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Ayn Feb 2020
A vernal flame rises
As the golden sun falls,
And the blue flame quenched.

A green harbinger of spring
Carried his torch to my figure
And lit himself a second torch.

I have become the fuel
For the fleeting flame,
And it burns me so
Just to have to go,
But now I must,
Leave for the flow.
More subconscious mind directly to pen. No, I’m not leaving life or the site because this community is really nice.
Ayn Feb 2020
The music fuels my muscles,
Giving them the final twitch;
The final burst of strength
To push myself up one more notch,
And further excel.
At an ANW competition and doing my best.
Ayn May 2020
Even if one thinks
That what is right
Is wrong,
There is an undeniable guilt
That follows in wake.
Ayn Mar 2020
When I threw out my hand,
And everyone else pulled theirs,
You stayed open
And grabbed onto mine.
Through dawn and dusk,
Through wind and time,
You held on,
Without question,
Without a faltering will.

Through the glacial mountains
And the phantasmic ravines,
Your hand gave mine warmth,
And I held on,
No longer wanting to let go.

For those who held on
Even when I screamed
To let go,
I thank you for your hands
And giving me a reason
To hold my life close.
It’s to close friends that this poem will never reach, its too embarrassing to send. But I appreciate their willingness to hold on, and held me back from “the final solution.”
Ayn Feb 2020
Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

A cold hand grasps my heart,
My emotions taken over.
The finger nails puncture like a dart.
I must’ve lost my four leaf clover

All that was left has been lost
I let out an unheard wail
Its thumb and fingers crossed
As it starts to drive in a nail

The pain makes me want to cry
But i must keep it all together
Even if I’m going to die
I will stay calm forever

But it’s all too late
My calm appearance leaves
I go insane, full of self hate
And drag a knife down my sleeves

When the deed is done,
My arms are bleeding, a smoking gun.
It leaves me in a state of despair,
Reminding me that it is always there.

This feeling comes whenever I’m weak.
It’s when I’m stressed or when I’m meek.
In the moment, i feel eased.
But my hunger is never to be appeased
I found this while looking through some files I had saved on my cloud. This was there and I was surprised to have found another poem saved from that time.
Ayn Jun 2023
Him uttering these three time-ridden letters where more than enough to bring his family to tears.
Ayn Feb 2020
Ignore them.
Do what you want.
If they don’t want it,
Then all they are
To you and me,
Are enemies.
People used to make fun of me for writing poetry, I cared and stopped. Then I needed it, so I stopped caring. They’re just people not even worthy of attention.
Ayn Jul 2020
Nothing lasts forever
But we just gotta believe,
And make it last long.

As long as we both try
We can continue this trek
For as long as we want.

Who knows what we’ll find
Along the way?
As long as we try, it will work out.

Edit: I said long a bunch.
Ayn Dec 2019
I’ve written poem after poem about her,
But I’ve never written one about him.
Is it because that ended before I
Started to write poetry once more?

I have no idea,
For I loved him just as dear,
As I love her.

Even though we may just be friends now,
I feel that he is still, by league after dissipating league,
The coolest person I have ever, and will ever meet.
I sent this poem directly to him after writing it, before I posted it here, just to mess with him ;).
Ayn Feb 2020
I keep it all in;
Let the spiders crawl
Throughout my skin,
And spin their webs
In my soul’s
Numerous holes.
I usually don’t go this deep when writing, but I made a short poem that has many layers.
Ayn Mar 2022
I fall asleep to the spirit’s melody;
Drifting along iridescent shores,
Welcoming all that passes before it.
An unforgiving chokehold sets in
And i am rendered unable to escape.
The silence of a bed;
The welcome of the world of dreams.
I can’t get out of bed. I’m wasting away a day. F in the chat.
Ayn Jan 2022
Like the song
Of a stone;
Sing along,
All alone.
4 syllables in each line, which is kinda interesting how easy it was to put together in comparison with my usual amount per line (6-7).
Ayn Apr 2020
Looking at you through this glass
as forever drifts to the past
An eternity of sliding sands block my path,
and a glassen wall stands at full mast.

were bittersweet memories
ever meant to last?

