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Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Always Hostile
Mallow Sep 2015
We conquer foul play caused by past discrepancies
Somewhere along the chart, hearts sink into the sand
Scars caused by burned skin never change their shape
Even when nursed back to health, they still hold the same print.
The pleasure that you speak of is too far in the distance,
All moves are read with a cautious eye
Feelings cannot be talked off the overhanging ledge
The fire of pain cannot be put out inside.

Roads do not just lay out paths before us,
They form partings of what was once a unified land.
Promised deliveries are only distractions
So the forbidden can again be secretly admired.
Why does the bond have to be evolved?
Why does it have to mean coexist as the separate?
We all live lives so solitary and curious
Where there is always a bit left on the side.

Hopeless and heartless is what we are left with
The more we go on the less we can hold onto in pride.
Call the delivery man for food, love and friendship
When we are done we tell him to go on and drive.
All feels like an existence in a video game
Where all the lights are made to be blinding
Same pages may exist but
How they are read is never beloved again.
Aug 2015 · 1.6k
The Velvet Hour
Mallow Aug 2015
Monkeys staring at the eyeballs in our heads
The forced rope ties tighter and pops out the vein
The process takes a moment but no more than a feather being blown
Sun beams now highlight the velvet hour.

Sand castles keep the sand man guarded and safe
In return, we have another day swallowed by the unaccomplished.
Spirited with a medical remedy
Lovers say a happy goodnight to the days ahead.

String haired figurines on the walls form the decor in this doll house
The rooms sit back to back but remain mostly vacant.
She dances around the room and tries on the attire
Forming the platform for our intimate silent exchange.

The chair pulls down and gravity makes its move
Maps form plans to be affiliated with a higher member
But with refusal, we can sit and add wood to an internal stove
Write stories noticed by no-one living in elegant designed routine.

They say its madness that gets you in the end.

*I dont think I agree!
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
Falling Without Grace
Mallow Aug 2015
The black dog is on my doorstep, he insists that he needs a drink.
Footprints are already impounded on all followed pavements.
The cake is poisoned with the stories of the greater mans word.
Eat it and your fate is within their wrist flicking reach.
End results and the finishings of situations
Are already determined beyond personal effect.
How many men are in your army? How many would have my back?

There is a man on a chair holding the club of master dimensions
I can see how he wants to play with my intents.
They force the doors shut blocking a sky that is taught to be blue
So we miss that it was turning green through foreign effects.

The black dog is on the doorstep, he insists that he needs some help
I stand on the zipline, looking over the city and the laid out maps.
If I was to say the sky was blue,
My hand you would shake and praise intellect.
If the same sky was deemed to be green,
Soldiers would be notified to create laws to control the insanity paradox.

The same man on the chair, dictates with a definitive howl,
I can see there is no room for small whistles or whispers.
The slammed door will not open despite my best efforts.
There is no way when there is one of me pushing one way and ten men pushing back.
Aug 2015 · 1.7k
No Corners in Corridors
Mallow Aug 2015
The corridors are long with no diversions
The way in which we walk is already known,
Turn and go back will only hinder distance covered
Forward progression burns through the heart.
Whoever watching, why do we lose both ways?
Can we even rise over all the soul piercing strategies?
Take each step for money to be earned
Lose every shred of integrity, or stand still, be kind and wither
into a background number dissolving into the wallpaper of the inoffensive.
The corridor is long, it gets darker and less enticing
The way in which i walk is almost robotic in tone.
The choice to turn back is an illusion believed to exist
but i am unconvinced of this option anymore.
Hide or be hid, the choice is there to be made,
No footprint is allowed to influence, unless the influence is seen to
add to what our leaders have printed in notes.
Jul 2015 · 1.6k
And Then She Said That
Mallow Jul 2015
Glazed faces running fearless in the harvest forest
The brush of the rising crops tingles on the skin
We drop down lying head to head
Following planes with our fingers in the sky.

