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May 2020 · 1.1k
One Day
Katie Katie May 2020
One day your looks will dissipate
Like the steam from boiling water
Gradually but inevitably
Your physicality will falter

Is joyous to an extent
When you're young and exploring life
But you can't always depend
On materials and shallow links
To bring you what a connection can
When you're on your death bed
Whether wealthy or simply meeting ends

Superficiality fades
When all you crave is to hold a hand
Jan 2020 · 344
Less Lonely When Alone
Katie Katie Jan 2020
I am adverse to crowds
And have an affinity for isolation
I fear dying alone
Yet feel the most lonely when I am not
I fear I speak too loud
When I hear myself communicating
But my words are still unheard or ignored
Despite the label I feel disavowed

My last few calls were for favors
I have not received another in a week
I am asked why I stay inside
And haven't seen a friend in weeks
When I begin to answer
Attention goes to anything but me
It's as if questions are just statements
The silent answers scream blatantly
Oct 2017 · 310
Its Too Late
Katie Katie Oct 2017
Over time, even his mere existence has stiched itself into the very seams that uphold my being

We have become two elements compounded together; I will never regain my untouched identity
Nov 2016 · 860
Escape the Hunter
Katie Katie Nov 2016
I’ve finally come to realize
That it wasn’t anything I did wrong
It’s just that the way I am
Didn’t fit the doll you had drawn

It’s not the typical
I’m just not skinny enough
I’m not pretty enough
I’m not smart enough

Because you didn’t just want pretty
My body did suit your eye’s hunger
It wasn’t anything physical
I was simply too fast for the hunter

Because I’m just not naive enough
My mind wasn’t bleak enough
I wasn’t afraid enough
I wasn’t weak enough

And instead of apologizing
As a means of stipulation
I became smarter, stronger, happier
I didn’t fall for manipulation

And that’s not what you looked for in a woman
So you found a new target to offer that world
Instead of fighting, I still seek purpose in my own
I won't allow my self-control to be overthrown
Nov 2016 · 644
Katie Katie Nov 2016
You were like a drug, I knew you could be worse for some

Like an acid strip, you only knew when it hit your tongue

But I was addicted; I didn't care enough to stop

Even after a bad trip, if I tried running, I'd withdraw

So I abused the drug, and in return, it abused me

But I'd rather be ****** up, then have my heart and mind empty

it was a bad choice, but now I'm numb and I'm alone

I took too much to quit cold turkey after an overdose
Sep 2016 · 318
What is Missing
Katie Katie Sep 2016
Sad is a feeling all too familiar
I could tell you why and tell you how
And you could tell me how to fix it

Angry is a feeling all too familiar
I could tell you who and tell you how
And you could tell me how to fix it

But the feeling of emptiness is
undefinable yet I can't deny it
It lingers without a reason I can pinpoint, yet I can't defy it  

When my mind feels null and void and my heart feels dull  
When there's an empty space in a place that's full
There's no where to look yet everywhere to go
Because I don't even know what is missing
After getting back from basic training I just feel empty inside and I don't know why
Katie Katie Sep 2016
We soar above the mystical white clouds
The only thing separating us is the translucent glass
We watch as it slideshows the roads we've surpassed

The city lights shine bright as we fly into the night
Above the city, above superior odds
At last, we feel in our hearts that we've won the fight

Against ourselves, against our fears,
Against the struggles, thick and thin
Against adversity, physical and mental, we'll continue to win

Our next journey awaits us, 1000 more miles to go
We are newly bred soldiers, we stand ready to roll
Transformed sons and daughters, we make our way home

The same hometown and same people await
Yet the graduates returning through the gates
Are now American soldiers, standing prouder than ever today
Jun 2016 · 360
Katie Katie Jun 2016
They say it's not a secret anymore
If someone knows
If someone told

Even though it screams to be let out
It's never been spoken out quiet or loud
It won't become real until it's revealed

Only inside me has it been screeched
Within the walls of my mind, reverberating
Until my head throbs and I listen softly
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
"All natural"
Katie Katie Jun 2016
A new species still being studied-

They have a compulsive obsession with mutilating their bodies
They yank out hairs in the place on their face made for expression
Daily they scrape off natural hairs from their limbs
And from under them, considering the act as simple hygiene practice

Some will even lay in a chamber of radiation to cook skin browner
And smear a smelly cream to make the skin look slimy shiny and '****'
They scorch their head hair to change the texture for a day
And they draw on their faces with crayons made from wax and oils

