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André Morrison Apr 2019
The sight of you makes me feel at home
I love how the whisper of your voice in me ear
& The feeling your fingers on my cheeks as they roam
Eliminates all my innate fear, don't need to shed a tear
But I'm still shedding tears because you don't love me
Despite being intimate, we're not intertwined
None of your friends even know I exist
You hide me, for such a reason you resist to tell me
Even though my patience is past due
I stay because I'm in love with you
André Morrison Mar 2019
To lust for the impossible
Is to grant your own demise
A love that isn't returned
A future only seen in your own eyes
In another reality, your souls are intertwined
Just in this one, such connection you won't find
Peace of mind is a foreign concept
Undefined feelings are realised
Defined feelings are misaligned
& by staying, it's my fate I've signed
André Morrison Mar 2019
Wrap my own hands round my own throat
To promote less dark thoughts I don't condone
Pause the oxygen to pause the mind
Don't want to think, but want my thoughts to be heard
Excuse the oxymoron, heart & head aren't intertwined
André Morrison Mar 2019
Get vex when I have *** with you
Don't text, need to get over you
Overview of this lust is stress
Don't even need to confess
I used to be in love with you
Deduced there's no love for me
Can't foresee a future with me
Sleep so warm with bodies intertwined
All physical, but emotional isn't on mind
Why must you do this to me
André Morrison Mar 2019
Pain in my arm from reaching out
Third time's supposed to be the charm
But I've lost count & don't know when I'll max out
Mentally taxed & received an emotional drought
Heavily deceived despite knowing the pattern
Opening & showing your heart & now it's shattered
With each day I feel more battered; it's hard
Wishing for a future that's bright
Whilst relishing in the empty mind space of night
André Morrison Feb 2019
You may not be a model fashion wise
But I model myself in your fashion
André Morrison Jan 2019
It's sad to say that I know I'm not on anyone's mind
Being my friend is just a fad, nothing consistently kind
In just a tad, I know you're going to leave me behind
Wish I was stronger, I wish I had tough skin like rind
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