In this desert, another flower blooms.
Siftless sands begin to sift once more;
time always resumes.
glassen is not a word (duh) but I made it a word. It means glass-like, as the narrator cannot define something so large and smooth as a wall of glass, it wouldn't make sense to him.
siftless: (adjective) without sift (another made up word)
Ayn Mar 2021
Place the bets
Run the cards
Jack of hearts?
You’re just the joker.

Face card?
It’s all a facade.

living freely,
Yet chained to the game,
Life’s got my soul; my flame.
I’ve long since lost my name.
Playful thoughts of cards and chance.
Ayn Dec 2019
I don’t understand
How all the text alignment
Is supposed to work.
I’m genuinely confused about why people would align the text in different ways. I usually just left-align it because I don’t get why I would put it any other way...
Ayn Aug 2020
To dehumanize someone
Is to break the chains
That hold their wings
To an earthen reality.

Does complicated emotion
Really prove
That we are above animals?

Or does it drag us down?
Ayn Dec 2020
Like clockwork;
Running on broken gears.
Seconds distorting
Beyond the minute gaze
Of the hourly chime.
I haven’t used this in a while. How is everyone? I’ve been pretty busy.
Ayn Apr 2020
I sit here
I lay here
I feel here
I see here
I live here
I am not here.

I never was here.
Am I really alive or not? What should I be questioning besides me, the only thing in which I have a right to question?
Ayn Jun 2020
Slipping on the ice,
And crashing through the glass.

Floating shards
Hovering in prismatic wonder,
Lighting my darkened mind
Like the thousand stars
Guiding me to
My long lost dreams.
Is it on purpose that one of the corners is still left in the dark? ;)
My interpretation of how love CAN work. A withering rejection that flowers into something beautiful. emphasis on can.
Ayn Dec 2019
Lock me in ice,
Freeze me beyond my bones.
Let me become a visceral tundra,
Devoid of all,
Leaving only a chilling silence to roam.

Crystalize my blood; make ruby shards.
Tear the skin with your glacial flames.
Seize a still beating heart with Death’s arctic claws,
Puncture it with five frosting talons,
to diminish the simmering heat that remains.

If you’re going to ice my heart:
Spare no wrath, tear me right apart.
Since I made a fire poem, I felt obligated to make an ice poem. This one is more about love than Its counterpart, but that’s ok I think. I have to stop writing poetry in Trigonometry...
Ayn Jan 2020
Slipping somewhere cold,
My grip is forever lost.
How long is the fall?
Whenever I look down from a high place, I don't get scared, I have two thoughts: 1, the thought to resist the temptation to jump, and 2, "how far down is that, it looks really cool to see so far down!"
Ayn May 2020
Cold and frozen
Inside a cage of my own.
There’s nobody out there to thaw me out,
Nobody to listen for my frostbitten shout.

Maybe I’m just a mannequin,
Singing lullabies and lies
Until my stifled cries
Reveal the real human inside.
After all, mannequins can’t get frostbite. So obviously I’m not one. But maybe my entire personality is just another puppet. Maybe I am a puppetmaster?
Ayn Jan 2020
Names aren’t important.
I don’t wonder who the thief is by name,
I wonder with faces instead.
They flash by and I think “what if it was this person?”

I should leave a note, saying hi to them.
I really want to become friends with them,
It is naïve of me,
at 17 years old,
To want a friend.
But thats the one thing i want.

Not love,

Not money,

Not possessions,

A good friend,

A real friend.
Ok disregard the age thing. Over the summer I wanted to write a book, 1 person would narrate in poetry and the other normally, but boy do I **** at writing narration. The cigarette poem is also from the same book draft thingy.
Ayn Aug 2020
And I hate myself for it.
Sigh... nobody ever calls me out on it, but when they do, it’s no surprise. It’s one of my traits in which I hate most.
Ayn Mar 2022
Close your eyes
You’ll come here soon.
Run away from this dream,
Fall into our tune.