They prioritize displaying of the body shape over movement
With their tight denim body coverings and waist clinchers
They wear coverings of their feet with a stick replacing the heel
To look physically attractive, despite the injuries and lesions

They're expected to keep a casing over their chest tissues in public
They hide their pheromones with alcohol and fake smell of plants
They keep private and hidden that they perform excretory acts
And they're never content with the meat casing they're trapped inside

Only (almost) satisfied looking at their reflection and seeing a lie
Apr 2016 · 368
Special Sacred Secrecy?
Katie Katie Apr 2016
Is it symbolizing
The sacrifice and
Blue veins but red

Or is it your hatred
For you
A revelation of the
Boring truth
Not something special, but
Something I wish I never knew
Apr 2016 · 406
Suicide Story
Katie Katie Apr 2016
He's standing on the bridge
He's been staring over the edge for an hour now
So close yet so far
Only seconds to be destined to his second biggest fear
The river it turns into currents of tears he has cried, these sorrows won't leave him alone
The wind as it howls- it turns into voices they cry, "we're here, don't you leave us alone"

He's standing on the bridge
He's been staring over the edge for two hours now
A masked man approached him, put a gun to his head, said, "give me all you got or you're gonna end up dead!"

But he begged for his life
Said, "please don't make me choose
I have a future and a family
Just too much to lose"

"Oh please" he said again
But when he turned his face
The gunman disappeared
With a wallet in his place

His body hit the water
And the man looks at the ground
The gunman was his brother
He finally cried out loud  

"Oh why would you do this?"
He says with tears down his face
"There's just too much to live for!
Who's gonna take your place!?"

But it's too late, the river won't
Spit him out, it's nature,
But it whispers, "heroes save lives
What about your self?"

He takes a step away
While the sirens take his place
The sun is going down
As he makes his way home
Katie Katie Mar 2016
I can smash the glass universe before it can haunt me again
Smash every one I see until they become extinct
But my reflection will sneak up on me in ponds and silver spoons
When I'm trying to walk or eat in peace it won't leave me alone

Or I can build myself strong enough so I won't easily break
For having an aesthetic flaw and not having an unrealistic face
I'll build myself stronger than that useless piece of glass
And recognize I'm worth more than just a piece of ***

Because my worth doesn't come from looking like a doll
And taking hours in the morning just to stand up tall
I have a job, I'm useful, loved, healthy, motivated, successful...
I'm good enough to know the glass universe is merely a mirror
Feb 2016 · 739
A veteran, somewhere
Katie Katie Feb 2016
The man's worn, his face sorrowed and distressed,
There's something he feels that he must confess
This veteran of war; once beloved
Lies awake- no cape- at zero one hundred

There's a deathly undying desire
To rid of the burden fueling this fire
Lingering longer 'til he can't take it
"Not a killer, or hero... A human"

Yet he whispers to himself, he can't breath
It echoes- the word "soldier" spit from teeth
Reminiscing, watching ambitions, dreams,
Drained from a newly emptied corpse through screams

"I've taken lives, orders have taken me
Look at what I've done, but don't look at me"
Katie Katie Feb 2016
He's unarmed, he's alarmed, the guy's cocking the gun
Gun Guy wants the good thing that everyone wants
He searches his pockets, yet he's still **** out of luck
"I don't have what you want! I don't have what we want!"

'Cause little does Gun Guy know, they're both on the same page
They're both broke, they have kids, and they need to get paid
But the only difference between the two people in the scene
Is Gun Guy's short-lived successes are selfishly made
Feb 2016 · 329
Pity Party
Katie Katie Feb 2016
You whine to the wind
And wonder why nobody's listening
We're blocking you out
And dodging your beloved raincloud
Katie Katie Feb 2016
An embodiment of things unwanted
His body still remains untouched
His voice was always so resented
And he never amounted to much

So on the edge of the bridge
His soul stone and his heart singed
*He sees his reflection in the river
And decides it's time to meet it
Jan 2016 · 340
Puzzle Pieces
Katie Katie Jan 2016
You craved to be alone until you drove yourselves apart
Now you're wishing for a soul that can mend your broken heart
The worst is that your hearts are broken pieces that are lost
And the only missing piece you see was the thief from the start  

But it's all a false conviction, you know handed it away
With your will completely free, a gift with the name engraved
It was the both of you, maybe you both needed a break
Your problems were minuscule, but your arguments drove you insane  

When you're without each other your happiness runs astray
But when you're both way to stubborn and need to have your way
You sacrifice your love and you maximize your pain
Because you put aside feelings and you don't watch what you say

I craved to be alone, but now I'm longing for your arms
I wanted to go away, but I'm still that hoping you call
I know you feel the same there laying too, feeling so lost
We somehow craved to be alone but we just wanna feel at home

Our love was burning hotter, now I will risk being scorched
Because my heart is burning out without you, your heart is the fuel
My heart is the torch that craves your love until the end
So let's be gentle with this flame and not let it fade away again
Jan 2016 · 354
Food Chain
Katie Katie Jan 2016
Hi, how are you doing, sir?
What can I get for you today?

