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Brett Jul 2021
I hope the supple touch
          Of all the women I have ever loved
Cascades like rain
          Over every inch of this Earth’s terrain
Let the sunrise kiss from her crescent lips
          Chase away the nights gangly grip
Turning barren fields
          To blooming bastions
Of roots and seeds, nurtured into
          The smile underneath a weeping willow tree
Raise the bones of change
          From their dusty graves of grief
Discard your flesh and,
          Bare to me only what lies beneath
A woman's touch can ignite life back into blackened ash and dust.
Brett Jul 2021
Alone on the threshold of liminal space;
I come across all my broken parts.
Floating and thought misplaced;
They gravitate as I pass, and circle back to me.
All these years lost in a sorrowed haze;
I had forgotten the creases that create my happy face.
The careful weathered etchings,
Of the years where pleasure always bested pain.
My eyes see clearer now, but how much of me remains?
If enough to scrawl, these reflective letters
Then enough to walk, out through the hallowed halls
That entomb all the past attempts to rid the dangling darkness
From above my waking world.
Enough to run; towards somewhere, and not away from
Brett Jun 2021
Earth is claustrophobic
Trapped on a spinning rock, doomed to never leave
Celestial dreams these human eyes will never see
Maybe home is the space between, the weight of gravity
And floating through the seams
Cut the tether
Drifting out passed the horizon of dead seas
Major Tom awaits to meet
The anxiety of external and internal exploration
Brett Nov 2020
As you walk through the valleys in the shadows of your mind
The clocks begin to unwind
As we get trapped in the ice of frozen time
These are the moments
Where clarity is defined
All our failures single file
As we walk the line
Searching for answers
The dark creeps in like a cancer
It could consume your soul
Regret helps the past spread like mold
Stuck in a hole
The warmth of the sun couldn’t penetrate the cold
Sitting at the riverbanks as you watch it flow
Its here you realize that time just goes and goes
Just then
Butterflies are birthed from crows
The clocks begin to tick
As you begin to age
No longer afraid
Your body expels the rage and all the pain
The sun breaks through the vines
As you turn the page.
Brett Mar 2021
I just like to live this life of mine
And take some time
To kick back on a quiet day and get to rhyming
See I don’t floss
My neck isn’t dripping wet with diamonds
I just compose with ease
And use my toes to dance upon the ocean breeze
Catch a flow so cold the roads could freeze
The words are just a metaphor for where my emotions lead
Hopes a dollar
They pushin’ pain for free
A generation flush with cash and cream
You can’t cash morals in the bank it seems
Brett Feb 2021
Embers burn the fields of love to ashes
As the crackle of the flame traps and trances
The malignant nature of second chances
Who can say what True Romance is
Just glance at how the fire dances
Our hearts the urns
Remnants of all the moments that have come to pass us
Silhouettes sketched of pain
Ashen sculptures of what remains
Burnt and blazed
Empty charred picture frames
Sit upon this mantle of blame
Brett Jul 2021
Feeling used up.
It all started as a way,
To suture oozing wounds and band-aid this pain.

Caught in the middle,
Of abuse and feeling myself again.
I create and I shake, like an earthquake of two dueling fates.

An artist and dearly departed.
Both tugging and pulling,
For a monopoly of my mind.

