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387 · Apr 2015
Adam Mott Apr 2015
Old snow
Is something higher than you
Long rested and freshly grown
From the glass you begin

White lilies floating in outer space
No oxygen to grow
Blue roses frozen in time
Where is it you hope to go
Young child learning to sing
How big do you want to grow
Questions which it is your nature to know

You so lost
You that are afraid
Know that this is right
In your heart
To your homes

Old snow keeps growing
Far afield is your real home
386 · Dec 2013
8 Track
Adam Mott Dec 2013
An old cassette,
Your name perfectly printed,
Faded now
Old and thin

Still plays the same old sounds,
Only now,
Garbled and strange
Not really the same songs from yesterday
For more!
384 · Feb 2014
Who Do You Love
Adam Mott Feb 2014
Nothing ever grows
If I was a flower, you were my table
A vase crafted as a fable'
Who was the sun above
The roots, they run parallel
Who do you love?
Outside the water sings a spell
Who killed our love?
Lead the red carpet to the Ocean
Who do you breath now,
But my very name
Behind the ocular rise
384 · Jan 2014
Just Another X
Adam Mott Jan 2014
What's the price to pay,
An eye for an eye?
This question, it ruminates
Echoing off the sound in this quiet isle
Nothing quite like the enemy
Just like you want to be,

Soul too shallow
I was your remedy,
Now I'm just another enemy
Remedies and Enemies all as well
384 · Dec 2015
Adam Mott Dec 2015
You know that pain is the opposite of dissonance
This is the truth that is so dangerous
I want those intangible things
Memories and feelings that refuse to leave me
Unlike the heat of this subtle hilarity
Embedded in the new frost of the old rain
Caressed by the things that torture us
Like chains made from trust
Snapped beneath the weight of distance and wariness
Hating the scars on my chest
Whilst one lives for that which shines through yonder windows
Like the deepest oceans, the heart of the sea
Blue and full of wanderlust
Not quite me
382 · Oct 2016
2015 & the Real Kid
Adam Mott Oct 2016
Mechanical cogs that never seem to fit
Single boys and girls that never get over it
Songs and sounds of newlyweds lost
Hosts of parties long now gone
The favourite flavour of those moved on
Food for heart and food for thought
The kind of taste that is bitter and hot
Too much to see and too much to taste
Hopping aboard the next train
Before a mirror can reveal their face
Figured I'd release one from last Fall that has been in the draft box
378 · Apr 2015
1 Smile Per Person
Adam Mott Apr 2015
Cold little darling
Black and swirling in your sweet levity
Will you not lay down with me

Or will you take up arms with the 170
Swinging your violin violently about these halls
Harrowing the innocent
Disregarding phone calls

Round' the seasons you have been
Cold little darling
Summers come and gone
Work in places long overdone

You do not want to go back now
Black and fragile in your brevity
Fighting to stay above the tides

Lay down with me or take up arms
Regardless we shall all find
Something in ourselves to be harmed
Tags are silly nonsense
Like everything I make
Except Cookies
Those are dead serious
377 · Feb 2016
Goodbye, I'm Alive
Adam Mott Feb 2016
A sudden heat beads down upon me
4 O'Clock
A favoured time to leave
Packed my bags, time to go
Running out of people to bid adieu

At any other time, I would have stopped Empirically
But now I continue, each state another memory I burn
Like the sound of the heat on skin
To be young and free
Aware of all that has benefited or wronged me
Like I sold my soul to the Devil
Only the Devil was a person that wanted an exchange

So down we go, state by state
Song by song
Memories flying out the window all night long
Beneath the bright summer moon
Like the heat on my skin
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm so very alive
She said equally every day
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Dear City of Dreams,
Would you remember me well?
In you I waited to leave
Bright horizons a little blonde told to me
Couldn't wait to be home and free
Rushed our time in the warm city,
Raced towards the sea

Now, I look back
Ponder such a coincidence that two would wish to win
Though I made my decision,
I have nobody else to blame
I chose one, and one chose you
Ha, what a way to "win"
For more!
375 · Dec 2013
Inconsistent Woman
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Beauty had a face
Reminded me of you
Soft and warm
Bright and true

