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4.6k · Feb 2018
Ms. Sira
Mugerwa Muzamil Feb 2018
How it felt about when she smiled
Her roses were red wine
Teeth were an iceberg in a cold sea
I didn't know she knew me more than by name
I walked head up to her in a confident laze
She always willed to lay a hand in a steamy time

Whenever she called me by my pet name
I would light up a grin
How I couldn't help her spell
How much I belied of having a way out
The more she drew close, the more I sank in
How she made seduction a white collar trade
The lavish eyes, the lazy talk, the pure feminine mien

She pat on my shoulder and turned to catch a glance
Asked what made her hands a soft pleasure
Whispered that she was schooled in pottery and making dough
I couldn't stop but ask about the flawless curves
She pushed out her lips and said  I used to spin a ring at nine

I asked her out for a movie
She said tragedies make her cry
One day I went to look down through my office windowpane
My sight met hers taking down a secret gang
With a fierce nine millimeter gun
I was left speechless in awe

We needed to rethink our revolution
On her mission in Damascus a plane crashed
I still cried a pail.
This was inspired by a mysterious beautiful lady who used to help me out at work whenever I was clueless
2.9k · Apr 2018
Mugerwa Muzamil Apr 2018
I was a better love poet
When we were dating
The anxiety to be exactly
what you're looking for
stimulated all my hibernating
Now a good lover
But a skeptical writer

Anticipation would stir
my imagination
Now blank with a pen
To every word chain
To every verse
To every unfolding stanza
There was magic and rhythm
This translated into intimacy

But I have got a plan
I'm going to take my mind
on excursion
Do bungee jumping
so I seize an out of body moment
I'm taking on a travelling job
To miss you so much
so often
For all that love
For all the nostalgia
To burst into a word montage
2.6k · Mar 2018
A universe within us
Mugerwa Muzamil Mar 2018
Soul, are you a hue of no color
or you're like a drop of water
held together by surface tension
Are you infused in all flesh

Soul, when I cut my skin
I'm blind to you
Are you veiled from us like Angels
Does the body take on your shape
or you take on the shape of the body

Soul, are you energy
that you can't be lost

Are you made of photons or atoms
Are you connected to God
Radiate from flesh to the cosmos
Do you rest, when I sleep
or you wander the universe

Can you wear flesh
Like we wear clothes
Do you feel without the body
Are you immortal by nature
or by God's grace

When an entity, do you feed
or you're like sun of infinite vitality
or a universe within us
Milky way galaxies in our hearts
Are you reason and doubt
It is said only God knows the secrets of the soul.
1.7k · Mar 2018
Anatomy of the sun
Mugerwa Muzamil Mar 2018
Slice the sun
Wield Its nucleus
Feel the throbs
Of its light
That's me
Part of you
No half-life
Me and you
1.6k · Mar 2018
A kind of beauty
Mugerwa Muzamil Mar 2018
All along my unconscious
has been consumed by your
beauty which is below
the threshold of my wakefulness

Yet I crave it

You're not of classical beauty
but such a timeless white Lily
whose pureness grasps the mind
And remind me that I'm alive

For its adoration, essence is not
in form but in the method
Your quirkiness captures
my infinite imagination

You keenly read the mapping
of my unrestrained tears
Your pureness lies in innocence
Mine in experience

A kind of beauty
1.5k · Feb 2018
A spatter on the surface
Mugerwa Muzamil Feb 2018
In this breathing gallery
Art is vivid for science to be
For science to be executed
Art is a spatter of feelings
In wows and wonder

Chemistry goes on and on
In vigorous interactions
of substance, of souls, of colors
Art surfaces as chemistry deepens
Then there comes the Art collector
Fledging up the souls.
1.4k · Feb 2018
Wave of sleep
Mugerwa Muzamil Feb 2018
Moon dangles for ages
Stare as men rage
The sun sunning
Unreachable gold shinning

Our hearts shaking with blood
To pump life in our deeds
Wither not till you're mine
Shun the paths of villain

A love clot in my eyes
So sad your byes
Death stealth as a wave of sleep
Abandoned souls do weep

