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1.9k · Nov 2020
The Hidden Forrest
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
A pixie a nixie,
a fae all day,
To these I must say
oh me oh my, oh what am I
to do on this fine day,
this fine day in early may
with pixies in the air and nixies in the sea
the fae of the day, all around me.
=)   (*-_-*)   (=

why are names so hard
1.2k · Nov 2020
Ode to Youth
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
Oh stuffy how you are so soft
So perfect and held aloft
On your soft cushion of stuffing you sit
Even as i age and grow my first zit
Oh stuffy how you are so great
So perfect and the size of a plate
The perfect companion
Through the treacherous
Canyon of age.

Never let me enter the haze
For i shall be lost in a daze
Waiting for the phase
Of being old to slowly encroach.
Never let me enter that haze
And remind me of the days
Where books ended in rhymes
And we played in our minds
Never let me forget the time
When time simply forgot to tick
Stretching between naps and noms.
Reminding me of my first tooth
This is an ode to youth
= ) smile
732 · Dec 2020
Some rambly love poem
Samual Hidden Dec 2020
Smoking alone on a corner,
wishing you were here,
asking for a smoke,
begging to be there
in that land far away
as we wait for the lane
to stop, so we walk.

Yet here I stand alone,
cigarette in hand,
Slowly going mad
how i wish you there,
asking me for a smoke,
so that i may tease you,
and make hearty jokes.

I wish you were there,
My angel my fae
I long for the day
where we go together,
waiting for the streetlights
roaming the city as if it were ours
not caring as we venture forth
My fae, my pixi, my darling dearest.
Soon, As soon as the moon rises and sets,
We shall take this town over,
we shall reign as queen and king,
we shall reign as monarchs,
ruling in secret, as not let the world
taint our love.
i didnt lie.
662 · Dec 2020
A Shared Cigarette
Samual Hidden Dec 2020
A shared cigarette
like a pirouette
spinning through my mind
a kiss, a touching of hands,
Rosy cheeks and a quick
stammering of words.
Brought with spark
and gone too soon
Like a shared cigarette
Seeking for moments between,
to maybe glean
another shared cigarette
494 · Nov 2020
{insert good name}
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
Oh on this day my mischievous fae
Oh on this day i declare
My love for you oh so fair
On this day i swear
To take you away in to the air
And twirl as fairies light on the wind
414 · Nov 2020
Ode to Tomorrow
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
The setting sun and rising moon
Bringing about the next day of noon
On the brisk cusp of tomorrow
Bringing not an ounce of sorrow

To the rising sun and oncoming day
What joys can I fill with your day
The wondrous and sights and sounds
Sitting on the brink of tomorrow

How can one be sad
When one always looks to tomorrow
Thinking about the beauty of the day
And thinking of days clad in plaid

To the long summer days
And brisk winter nights
Thanks to the gorgeous memories
With the promise of more on the morrow

To tomorrow
Full of promise and joy
Full of laughter and the ever beckoning ploy
The gift of tomorrow
The promise of a more promising horizon
= ) Im pretty happy with this one.
372 · Dec 2020
Samual Hidden Dec 2020
Filters litter the ground around me,
Slowly they fall to the abyss.
Waiting for time around me,
To go amiss.
We wait for the filters to fall,
so we may see reality once.
And all the while,
it leaves us behind
Cigarettes and how we see whats around us. its your choice.
363 · Dec 2020
Death of a Dream
Samual Hidden Dec 2020
Running away.
A dream that all kids have, as they fight off imaginary pirates.
A dream we harbor as the harsh realities of life slowly creep up on us.
A dream that compromises.
"We shall run away next year when we get some money"
"We shall make a visit first to see if we really like it"
Slowly but surely the dream fades away.
To some cartoon version you see once a year.
Im going to run away one day. One day to a land far away.
351 · Dec 2020
Samual Hidden Dec 2020
Good job and well done
words not uttered since little.
You did good, you've changed,
just fanciful merriment's, never to be had.

All i wish, is to be heard, be seen,
but yet, you refuse to open your eyes.
You wish to peer over my shoulder,
And yet, you refuse even to stand up.

So what must i do to get you to praise?
Must I get college that you refuse to help?
Must I end war?
Or will you refuse to change yourself
All i wish is praise,
But i see now there is none.

None to be had, from an old hag,
None to be had, from those who raised me.
What did i do to disappoint?
You seek not to better yourself,
but only to put me down,

I've grown,
I wish to show you my wings,
But you only see the husk left behind.
For this i am hurt,

I wish for you to grow with me,
but you make it clear that you wish to not,
Your seek not to change only to judge.
And for that you can only, go fu-k yourself.
Kinda rambly, but mostly angry. Sorry
344 · May 2021
Life I guess
Samual Hidden May 2021
I sit here and write my heart,
Call it an art,
And expose my soul to the world

I sit here and struggle,
with problems that seem to double.
A never ending tirade,
that just makes me irate.