We want what's in your pocket
There's nothing wrong with it
You're used to it and over it
Five cents for one hundred

Our world spins around with
That rustling sound of your wallet
Pull it out, we'll pocket it
We'll feed you and your habits

We won't give you back
Everything we take
You put in hours of labor, sacrifice
For a taco-12-pack to take it away

You're always right to us, trust me
I'll repeat your words mockingly

We don't value you, hear the sound?
It's the evil that makes our world go 'round

Hi I'm a robot, and you're just a number
You'll regret eating your life away

Hi! How are you? How can I help you?
What can I get for you today?
My valued customer and appreciated consumer. Only the best for *you
Jan 2016 · 323
A little less lonely
Katie Katie Jan 2016
But knowing everyone has a thing they've loved that's history
Makes the loss of love feel a little less lonely
Katie Katie Dec 2015
It's strange, now that we have this technology
We know it's poisonous, but we're hooked
My words don't come out from my mouth, my fingertips write
Why speak or compose a letter when we can text together? Right?

It's like the words I say flow too naturally, and I'm not as afraid
They're the same thoughts- day and night- haunting my brain
But when I shoot 'em in a text it's like it's not real, it's not the same
A sad emoji replaced your empathy, and you move on with your day  

Like our words are no longer valid
*Like nothing ever even happened
Dec 2015 · 368
Katie Katie Dec 2015
****** if you do, ****** if you don't
Moral obligation
Wrong if you will, wrong if you won't
It's complicated
Faced with two choices, they won't let you alone
Don't you hate it?
Sacrifice your moral code, any way you go
*Conscience, society, war...
Dec 2015 · 597
Katie Katie Dec 2015
As for him
He wouldn't
Ever live to be anothers "friend"
That ******-up kid
I'd make sure
He'd never see the light of day again
He had nerve
I had temper
I poured the gasoline over his head
His hands tied
His screams now dry
I told him he would end up dead

I pulled out
Some matches
Tossed 'em where the gasoline soaked
A job well done

That animal
Will never
Do me wrong again
His flesh *well-done
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
Modern poetry
Katie Katie Dec 2015
I'm a modern poet

The white paper wasn't bright enough
My favorite pencil didn't write bold enough
My black final-draft binder wasn't modern enough
My black final-draft binder might as well be waste of time
Because instead of writing by hand with love and mind
I can select, copy and paste, relax and unwind
Instead of sitting-up in my bed, copying neatly or erasing the lines
I can repeat or forget, without blinking an eye

The words are more significant than this...
Than minuscule, locking it, hiding it, pocketing it

My fingers replaced my pen
A white glow replaced the lines
Instead of writing away unrestricted, I
have-an inch above my finger- the time

Before, I would sketch the date & time at the top-right
Now it appears effortlessly, automatically, without my permission
It's not only my paper (or screen) anymore, I mean, I didn't write that

With a push of a button I can perfectly align it to the right
I can no longer be identified by unique handwriting
A "go-back button" replaced my eraser
I can no longer hold words thin in my grip

I no longer have to protect it from getting lost, crumpled, or ripped
It's as safe as everything else here;
Not any more sacred or precious
If I'm a modern poet

The ease of art is at my fingertips, literally
And it disappears when the device locks

I don't turn the page, hear the paper sound
I scroll down with one quick swipe
I may no longer write the way I have
I'll type it out on a $200 iPad
Rather than a cheap scratchpad
Is my new version of 'scrap paper' more valuable than my work?