Dearth of pulse we delve
In this earth we know but leave
The sighing of the last breath
So you try to stop the wrath

Wail for certainty sons
Write your names on the sun
As you swear to change ways
For which you stirred in days.
Dedicated to those who lost a loved one through violence.
1.2k · Sep 2023
No barren hearts
Mugerwa Muzamil Sep 2023
Love of the moss
grows shyly for the rock
With the rock nothing to flaunt
Whispers and sheds misty tears

Woods shun the rock
But the moss dares it
Giving the green cushion
and the glisten it longs

Such is the extravagance of the moss
The green blanket of the Eskimo
For the moss will give the rock buds
for it to taste the mist of dawn

Shrubs and thickets will envy
but embrace their despise
Winds swipe the shrubs
The moss nestled against the rock
Hugs, sticks and vows
Till man do us apart.

September 2023
1.2k · Oct 2018
The finest of creation.
Mugerwa Muzamil Oct 2018
You had no shadow
because you're a light

The clouds followed you with shade
because you're a mercy

Your sins before and after
were forgiven
because you belong to paradise

Angel Gabriel got lost in your light
because you're the finest of creations

You had the ring of the prophets
because you're chosen

Your message is for the whole world
because you are the last of  the prophets.
769 · Dec 2023
Empty vase
Mugerwa Muzamil Dec 2023
Would time tell that once we were
Two wandering kinds in the realm of love
Knew we belong yet denied
It was just blooming in our hearts
What I abandoned
To love one thing and hate another

Young love is but a fountain of memories
You cherish it with your toes curling
Deep in my heart I knew you're the one
You're tender, rare and witty

You were an innocent rose
Spreading its scent to unfamiliar world
You're a flower whose beauty
matches no vase.

718 · Feb 2018
philosophy of dolls
Mugerwa Muzamil Feb 2018
In this dark night
I still feel I possess my shadow
I feel it linger fiercely
Palpating my ego
Walking tall on walls
Like shadows of wavy flames
Of a heated bonfire

The night superimposes
its darkness over my shadow
Waiting to prowl in the dawn
Beneath the blossoming sunrise
Sharp beams of light spread
In this heat wave I can still feel
The coldness of my tender breath

Pry the  demons who want to undo
my philosophy
Smother my dreams to fading mist
Demons latent in a soulless shadow
I can still unleash my fettered self
Because no light no shadow.
715 · Feb 2018
Mugerwa Muzamil Feb 2018
My heart sunbathed in your shimmer
So lost my magical lover
When I hear a door knock
I rush with my feeble knees to unlock
Peer through the peephole
Thought my lover has found home
So expectant are my bruised eyes
561 · Oct 2018
Half chances.
Mugerwa Muzamil Oct 2018
You're the fluid, I'm the mould
I give you shape, and you make me brim
I'm here to let you know
How much I bear the burden of a heartache
When you drift away

I have told you what I feel
Even when those eyes of yours laugh
waiting for telltale signs
or am I starting to see patterns
in what seems to be randomness
of our existence
Should I believe in coincidences
or the metaphors of time

Your deep brown eyes
a guiding discovery to our future
If I could recite a mantra
so powerful that it could rhyme
With the unsaid sophistication
of your wondrous stare
and recite to the myths
of our time
That nothing was made of us
away from us.
549 · Dec 2023
A Russian roulette in Paris
Mugerwa Muzamil Dec 2023
Babe, you knew
When the clouds grow darker
When the thunder thuds
It's not going to be a fine weather

Babe, you know
When you hear a squeak sound
in the bedroom
It's not just the pets

Girl, you see
When the movie tempo rises
For sure it's going to be a bad scene

You're playing
a Russian roulette in Paris
Who got you a slingshot
to face the tanks

You blend a bouquet of guns
and orchids
I heard you sigh like a barbecue
Now dizzy and woozy