Your reflection inside mimics my stance outside
Where the smoke from my cigarette
Turns into clouds above my head
Masking the light from the full moon that shines elusively bright.

Distance is crawling between us
Stealing our monumental past
It pollutes our freeness in speech.
Sorrow cant be fixed by ice cream
A day off where i let my mind indulge in far away dreams.

Your voice that was sweet music
Is now NOISE.
I close the bathroom door and wish we were in a book of prose
Where we play faces and turn into toys of mad creation.
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
A Miserable Affair
Mallow Jul 2015
It was a miserable affair from the very beginning
Just try and ignore the bullet that invasively laments with the soul.
Asked over and over to clear the throat and to speak words louder
Funny thing is the louder the screams, the less one is known.

Roses lay down a path of nettles,
What once was cherished, was handed to ghosts.
I could have been your graceless temptress,
You could have been my cardinals post.
Jul 2015 · 1.3k
Misty Persuit
Mallow Jul 2015
Misty gaze, jittered breath
Sun burned skin ironed to stop the creases.
The fly never ceases to change direction
it follows mightily close.
Boxed into a shadow, one which no one else can see
How can that be?
Claim the sights as mine or ours?
Leave to follow mans created hasty pursuit
Chasing the everlasting scent of the poisoned flower.

The big man has too many sayings, creates etchings with his words
Repeatedly lost in the background of distasteful play,
All numbers numerate to a phantom deal
Answers long slipped under broken tables.
Open fields are searched like space,
Meteors fly spitting fire with gunshots
Shining towards an illusion of a finish line.
Crawl westwards some will say, crawl right, or jump and hit the explosive beckoning.
Jul 2015 · 771
Take Me To The Nest
Mallow Jul 2015
Zap Zap Zap
Electricity burns through the space between my eyes.
A tidal wave catches me under its wing and I am pounded into the bedrock.
There was talk of some buried treasure but sight so blinded by surface grit cannot seek it out

The gasps for air are getting more frequent which in turn causes the chest to run tight.
I cant see far out for my eyesight is bad.
Our wooden paddles are bashing against each other, leaving us sat stationary in the boat that we climbed in.

The drippings of water are still soaking my clothes, they persist time and time again.
The towel you grab is half soaked with your drench leaving half left over
to dry my eyes and warm my legs.

If we lose one paddle in the current, and I retire from my work and rest
Would you allow me to lean on your back as you guided us back to our island, our nest?
Mallow Jul 2015
Under the dead beat sky
Collaborations tie us all together
Our ideas cross and human gazes overlap
Streams flow into tiny veins that cover a certain surface area.

Red lights shine on profiled faces in the evening side of the night
Trainers shuffle along the uneven ground around town where signs are broken.
Cigarette smoke pours out of each corner of this run down station
Wrinkled looks despair over the dated flourescent timetables

Just waiting for the next train out of town
Just waiting for the next train out of town

Shove past my nearest man to get to the furthest conception
The long path to the nearest understanding of human nature
Is muddied with distasteful stories that couldnt hold any kind of weight Among us.

*Jeremiah in the window of the salon, he puts his makeup on slowly
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Dancing Headlights
Mallow Jul 2015
Sliding down your barrel once again
instead of climbing out I’m examining the insides with great precision.
A smile covers my face as my head drops back
silk scarves are running past my neck

Faces glow with glittering shine,
sequins twinkle in kind eyes
hands are held out to hold tight.
My city is my friend and plays with me all night.

Water carries all the weight
as feet glide past each other with a slight pressuring touch.
Enigmatic shivers stand in line to go up the spine,
the order in which they fire is ecstasy.

Everything seems in   s l o w   m o t i o n
as if a flip book had folds in each page.
Voices turn into sweet music
that i only imagine heaven would play.

Faces glow with glittering shine,
sequins twinkle in kind eyes
hands are held out to hold tight.
My city is my friend and plays with me all night.

This barrel that is held over my head
is you needing me more my great
Whenever you need me to come,
please just say!

