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 May 2020 Richard Frank
Amna Khan
The sprinkled moondust
hovering above the wisps of clouds,
veil the puzzle pieces
as they linger
in the pools of wisdom
left behind by the sages,
where the thinkers have bathed
and left their sorrows,
to come out immaculate;
leaving a legacy
for the new intellectuals to put together.
Comment if you liked any specific parts of my poem. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
 May 2020 Richard Frank
Amna Khan
The night fills my lungs
with whispers ancient.
Singing in my ears
so fondly.
I'm afraid that if it goes on
I'll melt right there
in it's velvet touch;
for no one
but the night
has ever loved me that way.
Comment if you liked any specific parts of my poem. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
I cannot express how much I have

LONGED for your embrace,
OUR relationship as whithered as reaper himself.
VOCAL mischief cackling through our matching
EVERGREEN headsets... haha.

YOU had me at first sight, but I
OVERWHELMED myself and broke our spark;
UNLESS you see me sometime later, goodbye. And I'm sorry.
 Apr 2020 Richard Frank
fresh like crisp bursts of fruit
it’s a popping kind of thing
that explodes in your mouth
it’s juicy sweet and succulent
you know it when you taste it
sometimes I think feelings can be best described by the taste of it
 Apr 2020 Richard Frank
M H John
we sat in empty parking lots
and watched the ferris wheel
talking about how
we were once
on top of the world

and now at the bottom

exiting the ride
but still syncing
our heartbeats
to the neon lights
Guilt and its grave cousin shame
a heavy gnarled ball and chain
on my ankle, holding me back
sinking me into bloodthirsty black.
 Apr 2020 Richard Frank
there are no other words
that will do
no embellishment worthy,
no outpouring of devotion.
all i can say is,
i miss you
more than i ever knew
my bones could take.
- in the darkness i wonder if you ever think of me.
 Apr 2020 Richard Frank
 Apr 2020 Richard Frank
within my four walls i stay
escaping the yelling
feeling hunted like prey.
check on your friends during quarantine. it hurts a lot of people.
 Apr 2020 Richard Frank
 Apr 2020 Richard Frank
dried red petals
in the palm of my hand
crumbling into dust
being carried by the wind

i don't know where it will settle
dancing on the breeze
it will return to the earth
a fragmented heart coming back to peace.
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