time. You just get tired of that every once in a while. You just don't want to answer no more questions. I figure a person’s life speaks for itself, right? So, every once in a while you got to do this kind of thing, you got to put somebody in their place... So this is my response to something that happened over in England. I think it was about '63, '64. [sic] Anyway the song still holds up. Seems to be people around still like that. So I still sing it. It's called 'Ballad Of A Thin Man'."[9]

There has been speculation whether Mr. Jones was based on a specific journalist.[6] In 1975, reporter Jeffrey Jones "outed" himself in a Rolling Stone article, describing how he had attempted to interview Dylan at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival. When Dylan and his entourage later chanced on the hapless reporter in the hotel dining room, Dylan shouted mockingly, "Mr. Jones! Gettin' it all down, Mr. Jones?"[10] When Bill Flanagan asked Dylan, in 1990, whether one reporter could claim all the credit for Mr. Jones, Dylan replied: "There were a lot of Mister Joneses at that time. Obviously there must have been a tremendous amount of them for me to write that particular song. It was like, 'Oh man, here's the thousandth Mister Jones'."[11]

In the John Lennon-penned Beatles song "Yer Blues", Lennon describes the character as "suicidal", and that he feels "just like Dylan's Mr. Jones".
Apr 2017 · 744
She broke mine chains
brandon nagley Apr 2017

Debased, feeling unworthy, I was a shackled, debackled
Seeking, looking, yearning, in all the wrong place's;
Seeing a billion face's, none I couldst connecteth to
I sought a spirit, an unknown so true, one to maketh me alive.


Betwixt the contour of blood and gore, that this place hath spilt
Lava poured downward, no smelling perfume's, devil endorsed;
I bit mine lip's from the pinch of the blaze, demon's eye's glazed
None water, none rain, as tis this dungeon was a devlish porch.


In shock, mine pupil's rolled to the back of mine bone
I felteth left behind, none amour', none more safety abode;
BLASTTTTTTTTTTT, cameth a flicker, a Cosmos shaking
The earth quaking, beneath mine toe's, mine being felt so whole.


I cleped out this stardust cloaked Reyna's name, O' Reyna,
Whence thou cometh, thee is it, I've known from past living's;
I grabbed tightly, to her Filipino strand garb, as I felt the falling rain stain's cometh down her cheek's, Hi Brandon, I'm Mrs nagley.


Kilig hadst grabbed mine inside's, as for with her I took a ride
We spaceshipped to the milky way, I met archangel's of divine;
Here was none time, just ion's of delighting peace, west and east
I bowed mine cranium, as I kneweth she was mine wife, O' life.

O' angelic saving wife.........
©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley/Filipino rose/ saved mine life dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
#daily   #im   #happiness   #lovers   #forever   #saved   #hari   #reyna   #earl-jane-nagley   #she-saves-me
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
Woe unto thee O' man
brandon nagley Apr 2017

Woe unto thee O' man, making woman thine thrall, beating her, bruising her, O' how God dost see it all. Woe unto thee making innocent toy-***-slaves, build thy Bunker's in thine deep caves, for thy statues and idols wilt be moth-eaten, cankered; just as thy silver and gold.


Woe unto thee O' man, taking innocent soul's, young men fight and die, whilst dear mother's cry, look to the sky's; for the signs of Prophecy art awake, stay alert O' elite men for how the ground is soon to quake.


Woe unto thee O' man, blasting bomb's in foreign lands, making robots human, and robots men; how technology hast become thine own savior. But thou shan't be saved, just running away, as thy streets wilt fill with the blood to be spilt and crumbling skyscrapers.


Woe unto thee O' man, spraying chemicals in ourn midst, slowly murdering the innocent; whilst thou drinketh toddlers cruor to keep alive another day.


Woe unto thee O' man, pushing deception on TV, media puppets thou doth feed, CIA infiltration with thy greed. O' soon thy airwaves wilt be shocking. Thy earth
Wilt mourn like cradles rocking,
Making Christmas not of the
Messiah but of stockings,
Filled with lust and


Woe unto thee O' man, grab some stilts, walk highly with thy head in the clouds, as thou hath all pride and None shame.


Woe unto thee O' man, for thou knowest not pain, for what's coming to this sphere shalt make men's hearts fail them.


Woe unto thee O' man, judgements art coming as I shalt detail some thing's as
For me to thee I was sent. Quakes in high
Magnitude, an Antichrist and his false
Prophet, whom shalt rule for seven year's,
A mark of the beast (RFID chip) in the forehead and right hand, don't yet shed none tears yet for these things all were
Planned. A one world religion coming
Together as the false prophet wilt make,
The last 113th Pope is here, many lies
He gives and takes. Predicted by two
Saint Malachi's, of the last great deciever
Of the Church; he gathers all religions as the Bible dost sayest, so don't let thy feelings get hurt. All religions wilt gather, after the rapture of the church, the rapture is Jesus Christ rescuing his People, from the Antichrists coming scorch. As in the moment in the twinkling of an eye, believers in Jesus Christ like bird's wilt disappear and fly, high in the clouds to meet ourn Lord in the air, news channels wilt be reporting (MILLIONS PLUS MISSING) MANY NOT HERE!) The Antichrist is here now, he wilt soon (return) many will bow to an image made for him during the seven years of God's judgement that shalt be felt-heard. The Antichrist shalt hath anyone killed who doesn't worship his fatal image, for anyone whom takes his mark (RFID chip) wilt be eternally ****** for hells own wishes. Though Christ didst not come for to judge the world, but to save, the sinners, all humanity, were all sinner's on display. For Christ died on that cross, was mocked spat upon, beard ripped out, holes in wrists and feet, after his soul left his body the sun turned dark, the moon blood the Earth's shook for his own People killed gods son, the only name that gets thee to heaven; Yeshua hamashiach ( Jesus the Messiah) alpha, Omega, beginning and end. Life of living water, bread from heaven. He's always the same yesterday and today. As must I sayest to fireballs shalt come, and tsunamis so high people can't run. War wilt be nuclear as battles shalt rage in Israel, Christ came not for thy damnation as thou hath been taught, he came to save the soul. The Lord said ( I am the way truth and the life, no man cometh to the father God but by me,) that means only through Jesus, gods son, canst thou be free. Theres none other escape from these things coming to pass and things to be. Salvation was payed on that cross for thou and me. Now it's they own decision where thou Wilt spend eternity, a very real hell descibed in death and ourn gospels seen. Yet don't take mine word reader, thou canst try to ignore all the day, I just came to tell thee who died for thee, Yeshua (Jesus) his name. There's much more I couldst sayest but I'll leave thee with this, John 3:16,( For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.) He opens his arm's to thee O' reader, it's time to make thy choice, the morrow
Might not be here for thee, Christ offers
These words with his voice.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
Word meanings:
Woe until thee; Christ used to say this alot to the scribe's and Pharisees who's heart's were hardened and eyes were closed, as his own Jewish people sadly rejected him and they still reject him alot today though the 12 tribe's of Israel will come back to him as the book of Revelation speaks in the  judgement hour of (7) years of tribulation.
Thee; you.
Thine- your. Thy also means your.
Thrall; slave.
Dost; do and does
Doth; do
When I say build their Bunker's in caves the book of Revelation speaks this would happen as the elite high rich people are building Bunker's all across the globe Miles underground you can search it in Google , their miles under the earth miles long they are building it because of planet x (nibiru) and other planets in our solar system being caught on film all in YouTube and the web footage everywhere thus why I said to in poem spraying (chemicals) in our midst. They spray over 40 chemicals in our air (chemtrailing) lines that aren't regular plane lines left in our sky but they make tic tac toe in sky and starts opening up looking like whispy clouds as they aren't real clouds, they are spraying to cover up planet x (nibiru) near the sun already here and other planets in our solar system that came in with this planet x. As suggest all go back read my poem ( nibirus approach on here ) .
Wilt; means will.
Whilst; while.
Art; art.
Hast; has
Hath; have.
Thine; your.
Shant- shall not.
Ourn; our
Drinketh; drink
I bring up elite drinking youth blood this is actually something well known luciferians do, take youth blood getting it iv style in their veins because they believe it's keeping them alive longer. Ya these are the real people who run your globe you can look it all up yourself if want truth not feel good lies.
When I say things coming upon this earth will make men's hearts fail them, our Bible speaks men's hearts will literally fail them from looking at things that will come upon this earth.
Canst; can
Some links for you to read asap

Link 2 read notes below this poem
Apr 2017 · 585
brandon nagley Apr 2017
28, and I've seen many lives,
Old soul in the new age; freak
Of what's unknown and refined.

Black suited dress shoed traveler,
Beyond human veil, this life is to
Much, for a shadow of light's

This life gives no touch,
For a wandering brain,
It's only the lonesome
Souls who laugh and
Cry in their pain.

Did pills with father,
Watched mother
Drink; seen guard's
In two prisons,
Gang's tattooed ink.

O' so many demons litter the prison

Better enjoy life young one
For there's so much you don't know
In great detail.

Things unsaid, hidden to,
Don't let the government lie to
You; for they'll make you their fool.

Thing's won't be easy little lass,
Some things will be hard young
Lad. Life's not made of plastic,
It's more of a paper bag.

It'll rip you and spit you,
Where you don't wanna
Be. But remember God
Still loves you, he's the
Light that you don't

Because the world's darkness,
Is in Satan's hands, as the new
Drug of humanity, the devil sells
Lies in Rich men's hands.

Take off your coat Mrs, please
Sit down sir, don't be scared,
Please don't compare your
Fears in this world.

You know not fear, for the real
Fear is unknown.

What you don't know can hurt you,
Shake you to your bones.

I'll smile to show you God,
For his love is true, inside
Though I'm dying, that's
Right; human like you.

I'll take off my armour,
Set it down.

Musical poet, prophet of what's
Lost, no sound.

Because to many hear, they though
Don't see a thing;

Nor do they listen, not understanding what
One means.

28, and I've been through hell,
29 soon maybe, if God will
See me out.

Though today I'll just keep on
Smiling, giving the creators love,
For many don't know that word
Because they don't know him

I've just come to teach,
Just passing through.

28 for today, maybe the morrow
An eternal spirit so true.

Who won't cry anymore,
From noone around.

28 years old, giving love to all
Yet none with him to be

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry.
Was listening to a song I love by Bob Dylan called (it's not dark yet) made these words to the rhythm of the beautiful song.
Anyways my words today thanks for your reading....
brandon nagley Mar 2017
Welkins so melancholy, welkin so gray,
How mine isolation dost mock me; for
Only the lonesome make sharu fotay.

Bedchamber so hushed, bedchamber of many tears; how I feel thy ivory paint,
How I feel thy pain here.

Hallway so narrow, hallway that breathes, O' hallway, O' hallway, listen when I sing.
Grab mine hand, O' hallway of mine abode,
Mine feet do walk quietly, on thy carpet; thy soul.

Spirit O' spirit, how heavied thou art, soon shalt thou depart; for the world is to much.

Mine skin yearns for kisses, mine fingers for touch, O' many hath wishes, guess I ask for to much.

Mine hair screams loudly, to be caressed, ruffled. How gray art the welkins; when a poet's love is muffled.

Mine hand tis weak, from not having ones grip, mine lips chapped; no wetness
Nor mist.

Mine dance is off, with none holding of hips, mine glance is off; eyes pained
By watching worldliness.

Mine old worn out ninety-sixties Beatles boots art worn, tired they mourn; they've
Walked many miles; on trails I've turned.

They've walked through streets, where dope addicts fiend, I've been that pusher, that user in scenes.

I've dreamt, I've dreamed, hath had many emotions; with mother and dad, I've smoked and mind opened.

Mine hope in God strong, unearthly, outspoken; I'm here on thy globe,
To bring hope to the hopeless.

Mine garb is bygone, outstandish, I'm Irish, Scottish, two types of native American Indian blood; Chickasaw-Choctaw,
From mother's generational flood.

