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Nov 2014 · 4.6k
The lottery
Izzy Nov 2014
A cross is burned in every heart
and with these words it says:
One must die a tragic death
and from that life is born.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense its based off of a short story called The Lottery by Shirley Jackson.
Nov 2014 · 507
Late Night Legend
Izzy Nov 2014
Hello, my name is Alice and I was killed on my twenty-fifth birthday by a good man with a bad soul. He was crazed and every year on his birthday he would go to his birth place and **** the number of people as the second digit of his age, if it was one like it was this year he would add up both digits and **** that many people. This year he was turning thirty-one so he killed four people; I was the fourth. I got in a couple of good hits, not enough to hurt him but jut enough to slow him down. Just as he was finishing he said that he knew that I wouldn't reach the afterlife, be it Heaven or Hell; I would walk the earth as a ghost. So he invited me to assist him in his birthday tradition; so now I wander the earth choosing victims for next year.
Goodbye... For now.
Not really a poem but I wanted to share it
Nov 2014 · 656
Izzy Nov 2014
He goes in to battle an innocent boy
returns a battle hardened soldier
Nothing will ever be the same for him
- Explosions paint his eyelids
- His ears still ring from bombs
- He wakes up pulling a non-existent trigger
- He's seen the deepest parts of hell
- He's watched men die at his feet, pleading for mercy
and people still wonder 'what ever happened to that little boy?'
That little boy...
He stared death in the face and lived to tell the tale.
He fought for a country that could care less.
He watched his men die at the hands of the enemy.
He left himself over there in the dirt with the men that died.
He faced people who hated everything he stood for.

But he fought for you.

Never ask what happened to that little boy.
You wont like the answer.
Nov 2014 · 953
Izzy Nov 2014
As i lie here
tied to these chains
as the clock counts down
I realize time has taken love
but even angels never die
breaking free...
born to run
forever young
shouting in tongue,
holding thee hands of the devil
a rebel by fate
starring death in the face
she frees the music;
for the tied and bound american slaves.
Nov 2014 · 2.0k
Izzy Nov 2014
I'm the misfit in the back of the room
the outcast around the corner
the shadow clinging to the walls
the bullied freak

Years of forced silence will finally be broken
when regret haunts you everyday for the things you did.
Oct 2014 · 4.0k
Izzy Oct 2014
Handcuffs line my wrists
The key dangling so sharp

one; just one, I say
but my jailer disagrees

one more, he taunts
you know you want to, he laughs

handcuffs line my wrists; stained red
never to be broken

looking at whats left of my prison
my jailer leaves
and moves on looking for the next criminal
Oct 2014 · 2.5k
Izzy Oct 2014
Four people in a house,
although bonded by blood no other ties exist
Oct 2014 · 17.5k
Izzy Oct 2014
Depression is...
Drowning but watching everyone breathe
Playing hide and go seek; never to be found
Acting; but not for a play
Depression is me losing my mind behind closed doors
Depression is digging my grave
I have become depression,
**You're next...
Oct 2014 · 809
Izzy Oct 2014
I have committed the eternal sin,

As I write to you with blood running down my arm,
I  beg you to forgive me
for leaving you with this mess
as my final words leave my lips,
I become victim to those forty seconds.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Izzy Oct 2014
What is indigo?

Indigo is...
A calm night sky when all I see is red,
A late night tormentor taking sleep,
A nice friend with twinkling eyes,
A demon turning to the other side
fighting off the monsters
keeping me from the silver glistening red.
Oct 2014 · 2.7k
Izzy Oct 2014
To you we are...
self centered *******
trouble makers
and irresponsible

But really we're...
heart broken
the misfits
young and in love
the dreamers
looking for our place
and most of all misunderstood
accept us
After all we're just
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
2 a.m.
Izzy Oct 2014
2 a.m is for...
the angels with bleeding wrists
the misunderstood poets
the dreamers wishing for better luck
the late night dancers slicing skin
the haunted soldiers  
the beaten, broken