The words will remain in my mind
I'll **** them out one at a time
Somehow demeaning them with this
Sensational technology that corrupted mankind

So, I'm sorry, poetry, my outlet, my friend
You poor, pure thing, let us pretend
I gave you more time, and effort
Just as should for everything you really care about
Nov 2015 · 365
Blood, Sweat, Tears
Katie Katie Nov 2015
*****, Drugs, Fear

I see you speak tongue and cheek
   When you're not in your right mind
Instead of bottling it up
   When the bottle is empty inside

   You say work isn't worth it
"'Cause cash wont give back what the job takes"
   Does that thought cross your mind
When you take your poison and your mind aches?
Jun 2015 · 821
Food For Thought
Katie Katie Jun 2015
I think a lot of us forget that you can have flaws and still be beautiful.
Beauty and flaws can coexist.
I believe that everyone has both has flaws and holds beauty to at least to a certain extent and in different ways.
Besides, beauty is within the eye of the beholder anyways.
Jun 2015 · 334
Words, 10 Words
Katie Katie Jun 2015
It can be unfortunate,
the power mere words can hold.
They can hurt because we're wusses... Or just humans with emotions, who knows .
Katie Katie May 2015
Most of us believe that if something seems to be too good to be true, it probably is**

It's not a fear of being happy

These people dont have a fear of happiness itself

And it's more than just fear of being disappointed

And it's more than simply getting your hopes up

It's a fear of loss, of emptiness

Of getting attached, loving, and getting it ripped away from you

Because we've all been hurt before

So we look out for ourselves, as we should
May 2015 · 1.1k
Dead to me
Katie Katie May 2015
Fool me once
That's not nice
I'm the fool
It's happened twice
If I stabbed you in the back
Just as you did to me
*It would be the second time
That you've died to me
Apr 2015 · 422
Katie Katie Apr 2015
This house is falling down slowly piece by piece
The foundation is gradually crumbling beneath
The floor boards are creaking and cracking
The windows shattered, wall paper peeling
It looked promising while under construction
I have always felt safe in this house
But it was a false sense of security
The wind is too harsh, the wolves are blowing it down
I have relied on it throughout its entire life
But I don't know if it will hold up this time
Apr 2015 · 297
Katie Katie Apr 2015
Stop kissing me goodnight
While the taste of her lips
Still lingers on yours
Before I kiss you goodbye
Apr 2015 · 413
Katie Katie Apr 2015
Guilty by association?

Innocent by intimidation?

What am I doin'...

Insane by this confusion?
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
Katie Katie Jan 2015
Chills down my spine
I swear my mind
Gets out of line
Some of the time
Katie Katie Jan 2015
The air I'm breathing is far too thin
Bring on the pain
The ground stays too silent
Inside it's screaming for rain
My body too desolate
Invade me with your hands
We've been empty, something's missing
Soon you'll understand
Lol oops
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
Something's missing (part 1)
Katie Katie Jan 2015
My surroundings are too mellow
Tonight, bring the chaos
The street lamps are too yellow
So let's invite the dark
My mind near psychotic
Be my healing antidote
Your eyes, too hypnotic
I am lost, it's hard to cope
Jan 2015 · 3.8k
Katie Katie Jan 2015
Fear; its your best friend
When for yourself you cannot fend
It sticks by your side- company
It stays with you through thick and thin
Every which way you turn
Beneath your skin, it burns
It comes and goes from the surface
But does not cease to return
Jan 2015 · 475
Boggled mind
Katie Katie Jan 2015
That night I looked in the mirror
Expecting to see the usual
The reflection I recognize
Staring back in my eyes

It wasn't an eccentric expectation
Because that's how it's always been
But I looked in the mirror...
I wasn't there anymore

I don't feel like I was there anymore
I don't think I was scared anymore
Could I possibly be told anymore?

I was shocked that I wasn't shocked
Looking in the mirror that night
Seeing myself not being myself

My reaction wasn't how I expected,
How I was taught, how I thought
Not everything is as it appears

I saw everything in a different dark
Or a different light, my sight
Forever tainted with blood

That's when I began to question it
And I have been ever since
Especially because that night
Was not the end... What if
We are all monsters
At least to a certain extent
By our own definition
In our own unique ways
"How do I make you understand something that I can't understand myself?
Why would I make you understand something I didn't wish to know myself?"
Jan 2015 · 356
21 words
Katie Katie Jan 2015
I suppose we are all monsters
At least to a certain extent
By our own definitions
In our own unique ways
Jan 2015 · 1.6k
Katie Katie Jan 2015
In cadence they begin to sing
Fearing deadly fate
A chorus of "no"s and "please"s
My brain refuses to wake me
At least this time it's only a dream

In my brain again are their voices
They reverberate
The screams themselves repeat
Not a lesser volume than that of
Agony, remorse, dread, hate
Jan 2015 · 945
Katie Katie Jan 2015
To the darkness we'll give our bodies
To the darkness we'll give our souls
We will all succumb to it
The only variable is to what extent
and perhaps the willingness
Of the victim or of the volunteer
It's a certain type of darkness
I speak of that never gets old