A Greek man's inside me, one of biblical times, with french royalty, even Charlemagne, is connected to
Family of mine.

As well french power, and kings and queens, emperor's, empresses in mine relations; who ruled Rome with
Maximus, and around

With pilgrim cruor from England, that came here on ships; on the Mayflower they traveled, to this place of new bliss.

Even tis I am Swiss, these art mine bloodlines, O' how mine souls old,
A gold refined.

This is me O' Lord, thy lonesome son,
O' this is me God, thy writer
Of love.

Welkins so melancholy, welkin so gray,
How much longer O' loneliness; til
Thou shalt go away.

Tonight, O' tonight, shalt be silence once again;

Thus the dream of being held, is just
A thought with none end.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry
Word meanings-
Welkins; relating to the skies, the heaven's.
Dost; does
sharu fotay; this is a word I created, it uses to words I created, (sharu fotay) pronounced as you see, meaning ( love created by poetry).
Mine; means ( my) in archaic form as I write old style.
Bedchamber; old word for bedroom.
Thy; your.
Abode; home, residence.
Art; is (are) archaic form.
Hath; have.
Tis; it is.
Garb; clothing.
Bygone; belonging to an earlier time.
outstandish; In olden times, English speakers used the phrase outlandish man to refer to a foreigner - or, one who came from an outland, which originally meant "a foreign land." From here, outlandish broadened in usage from a word meaning "from another land" to one describing something unfamiliar or strange.
Cruor; blood.
Thus; as a result of this.
If notice I put all my bloodlines in my poetry guess just to make it fun and for other's to learn about me if they get bored enough to wanna know of me lol.
As mother's side is all Irish, Scottish, two types of native American. Chickasaw/Choctaw which actually we're two separate native American tribe's out west that became one tribe to settle differences, both are very prophetic tribe's, and are very spiritual as both are known to have prophets in their tribe's and people who have dreams and visions, though I consider myself no Prophet though the Lord Jesus Christ has given me many dreams and few visions of what's coming to this planet soon as our Bible speaks in Joel 2 and acts 2;

As Joel 2 speaks this in the Bible also book of Acts what's occuring by the thousands all over the globe people having dreams visions of what's going to come to pass upon earth prophetic wise as Bible spoke. You can see all those dreams and visions thousands on YouTube.
Joel 2:28-32

28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.

32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call

I also got Cherokee native blood in me there very spiritual and prophetic people who many believe are actually connected to one of the lost tribe's of Israel which Ido believe by all facts shown.

Also got German in me on moms side and french and English.

Dad's side is mostly Greek as his Great grandpa came from Corinth Greece, he came to America at around 13 years old and came on ship to Ellis island New York. As Corinth where he came from is where Paul spoke to in the Bible to Corinthians.
Also dad's side lots of English came over on Mayflower famous ship to America and french that dates back to long ago with royalty of kings queens of the Frank's,. Found out also Charlemagne were related to all dad's side.and kings rulers and empresses who ruled after and before Constantine in Roman times, one was even a high military officer under Constantine. Along side Maximus famous movie with Russel Crowe was on Maximus.
Also dad's side Swiss, and German.
An example of one of the kings I'm related to is
Valentinious the first and all connected to him. Just for example.

I was shocked found all this info out because my uncle my dad's brother had went to to find out my grandma nagley and Grandpa nagley both passed away now, to find out my dad's full ancestry line. My uncle took months and hours printing up my dad's family line on his mom's side and his dad's uncle printed these books up put them together and their really got one I was going through it months back and researched all these names online and was so shocked to see I have royal blood that goes through ancient times at most important times in history,one of the kings who ruled in Rome had very strong Christian connections as I found out he was a major reason Christians flourished and Rome allowed Christianity from his believing in it and following it. And seeing Charlemagne in our ancestry book, connected in our line, supposedly Charlemagne in family bloodlines is common because back in day wasn't as many people as now but still so in awe and shocked to learn who I am and where my blood runs through. Not bragging on my ancestry I'm just humbled and it definitely makes one see themselves in a different light when think of our ancient ancestors who we truly are. Anyways that's me thank you for reading poet...
brandon nagley Mar 2017
A Grecian statue I am, a confined creation; a harbinger, a shouter of biblical presages. Only here to tell of God's word, of Christ's love offered to voices silenced.

To the rich, poor, sick, down-and-out;
To boys, men, women, children-

None pen nor pencil or writing tool needed, for the Lord's blood was
Shed for all the lost and

Tis Satan was defeated.

Christ gave up the holy-ghost,
As thus his soul left that cross,
Buried, Rose again the third
Day; for God succeeded,
The devil lost.

Mine time is almost up now,
For mine job is almost done;
Soon I'll go meet mine savior,
As I prayest that Jesus Christ
Wilt be the one.

The one who thou shalt call out
To, for tis Jesus Christ that saves,
The way, the truth, the life;

The water that never runs dry,
The way to heaven up past the sky,
The bread of life that wilt make thee full,
The son of God who died for me,

The son of God who died for you......

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry
© Prophetic poetry
Word meanings-
Grecian; relating to ancient Greece.
Harbinger; a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.
presage; of an event) be a sign or warning that (something, typically something bad) will happen.)
None; Is archaic for no.
Tis; it is.
Mine; is (my) in archaic form.
Thee; also means you.
Notice in this poem I use old poetry as I always do but mixed in the new at end of poem where I say you. Because it's for all mankind salvation in Jesus Christ as he was crucified on the cross suffering for all mankind and Rose again the third day that ALL MAY have eternal life. Will you accept him today? Please read below find out how to be saved in Jesus Christ before to late. Time is running out, as I'm here only to show you truth and Christ's love for each and every one of you. Pray you accept that love today... Read below the links I leave underneath it's how to make Jesus Christ your Savior today, tonight wherever you are and put some facts what's happening now, what's coming to your world your world gvt doesn't want you to know. It's very serious and so many are asleep well time to wake up I pray you'll accept Jesus Christ before the hours late and it's the midnight hour just about. Please read links asap.

Link two; speaking on part of destruction coming though much more will go with it as our Bible spoke.
Mar 2017 · 952
Mr jones, the second chance
brandon nagley Mar 2017
Downtown on Mainstreet, a sarcinarious empty feel, Mr.
Jones, so cold, alone, once
Hadst a home, sold his
Life for a bottle, clear
Liquid his daily meal.

Nothing in his touch but biker
Bars, where women art strung
On pills, men nightly jailed,
Life plans for prison bars,
Knives for cuts, and dope
For cars; This side of the
Street was where the
Dealers art star's.

Mr jones once a high-degreed
College lad, moved out of his
Home, he became the unknown,
Dropped out of public vision,
Traded knowledge for rich
Men's wishes, worked in
High elite positions, a man
Of superstitions, once a time
His pockets rolled with
Hundreds and fifties,
Now his clothes smell
Of cheap wine, as his eyne taste
Of death; now a holes in-
Side of his chest.

Dreaming one day, on the side
Of the cement, a being of grace,
Not of human race; an angel of
God to Mr.Jones was sent.

"Mr. Jones", the Angel didst whisper, I came to let thee knowest, im thy guardian Mr; for God almighty hast sent me to thee, to show thee second chances do exist, and sir im not make believe, mine light is God's kiss.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
sarcinarious: having to carry a heavy load or burden.
Hadst: had.
Eyne: archaic for eyes.
Knowest: know.
Thy: your.
Hast: has.
Mine: archaic for my.
brandon nagley Feb 2017
Lonesomeness hits after the midnight hour; as the more
Lonesome it gets sitting still
As a flower, wanting mine
Petals to be felt.

Wanting mine spirit uplifted,
Aye, mine smile to return.

Still a boy I am inside this man,
A creature who hast seen
Prison cells, where devils
Cringe and yearn.

An afterhour bard,
With a cloudy wind
Creeping betwixt his
Window pane.

me synchoreíte,
The child inside me
Is peeking once

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Word meanings:
Mine: means (my) in old archaic form.
Aye: yes.
Hast: has.
Bard: poet.
Betwixt: between.
me synchoreíte: greek dialect meaning ( excuse me) its pronounced like (may-seen-choreetay)
brandon nagley Feb 2017
Tis I am just a man, a boy if thou want to sayest, a foolish lad; who hast hurt his blessing of a queen.

Tis I am just a man, a sinner, a prehistoric bringer; of sorrows
Where bird's dont sing.

O' wretched man I am; overlooking this perfect flower, she's arrayed as a petal neath the tropical hours.

O' im just the rain that brings the flood of many woes.

I wish, O' how I wish, I couldst pour all contentment and merriment into her lonesome soul.

Tis she's the rainbow, I the dusky storm. O' how her glow maketh mine day's liveable; O' how her voice is opulent galore.

If only she knew, she is mine better, mine best; mine breath of yellow dew.

Though I've not shown her the worth that she is; mine trials and tribulations hast become
mine abyss.

Though I shalt get through
This passage of gloom.

With God All is possible;

Even being set free from this tomb.

Tis I am just a man, a boy if thou want to sayest, a foolish lad.

Who if couldst wouldst start all afresh; re-giving mine love, and to get all mine best.

How a simpleton ive been;

To not seest heaven's eastern gem, glimmer her perfect wing's, for mine foolishness, these word's shalt I sing.

(Goes into song form, words "I love you jane, please forgive me" sung in spanish, greek, cebuano, tagalog/filipino).......

Te amo jane,
por favor perdoname.

Se 'agapó Jane,
Se parakaló synchóresé me.

ako nahigugma kanimo Jane,
palihug pasayloa ako.

Mahal kita jane,
patawarin mo ako.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©earl Jane nagley dedication (agapi mou dedicated)
This is not a normal poem dedicated to Jane of course all my works are archaic/ancient style as truly you can say im not one from this millennial time or even this century or past centuries time,  but this is a poem until it gets to the last four lines which are not spoken but sung by me as its a poem yet a song at the end where I use the words ( I love you Jane, please forgive me) I sing those four dialects in spanish tongue, greek tongue, cebuano tongue (in Philippines) and janes main tongue tagalog (Filipino dialect) if want to hear poem as is can hear on sound cloud, under my name Brandon nagley and under this poem title: her worth is worth more than a poem.

Word meanings:
Tis:it is
Sayest: say.
Hast: has.
Couldst: could.
Maketh) makes or make ( I use it as makes).
Mine: my.
Wouldst: would.
Simpleton: foolish person.
Seest: see.

Wrote this few days back finally did rest of it (:
If wanna hear actual version hear on soundcloud under my name the spoken/sung version of it under its title,
Feb 2017 · 1.4k
Tarrying woe
brandon nagley Feb 2017
I bade thee apace, to bring thy comely countenance close to
Mine face. A carcanet around
Thy neck I shalt wrap, every
Jewel made of mine inner-
Being; hush, mine lips art
Dry mine queen, I need
The most of thy skin to
Cure this winter's chap.
Coëval we were; now
Distanced by glass an
Shores, I crieth til mine
Lungs burst, just to
Be in thy presence.
To face the same view,
To smell thy ocean essence.
Fingers I use to write and jot down
Words that art stuck in mine throat;
Mixed in with quiet fears, worries, hopes. I dive beneath this red blanket, in loneliness I do cope, thy warmth do I hope; to slip into this space. Imagine I, imagine I do, of a panoramic place to explore open and closed doors, wherein the soil clings to ourn feet, where the normal word's art "mi amour". How I do wait, even eternity; to be one in thy freshet of bubbling lovingkindness.
O' how I am pent; awaiting mine chains to break to fly to thy abode.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©earl Jane nagley dedication (agapi mou).
Title Tarrying woe;
Tarry: means waiting or wait.
Woe means distress or pain

Bade: invite (someone) to do something. (2nd form literary).
Comely:pleasant looking.
Countenance:persons face or ****** expression.
carcanet: jeweled necklace.
Chap:(of the skin) become cracked, rough, or sore, typically through exposure to cold weather.
coëval: born at the same time.
Crieth: old form of cry.
Art: are.
Wherein: in which.
Mi.amour: my love.
freshet: flowing stream.
lovingkindness)tenderness and consideration toward others.
Pent: confined.
Abode: home.
brandon nagley Feb 2017
Many contrive du-jour fêtes to make love look self-evident; whilst the taken hold hand's, making locution the regular, in letters they trade off into lusting hands.

