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Every thought I think
Flows wild and free
An independent entity

Like fruit from a tree
Or a king’s decree
Sent forth to all - a gift from me

Every thought I think
Carried with power
Flowing from me hour by hour

I start my thoughts
Yet they don’t end there
They travel quickly everywhere

So I’ll keep choosing
My best thoughts to share
And inviting all - to think with care
This is Prosperity Poem 78 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

Our thoughts are real - and they do travel..! They have an independent existence. You can use this truth in so many ways.

Explore this poem and treat your thoughts with loving care! They matter to you and they matter to others. We have free will, yet our thoughts do influence others (for good or ill). Together, let's make this for GOOD.
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My vine bends low with purple grapes
A bountiful harvest so fine
Clusters so large - flavor so sweet
Stems from daily growth divine

An ancient wall stands high and long
With stones added one by one
Erected not in rush or haste
But with daily growth was done

The canyons deep, rugged and steep
Carved by rivers - rapid or slow
Their rugged walls truly attest
To the strength of the daily flow

I look about, and glean this truth
From the things I hear and see
Listen close - I’ll share it with you
Daily growth is prosperity
This is Prosperity Poem 77 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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This poem started with the concept of "consistency", but not a lot rhymes with that, so it just wasn't working out. I've always been amazed at how much can be accomplished by taking consistent action each day.

When I look around my garden I see this truth also. I never see my peaches or grapes or tomatoes grow in one day - because each day's growth is so small. But over a season, this amounts to hundreds and hundreds of pounds of bountiful fruit for my family!

Faith in Daily Growth allows me to take on projects that are many years long - knowing that the consistent building will add up to monumental results.
I see and feel in pure delight
My end result - in vision now
My vision draws me on and on
No need for force - I just allow

I love the strength and constancy
That vision gives me day and night
A hundred times more powerful
Than will-power (its power is slight)

No compulsion - no discipline
Can fill me with this real desire
But vision can - it fills with strength
My will is shaped - with vision’s fire
This is Prosperity Poem 76 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

This is a quick rendition of an extremely powerful idea. You will be more successful and prosperous if you are PULLED by Vision, rather than PUSHED by Will-Power.

Vision is hundreds of times more powerful than will power.

You can do better when you use VISION.

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Why do I smile? T'aint no mystery
Wanna have a good medical history

Doctor tells me smiling is great
Helps them blood cells circulate

Great for the skin
Great for the ticker
Smiling will get you
In better shape quicker

Feels so healthy, feels so sweet
Smiling just makes my face complete

It builds my strength and appetite
And makes my toenails feel just right

Keeps me youthful, keeps me light
Makes people wonder
‘Bout me in the night

Smiling helps me get along
And keeps all my
Relationships strong

Beats bein' frowny, Beats bein' lazy
Why do I smile? Maybe I'm crazy!!
This is Prosperity Poem 75 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I started out with a different version of this poem.  Then I was out working in my yard and I suddenly thought about an old poem I had on my wall as a teenager.  This poem was called "Why Do I Run?" and I loved it and memorized it.

For many decades now I've loved running.  The poem was written by Ed Cunningham, and I give him full credit for the initial idea and style.  I've changed it up and added a lot, of course.  I still love running and I still love smiling - read it to find out Why I Smile!
It may not be in the deepest soil
Where light and water abound
Yet each tiny seed will strive and toil
To grow in their given ground

Some seeds are sown by loving hands
All buried quite snug and sound
While others fall in rock strewn lands
To claim as their given ground

We hear no cries of pain or delight
As each seed’s place is found
For each one feels their spot is right
To thrive in their given ground

Express your life with joy and might
And may your efforts be crowned
Whether your soil be deep or slight
Grow well in your given ground
This is Prosperity Poem 74 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

What spot of ground were you given in this life? Was it deep nourishing soil, with lots of love from a gardener? Or do you feel you were tossed into scant rocky soil and somehow expected to thrive there? This poem expands on that idea, and is a personal poem for my wife and me.

It stems from a scriptural story about olive trees and a Lord of the Vineyard who transplants different shoots and branches into various spots of the vineyard. Some are planted in good spots, and others in poor spots, but the Lord of the Vineyard has a plan.
I asked about a man named Wealth
Who lives nearby - just up the street
I asked his nearest neighbors
About Wealth, and when I could meet

The neighbor on the left replied
That Wealth was not a friendly guy
And since this was the certain case
To help us meet - he wouldn’t try

And then the neighbor on the right
Said “Wealth’s a super friendly man”
“Easy to talk to - fun to see”
Could we meet?  “We surely can”

Both neighbors quick to answer
But with such different views
It left me puzzled right at first
But soon I knew which view I’d use

So Wealth and I remain good friends
I’m happy that I know him well
Get to know this man called Wealth
Enjoy his home and with him dwell
This is Prosperity Poem 73 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

This poem was not the easiest to write.  I really did inquire of a person who lives near me, and I received different views from both of his nearest neighbors.  So I started out telling about that experience, and then linking to prosperity.  Then I decided it worked much better to have the man actually be a man named wealth.  Are you friends with Wealth?
When the darkness outside
Threatens to overtake your mind
Press forward in faith

When times of trouble come
And you can’t see your way out
Press forward in hope

When others call for help
And you have little to give
Press forward in love

When supplies seem scarce
And your trust falters
Press forward in abundance

When the outer world is in chaos
Strengthen your mind’s eye
Your mind is the key to prosperity
This is Prosperity Poem 72 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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Because many in the world are struggling at this time, I'd like to share the message to press forward. Let the words sink into your soul and provide some comfort. Pay attention to the ending of each stanza. We are all in this together.

Press forward by helping those you are able to help. Just a phone call or a text or an "I Love You" are helpful and comforting.
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