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 May 2020 Richard Frank
what i wanted was rejected
and what i did was reflected.

what i felt was pseudo
and what i said was ambiguous.

 what i saw was deceptive
and what i loved was manipulative.
like water
I poured myself into her until she was overflowing at the brim

like reinforced steel
I bridged my heart to hers and welded myself to her soul

like the sun
I filled myself with light to cover her darkness

like a blanket
I shielded her from the harsh world underneath the covers

like magnets
I orbited her aura until we inevitably collided

like a seed
I felt myself growing up from her

Then, like an idiot
I could tell she felt nothing.
Snow falls before Spring.  

Ice laughs amidst freezing air:

the sky’s confetti.

Or torn love letters,  

once smuggled under pillow.

Now bitter on tongue.
Such a painful antic it is.
People reigned by sweltering
avarice. No inner satisfied.
Sabotaged by blemishes. Far
apart from the soul's voice.
Unaware, missing forest for
trees. Soul is not that binds.
Boundless you were, too.
Tenebrous restraining milieu!
As the twig is bent, so shall
the tree grow. Building
transient haciendas out
of pride. Ego concealing
the inner side. You, the
Architect of your destiny.
Yourself decide. Tap the
energy residing inside,
lest you should subside.
Chew over the living dream,
dwell on eternal life. Still
your presence. Listen to
silent cadence.The more
the voids increase, the
more the bliss you feel.
 May 2020 Richard Frank
I found that darkness within,
That which kept me awake,
And would lead me into a spin.

Found under blades,
On mellow nights.
As the sun fades

The shadow appears.
Bringing all my sorrows,
All my worries and fears.

The knife would cure
The overwhelming feelings,
All which I saw impure.

Blood would run dry,
Leaving me scarred.
Yet, I would still cry.

That shadow is gone,
Though there are many more.
I am no longer a pawn.
Speaks for itself. I battle with self-harm, I have been winning for a while but that's not to say the thought doesn't creep up. But I find myself under a blade less & less as time has gone.
 May 2020 Richard Frank
Amna Khan
The sweetness of this poison
offers its condolences.
What it doesn't known is
its strength is
what I ached
to acquire,
not its pity.
 May 2020 Richard Frank
Amna Khan
Your tears strike
the frozen sleet below.
I shuffle to pick them up
because diamonds
are irrefutably too precious
to be wasted away
on such an ungrateful surface.
 May 2020 Richard Frank
Amna Khan
Under the serene starry sky
lay a  hushed beating heart
In a field as far as the horizon offered
always allured by God's majestic art

Two glistening eyes on Draco fixated
Orion seemed the epitome of delight
Deciphering the secrets the cosmos held
in awe of the gloom broken by celestial light

Almost as if the stars were reaching out too
cradling the little one in their truths
unraveling their mysteries to the heart of the wild
in their lullaby, ease and soothe

The galaxies above used their magic to fill
the obscure heart with emotions aplenty
and all that chained it to the insipid earth
were mundane realities and gravity
Constructive criticism is welcome.
 May 2020 Richard Frank
Amna Khan
Brittle, broken, beaten
I carry in my chest
a moldy stone.
It used to flutter once
and beat harmoniously.
Medusa's hair,
coiling around this planet
finally found it.
And now my heart is only a moldy stone, all thanks to this cruel world.
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