Winsome cut-out caricature cards, sell fresh off the press, whilst lovers meet at bars; to await the next years

A holiday for only once in a darkly year, as the meanwhile divorce rates spike from cheaters, woman-beaters;
Amour's no longer of the creator, but made to be the abzere.

Mine jane, please do not fear, I know I mayest not hath much, but a soul and spirit; I connect to thine.

None inauthentic word's, or thoughts you'll find;

Only what I hath to give thee.

The indigenous necklet that grows around this neck, a buttoned up longsleeve, that holds mine back;
With a black vest that caresses mine chest- with a smile I hardly show
Because of mine soda stained, missing teeth in a mouth where
Poetry speaks of pain, yet where
Affection is created by mine tongue
That creates wonders and Shame.

I hath not much material thing's, though material is temporal; not fit for kings and queens.

As I hath thou, as thou dost me,
I hath not much mine jane; though
Thou dost hath the key.

The key that open's this beating
Heart for thee; wherein mine
Love is always seen, in the
Specks of thy eyes.

The more ourn love grows, it burns
As a wildfire, I hear the wedding bell's
Require; ourn calling in
The distance.

©lonesome poet's poetry
©Brandon nagley
©earl jane sardua nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Word meanings:
Contrive:create or bring about.
Du jour: something enjoyable, short lived.
fêtes: celebration, festival.
Whilst: while
Locution: word or phrase.
Winsome:-attractive or appealing in appearance or character.
Valendine: word I made meaning(Valentine death).
abzere:word I created meaning( worldly, fleshly, of the physical having god not in its core, no existence without god.)
Mayest: may
Thine: yours.
Hath: have.
None: no.
Thee, thou: you
Thy: your.
Necklet: necklace.
Wherein: in which.
Ourn: our.
brandon nagley Feb 2017
shukraan, for showing selflessness in a land of selfishness; and self wants. Thou art a soul, wandering alone, with the blood of a friend who seeks the unknown. As sadly woe constructs thy face.

Shukraan, mayest God almighty send thee his grace; when thou feelest no taste of love in thy mouth.

Shukraan, wherever mine friend thou shalt go, please know an ear thou hath here; to always lend it's hearing, and a soul to connect to for
Grasp and understanding.

Shukraan, thou art a ray from the wonderful creator, let not the world hook thee in its filth and vague papers, for the beauty is not outside; but in.

Shukraan, Shukraan mine poetic friend, show affection to woman and man, be thee the best thou canst; let not dark overtake thee, but let the light be thy own shadow.

Shukraan, dear Sarah, if seek God he shalt win all thy battles, none more tears or the morrows wherein fears art the normal; but where mercy, peace, joy, and happiness art the new.

Shukraan, mine friend;
Shukraan to thou O'

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©Sarah ahmed birthday dedication (aka Thepoet)
shukraan: means thank you in arabic.
Art(archaic) for are.
Mine: my.
Hath): have.
None: no.
Morrows: tomorrow's.
Wherein: in which.
Ploome: this is a word I created. ( its pronounced as plume, ) it means a woman who thinks she has nothing, and fears for tomorrow, though all the answers she really seeks are right in.her reach, though she ignores them. As the answers have been there all along.

Happy birthday dearest poet and friend Sarah ahmed I wanna thank you for always being there for me in good bad happy and sad and always uplifting me in my times of sorrow. Thank you Sarah for always being a true friend and showing true caring poet..shukraan Sarah ahmed.
brandon nagley Feb 2017
Anigh, is the darkling of the effrontery eagle, effaced, replaced; it's worship towards the devil. Gallons of blood, used as cover, ash and mud; defiling of ****** mother's. Gallizing men drowned in sweetness of drunkened friends. Gamins created by cankered loot, oil fills the pockets; diamonds make slaves to. Gangrels run kingdom's from their ancestral hand-me-downs, gaolers imprison innocents, whilst thy rulers throw ****** for babes at compounds. Innovators; mocking God's name. Mixing men with robotics, keeping the pure obscured, locking animals in a cage. Inorbing creation with cameras as eyes, like rats they scurry, hide; when the truth is knocking. Like a drunkard; This circular hell shalt rock as a ship, many planet's art approaching, none help shalt thou get.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©prophetic poetry.

Word meanings:
Anigh: near.
Darkling: growing darkness.
effrontery: shameless.
Eagle: the united states.
Effaced: erased, forgotten.
Gallizing: add water plus sugar to make stronger wine from grape juice.
Gamins: neglected boy left to the streets.
Gangrel: vagrant, loose built person.
Gaoler: jailer.
Inorb: encircle, surround.
Circular hell: earth.
Nibiru title of poem: also known as planet x/planet 9/ a planet discovered by nasa back in the 80s admitted by them now being covered up by our gvt, its coming in With a blue planet as well , nibiru is being caught on pictures on cam and video all on youtube, if type in planet x 2016 on YouTube see his vids youll see what it is. It brings with it fireballs it latches on to other planet's it tilts pole shifts it has been also causing mass quakes also severe weather changes, though the gvt has been chemtrailing daily, don't know chemtrailing means look it up, my gvt does it daily using military jets and commercial planes that drop over 40 poisonous chemicals in your air which shuts down kidney, brain function causing heart issues in children and adults alike, the Pentagon even admitted to chem trailing though they lie to the American and world public saying it's for (global warming) yes our planet is changing but not because the reasons they tell us( they have controlled weather weapons that blast heat into the air ionizing molecules making the weather a weapon against us, they use darpa and harp to create these storms, up in alaska is one of main bases though have ionizers globally they can can create hurricanes, floods, even have it not rain. Main reason were realizing their spraying chemclouds which leave thick smoke trails left behind in your air That spread out into clouds you see unlike regular plane trails that evaporate asap after leaving the plane. Their spraying heavy to cover up nibirus approach. Bible spoke during the seven year tribulation fireballs would bomb the earth, also a great type of asteroid/meteor type thing during the seven years of tribulation where there will be people who dont accept yeshua jesus as lord and savior will be left behind if not raptured up by jesus, you'll have to endure an anti christ to rule This earth who's here now and his helper the false prophet religious leader now here to and well known who will bring all world religions together as one to worship the anti christ and an image that will be built. Their will be a mark of the beast given to those left behind I personally believe the rfid chip as revelation chap 13 speaks on this, it will be put in right hand and forehead, though can still be saved if left behind but will go through hell andon would have to reject the antichrist mark at that time to be saved in jesus not being ****** to hell. Bible speaks whoever takes the mark of the beast will be ****** eternally to hell. You wanna know how to accept yeshua (jesus) as savior I hope you'll read my post titled ( serious note for all readers) titles something like that, because judgement is coming to this land and things are coming upon.This earth that mens hearts will fail them because of it. Good news is jesus died for all mankind's sins, for jew, atheist, agnostic, scientific minded people, Buddhists, hindus, muslim, it doesnt matter what sins you've done or why or how, christ loves you all dear reader, will you accept him as lord savior today and know you'll be in heaven with him and in a real heaven with real angels real people with things so beautiful you have no idea what's in store for you, all it takes is a seed of faith to come to yeshua. Will you  now? If wanna go read my poem here titled serious note to all readers, do it before late, judgements coming thats not a joke reader. The title of note on this page to read is ( ) if wanna know how to accept yeshua ( jesus) as your lord and savior. I give you truth only hope youll take it before late. You have ?s write me add me (Brandon nagley) on facebook.
Good luck pray you make right decision
Feb 2017 · 824
Americana exodus
brandon nagley Feb 2017
Americana, fair Madonna, tell me what's become of you; star's so bright, your war's are polite, as your ripped flag's red, white, and blue. Oh bountiful cities, mountain-told villages; starlit pillages foreshadow your deathly paths. Some books hold secrets, while cake candles burn tricks to cigarettes of nuclear blasts! Afterthought you are oh country tis of thee; so blessed in your filth, your kilts are images of projected misery. Find an Alcove you castleview kings; your tongues will soon be silenced to the non-mindsense you care to bring! Resemble with eachother patriarchs of hatred; national to all stations, you are the one in control. Forget what mother told you? Did you already sell your soul? Instant inhumanness; gratitude for filthiness, they feel for girly magazines. Rescind your rhetoric you false entity of enemies kings. Perch behind the clouds where the guard's can't get you; where pharaoh's confront you, only God knows all time! Subjection to viewest bozos behind bar-reason rhymes. Where are you angel of light? I see your face; or have I taken your place?

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©prison poetry
One of many poems written in my past during a year of prison time. Much time to write behind closed walls and old medieval bars.
I actually switched out the real word to bozos in one of the lines, lol I originally used a-holes but whole word I took it out because I dont like cussing but prison wasn't easy peazee ():
Feb 2017 · 442
brandon nagley Feb 2017
Arvanka, betwixt the Stygian muck and mire, mine arm's shalt grip thee in the fire; solace to thy bones.

Arvanka, repose Wilt be the new, passed the thundering drabby view, thy kiss to be the fuse; O'er the jungle fire.

Arvanka, forbearance mine encumbered lass, the hour wilt surely come to pass, ourn velvet blood to flow right passed, the foyer of enostikal swain.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Arvanka: word I created(means hand in hand, side by side.)
Betwixt: between.
Stygian: very dark.
Mine: my.
Mire: situation of difficulty,stress.
Solace: comfort in stress.
Drabby: depressing.
Encumbered: burdened.
Lass: young woman.
enostikal: word I made up meaning ( crazy in love) love beyond the perception of mankind.
Feb 2017 · 548
Matrinae dialette
brandon nagley Feb 2017
O' mine matrinae dialette,
How sweet thou dost
Sleep, as thy dreams
Catch me by a net.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Matrinae: pronounced (matra-nay)- a word I created meaning (a,woman who's little girl inside her still shows, especially in her pain- meant in a sweet way.
Dialette: word I created ( means faraway love) faraway as in distance.
Thou: means you.
Dost: is (do) .
Mine: my
Feb 2017 · 503
Story line, story time
brandon nagley Feb 2017
Are we doing time? Or is time doing us all equally; what a disgusting question to ask such an unpaid slave. Where snow falls tear dropped to all snaggled brains. Do-rag heavies, untamed, unashamed, levees to be breached; young one's to teach to not come where we are. Where the bird's meet the bars, where men and women leave in cars, as we shall not. Where emotions run dry, smoke runs high to clouds that don't stop. Share with another you selfish generation; you greedy of celebrations, you hold to God no feast. Six-six-six is your name, fires your game, as on your knees you worship the beast. Blizzard time sledded children's fun; is none to be found, just shackles around to frighten your inner cold. All stories here go untold; for you are apart of that story.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©prison poetry/written in prison dec 6th,2013.
An old poem of many I wrote while being in crc prison near columbus ohio by pickaway ohio as stayed in crc prison where ariel castro the kidnapper stayed, the same man who kept the women chained up as slaves in his Cleveland ohio home for ten years as he kidnapped them being young girls sadly and escaped because one girl escaped downstairs and a black man saw her scream for help as he called the police saving the kidnapped women's life. Ariel castro died in a crc holding/protection cell 4 days after I got there as my cellmate saw his body being taken outta the hospital part in the prison early morn., as what the tv says he died in a cell, though we all suspected the guards (who laughed of his death,)who loved to beat people down in the yard and inside daily making blood pools,and pepper spray you and hurt innocent inmates (something news don't show reality,) actually killed mr castro. as I did a year for drug issues at time. And did time between crc and pickaway prison directly across the street which was eerie due to pickaway originally was a mental hospital/psych place in early nineteen hundreds where women alot were ***** by the workers and made to abort their children, then pickaway turned into a military training base then prison, as part of original prison was burnt in flames years back as old creepy buildings that were torched in a prison riot back in 80s early nineties forgot years, still set there as can see them. Though building I was in still looked felt and smelt old. I still felt the feeling the old psych patients were around, left lingering down the creepy corridors and halls. The souls their are unrested as can see the prison cemetery just up on a hill behind fence that kept us in like animals with a ****** in an undercover cop car going round and round to watch us like were cattle.
brandon nagley Feb 2017
I follow her behind,
As a foshatique
Shadow; hiding,
In her meadows,
In the morn I slip
Into her pillow,
By the thoughts
She releases.