It’s all a dream to me,
This horrid melody.
I call when you can see;
Setting the lifeline free.
Thanks for all the fish.
Ayn Dec 2019
I took a class a few months back,
it taught me how to drive a vehicle,
the extracurricular activity is Driver's Ed.
I listened well, but I wrote better,
and in the notebooks we were given,
I had written poem after poem,
covering all the whitespace.
About notes for later,
and love that was now
(it still is "now"),
this book is full of literature,
but the actual necessary contents
are one hundred percent
illegible literature.
Found my Driver's Ed learning book to try and study up, learn the laws again. I took one look in, and the page was chalk full of little haikus and poems of other forms. I can't read much of any pages because of my mind that loves writing poetry like an average person loves to doodle. I'll post some of the good ones sometime.
Ayn Nov 2019
Loftily flowing through the air,
In the almost nonexistent breeze.
It wanders everywhere,
But is locked to one spot.

The imperfect immaculacy called life,
Flowing unrestrained through all things.
It flows with neither rhyme nor reason,
It flows without regard to the season.

From the tips of my wiry, weak fingers
To the roots of the solemnly stoic tree,
Standing proud, for many years to come.

From the lifelessly vibrant autumn leaf
To the ceaselessly soaring summer bird,
Brimming with an almost vexing vigor.

From the phenomenally frostbitten stream
To the swaying spectrum of vernal petals,
Berating the grass with their "benevolent" beauty.

As I have said before,
The imperfect immaculacy,
Chained to existence.
I've always seen 'immaculate' as a more sinister way to say perfect, as if something is being hidden.
Advice and suggestions are welcome! Thx for reading!
Ayn Jan 2020
Imperfection is everything.
Nothing is immaculate,
nothing is fail-safe,
some fool is always dumber
than you are smart,
so nothing is fool-proof.

In some cases,
you are finding the drop of mud
on the silvery crystalline ocean.
That is good enough,
don't hurt yourself
by yearning for more.
this poem is telling myself to stop my tomfuckery with trying to be perfect, and I hope it gets the message to anyone else who has the same troubles with this stuff as I do.
Ayn Dec 2019
I’m happy to be here,
Alive and well.
I once lost all I held dear,
Tumbling down into hell.

But I rose out
Like a prizefighter;
Off of the net with a
Lively propulsion,
And into Death’s
No good,

I’m happy to still be alive.
Not because I enjoyed rising above,
But because I
Wouldn’t ever have beheld
The beauty that has passed by.

And I know,
More is on it’s way.
So I can only pray,
To share this beauty with others.
Unedited. I’m really tired. I’ve been having a sort of a block recently, I’ve been really unmotivated. so I’m gonna sleep now. Also, the poetry on this site from everyone is part of that beauty I mentioned.
Ayn Jan 2020
The anger closes in,
Like a thick blanket,
Ten degrees too thick.

My worldview is narrowed,
The blanket weighs me down.
Heat is rising at a rapid pace,
And my thoughts become colder.

The blanket is now
chaining me down,
And I feel useless.
I want to help another,
But I cannot help their case.
It violently tears me open
To be unable to help them.
And as I think further,
The blanket grows thicker,
And tighter.
It’s hot under my blankets. Ugh I feel like **** when this kinda thing happens, but I can always try my best.
Ayn May 2020
An incorrect output
to the anger built up over the day.
I wish I could apologize,
but the window just may
have already closed.

I should take back what I say
once in a while.
I'm sorry. I really am.
Ayn Jan 2020
At a vexing infernal ball,
The molten ash lights up
An intricate obsidian hall.

The devil walked up to me
Offered a withering lily,
And asked for my decaying hand.

So I waltzed with the devil
Graceful fluid movements,
Like the blood leaking
From my long closed wounds.

Hand in decaying hand,
Ashen footprint by ashen footprint,
We drift further into our moment,
Dancing at the depths of our hell.

The dance will end in its own time.
The inevitable death of the
Minor notes of deprivation draw closer.
My heart starts syncing with the notes,
Tuning it's strings to the icy song in play.

As the ending major chords finish
Their prolonged hymn of fate,
The devil leans over my helpless body
And donates a kiss to my struggling lips,
Ending my life in its entirety.

Now a silent ballroom remains.
A silent ashen body lays stagnant,
And soon fades off into the dust
That decorates the ebony floor.