I smoke and drink to avoid my soul,
only for it to catch up the next day.
I struggle with reality and turn to words instead,
and yet i cant get out of my head.

The problems are never ending,
but neither are the words i right,
as i down the bottle
and prepare for the night.
341 · Nov 2020
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
Orion the hunter, so valiant and brave,
Hung like a chandelier among the stars
Crystals twinkling as he obediently behaves.
He shines like a warrior. Bow in hand and belt strapped tight
who knows just what will happen on this fine night
He sights his prey and pulls his bow.
With every intention of starting a row
He lets go with a mighty thwap
but alas he has fallen into the trap.
Lost to his pride and to his ambition
No one is quite sure of his condition

Why orion must you stray
from the path of stars in which you stay
Why orion must you do
All the things that hurt you
Oh orion, can't you see,
you hurt not only yourself
but also
Orion the hunter was deeply in love with artemis till apollo tricked her into killing him. Artemis having taken favor to the great hunter hung him among the stars so as to let him live forever, always in the hunt.
263 · Nov 2020
The fight internal.
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
I lay with melancholy,
A emotion that is dark and unholy
Leaving you with a sense of dread
Almost wishing that you were dead.

It doesn't matter how hard you try
It seems you can't find the light
No matter what you do,
You always find yourself in the dead of night

You look in the mirror again,
Tears streaking your face,
Why cant i make amends
Instead of always having this chase

You play hard to get,
But you play to well,
You get forceful,
Only to beat yourself down.

You look at your past,
Your forced to see what you did
Like a knife to the heart,
Twisting and grinding.

You beg for mercy,
only to be denied by yourself
You beg for forgiveness,
Only to be beat down.

Don't you see.
This all starts with you.
As it must end the same.
Until you contend with yourself.
You shan't begin to contend with others.
Lest you be beat down twice.
249 · Nov 2020
L’appel du vide
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
The call of the void,
The ever present touch
The ever graceful nudge
The sudden realization
The hasty correction
The resent of thought
The promise of never again.
238 · Nov 2020
Ode to The Rising Sun
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
Oh my love, my life, my soul
Let us run away to the fading of light
Towards all that we have ever wanted
On the brink of tomorrow.

Oh my angel, my fae,
My setting sun and rising moon
My last of march and first of june
Let us run to the hills and be wondrous
Filling our life with laughter loud and thunderous

My Pixi, my Princey
My royalty brought to life
How I long to hold you
How i long to make you my wife
Spending my days with you in my arms
Still struggling with names = )
199 · Dec 2020
Samual Hidden Dec 2020
you speak of freedom as if its free
not knowing that there's a fee.
A fee of heart, a fee of soul,
A piece of nothing, that is ultimately everything
you speak of freedom,
but your not free.
you beg and plead and hope to understand
but its always just out of grasp
slipping through your fingers like sand
awakened by the harsh rasp at your door
telling you its time to go to war.
Freedoms not free.
not to you. not to me.
196 · Dec 2020
Samual Hidden Dec 2020
Love makes us liars, but not in the traditional sense
Love makes us liars, but not how you think
The smell of eggs fills the air, she made you breakfast.
You don't like eggs that much, but you swallow with a smile
You comment they are delicious.
All the while the thought of the lie is making you tense,
Only for you to lose your sense,
as you wake up the next day,
with eggs on your plate.
Eggs man.
184 · Nov 2020
Lover Boy
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
"Lover boy", the unheard whisper across the pillow.
The beautiful grey eyes that draw you in
The silver toung to rival the devil himself
My lover boy
My Anarchist so clad in black
Let the world roll like water off a ducks back

My lover my angel my fae
Please stay till the break of day
Let me be awoken in your arms,
knowing that to you, there is no harm.
Please my lover boy.

Please my lover boy come back to bed
Least you fall and crack your head
Please my gorgeous angel you must understand
the responsibility falls not in your hands.
Inspired by an over heard convorsation
183 · Dec 2020
Samual Hidden Dec 2020
The days after school,
like heaven slipping through your fingers,
no longer in our youth,
forever trapped in our age.
longing for the days,
after school
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
Leave go my hands, let me catch breath and see;
Let the dew-fall drench either side of me;
    Clear apple-leaves are soft upon that moon
Seen sidelong like a blossom in the tree;
    And God, ah God, that day should be so soon.

The grass is thick and cool, it lets us lie.
Kissed upon either cheek and either eye,
    I turn to thee as some green afternoon
Turns toward sunset, and is loth to die;
    Ah God, ah God, that day should be so soon.

Lie closer, lean your face upon my side,
Feel where the dew fell that has hardly dried,
    Hear how the blood beats that went nigh to swoon;
The pleasure lives there when the sense has died,
    Ah God, ah God, that day should be so soon.