I want to be her
Blanket that warms
Her in the night, that
Creeps up on her
Tight; a slow warm

Im her heart, thought
She does not hear
Me beat, I am her
Blood that she
Leaks, verily
Im her soul.

Im her silver
And her gold,
In a furnace;
Being refined.

Im her footsteps,
Her sun, and moon,
Though she only
Hides me in her
Room; where
She can only

Im her pathway
And her sign;
And now the
Path is barren-
She let it go,
Though I do
Know, im
Her shadow
She left behind.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Foshatique: a word I created meaning ( a fashionable antique, or fashionable ancient).
Barren: empty, desolate,.
Jan 2017 · 567
brandon nagley Jan 2017
Just an antediluvian,
Stuck between heaven and hell;
Waiting on mine saviors call,
To escape this carousel.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry.
antediluvian: belonging to a time before the great biblical flood.
Jan 2017 · 439
Baby man
brandon nagley Jan 2017
The small child in me is showing,
His face peak's out in times of
Trial; the man outside
Pretends, smiles.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry.
Jan 2017 · 530
brandon nagley Jan 2017
Takest me to the empyrean
Juncture; where none tears
Do ever fall, where human
Heart's never puncture.

Takest me to the railway,
Where men art free,

Takest me where eternal
Water's art sipped by
The daughter's of
Holy men.

Takest me to glory's
Roof, loves not aloof;
In the kingdom of

Takest me, O' takest
Me, where no-one
Screams, where
No blood is seen,
Where life's not

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Word meanings:
Takest: take.
empyrean: relating to heaven.
Juncture:a place where things join.
Art: means (are) archaic word.
vunestasleek: (pronounced as "vunesta sleek" is a word I created ( means) enlightened by god through God's grace, and your surroundings.
Unfettered: not restrained, unrestrained.
Aloof:not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
Faint: in other words dull.
brandon nagley Jan 2017
She was the rose,
         Twas I her thorn;
            O' how mine heart
           Im lost in the storm.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Twas: it was.
brandon nagley Jan 2017
As an inexplicable soul,
Trapped behind bar's
Of the flesh;

I awaiteth to break
Out of this worldly abode;
Where mine wing's canst fly
Far away from this nest.

In a white robe to be dressed,
In a Faraway home; soaring
Peaks O' unknown,
How the flowers

None shackles to mine feet,
Nor any chem trailed air;
Just the sound's that
Surround, their word's
To flow through
Mine hair.

I'll use gold to write with,
Silver to create its depth;
O' I wilt cherish the saint's
Of gods endless breath.

Rose petals to be the paint,
As the petals never die,
Nor shalt the day turn into night,
God is the sun, the moon,
The light.

I'll gaze the foreign, strange
Sights, being no less
Important, I wilt sing
With the flowers, as
they'll appreciate my

©lonesome poet's poetry
©Brandon nagley
inexplicable: unable to be explained.
Abode: place of living, home.
Mine: is my in archaic form.
None: no.
Chem trailed air : chemtrails, the forty plus chemicals our u.s gvt drops on us daily using commercial and military jets they poison us also the trails cover up (planet x, nibiru) dont know what thAt is look it up.
Wilt:means will.
brandon nagley Jan 2017
As the welkins turneth grey, and the night becometh day, man fall's back to Noah's time; where sin in men

Where chain's became one's grave, whence giant's roamed the earth, making babies with lustful ladies;
Making the world their settled

As the fallen one's layed their seed, to stop ourn saviors means, as humanity calleth them God's;
In reality sickly beasts.

Men reproduced their deities, out of clay, hand-dug gold; bowing to breathless idol's, just as Christian's
Sold their soul's.

Making creatures from the pit,
Their daily water and their spit,
Knowing not the god, who
Made them in his image.

Clean clothed new world order

Bleating out for their king, O' the truth thou seekest, though the truth's unseen.

Because tis yeshua thou hath rejected, ear's made shut,
Worldly infected.

Technology and pleasures
Hath replaced the almighty
God, Jehovah, Elohim, yahweh;

Jesus his son.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©prophetic poetry.
Welkin:sky or heaven.
Becometh: becomes.
Whence: from which, or from where.
( I use it as from where).
Calleth: calls.
Means: method.( what christ had to do on the cross, he was sent down from god the father as gods son in flesh form taking on human flesh fully man/ fully god as him and his father our creator God Yahweh, Jehovah god are( one) just as father son and the holy ghost are one.) The fallen angels real goal of sleeping with women thus creating giant's as our bible speaks on many times, their main goal was to taint the bloodline that led to christs earthy parents to stop Christ from being born, though the original angels fallen angels who did that are now down in hell awaiting judgement in chain's as our bible spoke.As the fallen ones failed at stopping christs birth yet when they slept with woman of earth well put their seed into women of earth it tainted all earth DNA accept for Noah and his family.
Sickly: unpleasant especially in smell and look.
Grinches:unfriendly,, unkind person.
Bleating: of a sheep, goat, or calf) make a characteristic wavering cry.
Tis:it is
Yeshua hamashiach ( means jesus the messiah in hebrew tongue. Just as yeshua means jesus in hebrew tongue.)

Pray anyone who hasnt accepted yeshua jesus as lord and savior you will today because times truly running out to do so. Going to leave links below if you want to make jesus your lord and savior and to escape coming judgement soon to pass upon this earth.

Ps: read underneath links to if going to read them
Thanks Brandon..
brandon nagley Jan 2017
Ariseth watchman, O' prophet's dust off the dirt from thy feet. Ourn messiah is close, Iisoús Christós,
He's at the narrow door
Knocking; hair white as
Snow, countenance as
A white sun.
                    Waken, liven up thy hope,
For ourn lord hast risen; all thing's made subject to him.

Art thou ashamed of the great "I AM",
O' Christian? Is thy lamp trimmed, full of oil? Or is thy lamp half full.

Art thou ready? Or playing
World as time ticks through.

From thy slumber, wash the crust out of thy eyne, judgements soon to
Befall this sphere, get thy mind
Settled, focus on what's right.

Watchman watch, O' prophet's write,
Yeshua's coming as a thief;
To rapture up his bride.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©prophetic poetry
Ariseth: means arise.
Watchman in the bible: The Bible uses the role of a watchman to describe the work of a prophet among God's people. The role of a watchman is vital to a full understanding of the work of God in the end time. The watchman pays attn to all prophetic things happening around them and warns others, one who blows the trumpet you can say, one who warns. Similar to prophets.
Prophet;a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God. A messenger of god many times by visions, dreams.
Iisoús Christós: jesus Christ in greek.
Liven up: make lively.
I AM in the bible was a name given as a name for god one of many names like Yahweh, jehovah, elohim,
As also immanuel or pronounced Emmanuel meaning (god with us or god is with us). I am stems from

Exodus 3:14King James Version (KJV)
14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.
Where i talk about lamp has to do with the parable of the ten virgins in the bible..spoken below which in.other words is your lamp full are you going to be ready for when the lord comes to rapture his people ( the bride away meaning the church) as christ is called the bridegroom before all the tribulation hits on earth or will you have no oil and be searching for that oil in the last minute yet it will be to late Christ would have already taken his people and shut the door. Are you ready Christian to meet yeshua ( jesus).
Matthew 25:1-13King James Version (KJV)

1' Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Eyne: archaic for eyes.
Christians who are saved in jesus Christ be ready for Christ is at the door, Christ is soon to call his bride) we know not the day nor hour not even Christ knows nor the angels, but god knows as bible spoke. But bible also spoke ( you will know even when its at the doors) by all signs prophetically in the news, and by millions including me having prophetic dreams and visions of what's to come as joel 2 speaks also the book of acts states.  
(Joel 2:28-32)

God’s Spirit Poured Out

28 “And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth:
Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
32 And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.
For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance,
As the Lord has said,
Among the remnant whom the Lord calls.
Christ will come as a thief in the night
, 1 Thessalonians 5:
2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

So Christians don't let his coming overtake you as a thief in the night, be ready ,be ready.
I.beg anyone who doesnt know yeshua jesus as their lord and savior go back read my poems on urgent message to read for all how to escape the coming judgement how to be saved in jesus go down my poems find them read them, accept christ as your lord and savior today your clock is running out im warning everyone here for the last time, before all hits the fan . Plz read other posts on accepting Christ and judgement you want eternal life in heaven and true peace love with a loving savior with arms open to all people go read my posts asap plz last warning good luck. Actually copy link below paste in.browser read it all accept christ today im blowing the alarm here my warning accept him today..

Another link
brandon nagley Jan 2017
Beloved of the sultry ness,
Half wight, fully light;
dayspring of the morn.

Heaven's spark at night;
Mine rainbow in
Fiersome storms.

Bedight me with thy
Comfort, quench me
In the dusk, lancinate
This anxious soul,
Kiss me with a

Quiet i'll stay,
I'll sit quite still;
To put mine soul
Inside thee, struck
By love so real.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©earl jane nagley dedication.
Beloved: dearly loved.
Sultry: hot and humid.
Ness; a strip of land projecting into a body of water.
wight : archaic word for (human being)'.
Bedight; decorate.
Thy: your
Mine means my.
Thee means you
brandon nagley Jan 2017
O' agrestrial daisy, don't lose hope; for mine love is not fading. Ague hast hit me, thirsting to touch just one finger from thy hand.

Im a child within a man;

Im weak, hurting, eyes worn,
Drowned in no time,
One pocket and a dime,
As I seek out thy soul,
Mine soul wails and mourns.

Seeking a vessel, to sail the sea's,
I'd do anything, to get to mine queen;
Anything tis, tis I'd do, even if still far, I love thee mine muse.

Dost thou not seest, mine heart beating quick; it quiver's, it aches,
From the fears that I get.

The fears tis I get, to be thine own best, even in mine sorrows,
Darkness, distress.

I smile to impress, to show thee warmth, because O' how I love thee; even in mine own hurt.

Even in mine own pain, with crooked teeth, and an ancient way; im a soul of the past, not one of today.

When thou art cold, mine hair wilt be thy quilt, when the world try's to hurt thee, I'll take all it's filth.

When the cloud's overcome thee, I shalt be thy sunlight; when thou only knowest wrong, I'll make it all right.

When the bird's no longer chirp, i'll be that baby bird; that whisper's it loves thee, even in all of it's hurt.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©earl jane nagley dedication
agrestrial: pertaining to something that grows wild.
Ague: a mild fever. Chills shakes with cold.
Hast : has.
Wails: crying out in pain.
Tis: it is.
Vessel: large boat.
Muse: person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.
Wilt: will.
Thee: you.
Knowest: know.
brandon nagley Jan 2017
Daily mine jane, I seest thy steps,
As thy feet traipse the jungle grounds; shh, deep breath mine
Love, God walks beside thee,
Where loneliness is not found.

Durst the day, durst the ground;
Show the world what light is,
Where light does not abound.

Let none take thy crown,
Wherein it hast many jewels;
Thou art a saint, so dont be late
For the wedding plates set up,

O' jane mine muse, the clock hast struck twelve, the trumpet shalt soon blow, I hear all the saints yell.

He's coming, he's coming,
O' verily tis true; look up
To the cloud's, yeshua's
Calling is soon.

In the moment, in the twinkling of an
Eye, the bride of christ (the church)
Oh dear jane wilt we fly.