Before I came to love it
It came to love me
Yet, for all I have learned
You still think you are above me
For more!
374 · Dec 2016
Meant to the Sea
Adam Mott Dec 2016
How many dreams continue to sift
The colours, the world, the memories
Moving on
Sometimes wondering where it has gone
Been in the sea, so many times
Drinking in the sun
For the right to dream of better days

The cold and shattered waves
Upon this sea of memory
Adam Mott Sep 2014
I cried today
Reading a book about a dog
named Enzo
He became a friend
I grew to love
Within two days I
had experienced his entire life
Little Enzo,
I am better for having read
Read of you
The Art of Racing in the Rain is a read that will cause you to develop emotional reactions you never knew you had. Also the tags mean nothing, again.
374 · Nov 2016
Holiday from Progress
Adam Mott Nov 2016
Snow upon the land
Skies ashen gray
Cold and unperturbed
Every bit of nothing stays the same

Who is one to know the time of day
No sun, no moon
Only moral decay

Lights adorn the suburbs
Green and red
Children dreaming recklessly of days ahead

In windows and mirrors, I see my name
An idea, an entity
Someone to blame
The only season yet to change
373 · Jan 2014
Once, Once I Felt
Adam Mott Jan 2014
Outside my own Heart
Lingers a beating, throbbing part
Large and small all at once
Mistified by shape and tone of what once was
Better Loves come about more than once
Conscience Falls and litter trawls
371 · Dec 2013
Guilty As One
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Mornings she'll never know
The feeling of sun on skin, the soft brush of a lovers hand, the passionate love of her dreamt of man
All swept away, thanks to the cruelty of our social age
Broken images and cracked screens, our generation failed to heed the call
A thousand likes and shares too late, she is too far gone to see our aversion to their hate
Tell me, who has won?
The victim, the perpetrators, or all of us,
Guilty as one
For more!
371 · Dec 2013
Take My Hand
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Lift me up
Hold conscience above
Send signals crafted with love
A reminder; never give up
Fear not, the reaper
370 · Mar 2016
Where is my Answer
Adam Mott Mar 2016
Red wine and telephone poles
Satisfied with the colour of the sky
Setting sights on the lines in the middle of the street
To alieve the pain of another day

Justified in the minds eye
Living in a cabin outside of town
Venturing in to gather food and supplies
Heading back to fill empty eyes

Down the street, tangled in time
The city that is too tired at night
Behind all these lines
A pocket universe, trapped alive

Happy in the pendulum
Swinging from event to event
Ever present in a different time altogether
Living a life, a life that might be better
369 · Feb 2015
Oh, Live
Adam Mott Feb 2015
That's a light down there
This loneliness seemed infinite
Chained and writhing I was bent
Fingers gnashing against memories while my eyes fluttered a thousand miles away

From once was me
From whence I came
Unshaken, shaken
Shattered, thousand pieces
From the water I am pulled under

Not wanting to be found, haunted
Fell for a wicked trick
Locked in my own memories
Where I lived long

The key to me?
Stored above in another building
Clueless of the struggle in me
I see that you have seen me
Unshackled I become someone angry
I raise my voice and tell the past to sink
To drown and suffer in it's own crooked nature

Oh, Live is what that said
How funny it is now that I see
I had misheard the lyric
Had grown stronger, better
Taller, deeper

I say with one more look behind me
"Go **** yourself into the sea"
Laughing I see
The lyric,
Oh, live
369 · Apr 2015
Backseat Readin'
Adam Mott Apr 2015
All this talk is getting me down
These decisions are becoming pain
Trying to fix what has yet to come
Only to discover I am back where I started

Watching things fall down
Splashing in big blue pits
I, too, fall
Eye to eyeball
Face to face
Where is my place in the human race

Driving to the diverging path
Hoping it is no epitaph
With the right tide may it bring me home

One day I may realize
All this time I have been eating my own lies
But for all the strength it takes
I know she was not a mustake
368 · May 2014
My Juliet
Adam Mott May 2014
I hit record
You smile and shake your head
For a second we afford
A video to share, instead

I keep to save
Filed away not so deep
To view innate
Something special I keep

The button is no longer held
Your laugh still emanates
And for you I pray good health
Our love still permeates