Late at night we thrive surviving on dreams that never die.
Oct 2014 · 607
Izzy Oct 2014

Although you've been through heaven and hell,
Riches and rags
you've been tortured, beaten, blackened and blue
your family, friends and life; all gone

You survived the age,
this time of pain
you are now set free,
forever in peace

Goodbye, my little butterfly
This was my goodbye poem to the poet I was assigned in class during our Holocaust unit; Koleba was a Jewish poet that faced death along with many others during world war II.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Still I Smile
Izzy Oct 2014
You may cut me with your words
beat me with you books
tell the whole world to hate using only looks
or that I'm bi (no one cares anyway)
beat, bully, tease,  and hit
No matter what you do, I'll smile

My smile once held a million tears
but now it shows I've got no fear
I've been broken, I've fallen apart
but I smiled through it all
I may have scars lined upon my arms
But through the tears I smiled

I'll smile when I'm happy
I'll smile when I'm sad
I'll smile till the day I'm dead and six feet under
Izzy Oct 2014
I think that I shall never see
The scars disappear from within me
although they may fade,
millions of stories are left untold
between gashes shinning blood red
the paths of destruction are shown
Although poems are made by fools like me
the soldiers left scars in me
Oct 2014 · 520
What If...
Izzy Oct 2014
What if i told you that
-the night kills me
-that it hurts me to be alive
-that my blades just across the room
-that sometimes a blades my only friend
-that most wouldn't care if I died tonight
   and no one really cares about me
What would you do?
would you tell me I'm wrong?
Scream at me for even thinking such a thing,
Or would you just walk away like everybody else,
confirming my fears?
Oct 2014 · 6.3k
Izzy Oct 2014
I'm weighed down by their judgmental glances
they're watching, judging me  
from my colored hair to my ripped jeans
the scars they caused litter my arms
covered by bracelets

I'm the outcast with a smile on my face
a misfit of the ******
you beat me down leaving me in pieces
one day our roles will reverse
I'll be the bully
you'll be the outcast
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
Directions to my Emotions
Izzy Oct 2014
look into my eyes,go forwards
then down, down, down,
under my smile to my frown
past my heart filled with scars
around my lungs that have tried so hard
through my ribs, down my spine
Stop; look up and when you barely see light
look around for a small black box, shackled and chained
then for a key pure as gold
unlock the box and watch as my my emotions burst free
and travel up full of colors so bright
travel up, up,  and up, come out of my eyes;
shining with happiness
watch as my emotions are finally freed.
Oct 2014 · 456
Izzy Oct 2014
Late at night a book lays open
words scribbled across the page
A pen hovers over the page
as he thinks of that one special girl
whose love chased it all away
and scribbles over all the hate, regret and loneliness
with one word...
Oct 2014 · 770
Silence Kills
Izzy Oct 2014
Silence is the ghost clinging to the walls
silence opens the cage
filling my mind with haunting thoughts
I'm chained down to the ground
watching as my dreams are slaughtered
and my doubts are raised
i watch from my prison cell as the world wanders by
watching, hoping, asking
for someone to save me
Oct 2014 · 4.2k
Izzy Oct 2014
As pen hits paper
stained red
his thoughts run lose
writing one word across the page

for the cuts on his arm
for the ones he's hurt
for the stories he'll never tell
'till there's nothing left but scars; six feet under
Oct 2014 · 638
Izzy Oct 2014
You  sent me running into the night
taking my painted picture with a twist,
blood bleeding down my wrist.
My painted picture had a twist
My paint brush; a razor
My canvas: my wrist
Oct 2014 · 730
Silver Soldiers
Izzy Oct 2014
Silver soldiers marching across her skin
silencing the voices within
leaving footprints; crimson red
fighting the demons in her head
her minds the  battle sight
her skin littered with blood red graves
the soldiers rise every night filling new demons with fright
fighting till the war is over and all that's left are scars,
when the demons have won.

— The End —