Wilt we fly, O' Wilt we fly,
Be ready mine dear, smile
Jane, do smile; hush
None fears.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©earl jane nagley
©prophetic poetry
Mine: archaic for my.
Seest; archaic for see.
Traipse: walk or move wearily or reluctantly.
Thee:you just as thou means you in old form.
Durst: archaic for dare.
Abound:have in large numbers or amounts.
Wherein: in which.
As Christians we are considered saints thus why I said saint as she is to me either way. Examples ( Romans 1:7, also  1 corinthians 14:33) theres more if look it up.
Tis: it is
Verily: true
Twinkling of an eye rapture verse , not sure where rapture is in bible?
Twinkling of an eye meaning christ will rapture his church so fast by the time of the blink of an eye the rapture wil have already happened.
Rapture is a state or experience of being carried away. The English word comes from a Latin word, rapio, which means to seize or ****** in relation to an ecstasy of spirit or the actual removal from one place to another. In other words, it means to be carried away in spirit or in body. The Rapture of the church means the carrying away of the church from earth to heaven.
The Greek word from this term “rapture” is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated “caught up.” The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to ****** or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven.
Rapture verses: revelation 4:1, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17'
Luke 17:34-37
Theres more if search rapture verses in Google.
Christ will keep his chosen who have accepted lord and savior from  the hour of testing, hour of trial hour of temptation the word from in Greek is eck (out of) meaning he will rapture his bride before things get to nuts. As what's coming up January 15th seventy nation's are gathering to split the land of Israel lead by barack hussein obama the one thousands plus on YouTube have posted dreams/visions they've received from the lord on obama who and what he is ,(biblical antichrist) of revelation 13 ,also daniel 9:27  it's about to happen where the antichrist shall make a covenant with many meaning between Israel and the jews as obama withheld a vote to go against what the U.N.just forced Israel to do. Meaning barack just betrayed Israel as our bible spoke and will make a peace covenant for 7 years as france is holding a peace conference the 15th this month to fully split israel and Palestine to a two state solution as Palestine is not land to Palestinians but to the jews . Scriptures recorded this thousands of years ago as all physical evidence is there to. Though bible spoke in Zechariah book that Israel would become a burdensome stone in the last days and a cup of trembling to all nations as states Zechariah 12:2-4

Jerusalem will Be Attacked

1The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.

2Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

Daniel 9 speaks on what barack Obama's about to do which I hope others go to YouTube see prophecy dreams and visions thousands of Christian even non Christians that end up seeing truth christ is the only way truth life thus why they turn to jesus Christ from those visions and dreams as many given to me by the lord including obama ones are in my YouTube channel under Brandon nagley. Thousands are seeing whats coming judgement wise and with obama and pope Francis the last 113th predicted pope by two saint Malachis one over 800 years ago the other in the 1900s and false prophet of revelation 13 gathering all religions together ( one world religion) to worship the first beast in revelation 13( antichrist) as Francis is the second beast of revelation 13 (, false prophet) who will make an image to the antichrist for all to bow down to the antichrist and his image.. As an rfid chip will be given by this year as the bilderberg society said back in 08. As obama was running quote ( obama is being primed to create the new world order) also all will be chipped by 2017' happening already as many ignorantly are buying these chips in Obama's own healthcare bill also in open Pentagon documents the chips will be the money system placed under hand also something will be used in foreheads as gvt was testing a monkey out putting a literal chip into the head. Bill is called hr3200 passed in 2013 its a setup for what's really coming as hospitals are now making their workers take quote (shots) or get fired. As countries are pushing this chip. Wanna see what the bible spoke on all who take the mark of the beast mentioned here.
Revelation 13:16-17King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Bible spoke whoever takes that mark which btw it will be implemented when the 7 years of hell on earth begins, soon as the antichrist divides gods land Israel and cuts a deal with Palestine which btw 3 holy sites belonging to jews and Christians were just given to Palestine in east Jerusalem, as soon as the 7  year peace deal is signed spoken.below.
Daniel 9:27King James Version (KJV)
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Soon as he divides Israel which he started with the U.N.dec 23rd ,2016' soon as he splits the jews land giving it to Palestine that never had any right to Israel in the first place as bible spoke the jews are gods people, Israel is gods land Jerusalem is the apple of gods eye. So when gods land is divided given to ones that never had claim nor owning to it judgement will come to the world also known as 7 year tribulation until christ will make his second coming ( which is NOT) rapture. The rapture is where christ takes his bride (the church), up with him to heaven to escape the judgement coming to earth during seven years of tribulation to those who mocked cursed hated god and made a fool of him and you didnt heed so called crazy people's like me warning you. To accept christ before to late. If dont accept christ as savior before the rapture you will be left on this earth when christ comes to get his people saved in him. Left here for seven years of hell on earth, fireballs ,already now entering into our atmosphere because of planet x ( nibiru) there are planets surrounding earth that bring asteroids with them. The mayans knew of nibiru also the rabbis in israel know all about the nibiru planet nemesis system. Go to YouTube type in (planet x 2016) will learn alot on nibiru, thus why our gvt has bunkers all under us not for nukes but for these planets coming so close to our earth fish are dying off also birds all the sea life plant life as hosea 4:3 prophecy stated would occur in last days.. ( Hosea 4:3King James Version (KJV)
3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.)
-yet they bullsh... You all and say it's from ( global warming) lol wake up yeah global warming created by their own weather manipulators all over the u.s and world. Look up weather manipulation and haarp and cern and the hedron colider as the gvts opening literal demonic portals up to our world laterally bringing in demonic beings, not a joke even our military knows all of the reality though are silent I wont be the world will be told the lie (aliens took people off the earth) thus why you've been conditioned to believe demons are really good when aliens in reality are 3 dimensional demonic beings. Though disclosure will be soon.not truthful one but a lie as thus why the vatican has the (Lucifer telescope) ya its name, sitting on sacred native ground in Arizona usa to study with the huge telescope as the vatican said and Jesuits running the scope quote ( their looking for their serpent saviors) if go to YouTube type in tom horn genius man see videos called zenith 2016 parts 1 and 2 you'll learn whats happening.. our gvt does weather manipulation daily with chemtrailing, dont know what that is search it. Its why your sky's so hazy they drop poisons on us daily over 40 plus chemicals aluminum being one chemical, many more which effect brain, heart, kidneys you brezrger daily.. Our gvt poisons us whether by war, vaccines that have been pushed by Bill gates who openly states in big live talks quote ( ,we can depoulate the earth ten percent by vaccines) as they poison your air water, **** in war getting sickening rich off of misery and death, thus why you see countries in beginning once lushish perfect now broke, sick, dying.  at the same time cover up planet x( nibiru) coming next to earth as hopi prophecy called it the blue and red kachina prophecy search it on YouTube open your eyes. Your gvts been duping us telling you quote russia hacked the clinton emails, you kidding me,? We all know insiders in our gvt are setting up for trump to be removed possibly killed, I don't vote for anyone because the bilderberg and high societies vote for you. Its a game to them. Why? They've been waiting for this moment as their pushing and russia in brink of war  Thus why you see fake news like cnn msnbc nbc abc pbs mainstream tell you all ( watch out for fake news) just as doing. Why? To label actual real news that is against our gvt quote ( russian propaganda), others and especially not me have no.connections to russia as their country is pure communistic just as ours has become socialistic and broke just as we see Venezuela broke because their good system ( not really good),' so now anyways what is our gvt doing? Silencing real news on YouTube, alternative news... As obama signed an exec order now controlling news online and doing a ****** move silencing all who go against him the dnc leaks came out on their ******* connections to both clintons. And way more such as who created Isis mr obama and mrs clinton are supplying isis in syria why? Because mr putin has an oil pipeline in syria our gvt wants piece of it. Thus why our gvts in syria trying to get oil to. Also has to do with the (petro or Petra dollar) middle east currency my gvt wants to control as our gvt ( clinton) had gadaffi murdered took all his gold bars out of his stash while covering up benghazzi where us gvt members were murdered by terrorists backed by good old Hillary. Something mainstream news don't like telling you. Dont believe me try doing a search. Type in ted gunderson ex fbi agent he will tell alot on the gvt child *** rings leading all way to high people across our land and world with their Satanist connections. Back to point sorry...Obama is going to divide israel meaning judgement and christ rapturing his church.
So I wanna ask you today, you ready for what's coming? Will you be left behind for seven years of tribulation which didn't say but if your left here if don't accept christ before the rapture youll still have a chance at getting saved. But will have to reject the rfid chip that ( enforced) bible spoke the antichrist will behead the (tribulation saints) many being beheaded . As revelation 20:4 speaks ( King James Version
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.)
Thus why our gvt ordered 30,000 guiltiones, reading what I said reader? Dont believe me research it. Also years back our gvt ordered 1.6 billion I said billion rounds of hollowpoint bullets, for overseas you say? No. Thus why gvts been doing high training for martial law , as they did (jade helm 15) martial law training in civilian streets. Look it up.Something our gvt shouldn't be doing..turning walmarts all over the usa into dhs command centers/fema camps(YouTube footage go to YouTube, I also personally know someone who's seen the jade helm exercise papers won't say who obviously.. and btw their are over 800 fema camps in usa alone whats a fema camp? It's a prison for all the quote people who are unruly, the people who are threats to the gvt exactly what the antichrist will do behead many also imprison many who dont worship him and his image..fema camps are also known as re,-education camps that  hillary clinton used to speak lots about...this isnt a joke if you reading think so your going to be blinded. As im warning every reader whats coming to America and the Globe will got like thunder.. If don't know yeshua hamashiach ( means jesus the messiah as savior yet) then plz accept him now if dont wanna be left here for hell coming to our world. If wanna accept christ as lord please see my last  thing I posted called warning to all. Read on how to accept christ as your savior now!!! Many thousands more Christians like me who see visions and have dreams from the lord are blowing the trumpet, why because I'm nuts yeah maybe to those with shut eyes and ears. I tell you truth so pay attn!!! Judgement is coming to your land to your globe. I want none to be left here for what is about to unfold. Read my last post on judgement. Read asap. And how to be saved is on there or can write me ill send you link on salvation in Christ because no church will save you, no good works can save us, nothing we can do will save us neither will false gods, theology nor men. Its only through faith in jesus Christ and gods grace through our faith are we saved, . Go read last poem posting for salvation, come to christ now this is a dire warning.  Meant to add pre tribulation rapture verse
Which is revelation 3;10.
brandon nagley Dec 2016
You may ask the question, "How can anyone really know 100% sure that they are going to heaven when they die?" The answer is found in the Scriptures. Here we will not look at what man has to say, but what God says in the Bible. Remember, if what man or religion teaches is contrary to God’s Word - God’s Word is always right over man’s word.

I Jn 5:12-13...
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

According to God’s Word one can know that he or she has eternal life. In order to have this settled one must realize Salvation is only through Christ.

Acts 4:12...
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
John 14:6...
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Many have been taught salvation is either through church membership, baptism, good works, or taking the sacrament. Most religions teach living a good life is required for one’s salvation.


Eph 2:8-9...
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”...
Titus 3:5...
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
Gal 2:16...
“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”
Gal 3:10-11...
“For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.”
Gal 3:24...
“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”
Rom 3:20...
" Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin".Understand, one can be sincere about their beliefs yet wrong. If you were sick and someone gave you poison to take instead of a medicine remedy; it doesn’t matter how sincere you are about taking what you believe to be medicine - if it is poison, you are in trouble.
Prov 14:12...
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

God’s Word makes it plain that the gift of salvation is only through Jesus and is by grace, not by doing good things.

According to the Scriptures, to once and for all settle in your heart that you are going to heaven.


1. Why We Need a Saviour? WE ARE ALL SINNERS.

Rom 3:23...
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Rom 5:12...
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"
Rom 3:19...
"Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God."
James 2:10...
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

Unless you admit you are a sinner; you will never see the real need for the Saviour. If we could get to heaven by our good works, why did Christ have to suffer such agony on the Cross?

