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Ripples of fervent gratitude
Flow out from my thankful mind
I feel the ripples cycle back
They are never far behind

Ripples from my loving actions
Though tiny - can help you smile
And when you smile, you pass it on
The ripples flow for a while

Ripples from my forgiving choice
When feelings get hurt a tad
Help both of us to let it go
And make our hearts feel glad

Ripples from our prosperity
Build increased life for all
Our sharing makes a difference
Whether it’s big or small
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You are important. You are here for a reason. Your actions influence more people than you might imagine. Energy follows thought - so even the simplest blessing visualized for another will help them out.

In this "Ripples" poem I've described some specific ways these ripples might flow, from specific actions. You and I can do better in our actions and our thoughts when we understand the ripple principle.

Start a ripple today.
When you’re feeling strong and wise
And all your life feels blessed
That’s the time to act with power
And really do your best

But when you’re feeling down and out
And to your limit pressed
That’s the time for inner strength
To rise and share your best

At times you feel despondent
A bit unsure and stressed
But you can still express your will
And always act your best

Your best may look quite different
On some days - than the rest
But still you have within your reach
To ever give your best
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Each day you can do your best. Sure, on some days your best may be on a lower level than on other days. But you can still act your best.

On your good days, do your best.

On your bad days, do your best. On days when you wake up in so much pain that you don't know how you can make it through the day, do your best.
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Rather than just Good, or Great
I reach high and feel Excited
And when I feel Together-ness
I call that feeling United

The words I use - mold my thought
And help create my body state
So I’ve learned to know the names
Of feelings I want to activate

Pleasant, Pleased, or Powerful
Affluent or Approving
I feel Certain, Clean, or Cherished
My feelings keep on moving

Elated or Expressive
I can feel these every hour
Sometimes I feel Invincible
And bursting with inner power

At times I may feel just Fine
And my body state will match
How much better to feel Divine?
A feeling others want to catch

Name your feelings - let them flow
Feel Blissful, Brilliant and Bold
Feel Merciful and Mindful
Good feelings - they never get old
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Your life will brighten up as you are able to identify and name good feelings. This poem is about feeling Certain or Cherished, Elated or Expressive, Blissful or Brilliant.

You can do better than "fine, good, bad" for your feelings. The emotional words you use literally shape your thought and your experience of life. Feel Mindful, Merciful, and Magnificent!

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Like sunshine flowing
Abundance without end
That inner knowing
The comfort of a friend

Like first light at dawn
With warmth penetrating
Energy from God
After night of waiting

Colored sky at dusk
Marking this day’s ending
I’ve given my best
That hearts may be mending

Sunshine in my heart
Keeps my hopes exciting
And ever-lasting wealth
Appear at my inviting
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You know that feeling when the morning sunshine penetrates your skin and seems to penetrate into your heart and mind?  Well, that's the feeling of prosperity.  

I do believe in getting literal sunshine in your life, and even more importantly, getting the feeling of that sunshine and keep it all the time!
Make your plans with real intent
Don’t let your life play out by chance
Yet plans can still be light and fun
When you do the prosperity dance

Combine your goals in playful ways
Step by step - your life enhance
Consider well what matters most
When you do the prosperity dance

Engage in things that stir your soul
Even when others look askance
Your life is yours to shape and build
When you do the prosperity dance

You know the inner world comes first
Do “Spirit-Creation” in advance
And watch your visions come to pass
When you do the prosperity dance
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My life goes better when I dance. I don't mean literally dancing, but a playful moving between activities rather than grinding through a huge list of "to do" items. The Prosperity Dance is a mindset that improves life and builds prosperity.

The prosperity dance involves choosing what's truly important for the day, which means some things fall out and just don't get done. That's OK! The prosperity dance also involves creatively involving other people in your projects (and doing the same for them).

Yes, it's a lot to fit into a short poem. It also includes spiritually creating events and scenarios ahead of time, which always helps them play out better.
Prosperity for everyone
For every race and creed
This earth with its abundance
Has everything we need

So let us treat earth lovingly
And every person too
Let’s think about the ripples
That flow from what we do

Our views - they may be different
But still we share this place
On the surface of our planet
Amidst light-years of space

Prosperity for everyone
Please heed this clarion call
With work and love
We can create
Prosperity for All
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Even though this poem may be sparked by the current world situation, "Increased Life for All" has been my motto for life and business since 2004..!

So I've morphed this idea into Prosperity for Everyone and made it into this poem - I hope you enjoy it. This earth truly has an abundance - let's create prosperity together.

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See all things - gathered in one
The reign of joy has just begun
Gardens thrive in total peace
Harvests rich will never cease

The ancient fullness all restored
Plowshares made from every sword
Health and strength arise anew
Light and truth distill as dew

Kindness and compassion flow
Eye to eye we’ll see and know
Trials may come before this time
Just do your part, and I’ll do mine
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I'm looking forward to the time where peace will reign on earth, and everyone will enjoy safety and prosperity.

I personally DO believe in a literal 1000 year Millennium, but this poem is about the kindness, truth, and caring for each other that we can implement right now. Read the last line and join with me.

Feel the connection and love I've put into this poem. My nation (the United States) is going through a difficult time right now, as is the entire world. Every kind act matters, and will ripple out forever.
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