I sniff the  soot
I can hear the sirens
You played
a Russian roulette in Paris

2nd December 2023.
521 · Apr 2018
Mugerwa Muzamil Apr 2018
I have realised what it means
I met two lovers on the boulevard
All intertwined into
each other's universe
You would see
They're generously in love
It reminded me of us
Their eyes were looking
For each other's soul
It made me understand
that pairing is the theory
of every thing
I'm a broken man
Only need a mending
by your tolerant beauty
Realising goals
was everything for me
I forgot the moments
that suspend the laws
of nature
What we had was Artful
So real to give chance
to posthumous sensibility.
509 · Dec 2023
Mugerwa Muzamil Dec 2023
Soul, don't slip through that windpipe
Soul, hang on even if it be on thorns
Though you bleed to find tomorrow
Angels, fledge his soul from the wind
For wind flies the wingless
Scatters seeds of men
Shakes marrows of old

When time draws close
Feathers on the quill sway
Feel of hair on the heads numb
and the bald heads run cold
Colored spots in eyes cloud

For wind flies the wingless
Shakes off hands of clocks
Skins crease to dry dates
You dither you wither
Then you realize
Those myths
are true stories, that grew weak

14th December 2023
451 · Dec 2023
Every grain of ash
Mugerwa Muzamil Dec 2023
Patience is divine and a panacea I know
It is time watched through an hour glass
Through observed pain for every grain of ash

You own it, honor and peace finds you
You ask a thing from God
And be blessed to know
Somethings may need to happen
to be answered

May be some one has to be born
Some may have to grow old
May be at times, even some one has to die
That's how weird it could get
Or you may need to achieve
a certain level of wisdom
For your prayer to be answered

And when you're in rush for answers
Then grief, despair and devastation
overcome your peace
And even honor and dignity fractures
Many things may need to happen
For you to rise.

419 · Dec 2023
Tears in a pail
Mugerwa Muzamil Dec 2023
Collect his tears in a pail
They got the right nutrients
To water the tree of freedom
Fruits to bear for the youth
But how can we collect enough
If we don't fight enough

No time to cower under beds
The tempest blows the roofs off
He looks through the little light
That pierces through the needles eye
It's the same ray of hope
That stirs him

Collect his tears
Collect some more
Better live than exist
Better expressed than suppressed

14th December 2023
395 · Feb 2018
I'm not as yesterday
Mugerwa Muzamil Feb 2018
My heart, your pendulous dart board
And you're aiming for the bullseye
Scarred by peripheral attempts
My heart has evolved
Stronger and braver than ever

The churning blood in its chambers
Has made its dark caves cope
Races against time in its tender throbs
And no more
I'm not as yesterday.
323 · Mar 2018
Mugerwa Muzamil Mar 2018
you bring on
Your shaky light
to estranged lovers
You bestow
on those, near sighted
the feel of the stars

You twinkle
the harmony
in the sky
You know
you can't compare
with the stars
but still give
all you have

That's you my lover
Your flame lights
my world
I blow my lips
I can't give
what belongs
to someone else
I am a night pantomime
Only trying to please

It was a stage
We had no Audience
The stage curtains
have been unfolded
I devoured
your improvisation
The crescendo
humming chords
The telltale soliloquy

I can't deny
It was worth it
And  waits
a day
of no expectations
to manifest.
182 · Aug 2024
Loneliness of the process
Mugerwa Muzamil Aug 2024
If they could, if they won't
Steal my thoughts
That keep me company
It is like time stopped
Every thing fond of
Came to a stand still

If they could, if they won't
The stillness, the familiarness
of my surroundings
Squeeze the self into oblivion
But will they let me be

Writing is therapy
For the hollow and curious
I dream Ink Pots and quills
That is what stirs and thins
my viscous blood
If they could, if they ought
Let them know
I'm a seed

82 · Feb 2018
Time travel
Mugerwa Muzamil Feb 2018
It's true you hear a cracking sound
When my eyes blink
Dry eyes wide stuck in the dark
Effort to shut them in silence
But you still hear the squeakiness

All because we dream together
On the same pillow our skins kiss
You tell me stories of what made you
And It's plain to see
They are not different from mine
Except that I always played in the rain
Of  which rain taught me to make signals
Whenever I am to date

I feel dryness of my sweatless skin
Here comes the bleed from my pores
Side effects of time travel to the beloved.

— The End —