2. If we die without Christ as our Saviour there is a penalty of eternal punishment in Hell.

Rev 21:8...
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
Rev 20:14-15...
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

3. Christ paid the penalty for our sin. We MUST receive Him as our personal Lord and Saviour.

Isa 53:6...
"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."
Gal 3:13...
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:"
Rom 5:8...
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
John 3:16...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

4. Receive Christ as your Saviour.

In conclusion:
If you have already admitted you are a sinner and according to the Bible deserve to go to hell and if you believe with your heart that Christ died for your sins and arose from the grave the third day...

Rom 10:9-109...
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Right now after reading these Scriptures if you would simply bow your head and call upon the name of the Lord He will save you and give you eternal life. Remember, it is not just believing. Satan believes in God but that certainly doesn’t mean that he is going to heaven.

Rom 10:13...
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
John 1:12...
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"

Your Salvation is your own personal choice now. You can either RECEIVE CHRIST or REJECT HIM. It is up to you. Salvation is determined by what you do with Christ.

If wanna say sinners prayer and be saved in Jesus especially since the way the world's going and prophecies are happening every which way , christ is calling his bride soon bride meaning the church. Wanna accept Jesus Christ as Lord an Savior also known as Yeshua ha'mashiach means- Jesus the Messiah in hebrew. Many don't know either the word Yeshua means salvation in hebrew amazingly. If want to accept christ simply bow your head pray these words close eyes go somewhere quiet bedroom! Or closet somewhere with peace and quiet.
Pray these words it's a small sinners prayer.

Close eyes
We pray to God Yahweh also called elohim or Jehovah is the name of God!
Close eyes
Say this-

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.
In Jesus name I pray amen!!!!!

Read rest below asap;
Hope you said that prayer prophecies are happening worldwide and soon the trumpets shall blow and christ will take his people from the earth away from the seven years of tribulation coming upon the earth that will be all hellish for anyone left behind. I pray you accept Jesus Christ today if not today I ask you email me if have ?s or are unsure about Jesus.
Your friend Brandon Nagley .

Christ said he is the way truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father god but by and through him meaning through Jesus. Want salvation in Christ!? Times short alot is happening prophetically right now globally and can show all those facts and would take hours! Christ will call his people up soon. No man knows the day nor the hour of Christ calling his Christians up to heaven to escape 7 years of hellish tribulation on earth where an antichrist will run the globe with a false prophet as many will be taking the RFID chip already here and ready to use! Thousands are dreaming and having vision's of all the prophetic judgements to come upon earth as I've seen myself. Including seeing Christ in one of many dreams I've had! Joel 2:28- end of Joel speaks many will be seeing dreams and visions in the last days before Christ coming! It's happening now and by the thousands! Are you saved in Jesus Christ? Yeshua hamashiach? Jesus the Messiah? The only Messiah in which your eternal destination will be heaven only through him, Bible clearly sais if we reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior a very real hell awaits us! If wanna know more write me can show you Scriptures and proofs by the dozen! As the proofs happening all around us spiritually physically biblical wise! Prophetic wise! All ways! Do you know your destination when the soon antichrist will reign on earth putting the mark of the beast in foreheads and in hands! Which btw If left here for seven tribulation meaning you rejected Christ will on earth before rapture and Antichrist rule. Then you'll have a choice to die for Christ during tribulation which many will become Christians at time of tribulation having to die for their faith in Jesus you will have to deny that mark RFID chip in hand or body or forehead, if take that mark you will be marked for Satan one hundred percent! That is Satan's mark antichrist mark!! Revelation 13 speaks on all of that ! And revelation. Want to accept Christ as savior? Bible sais we are all sinners and are saved by Christ's shedding of blood on the cross for me and you friend! Not by good works, works don't get one to heaven as most religions preach!as even many Christians practice prosperity gospel for money and entertainment. Christ wasn't about religion nor entertainment. He said HE is the way truth andlife and no man comes to god but by him! He died on the cross for me and you and rose again the third day something else noones done for mankind in history! With every proof physically scientifically and spiritual to back it up! Our Christ isn't in a tomb as he was a real man gods son recorded not just in our Bible but worldwide! The facts are in front of your eyes. Will you accept him tonight? Today? Wherever you are at ? If want to takes a simple prayer and faith the size of a mustard seed as Bible sais. All we need is grain sized faith. You have that? Want salvation do you believe Christ died on the cross was buried and raised the third day and will come again a second time to earth to stop all the madness that's going to occur at tribulation hour upon us. And will rapture up his bride the church , Bible sais the dead in Christ shall Rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall meet them in the clouds to be with the Lord forever..when the trumpet sounds don't you wanna be up in heaven with Christ, and others dressed in white happynot worried what's coming upon the earth! In honesty my friend the hour is coming when Christ will call his bride up ( the church meaning those who accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. Look up on YouTube alone. Type in rapture dreams, martial law dreams, fireball, tsunami dreams. Earthquake dreams. Obama dreams, Pope Francis dreams. Obama dreams. Look it up! Thousands of videos in YouTube alone people are dreaming and seeing visions as Joel 2:28 til the end sais would happen. Can I ask you honestly. Are you saved in Christ? Or will you be reading this again after the rapture happens? Or during tribulation begging god for mercy? Times running late reader. Reason I'm writing all this is because I know how late the hour is . The hands on 11:59 almost midnight. Will you accept Jesus Christ now as Lord and Savior? That's your free will.
If don't have a Bible to study and read please write me whether here or another country in my fb write me or here. If can't get a Bible will send you  free Bible. If can get a Bible please get a king James version or new king James version. Or something close. Many Bibles take out words and sentences or switch words. Also if wanna know about baptism Bible speaks nothing on needing baptism for salvation- but we usually get baptised after salvation to show our love for Christ because he did it and it represents his death his burial and resurrection.  Find church If can that preaches on salvation in Christ alone! Not a money church or entertainment that's all they do church! Find one that preaches on hell heaven! Salvation, prophecy if can! Or best one can find! If got more ?s plz write me. Pray whoever reads this accepts Christ sooner then later. Times running out dear poets!!! Please heed this warning and message times running out!
Thanks for reading! Forgot to mention plz look up ( planet x/nibiru) on YouTube and internet channel ( planetx2016) shows alot video proof of it the natives across the land mainly Hopi tribe spoke on the ( red and blue kachina prophecy)  planet x/ also known as nibiru some say there different either way the ancient Samarians knew of  nibiru that when it comes around every 3,500 years the dwarf planet that's now in our solar system causes chaos brings more quakes big ones as Mathew 24 spoke would happen in diverse meaning many places before Christ's coming. Also nibiru brings asteroids huge ones. Fox news actually spoke on it though mainstream hides it. The whole internet community is waking up to it it's well known and is being captured all over the globe a red looking sun next to our sun as people are capturing two sunsets globally in the sky, seeing the destroyer as it's known next to sun also seeing it or the planet with it next to the moon. Which Bible speaks on wormwood as called in Bible during tribulation that brings bitterness to the waters and Land asteroids so on and many are now thinking this nibiru solar system planet system coming into our own will bring that. Please look this all up wake up world.

Pray you said salvation prayer up top time's no longer on our side...
Dec 2016 · 652
Amiss I am, awry I be
brandon nagley Dec 2016
Amiss am I, awry I be, with thought's not of this sphere, O' how I thinkest of the real me. The real me with none dermis, the reality of none colored blood. I'm katharí psychí;
Of the empyrean love.

Wherein the substance and materials aren't bought, nor sold; I'm sick of the greed, the wantonness, that makes monsters out of men.

I've experienced wantonness, though verily it doesn't please me, I've tasted Lust's, and lust conceives sin;
Sin leadeth to death.

Lord Almighty, protect me from the demon's that never rest, nor do they sleep;

They art witty, unforgiving, they make men's heart's their places to eat and invest.

Renew me Yahweh in this mortal stress, keep mine eye's on thee; O'
Mighty king.

Free me of mine burdens;
And mine restlessness.

Let thine light,
Overshadow me.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
Amiss- not as things should be( in other words"out of place".
awry -crooked, out of proper order (pronounced 'a-wry')
None- means ( no) old form.
Dermis-the skin.
katharí psychí- means ( pure love) Greek dialect.
empyrean-belonging to or deriving from heaven.
Thinkest- second form of (think).
Wherein- in which.
wantonness-always being in want. Wanting everything, yet never wanting to give anything to anyone'.
Verily'- truly.
Leadeth- leads.
Witty- showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor..
Yahweh'+ God's name in Hebrew.
Mine- my.
brandon nagley Dec 2016
Her eye's crochet the sweetest honey taste, from afar i canst touch her face; in only dream state for now.

Though ourn spiritual confections are locked in sky mode, heavenly perfection; myth's to men, reality of the unseen beauty.

Namelings of celestial fountain springs, nubivagant moving and dancing; aye, aye, none tears to cry.

Fears shed like scales, new thoughts, new thinking; eating pomarious delights, the river of life from which comes ourn drinking.

Surrounded, soon shalt we be, where tree's art high as sloping hills, where breath gives life; where life is free.

Impigrity wilt help us as we'll focus on scenes, aloft places believed; to be lost or fabricated.

Though the sights shalt be real,
As ourn latibule wilt be close;
To the field's that bloom yellow,
Wherein the grass is to thy waist,
And thy feet like pillows feel.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©earl jane nagley dedicated
Afar: far away.
Canst:archaic for can.
Outn: our.
Confections: action of mixing or combing something.
Namelings/ persons bearing the same name.
nubivagant: moving throughout or among the clouds.
River of life: literal river that comes out of gods throne in heaven.
pomarious:of or belonging to an orchard or fruit-garden.
impigrity:quickness, speed.
latibule: hiding place.
Wilt: will.
Aloft: overhead.
Thy, is your also thine yours
Thou is you.
Aye: Scottish form means yes
brandon nagley Dec 2016

Sometimes angel's don't always fly,
Sometimes their amongst us;
In human form as disguise.


Sometimes angel's don't always soar,
They canst be thy child;
Or thy neighbor next door.


Sometimes angel's don't always wear wing's, they canst crieth, they bleed;
They art thy son's, daughter's,
Poet's, feins.


Sometimes angel's take upon them mortal flesh, yet they giveth their blood for other's; til their souls art ****, undressed.


Sometimes angel's don't walk through wall's, sometimes they build those bridges, work night's or morn's, their backs art torn;
Their hands art raw.


Sometimes angel's art poor and rich,
Some abide in prison cell's, some hath seen heaven-hell; some give the raiment off their shoulder's, some work in muck, other's grit.


Sometimes angel's cant spell nor write, yet in times of hurt, their the ones polite; pouring out their love as God doth command.


Some angel's speak in silence, other's with distress in their eyne; some angel's hold up sign's reading
"This is the end of time".


Some angel's art from the middle East, other's from places cold, some on warm sandy ground, some in the divided land of the free, some down in Mexico;

Some angel's hide in mountain's,
Where the smoke doth never clear;
Some sleep near Creeks, in huts, in street's; some hath none home,
Some art cast away's- by their
Families considered freak's.


Some angel's art light, and yet some art dark, some art Asian, Filipino, Malaysian, Chinese, Pakistani, African, Indian; all hath dreams.

Some eat fast cooked poisons, made from restaurants, other's chow with just their finger's or plow's, the opulent with forks and glitz;
Steak and egg's with clean shaved head's.


Some angel's sleep in ghetto's, meadow's, gutters; other's watch in heaven, looking down upon another.


Some angel's lie and wait for what tomorrow brings, smiles on their face, yet heart's crying; with sickness or losing their place.

Some angel's art right in front of thee, though thou canst not see;
Those angel's art the poet's
Whom hath given me strength
In mine time of need.


So dear poet and Poetess, to those whom hast prayed for me in love; I thank thee, now look above, for God's glow is in this room, I feel his presence, I wilt tell thee truth.

The truth is this dear poet's, friend's of mine; forever show the creator's love and forgiveness, for those art God's commands, as Jesus stands beside me.........