I know what yesterday's bring
As do you
For, the dream of tomorrow is our thing
So I call out to you

Syllables override and I try not to hide
I remain open and loving
Even under clouded skies,
I dream of the best things with you still coming

And I know it's true
I can't stop repeating that "I love you"
I wonder whom this could be about!?
Adam Mott Jul 2015
Figured a head or two
Bought a barrel of laughs and sold a few
Looked to the horizon for a foreign God
When nothing answered back
I found that odd

Went to the market in search of rare breads
When in fact all I found was a hole in my head
How did it get there I wondered
Loud and clear
It took a moments delay to hear what I feared
A shot from a gun
Loud and clear

That foreign God had come
To take all that I held dear
Sleep Deprivation is alive and well in this nation
366 · Nov 2015
We're the Worst
Adam Mott Nov 2015
My life has become this nostalgic reverie
Self-referentially bound to memory
Seeking the brightest moments
Tainting them with pain from late August days
June was the true end I suppose
From those loving memories, I derive joy and hope
Silly of me, I know

So it's been awhile since we shared a car ride
You've been with me in dreams, the waking world darker than before
These things guide me through the night
Serving to help me live in the town of memory

Watched the worst, heart drawn and quartered
Little creatures drawing images of what we knew
And all those golden times that I still love so
In dreams and memory

I suppose it's really done
Over and gone, just like that
I haven't really been me in a while
Maybe I never had been to begin with
But I like to think I was starting to figure it out

Look, whatever it is that you do now
The genuine you that few truly know
I hope it makes you happy
I hope you wake up with a smile every day
I hope it keeps you warm and fulfilled
Becuase I really miss you
And I think it would be a waste for us to both feel this way
If life is going to keep on like this

Emotions are complicated
Being young is hard and confusing
None of this is easy
None of this is supposed to be
It's what we make of it
What we do with it

Call me
Life doesn't **** now. It's not impossible or devoid of hope, but it was better with you in it. I have no idea if you read this freeform ****  if you care enough to occasionally peruse my admittedly emotionally self-indulgent poetry.
So yeah, thanks.

Also I just grabbed the top tags because reasons
366 · Dec 2013
One Look Back, '13
Adam Mott Dec 2013
The part of me
Chasing the road home
Our tragedy in melodies
Sanctity of volume
In which we need love
The day we wake up
A day it's over, the sky falling down
Lone down, London Town
Singing to the river,
While the daylight lets us know where it has to go
The story in a blink of your pretty green eyes
Started while the sound was queer,
Now you roam the night
Royality, we tried
'Though our kids are growing up
365 · Nov 2014
5. Free Form
Adam Mott Nov 2014
Slowly now,
Rise from your traveling mechanism
With the old world gone
Do you realize you miss where you once began
This new habitat
It will age just like the rest
But your old eyes will seek out the best
Without forgetting you are still young
Young and tethered to reality

From Nigeria you rose,
Met her under the warmth of a Freetown afternoon
With opportunity in your hearts
Fire in your eyes
You both bid your homes goodbye

Family was something to miss
Here in this new house you realize you have been blessed
With children and love you resettle your lives
Never forgetting the love of home
For it shall never die
Part five of the political visual poetry work
364 · Jun 2014
Adam Mott Jun 2014
My Lovely, cool and sure
My Lovely, born mature
My Lovely, without brochures
My Lovely, still ensures
Our lovely love will endure
Lovely Liv loves to live
363 · May 2014
Indelible Love
Adam Mott May 2014
Journeys through density
Staring at the night skies with you
Ventures in liquidity
Sailing out beyond the blue

The boat
Out amongst the stars
Our hope
A highway without cars

And you and I, young and sweet
In love and fighting to keep
Never dies, lovingly complete
An easy battle for you and me

I'll write and speak
'Of your immaculate beauty
Your grace upon my cheek
Through and moody

I kid and you laugh
A smile too perfect to recall
I'll join you in every Sunday mass
A heart for which it was easy to fall
Imagery and romanticism, can't help it, ahhhh
361 · Nov 2015
In January
Adam Mott Nov 2015
I am tired
By January, I'll be dead
But still not free
Music will play
The seasons will change
Nobody will remember me

