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   And Feel

**But I Don't
Fourth in my series of 'lies', click on #mylittlelies and #mytruths to read the rest.
I'm not sure
      h o w

I can
     k e e p
          this              P
Third in my series of lies...
      Self Explanatory.....
Click #mylittlelies and #mytruths to read the rest.
Smiling* on the outside
Crying on the inside
Everyday I smile
But it's just a way to hide

Laughing away the hurts
Cutting away the tears
Smiling at a way to
Forget all my fears

Dancing till I bleed
Inside my head I scream
I can't take this anymore
Only Smiling in my dreams
It's not you
    I promise
What I say is true
      He never deserved

     It's not your fault
           I know for a fact
      Trust me
             You are better
          Than a boy like that

It's for the best
    Believe me
          He'll do it to the next girl
       And the next
            And next
      You'll find your one
          In this world

        It's time to breathe
             Have faith in what
          I'm saying to you
      This might just be
          But I was cheated on too

It's time to believe
      You're worth more than
   You can see
           No more tears, please
      He's not worth your pain
             You're gorgeous
       And you're NOT to blame

     It's for the best,
              It's not you
    Just Breathe.
          Believe me,
  Cause I've made it through.
         I know,
      What I say is true.
         **I was cheated on too.
I'm here for you.
Knowledge is there
Reach out and grab it
Enrich your life
Take everything in stride
Keep your passion alive
Have that strong drive
Continue on in your progress
Eventually, you will be a success
His gift was liquid melody
It collected at the brow , trickled
down his face , splattered onstage ,
it soaked the score page , invited
his following to engage , provided a
river of thought , he shared freely of his
complicated mind then suddenly he was gone* ...
Copyright September 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
It seems I contained a beast
and you so effortlessly
untied its leash and
set it running free,
and now I howl.
Aaand this time, I was love drunk!!
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Kurt Carman
As I peer across the Mountain range of my life,
I see a vast array of peaks and valleys,
Roads that wander near and far.

Some roads seemed unsurpassable,
Some roads were thought to be inconceivable,
Some roads I felt were unapproachable,
And I see them all as landmarks in my life.

The one road in the very middle of my lifescape,
The one that's known for being less traveled,
I so often avoided and I don't understand why.

Some roads seemed impossible,
Some roads were thought to be infallible,
Some roads lead to intimacy,
And I see them all, good or bad as milestones in my life.

Standing at the base of the mountain top,
I feel a presence encouraging me to climb the summit.
My breathe becomes heavy, my limbs are numb but my mind is focused.

Advancing the summit, I pull myself above the misty clouds,
Peering below I find oceans of generations that have gone before me....but were never forgotten,
And one stands at the forefront, with arms outstretched, an unforgettable smile, and love thats unending.

There's only one road that leads us to an island universe where we live on forever past fatality.
All roads have the same waypoint which leads us to forever.
Close your eyes and imagine a place that does not judge and only loves.

K.Carman 2016
Miss my mother everyday. Leaving us at 45 years old was the day my world stopped. Now I look forward to our reunion. I love you Mom!
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Kurt Carman
Life is a progression of r====
Making good choices lightens the load.
Feet firmly planted on the road less traveled
2020 Hindsight will make your dreams unravel.

                                                  -K.E.­ Carman
For those of you who are still young take notice. Make the most of your life!
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