He hold's mine hand.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Dedicated to all the poet's praying
for me and thinking of me in such a hard time I'm going through. I've been pretty sick lately so wanted to thank each and every one of you while I am ok. As putting all into gods hands. And for anyone who doesn't know yeshua hamashiach( meaning in Hebrew Jesus the Messiah as savior I have many links on my page links below plus in poems how to accept Christ as your savior. He died for all of you no matter what wrong you've done in life or continue to do. We have the son of God who died for all mankind's sin's for atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, Muslim, satanist. Pagan, witchcraft dabbler. Doesn't matter who you are. My Jesus loves each of you so much and wanna know how to be saved in him and why please look in past writing's on salvation and truth what's coming to this planet as is already happening now. I know this poem probably won't be very liked because i mention my lords name. As Christ told his believers long ago ( they would hate me because they first hated him) and how sad that is when he died rose again the Third day for every single human. You want truth seek Christ before to late. Because he is the life. He is life love forgiveness and the only way to heaven. Pray you accept him as Lord and Savior if haven't yet.

God bless.
Your friend Brandon nagley.

Note to fellow Christians( keep strong always look to Lord, and always I mean this with strong words
( ALWAYS show others love even if hated, if one takes your cloak give them the other also. If one snacks your cheek turn your other to them as well that they may smack the other. Take no vengeance. God's will be done not yours. Always always always FORGIVE one another and love one another. And you are the temples in which the holy spirit dwells, let God work in you let God's love flow through you like you flow words on your phone and laptop. Let God's forgiveness he gave you be given to all. Holding no bitterness or grudges in your human heart. God's greatest command to you and me is love so give it. Loving God first especially by keeping his words) commands, and loving man next no matter what they do or have done to you. Step out of the world yes it's hard sometimes as I got my own issues battling the flesh so I judge noone but trust God. We're saved by grace of God through our faith in Jesus Christ. Let not that faith die but live it out daily. Listen to another, help another. Let God soften your hearts he's the Potter we the vessels. Let God's love shine out of you be not of the world for the world knows its own as our Bible spoke but God knows who are his. So live for Christ because we are his fellow Christian. And be not weary our Lord will call soon , as Bible speaks we won't know the day nor hour Christ will come for us but we ( WILL know) even by all the signs when it's at the doors. And he's knocking at the doors by all signs. Be ready for Christ's calling ( bride of Christ) meaning the church Christ is coming for his Bride. Be ready Christians heed my words. You don't always have tomorrow or tonight get things right now with loved ones you hurt, friends, family. Anyone youve hurt apologize to. Anyone your holding anger against forgive them today. Anyone youve never said you love them to say it. Make wrongs right and rights better. Let others see Christ because his spirits in you. Stop sleeping look around what's happening and be ready for the trumpet to blow.
With love
Poet Brandon.
Canst- means can in archaic form.
Thy- your.
crieth- another form of ( cry).
Art- are.
Abide- live, stay.
Hath- have.
Raiment- clothes, clothing.
Doth- form of does.
Eyne- eyes old form.
Chow+/- eat.
Opulent- very wealthy, rich.
Lie- as in position laying.
Thee or thou means+ you.
Mine- my.
brandon nagley Dec 2016
Just wanna ask everyone for prayers for me and my family, I hope and ask for continued prayer alot for me and family in this time of year. My dad's mom just passed away December 1st my grandma nagley. Stress has overcome me and family as well as Dads overly stressed he's already had two massive heart attacks in the past months back and . And lately I've been dealing with sickness in my body and heart issues. To say I'm not afraid to whatever may come next would be a lie. I'm praying lord takes away this fear/anxiety. *** to be honest this is quite overwhelming ... Alot. Not including me and my family got a note on our door maybe week ago. A note saying we have until the 1st of January to move out and if don't move out by the first then quote ( we will get 3 day eviction at that point. The apts owner as their are two brothers owning tons of apts . I don't hate/ nor dislike the man who's making the decision. He's given us no reason to why were getting this, other than he said for him And the apts best interest. Though we feel for another reason though not sure doesn't make sense dad always pays rent and me and my parents aren't some huge issue to this complex. So we ? What's happening. And even through all these trials/ tribulations we gotta trust God. My healths making it worse for me lately. This burden is heavy. Really begging for prayers. Thank you for all praying for my family-and me. Continue in Christ's love and forgiveness always. Because that's what life's about. LOVE! Never forget that
.God bless.
Brandon nagley...
brandon nagley Dec 2016
Even in mine worries,
        Angst, despair,
                    Don't worry mine Jane;

Mine love is right here.

Even in mine trial's;
          Tribulations I face.

With thee,
       Right next to me;
                There's a smile on
                              Mine face.

Though the sand may
    Be crumbling, and
          The castle's slide to the sea;
  There's the beauty of me
                  Having, thou that
                  Set's me free.

Though mine flesh
   And heart mayest fail,
      And the cloud's shalt roll around;

Mine soul is at ease
          With thee mine queen;
           With thy voice I float
           Off the ground.
©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( agapi mou)
Angst- a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.
Mine- means my.
Mayest- may.
brandon nagley Dec 2016

Sto mystikó kípo sas,
Where thy purple rose shalt be;
Where thy flower bed wilt hath many roses, where thy breathe
Shalt Never cease.


Sto mystikó kípo sas,
Where hue's and tints hath life;
Thy husband wilt be with thee,
Guiding thee into God's light.


Sto mystikó kípo sas,
Where petals never fall,
Where the angels sing, their voices ring, bouncing to and fro the pearly gates; painting melodies in the spirit form, colliding back to temple walls.


Sto mystikó kípo sas,
With a palace for a queen;
The queen is thou, window's thou canst look out; where glass is clear, as there's no fear, inside thy garden
Of majestic scenes.


Sto mystikó kípo sas,
Tha sas xanadó;
That's to say, I'll seest thee again soon one day, in thy secret garden,
Where thy love wilt always grow.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Rita Mae nagley dedicated( golden grams) rip grams, I'll meet you at your new heavenly mansion in your secret garden.
This poem is dedicated to my grandma nagley, my dad's mother who passed away yesterday around little after one something in the afternoon. Though Rita Mae nagley passed away she passed away at home with my aunt there and I'm glad I saw her days before her death with my mom and dad. Hospice was giving her 2 weeks two a month to live just days ago. Though as a Christian I know as others doctors and nurses have no idea when anyone shall pass. Just as when many get sick, or may have cancer a doctor says you have so and so left. My god can do all things even heal those who think they have weeks or months left to live. God gives us miracles. And I'm not in that much sorrow from my grandma nagleys passing. Why? Because she accepted Christ as her savior years ago as did my grandpa nagley who died when I was five in 1993 from smoking cancer to the lungs. I know where my grandma's at
Unlike sadly many others who don't know where their loved ones are at. My pastor made a good point a while back in a sermon. He spoke on all the funerals he's done. He said if he noticed all the times going to hospitals, how angry, broke down many would be in the hospitals seeing their loved ones pass as if was the end. And he noticed a difference with those families who knew their loved ones accepted Christ. Christians don't fear where their loved ones go we know there in heaven. Christ told us in John chapter 14 not including all many other verses of heaven in the Bible and it's description ( John 14-
1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

My grandma is reunited with my grandpa now as surely grandpa has waited for her for years .. to my golden grams, ya sas( that's goodbye in Greek,) reason I titled this ( in your secret garden) I remember months back even though grandma was going through a bad phase of dementia my aunt didn't want my grandma to leave the house. I knew that wasn't my grandma. She was a free bird that had her own mind/soul and spirit. Nothing could lock her in a cage . Not in her mind, not in any way . My aunt told me one day to see out the back window in the kitchen, grandmas little garden. It was one rose grandma specifically loved with beautiful bricks surrounding the one rose standing high above all other greenery. Grandma heard my aunt from the living room speaking about her rose, grandma came in the kitchen, looked at me looked out the window she said with big eyes, you wanna see it?? You wanna ? Nodding her head in anxiousness. There was one purple rose my grandma adored in the back yard she wanted to see it. So I took her in the living room while my aunt and dad were in the basement. My aunt told me before earlier( don't take grandma outside, don't want her falling down the steps, understanding. Though I knew Grandma wanted to see it. So I helped golden grams get her shoes on as she used to help me as a child, so I thought I should be helping my grandmother now after all she's done for me and everyone as a kid . I got her shoes on her feet, for a moment I felt like a parent. Though nothing felt wrong I knew it was alright and a beautiful moment. I took grandma by the hand took her outside down the steps out the front door to back behind the house. And she got to see her purple rose only feet away from her. Seeing the look on her face a memory to keep. Knowing how much it meant to her to see her one tall purple rose. And now grams, you have all the purple roses plus more in the heavenly kingdom.
Ya sas for now golden grams . Ya sas means goodbye in Greek. But ta léme sýntoma which pronounced ( tha leme syntoma) is  see you soon. My grandmother has much Greek in her as Dads side does. Rip golden grams.
Word meanings below-
Sto mystikó kípo sas ( in your secret garden). Greek tongue.
Thy- your.
Wilt- will.
Hath- have.
Thee- you, thou means( you) as well.
To And fro- in a constant movement backward and forward or from side to side.
Canst- can.
Tha sas xanadó- I'll see you again( Greek tongue.
Seest-see .
brandon nagley Nov 2016

Her slimikin fabric


By God's mighty hand's,
She was swathed in
citrine quartz.

A sparsile separated
From the rest of
The universe.


Unadulterated by the known,
She likes thing's that art not seen;
By day she work's, yet craves-
The fall season and it's leaves.

Though fall doth not arrive
On the island she resides;
So she crochets, the dreams she
Saves, stored inside her mind.


Though I knoweth one day, the
Season's that she pictures in her
Head; wilt be there in her fingertips,
Along with angelic colorful thread.

To make everything And anything,
Her string canst weave to be;
For I knoweth whatever she maketh-
It wilt be perfect from mine queen.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley dedicated( ang aking makakatuluyan) my soulmate dedicated- Filipino translation..
Slimikin- small and slender.
Fabric-the essential structure of anything.
Swathe- wrap in many different layers.
sparsile-of a star, not included in any constellation.
Citrine -a light yellow quartz color.
Art- are.
Unadulterated- pure, not mixed, untouched.
Doth- does.
Resides- her place of living, where she lives.
Crochet- she actually does crochet-and is amazing at it many want Jane to make her own business doing it can find her work on her Facebook under ( Earl Jane nagley) also on her Instagram go see her artwork also her crochet work if get a chance she's an amazing artist just needs a boost to get her going. Her name Earl Jane Sardua on Instagram or earl Jane nagley. Also ( yellow Majesty) on Instagram.. crochet definition- make (a garment or piece of fabric) using crochet. Which btw her parents are amazing at making clothes.  Plz check Jane's work out. God bless.
Knoweth- know.
Wilt- will.
Mine- my.
brandon nagley Nov 2016
Ere poesy was born, was born a woman we came to know.

A poetess, with word's that fit
A kingdom's grip; Her
Writing's lift.

Her writing's lift the cloud's from rain, her soul thou dost know; for her heavenly glow, can
Ease all pain's.

She gives herself, for everyone else, her books should be stacked upon ancient shelves, where memory don't go, and love won't fade.

She's the sunshine of the morn,
The Poe of women's floor's;
The Poetess of old that's
Become to be welcomed
And known- her literature
Raised up And shown-
Where the dead walk and talk
Where corn is picked clean of
Their stalks, she's the girl that creates wonders from the stars that is her home.

She wanders poetic streets, a pencil and paper her nightly meat.
Her mind goes past time:
Beyond thought, the world she greets, she needs no dime-
She's rich in her kindness,
In smiles she defeats.

An archaic beauty of the woods and the streets, where no shoes she needs;
To dance in a wild poetic style.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Vicki bashor birthday dedication
Ere- before ( archaic form).
poesy- old form of poetry.
Dost- do.
Thou- you.