But for now, looking at a severed tree
I would taste the sap with eyes of honey
Impassable is this position
Down to the ocean within the sea
All my ground had left me

All the November rain was snow by then
Three years ago, the law of man
A mall full of memory
Tastes like what I wanted it to be

Spring but a creation of modesty
I am the sea now, it has become me
All they wanted, all I was
The sea, the deepening of cold and dark
Of me
361 · Oct 2015
Angrily Confused
Adam Mott Oct 2015
Cool stretches of imagination colour this land
I hold your picture
My hand trembles
Visualizing the way sunlight catches your eyes
I was there, you were near

Now I wonder
Under the sea in fear
With music blaring that I can no longer hear

The deal was raw
The trade was a head of false words
You sent me a bouquet of thorns
A mind full of fear

Resenting nothing but the shadows
Questioning what occurred in the darkest corners of time
Only they know
Only I can surmise

Deserving to be angry
A flame corrupted by the stream
Nothing erupts out but steam
Know I know
I ask you
Leave my dreams
More confused than mad.
359 · Jul 2014
Of the Pack
Adam Mott Jul 2014
No, I do not enjoy the silence
The stretch and reek
Colourful reasons for which not to speak
And though I respect your silence
I try to speak
Because I love you
Though this ocassionaly makes my heart feel akin to being a freak
And now these words come fast and hard
With you I play the lesser part
The work is me and the work is you
Yet you feel as if the littles do
Dance and appreciate
Know and love
For if the day should come
You'll know what you had
No theme. Only a string of words.
357 · Jan 2014
Wonder What it's All About
Adam Mott Jan 2014
Unfurled my sails, set off into regions unknown
Yet, somehow found home
Familiar towns under new blackened shrouds
Hardly recognized the beating of her heart
Though I could feel her go down
Poignant tears in my baby's voice and sound
I could barely stand to put her down
Conscience is here
357 · Feb 2016
We, the You of Tomorrow
Adam Mott Feb 2016
Y'know, we say a lot of ****
Day to day, person to person
It's surprisingly consistent
In fact, I'm rather impressed

There're the small lies
The "You look good in that dress!"
"They just left!"
"Tastes great!"
"I think the Leafs have a real chance this year!"

And the ones that matter
"I love you"
"You have nothing to worry about"
"I swear, I didn't do it!"
"I'm sorry, ***. I was out with the girls"
"I'm okay"

It's the people that can switch between the two at will,
They really impress me
For, as the web grows
So does the willingness to let go
And all those who love you
Will try and aid you
And then, they too will begin to spin the web
Because of course they know the truth
"I believe you"
"It doesn't upset me, promise"

And suddenly it's too late

You're left adrift, confused and full of hate
Wondering what you've done
Where you went wrong
Or perhaps you're unswayed
Fine and ready to start anew once again
Potentially not even realizing what you've done

When it's all over
The curtains down, the cast and crew separated
Turn off the lights and crawl into bed
Whisper to the walls
And set your alarm
Tomorrow comes void and early
357 · Jan 2014
Adam Mott Jan 2014
She's not here for the status quo
Started the journey early in life,
Worried, lonely, sick too
Oh, my baby is payed by the hour
Used to see her all the time,
Baby, once was mine
Now anyone can buy her love
Only costs a dime
356 · Dec 2013
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Long gone,
We refuse to make friends
You found a port in a storm
Shallow and meek
If the sun came back you know you would not stew
My Baby, chase relentlessly
My Many Remedies
-Conscience Falls
354 · May 2014
Midnight was a Dream
Adam Mott May 2014
The love poems
They come and go
Every last one meaning more and more
With motions of to and fro
The literary babes begin to grow
Through smiles and laughs
The glass of love overfills our bath
Sounds of joy, signs of life
Our home bright and warm
The hearth burning bright
Remember these images,
Remember, from the dawn of day
To the eve bridging night,
I love you more than you know,
For you, I will carry a pulchritudinous little light
So that we may relight the hearth
On the most frigid of winter nights

Take my hand, be that light
Let us love this time
For, we will be more than alright
It is but a bit of penance we pay
In order to love with such might

