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 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
My wrist is laid
upon a table
large well formed feet
visible beneath the glass sheet
that's chilling to the skin
blood recedes from distant hand
until it gathers in a puddle
between the ulna and radius
a bruise of vague percussions
spreading up my little metacarpal
as it smashes vainly upon resistant stable
trying to steady the dancing toes beneath
a barrier so clear
the dust from last week's walk from work
are seen around a sole
that won't decide
where it wants to go
or if going can be defined
while blurred blue engulfs the cloudy witness
to my pointless movements
the glass table
When my words flow
like a garden hose stream,
When my eyes light
like a burning ball of gas,
When my cheeks look
like a warm summer sunset,
When my feet bounce around
like a child on springs,
Then you'll know that I love you.
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
we've never held hands
so i don't understand
why you've always had such a grip
on my heart
let go
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
We may be a tangent line
Meant to meet only once,
There is one thing i'm sure of tho
That moment I held your eyes with mine
I swear we were infinite

Leigh Herondale   *August 2015
Thinking of you, guy in white
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
are covered in moonlight
and your eyes
reflect the stars
of the night

In my dreams
you do see me
you look at my soul
and love me
with your sparkling eyes.

But only in my dreams.
I'd love to tell you
That when you
Light up
My phone's screen

I smile

And smile.

That when
You message me first
It makes me feel so special
Like you want to speak to me

That hugging you
When we see each other
Makes my heart flutter

That loving you
Is so much more
Than just a longing

Because I think you are The One

But I can't.

Because then you'd know.
This probably won't get any likes or anything just *** it's so stereotypical, but that's OK. ;)
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
let me near enough
to touch you

i don't mind
getting cut
on your edges
dear scorpio,

[update (4 months later): i got cut]
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
Between day and night
my thoughts are dreaming themselves to you.
Blurry colors
a sky in pastel.
are spinning around.
About this hopeless hope.
beleaguering my heart.
beleaguering my mind.
 Sep 2015 Levi Andrew
Caroline K
Someone align
the stars of my chest.
Help me know how
to get from point A to point B.
Put me out of the waiting motion sickness
lost in the midnight darkness-
I can’t find the way home
without your hands as the North Star.
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