I quit and I writhe. I take and I shine,
Like a princess diamond set high upon the sky.
Sunshine from the outside; always setting in his eyes
I am sorry for the recent darkness that has overtaken my work. I understand if it is too much for some. I share in hopes of shining however dim a light on the darker side of life. Thank you.
Brett Jan 2021
Do you know what he has to fight
To make sure he makes it through each and every night
Now don’t get it all in a twist
He would never take his own life
Or contemplate a suicide
But the voices in his head
Keep opening his mind
To maybe see what is on the other side
The universe lies just past the horizon of his eyes
Just a Ne’er do well
Trying to pierce the veil
This shells too small
And he is tired of being the snail
Just racing with time
So before he punches the clock
He says
I’m going to get mine
Too scared to death to ever die
Now he just gets loaded up and lets the words fly
So don’t get discouraged
Wouldn’t want his parents to worry
Cause he hasn’t slept in weeks
Too many poems to write
Too many lines swimming in his mind
He’s a word bully
Who verbally
Abuses verbs
Puts his heart and soul into every word
Every verse
Until the day the hearse delivers his casket beneath the Earth
Brett Jan 2021
I write these words down
For I fear how they may sound
When I speak them aloud
Fear of being painted as the clown
Maybe I’m talentless
Walking this tightrope
With no balance left
I try to break free
But I know life will be the death of me (ha)
I guess that’s true for us all
Falling endlessly
Its ten past three
These voices in my head are trying to get the best of me
“Just cry”
“Curl up and die”
“Find the highest roof and jump, lets see if you can fly”
All these bellowed cries have me forgetting lines
Same song on repeat for the hundredth time
I used to see a problem and jump in with fire behind my eyes
Now I shy away
Lock myself inside
Retreat to the deepest recesses of my mind
Like there is some hidden treasure I may find
That would allow me to rewind time
And make the same mistakes twice
For the sake of this rhyme

I used to worry about who I may be
Now I know
That I am just me
A fleeting breeze rustling through the leaves
A crashing wave
Another fish in the sea
All out of tricks
No more keys hidden up my sleeves
Now its half past three
And I can’t tell who wrote this
The voices in my head
Or the face in the mirror staring back at me……
Brett Dec 2020
Traveling on this broken road
My wandering mind
Gets lost in the rows
Of all these written lines
What lies below?
Black crows
And a vision of home I will never know

The night is dark and full of terrors
Or so they say
These nights I play psychology professor
To keep the darkness at bay
What lies beneath?
Gritted teeth
And a thousand crumpled pieces of loose-leaf

I hold the key
To the doors
Of whom I’ll be and what I was before
One last metaphor
What lies in the deep?
One last sleep
Eternal peace
Brett Feb 2022
I feel everything, and nothing at once.
Sadness: that others seem to always
Stand with their back to me, and
Sorrow: for the indifference
That lies in my heart.
Walk away,
And with each step that widens your gait,

Reach escapes velocity, and
Pull yourself from my gravity.
Like a white hole I repel
All good natures from my orbit.
A perpetually scarred surface, from
Periodic collisions.
The heavens send their vessels,
Like tears raining from the sky.
Only to be burned up in my atmosphere.
Brett Apr 2021
Lips of an angel
Carefully stitched
Upon your kiss of death
            Here I am again
            Hedging my bets on your every toxic breath

Heart of stone
Carved by the jagged edges
Of my own broken bones

            Here I am again
            Your wicker man

An eternal effigy
Burnt and blazed
Windswept ashes
Scatter all that’s left of me
Brett Oct 2020
He peers through fogged glass
As it begins to rain
Gazing past the flash
Of lightning on his brain
Slowly watching time pass
His thoughts cannot refrain
From searching for the last
Heart which left a stain
On the soul that he had smashed
On the most rugged of terrain
He is trapped in the past
And that’s his window pain
Brett Feb 2021
Snow patters at my windowsill
As if it knows I'm restless still
It speaks soft
As if not to bother
Sings it's tune
So far from sorrow
I wonder if the snow
Fears it's own tomorrow
Whisped away by the northern winds
To end up places it had never been
Yet lay so still
And fall with grace
The snow finds home
In any old place
Each nook and cranny
Every branch and landing
And though it's cold
It's never bitter
It warms my heart
To see the snow this winter
Brett May 2021
I see your reflection in the glass
***** mirrors distorting visions of my past
Lonely, naked in the rain
The wind baby, always whispering your pain

Corrosive thoughts slowly poisoning my brain
I was broken long ago
A silent sickness
Steadily driving me insane

My conscious mind refrains
From falling out or giving in
I will go without
On the strength of that which lies within
Brett Jun 2021
The world is words so seldom heard
Cries for help ignored, misspelled
Silent screams from those in need
Dying pleas can not be gleaned from mute TVs
Opulence by any means
Poverty penned as the new disease
Truth, the circus freak
Meager, meek, sad is weak
Rinse, Repeat
All that history speaks
Unheard echo
Beneath the flesh and bone
An unread poem
Feelings I know all too well.

— The End —