I love you baby girl,
With all possible might
For her, as always
353 · Oct 2015
From the Shelf
Adam Mott Oct 2015
Sometimes I like to just close my eyes and drift away
Dream that maybe tomorrow will be a better day
Hopefully the dawn will eat at all this decay
Leading to a love I could feel
One that comes from me, not someone else
Been burned, frozen out
Left to breathe in a room with no oxygen
Tired of all these trees shifting and swaying
Regardless off all my trials, I still enjoy praying
To who I do not know
Some entity that I feel loves me so
Maybe I am weak
Possibly so
Regardless I fight back the tears
I will not go
I'm here today and will be tomorrow
This life is too short to be this way
Too beautiful to live it on a shelf
351 · Sep 2016
Rulebook 3
Adam Mott Sep 2016
Leftover from the time when
Shards of glass buried within
Amounting to a stretch of time
Where the heart is made to lie thin
A torn visage of regular men

Cool and collected
Shaken and anxious
Both describe a man
Wedge between lives
Broken, again and again

Remedies come and remedies go
Changing hair and clothes
Learning from each meeting
Losing a shard of that fear
350 · Dec 2013
Different Cycle
Adam Mott Dec 2013
How sweet it was, letting go
Does not matter to me
Now that I too flow
Ever the flicker while I recall, let go
Silence for a moment
Then we begin again
A new cycle, set free from the yesterday I did see
Another dreamer, set free
Hold tight, you have let go
Oh, let go
Oh, free to go
350 · Nov 2015
The Baupto
Adam Mott Nov 2015
Run it back
Fuel the ice in the chamber sockets
Deliver fish to bears of intent
Watch a salad become a man

Position the camera gingerly
Record your iconography
Melting now, a glacial hare
Vast and galloping
Laughing in a pattern of mystery
349 · Nov 2015
Adam Mott Nov 2015
What would you say if you came back?
What would you see?
What would you feel?
What would you do?

I built a house for all our memories
I fashioned a basket for all my attempted remedies
I tried to sell a few of my emotions
I tried, but I still only think of you
I know that I'm in love with you

A trumpet plays
A sax wails
A guitar inquiries upon the night sky
A thousand things happen when I think of you

Look at these eyes
Look at my lips
Look at our hearts
Look at what you did to me

To hang out again
To admit we miss it
To maybe say sorry
To listen to the rain together
To try and go out in poor weather
To drink another coffee with you
To let loose and share all we knew and know

I felt life for the very first time
It broke me from patterns I was stuck following
Taught me to stop being afraid

Yeah, I get that I could be too much
I let my love be the number one priority
Before careers or hobbies
That's what I did for the girl that helped me feel life for the very first time
I jumped in, all in
I apologize if I was too much over the course of the years
It was something I could have worked on
If only you had told me so
349 · Jul 2015
A Letter to Youth,
Adam Mott Jul 2015
I am tired
Cold and weak
The things I remember
Are the things I seek
Warmth, Love, Gentleness
That which you give to me
Held in an embrace
An epiphany
I have had this dream many times
Could there be a time where I could feel alive
Yes, soon and near
All that I prayed for
That which I hold dear
Six weeks and a penny more
Enough time to stare at the mirror behind the door
To bid farewell to a life of photographs
The truth of it all
Never wanted to hurt you all
But now it is time
I fear but do not
It is time to go
Can someone give me a line
Something comforting to say to you?
Time and me,
I know one day I will be back to see
Until the end
We will remember it all
The young lives
Our shared memories
To Home and the people left behind
348 · Dec 2013
Won't You Be Mine Tonight?
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Sweet baby,
Innocent and warm
Simple to hold
Easy to love
Ethereal eyes
Seamless and green
Hair shining effortlessly
Ready to gleam
Whisper from red lips
A gift to behold
For more!
346 · Mar 2016
About Today
Adam Mott Mar 2016
Crisp autumn leaves fall on your car
Wine sits undisturbed by the front door
The sun is low and the tide is high
The mat at the entrance,
It reads, "Goodbye"
Far Away, About Today
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Tavern songs in my old sweet city
Playing in and out of open windows
I spent my days that year in good company
All the hearts I broke were akin to mine
For want of will and wish
So, with filtered innocence
I killed my own mast
A black flag,
'sorry for my sweethearts
Reminiscent of my better past
With her once triumphant songs, I do recall
I miss my old love,
Regardless of heart fall
Conscience Falls for tears too
344 · Jul 2015
Eight Week of Fourteen
Adam Mott Jul 2015
Here is a song to you
Written on the cover of red, white, blue
Midnight and it's dream rights
The places where I wait for you
Quickly fading in the rear-view
Heading towards my lucky few

