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987 · Mar 2019
Rozey Mar 2019
You cannot deny your true feelings
Nor can you hide your true thoughts
One way or another it will show
And you won't even realize

The truth cannot be hidden.
I decided to enter an anonymous poem in my college's poem contest where anyone was allowed to enter a poem about encouragement. I entered my haiku "Beauty."
There's this girl constantly putting me down and telling me my writing is horrible. She has always disliked me for whatever reason she chooses.
So, after I entered this contest, I figure out she was on the panel out of three judges and turns out she was the first one to pick my poem out of the bunch.

How the truth comes out! She likes my poetry and my writing, she just refuses to show me support for the sole reason she has a bias. But she likes my poetry!
886 · Mar 2019
A Short Story
Rozey Mar 2019
Unloved Nightmares
I guess I understand how you can walk past me during the day and act like you're okay. You always felt the need to prove yourself, to look stronger than you were. It's what I admired about you. Yet, you flirt with other girls trying to make me jealous because of what we lost. Well, I am sorry baby. You threw me to the curb. Don't stand there pleading for my love when you were the one who left me in the dirt. I moved on from you and I do miss those little things we would do but, I don't need you boo.

I guess the sun was shining so bright before it made you too blind to see me. Now every night when you close your eyes, those nightmares leave you bleeding. You're wounded, hurt the same way I was. Now it's your turn to understand what it feels like to be unloved.
Karma is a *****.

I care for you but, not in the same way. I hope all goes well and that you've learned your lesson. I found someone else who saw me for me before you even realized who I was.
804 · Mar 2019
You Would Always Win
Rozey Mar 2019
I remember when you told me you loved me
I told you I didn't believe
You held my hands and said:
"Baby girl I am in love with you, from your smile to your heart. I love you more than the world. And nothing can tear us apart."
I was so scared to open up but, with those words I let you in
And from there, you knew, no matter what, you would always win
So you started your journey with me until I realized that journey would never begin
I saw you with her and the same words you spoke
Poor girl, if only me telling her would help realize he is too broke
I knew I shouldn't have believed you but, those eyes played me for a fool
Now, I'm wrapped in wool, staring at a wall, wondering why I allowed myself to fall
593 · Mar 2019
Rozey Mar 2019
I am not the weak little girl you recall
I am the girl who got up even after the roughest fall
You pushed me when I didn't shove
You hurt me when I would help
Now I will not stand to be thrown
So try to push me now.. I sit cheerfully on my thrown
Queens feel the pressure to be this beautiful individual and to set an example. They are pushed to perfect their image and on days they want to be at peace, they are seen as lazy. Days where they can't deal with the chaos, they are seen as weak. Nothing they do makes them perfect enough but, they still sit on their royal chair and smile because they know it is their choice to run how they choose to run their kingdom, their life.
531 · May 2019
I Miss You
Rozey May 2019
You've never left my mind
Not even after you left me in a pool of my own sorrow
Everyday I think, if only I could see you tomorrow
So many people have promised to love me the way I want to love you
So many people promising me to marry me and keep me forever too
But it's just not you
I miss you
I miss us
I miss the memories we made

Happiness is what I'm being given but I'm not accepting all of it. Because I'm waiting for you to give me the rest.

And I can't move on knowing we can never be okay again.
They aren't you. And no matter how amazing they are, I will always have you in my heart.

Love, R.
527 · Mar 2019
Former Self
Rozey Mar 2019
I used to tell myself that I was never a pretty girl
I allowed someone's opinion clout my world
I doubted everything I could do
I allowed someone's thought influence me too
Only now:
I am confident wearing my flaws
From head to toe, I know I have it all
I know I'm not perfect but, I indeed have great skills
To all those before, you no longer have the power of my wills
438 · Mar 2019
Rozey Mar 2019
I am beautiful
Stronger than ever before
Don't forget that babe
Haiku are my favorites!

I will never allow another individual to denote my power and potential. I am beautiful from inside and out. I have fought my demons and I am proud of who I am and where I am today.
413 · Mar 2019
Rozey Mar 2019
You make time for the people you care for
So, what if you don't?
Does it mean you don't care for them?
Does it mean they are less important than what you are doing?
What if you have a bad way of expressing your true emotions?
You don't ignore the people you love
What if you ignore them because you're trying to figure out what to say?
What if you feel like you have nothing to say?
You shouldn't leave people guessing
Has anyone ever stopped to think what if I'm just as confused?
Running thoughts
369 · Apr 2019
Rozey Apr 2019
Wounds never heal if you keep peeling the scab.
The cut continues to be opened, blodd leaks everytime.
Only with time, it bleeds less and less.
340 · Mar 2019
My Worth
Rozey Mar 2019
I was left soaking in my sorrow
Hoping there will be a better tomorrow
Constant check ups to see how he's doing
But never once was I one he was pursuing
I prayed and cried hoping he'd regret hurting me
Coming back apologizing for deserting me
Until someone else came along and reminded me of my worth
I'm stronger and pray for him to stay far from my turf
I'm so glad Biboe came into my life. for the past couple of months I cried or sat in silence hurting for what another did to me. Biboe gave me the attention I longed for. I realized through him I am beautiful and strong. And he's the one that deserves my heart. Not someone who cheats and leaves me to questioning if I'm ever going to be good enough.
323 · Apr 2019
Take on the World
Rozey Apr 2019
You drive me insane but no one can make me smile like you do
With all of my craziness, you still stick by my side boo
I know I have mood swings and it gets on your nerves
But even so, you throw it all to the curves
You healed me when I was hurting and I found you when you were lost
Together in unity, we will take on this world like a boss
Do I even need to describe this feeling?! :}
319 · Apr 2019
Some Days
Rozey Apr 2019
Some days I do not have the strength to keep moving
I blank out, completing forgetting what I was pursuing
Constant thoughts of "What am I doing?!"
Wishing thoughts in my head would stop cooing
I feel like my energy has been drained
The relationships I have all seemed to be strained
My heart is just overwhelmed and pained
I wish I didn't feel so constrained
and that my emotions were something that could easily be contained
I wish there was someone who could be blamed
But there isn't and it feels like nothing is ever going to be the same
Dealing with one of those days.
Gotta keep my head up but I still don't want to be around any right now :(

— The End —