O my fair lord, I charge you leave me this:
It is not sweeter than a foolish kiss?
    Nay take it then, my flower, my first in June,
My rose, so like a tender mouth it is:
    Ah God, ah God, that day should be so soon.

Love, till dawn sunder night from day with fire
Dividing my delight and my desire,
    The crescent life and love the plenilune,
Love me though dusk begin and dark retire;
    Ah God, ah God, that day should be so soon.

Ah, my heart fails, my blood draws back; I know,
When life runs over, life is near to go;
    And with the slain of love love’s ways are strewn,
And with their blood, if love will have it so;
    Ah God, ah God, that day should be so soon.

Ah, do thy will now; slay me if thou wilt;
There is no building now the walls are built,
    No quarrying now the corner-stone is hewn,
No drinking now the vine’s whole blood is spilt;
    Ah God, ah God, that day should be so soon.

Nay, slay me now; nay, for I will be slain;
Pluck thy red pleasure from the teeth of pain,
    Break down thy vine ere yet grape-gatherers prune,
Slay me ere day can slay desire again;
    Ah God, ah God, that day should be so soon.

Yea, with thy sweet lips, with thy sweet sword; yea
Take life and all, for I will die, I say;
    Love, I gave love, is life a better boon?
For sweet night’s sake I will not live till day;
    Ah God, ah God, that day should be so soon.

Nay, I will sleep then only; nay, but go.
Ah sweet, too sweet to me, my sweet, I know
    Love, sleep, and death go to the sweet same tune;
Hold my hair fast, and kiss me through it soon.
    Ah God, ah God, that day should be so soon.
my favorite poem of all time.
164 · Feb 2021
Samual Hidden Feb 2021
The flower struggles to find ground,
Like a daisy in the daylight it shall flourish.
Breaking through the smallest crack,
The slightest ***** in your strong armor.
Slowly it grows with patience and determination, widening the gap crack.
Slowly you start to see, the beautiful flower,
Blooming in the sun light
161 · Dec 2020
Samual Hidden Dec 2020
On the darkest of days
You my fae
Guide my way
Like a light
From a torch
You my dear
Scorch the world
With your beauty
Like cleansing fire
cleansing me with desire
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
The perfection of the imperfect
is a hard concept to understand
It involves much introspection
and a little helping hand,
just as black makes white whiter
and dark makes light lighter,

you take my heart,
and you shape with your hands
the iconic little smiley face
that we carve in the sands
of the beach we used to love
on the coast we used to stay,
in another life on another day
im nothing if not a love lorn fool
109 · Nov 2020
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
How far have we roamed,
how far have we strayed
From the places we played
the meadows that we strolled
full of innocence
full of ignorance.

age creeps like a specter,
full of promise and beauty
easing us into the end
as a mother eases a child to the cradle
gentle and easy, as not to wake
the darling babe within,
full of life and full of un had sin.

How far have we wandered.
How far have we strayed.
From the old grounds we had,
to the new ones we betrayed
full of love full of hate,
full of passion and full of fury
how far have we wandered.
how far have we strayed.

The times when we played
full of grace and beauty
like an angel in motion
never to be seen by mortal eyes
sorry if it got a lil rambly.
94 · Nov 2020
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
Let the music take control
let the music mend your soul
If we all just take a minute
If we all just try to limit
the amount of stress we deal with daily
we would all dance quite gaily
Let the music take control,
let it mend your broken soul.
If not to be swept away,
then to accept the display  
of running away.
living to fight another day
against the darkest demons  
plaguing the day.
93 · Nov 2020
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
Like barons we drink
Revelling in the moment,
failing to understand,
the true feast,
are the moments we share together
91 · Nov 2020
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
Verse fills my thoughts in a never ending tirade
As my mind struggles to compare something
to your unceasing beauty
It seems, the splendors of life,
Hardly compare to the woman who commands mine
88 · Nov 2020
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
i lay with melancholy,
a emotion that is dark and unholy
leaving you with a sense of dread
almost wishing that you were dead.

it doesnt matter how hard you try
it seems you can't find the light
no matter what you do,
you always find yourself in the dead of night

you look in the mirror again,
tears streaking your face,
why cant i make amends
instead of always having this chase
86 · Nov 2020
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
Sweet and floating,
Angelic laughter
                     Like bees on summer wind.
Sleep Dep is a Bit*h
66 · Feb 2024
Samual Hidden Feb 2024
here i sit in melancholy,
the rain it falls so softly.
it stains my face as if i were crying
it leaves its trace, and falls without me.
so i sit. and gaze absentminded
lost in the past.
as i become apart of it, i try to fight
i run i claw i try and gain the lost ground.
i rage, i rage against the dying of my light.
i tear i scrape and i get by
ive raged for so long. i fear there is no more.
but what of the monster, with no purpose anymore

— The End —