I am here waiting for you always
Jul 2015 · 553
Mallow Jul 2015
Barriers are high and mighty today
Dark envelopes are being posted
Fate is numbered in tally marks that sound like nail scratchings on slate.

The knife sticks into the same spot in my chest
and the wound is never given the chance to heal.
The day is spent slipping further into venomous unrest
where the hooded dark circle is waiting to swallow my sight and break my seals.

My fingers are fraying at the ends and the blood is travelling backwards,
If i could see it, I would say it is blue.
How many rocks could have been ingested
to weigh me down so mightily that i cant move.
The curtains fall down dark and with a dominant purpose
however, Act One never seems to finish.
Gravity drags my lungs down to my feet
where a puddle of my former self has formed.

*Faith has gone and I feel like I am trapped like this forever
Jul 2015 · 911
Mallow Jul 2015
The room swallows my particles as I lie down to breathe
The lights turn on and my ghost disappears
Safe from harm on my island of feathered pillows
where i detach from my backpack of weighted fears

Drink me into the dust
remember, i MUST, i MUST

Grand chairs and lavish bed quilts
surround me as i disappear into sun beams
Weightless, i float around my ideal retreat
where i can fold my dreams into origami shapes

Find me in the dust
remember, I MUST, I MUST

Chills feel like electric screams
running back and forth through faulty synapses
The lights are on but the ghost reappears
I stand up shivering between the boxes and breeze

Swallowed into the dust
*forgotten by the world
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Mallow Jul 2015
all walls are purpose built and man made,
designed to obstruct and divide
Jul 2015 · 2.5k
My White Silk Scarf
Mallow Jul 2015
My white silk scarf
keeps me warm for five minutes
it slips away and i have to keep catching it

My learned karate is getting sharper
but my legs keep buckling after the kick

My white silk scarf
is pulled out of my pocket
It twists and knots around my neck too tight

My words rush by like rhymes trapped in rivers
but my tongue gets rough once it brushes the rock

My white silk scarf
is tied to my ankles forever
it stops me from moving towards the light
It stops me from moving towards the light
Jul 2015 · 484
Mallow Jul 2015
Walking on this hard pavement now feels like walking on a cushion quilt.
Running my fingers along this jagged wall once felt like grainy sand but now feels like silk.
Gazing up at the clouds in the sky which were once so dark and grey are now rose tinted.
Feeling the cold wind which once cut my skin has now become my protective armour, my blanket.

Restlessness transformed into comfort.
Anxiety transformed into serenity.
There is no longer a crippling fear
of loss, loneliness, void and uncertainty.

This moment is precious, unreal, rare and profound.
Trying so hard to keep my ear close to the ground.
How have my head and heart agreed to peace so fast.
*My Saviour, my love please make this moment last.
Jul 2015 · 4.8k
Mallow Jul 2015
IT runs fluid between us and around
Rigid boxes can no longer contain it
the colour scale varies today
what is red is green anyway

The water in your eyes swirls like it does in mine
It drops out of the corners into our veins
ice seas leave unleading tracks
into treasured coves in our domains.

Its a touch of a finger tip and
not what they talk about in song
that pulled me into the air
that you breathed out

IT bursts and falls from trees
causing electric storms of desire
chasing the internal fires
that give us courage to dance in the thunder.

*Him and Her
Pulled towards both axis
attraction is an unexplainable thing :) Thanks for reading!
Mallow Jun 2015
Sometimes the pencil just draws and the brush just swoops…they go in the opposite direction that you want them to but a new picture is created, one that does not resemble the object being drawn/painted but a picture that looks further than the object itself and draws its essence instead.
Looking into things not past them
Everything is more than it seems
Mallow Jun 2015
There is always tomorrow
Let's leave it for today
The valuable silver lining
Got dissolved and flew away

Rest your head my beloved one
Let your eyes roll away
Pillows made of feathers
Wait eagerly to carry your weight

Don't let the games continue to play
Hard days!! --thanks for reading
Jun 2015 · 480
Glasses Up
Mallow Jun 2015
You play the violin while I bleed to death!
Mallow Jun 2015
The sun shines with its judgement
looking for a hand to hold

stepping on partner tracks
trying to tell a different story from the day before

The crossroad i have named ‘brick’
is dressed in anticipation of anger

The atoms of the city go off like a buzzer
crisscrossing along ‘brick’ in a cosmic manner.