Happy b day poet Vicki.
.. may this be a better end of year for you.... And look up , trust God things will get better if you look up. Happy b day fellow poet, and friend.
Your friend Brandon.
brandon nagley Nov 2016
You may ask the question, "How can anyone really know 100% sure that they are going to heaven when they die?" The answer is found in the Scriptures. Here we will not look at what man has to say, but what God says in the Bible. Remember, if what man or religion teaches is contrary to God’s Word - God’s Word is always right over man’s word.

I Jn 5:12-13...
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

According to God’s Word one can know that he or she has eternal life. In order to have this settled one must realize Salvation is only through Christ.

Acts 4:12...
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
John 14:6...
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Many have been taught salvation is either through church membership, baptism, good works, or taking the sacrament. Most religions teach living a good life is required for one’s salvation.


Eph 2:8-9...
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”...
Titus 3:5...
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
Gal 2:16...
“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”
Gal 3:10-11...
“For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.”
Gal 3:24...
“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”
Rom 3:20...
" Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin".Understand, one can be sincere about their beliefs yet wrong. If you were sick and someone gave you poison to take instead of a medicine remedy; it doesn’t matter how sincere you are about taking what you believe to be medicine - if it is poison, you are in trouble.
Prov 14:12...
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

God’s Word makes it plain that the gift of salvation is only through Jesus and is by grace, not by doing good things.

According to the Scriptures, to once and for all settle in your heart that you are going to heaven.


1. Why We Need a Saviour? WE ARE ALL SINNERS.

Rom 3:23...
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Rom 5:12...
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"
Rom 3:19...
"Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God."
James 2:10...
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

Unless you admit you are a sinner; you will never see the real need for the Saviour. If we could get to heaven by our good works, why did Christ have to suffer such agony on the Cross?

2. If we die without Christ as our Saviour there is a penalty of eternal punishment in Hell.

Rev 21:8...
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
Rev 20:14-15...
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

3. Christ paid the penalty for our sin. We MUST receive Him as our personal Lord and Saviour.

Isa 53:6...
"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."
Gal 3:13...
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:"
Rom 5:8...
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
John 3:16...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

4. Receive Christ as your Saviour.

In conclusion:
If you have already admitted you are a sinner and according to the Bible deserve to go to hell and if you believe with your heart that Christ died for your sins and arose from the grave the third day...

Rom 10:9-109...
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Right now after reading these Scriptures if you would simply bow your head and call upon the name of the Lord He will save you and give you eternal life. Remember, it is not just believing. Satan believes in God but that certainly doesn’t mean that he is going to heaven.

Rom 10:13...
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
John 1:12...
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"

Your Salvation is your own personal choice now. You can either RECEIVE CHRIST or REJECT HIM. It is up to you. Salvation is determined by what you do with Christ.

If wanna say sinners prayer and be saved in Jesus especially since the way the world's going and prophecies are happening every which way , christ is calling his bride soon bride meaning the church. Wanna accept Jesus Christ as Lord an Savior also known as Yeshua ha'mashiach means- Jesus the Messiah in hebrew. Many don't know either the word Yeshua means salvation in hebrew amazingly. If want to accept christ simply bow your head pray these words close eyes go somewhere quiet bedroom! Or closet somewhere with peace and quiet.
Pray these words it's a small sinners prayer.

Close eyes
We pray to God Yahweh also called elohim or Jehovah is the name of God!
Close eyes
Say this-

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.
In Jesus name I pray amen!!!!!

Read rest below asap;
Hope you said that prayer prophecies are happening worldwide and soon the trumpets shall blow and christ will take his people from the earth away from the seven years of tribulation coming upon the earth that will be all hellish for anyone left behind. I pray you accept Jesus Christ today if not today I ask you email me if have ?s or are unsure about Jesus.
Your friend Brandon Nagley .

Christ said he is the way truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father god but by and through him meaning through Jesus. Want salvation in Christ!? Times short alot is happening prophetically right now globally and can show all those facts and would take hours! Christ will call his people up soon. No man knows the day nor the hour of Christ calling his Christians up to heaven to escape 7 years of hellish tribulation on earth where an antichrist will run the globe with a false prophet as many will be taking the RFID chip already here and ready to use! Thousands are dreaming and having vision's of all the prophetic judgements to come upon earth as I've seen myself. Including seeing Christ in one of many dreams I've had! Joel 2:28- end of Joel speaks many will be seeing dreams and visions in the last days before Christ coming! It's happening now and by the thousands! Are you saved in Jesus Christ? Yeshua hamashiach? Jesus the Messiah? The only Messiah in which your eternal destination will be heaven only through him, Bible clearly sais if we reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior a very real hell awaits us! If wanna know more write me can show you Scriptures and proofs by the dozen! As the proofs happening all around us spiritually physically biblical wise! Prophetic wise! All ways! Do you know your destination when the soon antichrist will reign on earth putting the mark of the beast in foreheads and in hands! Which btw If left here for seven tribulation meaning you rejected Christ will on earth before rapture and Antichrist rule. Then you'll have a choice to die for Christ during tribulation which many will become Christians at time of tribulation having to die for their faith in Jesus you will have to deny that mark RFID chip in hand or body or forehead, if take that mark you will be marked for Satan one hundred percent! That is Satan's mark antichrist mark!! Revelation 13 speaks on all of that ! And revelation. Want to accept Christ as savior? Bible sais we are all sinners and are saved by Christ's shedding of blood on the cross for me and you friend! Not by good works, works don't get one to heaven as most religions preach!as even many Christians practice prosperity gospel for money and entertainment. Christ wasn't about religion nor entertainment. He said HE is the way truth andlife and no man comes to god but by him! He died on the cross for me and you and rose again the third day something else noones done for mankind in history! With every proof physically scientifically and spiritual to back it up! Our Christ isn't in a tomb as he was a real man gods son recorded not just in our Bible but worldwide! The facts are in front of your eyes. Will you accept him tonight? Today? Wherever you are at ? If want to takes a simple prayer and faith the size of a mustard seed as Bible sais. All we need is grain sized faith. You have that? Want salvation do you believe Christ died on the cross was buried and raised the third day and will come again a second time to earth to stop all the madness that's going to occur at tribulation hour upon us. And will rapture up his bride the church , Bible sais the dead in Christ shall Rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall meet them in the clouds to be with the Lord forever..when the trumpet sounds don't you wanna be up in heaven with Christ, and others dressed in white happynot worried what's coming upon the earth! In honesty my friend the hour is coming when Christ will call his bride up ( the church meaning those who accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. Look up on YouTube alone. Type in rapture dreams, martial law dreams, fireball, tsunami dreams. Earthquake dreams. Obama dreams, Pope Francis dreams. Elections canceled Obama dreams. Look it up! Thousands of videos in YouTube alone people are dreaming and seeing visions as Joel 2:28 til the end sais would happen. Can I ask you honestly. Are you saved in Christ? Or will you be reading this again after the rapture happens? Or during tribulation begging god for mercy? Times running late reader. Reason I'm writing all this is because I know how late the hour is . The hands on 11:59 almost midnight. Will you accept Jesus Christ now as Lord and Savior? That's your free will.
If don't have a Bible to study and read please write me whether here or another country in my fb write me or here. If can't get a Bible will send you  free Bible. If can get a Bible please get a king James version or new king James version. Or something close. Many Bibles take out words and sentences or switch words. Also if wanna know about baptism Bible speaks nothing on needing baptism for salvation- but we usually get baptised after salvation to show our love for Christ because he did it and it represents his death his burial and resurrection.  Find church If can that preaches on salvation in Christ alone! Not a money church or entertainment that's all they do church! Find one that preaches on hell heaven! Salvation, prophecy if can! Or best one can find! If got more ?s plz write me. Pray whoever reads this accepts Christ sooner then later. Times running out dear poets!!! Please heed this warning and message times running out!
Thanks for reading! Forgot to mention plz look up ( planet x/nibiru) on YouTube and internet channel ( planetx2016) shows alot video proof of it the natives across the land mainly Hopi tribe spoke on the ( red and blue kachina prophecy)  planet x/ also known as nibiru some say there different either way the ancient Samarians knew of  nibiru that when it comes around every 3,500 years the dwarf planet that's now in our solar system causes chaos brings more quakes big ones as Mathew 24 spoke would happen in diverse meaning many places before Christ's coming. Also nibiru brings asteroids huge ones. Fox news actually spoke on it though mainstream hides it. The whole internet community is waking up to it it's well known and is being captured all over the globe a red looking sun next to our sun as people are capturing two sunsets globally in the sky, seeing the destroyer as it's known next to sun also seeing it or the planet with it next to the moon. Which Bible speaks on wormwood as called in Bible during tribulation that brings bitterness to the waters and Land asteroids so on and many are now thinking this nibiru solar system planet system coming into our own will bring that. Please look this all up wake up world.

Pray you said salvation prayer up top time's no longer on our side...
brandon nagley Nov 2016
In thine aromatic causeway,
I wilt peregrinate thine
Soul, which is a hallway
That leads me to a railway
Of amour's finest tastes;
If tonight's the last night
Of mine, I seek to seest thy
Face, hold hand's, with
Grand plan's shaking
Rhymes as cosmos
Trace. Doing mine all to please thee-
To showeth thee mine many reasons;
With thee I am so graced.
I'm sorrowful mine dear,
Mine tears as year's stack dust to
Bones that waste.
I feelest out of place; out of thy arms.
I need thine enjoin, bring me close that I may feel thee, a warmth of charm. I want to be sent to heaven's stars, a place to fly and float, no devils or ghosts; nor any drunkard's bar's. Fain wilt I be to hold thy arm,
As the burn burns hard, and nothing negative may enter in. Babes of old, washed clean of sin, nothing to loose-all to gain and security to win. Making music with the sound's of ourn snoring.................

Under mystical spiritual willow trees. Heads aside another, connected brains of information-
Souls alike, forever a blessing. Love to flow wild, from the celestial beyond's dressing.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Causeway- paved highway.
Wilt- will.
peregrinate- travel or wander from place to place.
Thine- your just as thy means your.
Seest-see .
Enjoin- command.
Fain- willingly

Happy fifteen month anniversary agapi mou.. me moreeeeee Pickle's
brandon nagley Oct 2016
I'm just a strange man
Who wants to hold
The finest rose in
The world;
Mine Jane.........
Mine soulmate..........

Mine girl-

I'm just a young lad,
With his head inside
A darkened bag,
Waiting for his
Queen's dear
Breath and kiss to poke holes of air
Into the layers of heaven's

Because perfect, verily she is
To me, a flawless gem
Of many sea's.

Mine taste-buds bubble with
Seed's, wanting her lipstick;
Candy flavor.

This is mine love-
Written down on paper;
O' how I need her vapor----
Istic touch, her soul I feel,
A vital must.

Love her, I do
Love her
So much;

Love her so much.
Love her so much............

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou dedicated)
brandon nagley Oct 2016

Yonside the celestial, whereinto ourn
Ability to seest shalt abraid as past day's fade.


Over with ourn life-time of a wait;


Accolent being's, praise in song-
We sit as children on living grass,
Tables made for dinner's to last,
As no time wilt pass, noone shalt be
Late, predestined plates; to never be
Athirst nor hungered.


Warrior's, King's, Seraphim's, cherub's, angelic shine, O' a place
To wonder.


Thou to be mine yellow rose, me to be thine chaperone on the streets of gold; feet being led by the spirit of old, with God on his throne; in the
Holy city wherein love is the
Greatest command.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou)
Yonside-on the farther side of.
Whereinto- into which.
Celestial- belonging to or relating to heaven.
Wilt- will.
Abraid- awaken..
accolent- neighboring.
predestined-(of God) destine (someone) for a particular fate or purpose.
Athirst- thirsty.
Hungered- hungry.
Mine- my
Chaperone- a person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people.
Thou means you.
Thine another form as thy meaning ( your)
Wherein- in which
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