Not the kind of darkness
That hides under the light
I mean the type of darkness
That you sense beyond your sight

It's a tainted taste but its comforting
It can smell like a lack of oxygen
like nothing and everything at once
It can look like everything you've
feared or loved or all of the above
It can linger in the atmosphere
Or it can invade your every thought
Sometimes the darkness is all you've got

No matter how much we mention it
Darkness may never be understood
And we may never know it deeply
But we may know what it feels like
Feb 2014 · 384
This is what I am
Katie Katie Feb 2014
Don't you see? I'm a seed developed by a monster
But don't pay heed to what I say, it's no good
I am an mistake, and accidental product of wrong-doing
You would've never been able to tell, not that you should.
Dedicated to my deadbeat father. It's okay, he's where he needs to be now.
Feb 2014 · 673
The conscience
Katie Katie Feb 2014
A nightmare wakes me from my bed
While a cyclone is spinning in my head
My mind replays everything I've done
Yes, my mind replays everything I've said
My conscience disconnects from my own person
Turns on me, and scolds me with disapproving eyes
"Look at what you've done, you're nothing"
I can't stand the way it loves to criticize
It never takes a break, it wont leave me alone
It wont stop following me everywhere I go
It keeps screaming loudly despite how loud i shout
I think its time to blow my ******* brains out...
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
That little voice
Katie Katie Dec 2013
That little voice inside my head
Always told me I'm not good enough
And it was only trying to help me
But Believing it was rough

I called the voice a liar
Thought I was just self conscious
Continued to ignore the voice
Because I didn't want it

That little voice inside my head
Says I'm not good enough for you
It only told me that to help me
It only told me the truth
Dec 2013 · 307
Inside myself
Katie Katie Dec 2013
I hear them pronounce my name
(At least they call it my own)
Derived from the shamed
Whom i should call my own
Surrounding me completely
It's everywhere I go
It's everything I am
So I'm never alone
Sin is what I speak of
Of this, I am made
I should shun you, that part of me
Is all of you I hate
That is what they see
But it isn't really me
They hear no one as I speak
For I am nobody
they can take it as they will
But it was not my will
I watch you as I move
And I'll watch you as I ****
I am not inside myself
No, this isn't me they see
I shouldn't call it suicide
If you're the one who's killed me
Katie Katie Dec 2013
Let this secret be, you must
For i see no sin
But wrongdoing in the eyes of
The robots disguised with skin

Who compete in an everlasting race
A cat and mouse chase
But don't let these memories fade
You'll see no guilt on my face

Its them. we hate them. they taint our fate
It will be okay when ill will comes to play
And i win this game for us
No more words will put us to shame... i promise
Jun 2013 · 537
Good Deed
Katie Katie Jun 2013
The life inside of you
Slowly shriveled up
Tension was building
And slowly swiveled up
Come watch that empty house
bursting into flames
No need to pay heed to
The insults and the names

Was that not aloud of me
To choose that soul to end?
Mother, aren't you proud of me
Of what i chose to mend?
Don't worry, no one got hurt
The thought will someday leave you
Don't worry, have me no guilt
Someday you'll feel relieved too

His worth was so very faint
Spare me, spare me the complaints
It was for your own good
For mine, for her own good
Now he's in a better place
At least for yours, and my sake
Putting him there in this case
For us wasn't a waste

I deserve no such punishment
Some question what they're seeing
Ending what's no good at all
Doesn't make me a mad being
Now come, see that empty house?
It once bursted into flames
I left my mark right there in blood,
My ever-lasting name. . .
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Katie Katie Jun 2013
Princess, princess
welcome to your new home
  new daddy's in the grave
   and new mommy's on her own
Your "sisters" hate your guts
see? being two-faced isn't fun
  you stabbed us in the back
   and we just want you gone
But theres no where for you to go
'cause old daddy's lost his mind
   and old mommy's lost hers too
    well, him + her makes you. . .
Jun 2013 · 2.9k
Katie Katie Jun 2013
Trust; It's like a wallet
If trust remained, you'd be rich
However the money is limited
You may never refill it

And it keeps disappearing
Trust; It's broken bitterly
And you're forever broke
Now the wallet is empty. . .
I made this in 7th rgade while we were doing a metaphor project.. my teacher ms. miller kept a copy to give to her friend who recently divorced and it won semi-finalist in the haverhill write-away contest.

— The End —