The building to the left of this corner
is luminous with so many friends

Familiar breaths and un curtained
I have seen its integral treasures

My laughter is no longer a part of this scene end

City, it is time we parted ways
City, i never promised you i would stay
City, you are cheap and like to go off and play
City, you exist without my say

These streets were never mine to begin with
Bye bye hometown---Thanks for reading :) appreciate any feedback
Jun 2015 · 715
Recover Me
Mallow Jun 2015
Silver shivers run past the breeze
leaving plains of white visions under the light

Distance and corners merge into a blurred vacant
where the ghosts of the singing children dance

We stand aside each other
Leaning arm to arm
Locking fingers tightly
Me and my other half

Pictures are created by a silent venom
Diving into pools of sharp corners

Bushes set ablaze injecting some coloured lashings
Heat melts away the beloved tranquil course

We stand aside each other
Touching arm to arm
Locking fingers slightly
Me and my other part

Purple and blue faces left surplus in the sand
Coarse furnishings decorate the mind

Track tyres leave markings around constant bends
Time dissolves into oblivious ruin

We stand apart from each other
reaching for the others arms
Relationship with the self during steps of unsuccessful attempts of recovery--New to this so thanks for reading the poem :)
Apr 2015 · 407
The Wrong Outcome
Mallow Apr 2015
I push the axe that comes down and splits us into two parts
We reveal the glue that bound us together
It pours around us and forms muddied puddles
In which i trip and drown
But you drink to make you strong.
Never forget that you may be the problem..not them!
Apr 2015 · 774
See me, See you
Mallow Apr 2015
How many times am i going to die for you
Before you realise the truth
I am here, right in front of you.
See me, see you.
Its hard sometimes when you are overlooked!
Apr 2015 · 685
Rushing It
Mallow Apr 2015
The 'like it' button is on another page
value myself on what others say
weeks of thoughts processed quickly today
to type up and not get left behind creatively

My shell and my shadow sit together to pray
hoping for the world to stop pushing the race
where i look like I'm failing again
but really my aim is to not even play.

The rulebook is on fire in my living room
all I feel is a creeping doom
how many hearts, clicks and jumps will i deserve
when i get to grips with the daily churn.

He breathes heavily down your neck
She stares cunningly at your gestures
They change your invisible intentions
To manipulate your inner perceptions
Feelings of being new to this! Deep issues are now changing to surface conversation
Apr 2015 · 494
The Unforeseen Encounter
Mallow Apr 2015
And the city lights remind me of you

The unforeseen encounter captured me and is now
turning me into a drowning mess.
My thoughts are completely dominated by your feeling.

The familiarity of his gaze pierced into my soul, yet again,
and unravelled

His face, his presence was shy and reminiscent of the time we first met.
The first time we fell in love and rapidly became the little pieces of each other.

The city lights witnessed our dizzy waltz, as we danced and spun into
the cloth that wove the same garment.
We will always be fibres of the same being.

He was nervous
I was nervous
His hands shook as he showed me a picture on his phone.
He looked smart, wearing a jumper very similar to one I bought him
years ago.
We were open, never at a loss for words.

My smile never left my face, his glint never left his eye.
We were warm and almost luminous.
Our words, old and new, were forming our new poetry,
Our story still continues, hopefully always will.
We are something else, we are beyond ourselves
At a point so high, so firm like cement but with a strong enough force
could be

Will you always be there to save my life?

My heart is with you, after we left, my heart stayed with you.
My random meeting has stolen my present state and removed me back into my past.

I went home and thought of you, tears kept falling,
my pillow was drenched in the morning.
The phone starts ringing and I am still mourning.

— The End —