Meet you at the home of us
Touch you in the realm of trust
Stretching throughout the causeways
Have to do all this living
Choose to do it with you

We are the lost, holding hands
The only sanity in a realm of descent
We are the old souls
Waiting for the world to mend
To Liv
342 · Dec 2015
Adam Mott Dec 2015
Little pieces of time
Processes of the mind
Portraiture for which to be framed
At the point in which innocence
Turns to fear

Dark corners
Of the mind and scene
With which rewinding
Does nothing

Force of will
Desire of the heart
Blue hair with which life does part
One way or another
Time has its way
Personified by what you had to do today

You may look out at all you can see
Trying desperately to be a somebody
Lost in the minutia
Drawn to things that you are not

As the butterfly descends
Hold onto your heart
Cherish your friends
Love is gone
Only to rewind again
Tags are Unrelated
342 · Feb 2016
River Months
Adam Mott Feb 2016
Colloquial breathing under the waves
Floating down the river
Eyes firmly shut
Mind is full of dreams
Each moment stripping away the decay of this vessel
Marvelling toward times gone by
Further, the river

Twisting and turning
The heart heals
New and resolute
The eyes open
Stark and pulchritudinous
Adam Mott Dec 2015
It means nothing at all
Order and symmetry
Effort and emotion
The way in which you tell someone you love them
None of it matters, all just a laugh

Strangers have power lovers do not
Able to infiltrate and change the brain
A look, a word, a murmuring from the insane
Each joke a life in waves

I was all for trying to feel
But if I cannot then who will
If you were me and I were you
Would I equate 1 with 2
Or sell my name,
Becoming a piece in this ****** up game

I don't believe
I cannot see
The colour of the wind
The taste of your melted will
Guitars can wail and we can all sing
But nothing means a ******* thing

See this world?
The shape and fury?
Nothing but a strange hello generated fast
Never making sense, never stopping to ask

I was all for being in love
All for trying to feel
But it was I that looked out on the lake
That would become your home
All for loving
All for that which could be
But what is mine
Isn't real
Just as the emotions that I feel
Not for me
Not for you
339 · Jan 2016
Leave a Light on
Adam Mott Jan 2016
Leaving a light on
Somewhere between now and forever
Cool drops, rainfall from your eyes
Happy accidents ring out
Only to die
The jungle echoes
The panther searches
The python, ever sly

Running with the photo
Bleeding from the base
The light that was left on
Burnt up home

Dawn is coming,
Light blue, the colour of a robin's egg
The trees have no leaves
The girl walks beneath them in a white flowing dress
Hair bright and dark, equivalently

Her eyes are cold and curious
The city lies behind her, illuminated in the early morning
The grass feels warm between her toes,
The river that runs beside her beckons
As she descends beneath the placid murkiness
Her eyes rise to the sky
A single sentence she utters,
"I wonder why?"
338 · Mar 2015
Japanese to Me
Adam Mott Mar 2015
So cold the rain says to me
A thousand little beads
Beating down upon me
Did you hear?
The sounds of the sky coming down
Even you must have

The flowers know your secrets
Wind whispers to it's friends
Telling stories of deceit and thousand year tales
Here they come, there they go
The golden times
The golden times
Here they come, the pressure game
Look up, Athena
Sing unto many your story
337 · Dec 2015
Adam Mott Dec 2015
Fast and slow
From my life
You come and go

Each and all
You and she
Once were here
In love with me

Upon a dream
A thousand memoirs

A cold night in a long winter
The fire burns, the logs do bleed
With ancient eyes
I still can see
All this time
All this time
Within these dreams of memory
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