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Life's amazings
you've got so much to live fors
people love yous
are too much
I'd rather go out wildly
or by botch.

My defences are like chewing glass Skittles;
they're too brittle, my mouth full of shards
I'm spewing blood by the yards,
while switching wards;
I've tasted the rainbow,
the flavour was like ****
blow after blow, I've taken all the hits.
"Catching the bus" refers to the act of suicide. I will be making a series of poems on the topic, this is the second poem.
 Oct 2015 Levi Andrew
skye davies
I, am a grain of sand,
stationed between two beach barriers,
So many grains are around me,
yet I see no one.
The sea slowly rising closer,
pulling me to my death.
I feel it near,
but it does not take me.
It takes my invisible companions,
so, I remain,
waiting, hoping, for the waves to take me to my pleasure land.
 Oct 2015 Levi Andrew
 Oct 2015 Levi Andrew
words have failed me
so keep your head on my chest,
listen to the beating of my heart
put to words my passions
make art of my affections
its so mutual
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
skye davies
My eyes burn from the lack of sleep.
Your words circling my mind,
like a never ending merry go round.
I cling onto that horse with every last strength,
yet, you still manage to pull me off.
I lie in my bed looking at that once
happy thought wishing I could smile,
but I can't.

Somehow the words leave my head.
As the clock strikes 4:48,
I, am a blank canvas,
waiting for none existent paint.
I feel nothing,
yet still seem to drag the blade.

As a new day begins,
my life will end.
The darkness consuming what I had left.
The old day takes so much innocence,
if only we could have waited..

till 4:49.
4:48am is the most common time for suicides.
do we
those things we...
we think about?

we think about
those things we
do we?
You were like a breath of fresh air
Fluttering through my clothes
But you´d disappear
When I needed you the most
Suddenly so close touching my skin
But my heart would get so cold
When I let you in

You were like a breath of fresh air
Fluttering through my veins
But you´d disappear
and nothing good remains
Wandering through the street
Without you I couldn't breathe
I´d search for you stumbling uphill
But the world remained still

You were like a breath of fresh air
So powerful and strong
With you rippling through my hair
I felt like I belonged
You left me fragile and bare
When you faded and died down
You were a breath of despair
When I think about it now
There was a lot of wind outside today.. it made me think, and I wrote this.
Copyright @ Johanna Magdalena
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
Thomas EG
You are... Vinegar
Rather strong, for some
Not always in a good way
But I like you
I mean, I'm salt
I know that too much of me
Is just no good
But you and I, together
Oh, we are the dream team
For some, anyway
I wouldn't call us a cup of tea
In front of some friends
But I know that I love us
And maybe I don't want you
Every single time
But I will always come back
Because I need you
And we do make a good team
In the end
Another one from my drafts
I don't love it, but I may as well post it
The Moon,
People ask me why I like the moon so much
I like it, I like it because it makes me feel safe
It stays still, it changes so much
But even with that, it stays still.
I like it, it inspires me
Its beauty inspires me.

The moon is strong
It has to move so much
Everyday it moves a little
Everyday it makes an effort
The moon, it's just wonderful
It glows, and doesn't get mad
Whenever clouds cover it.

The moon is magic.
My favorite kind of magic.
personal favorite
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