Two unscorched hands still lay,
But they are frail, and will soon decay.
Apparently flower language is a thing. The lily is important to that. I found it a cool idea to have life be a dance with the devil. I think there's a saying about dancing with the devil. Anyways, I'm pretty sure I'm talking to myself with these notes, but that's okay, because... it just is, ya know?
Ayn Dec 2019

Why do I hold myself back
from what I want to do?

"To hide the overpowering disappointment.
You don't want to forever hurt yourself,
so you stay silently discreet; lay low."

But why don't I want to hear them speak?

"Again, to save your no-good cowardly ***.
You are quite the physical *******,
a lover of being cut, bruised, and bludgeoned,
but you suffer from being mentally skullfucked.
Aren't you supposed to me smart?
Maybe, just maybe, if you had confidence,
you wouldn't be talking to me;
the one person who wants you dead.
you refrain from everything,
yet you always seek counsel with me."

Because you're the only one I truly trust...

"Go **** yourself, just talk to someone else."
Have you ever talked to yourself? Argued with yourself? Welcome to my everyday life. The only person I have ever trusted enough to seek full counsel with was the part of me that urges me to destroy my body and **** myself. I promise you people that I'm not suicidal now, but that **** changes at the radius of a dime for me.

Oh yeah, actual notes:
this starts with me complaining, questioning why I get so apprehensive when I'm around those I like, and how texting them never goes over well with me, or how I don't want to read their messages, but takes a different turn when 'it' starts talking back.

'it' words are in quotes, my words are not.
Ayn Jun 2020
Why should I
Take pride in myself
When there’s nothing
To be prideful of?
Happy june.
Ayn Mar 2021
Hidden to all.
What was going on?
It’s anyone’s call.
Think of it this way, if someone gets into a car accident, and dies, you may think it was a horrible accident. What if they did it on purpose because they wanted to die. Nobody would be the wiser.
Ayn Jul 2020
Trailing out what’s left inside;
Leaving a path.

Lurching into the fray
Letting come what may.

I don’t know what’s left
Inside of me;
Bloodless, emotionless.

What keeps me running
Away from my problems?
Ayn Jun 2020
Taking into account
All the tension
That has come to pass,
I should have long since

Snap—   —ped

So why am I
Still standing
In one piece?
Me taking in the fact that I have awful social anxiety. It’s virtually impossible for me to enter a store or restaurant and ask for an application. I don’t know how people do that.
Ayn Feb 2020
Driving by
These skeleton trees,
All I can really do
Is think and internalize.

As the souls
Surrounding my own
Glisten with vacation feels,
Their voices resound
In a wildly uneven,
Yet ecstatic chorus.

I listen to the awful choir,
But fail to gather my voice.
I can only sit and internalize
The soul that my love denies.

I want to steel this crumbling heart,
But she keeps me from doing so.
Now my heart takes the main part,
Instead of steeling, it lets itself grow.
The crashing of my soul’s window,
A sound unlike any other crescendo
Ayn Sep 2020
Gazes repeat on occasion,
Looking into what looks back.
The mirror lies at the edge too;
All it takes is a single step.
Ayn Feb 2020
I’m but a human husk
Fill me with your emotions,
And watch me fail your expectations.
The only expectation I won’t fail is keeping a secret.
Ayn Feb 2020
I call myself a writer
Yet I’ve never made another cry
With the pieces I’ve written.
I’ve seen looks of disgust,
And those of disappointment,

But how does one invoke
The emotions felt in that moment
In the hearts and minds of the literate?

I want to create tears from one’s eyes,
Let the warm water streak a path,
And then send a fearful shiver
Up their chilled spine,
And freeze those beads of water
Into spikes of ice.

Maybe a boiling rage can follow,
And dissipate those trailing tears.

But when all is said and all is done,
Others spike emotion.

I spike none.
I realized that I’ve never seemed to have the same effect on others with my writing as others’s work has had an effect on me. Sometimes, there’s more to believing than seeing though, so I’ll hope that somewhere, sometime, I’ll invoke the intended emotion into someone.
Ayn Feb 2020
If I’m getting involved,
Give me a reason to care.

I can help with matters
Pertaining to your mind,
But I am not so kind
All of the time.
I’m not the nicest man alive, but I assure you that it’s unintentional. Sensitivity isn’t my forté (I think that’s the accent placement).
Ayn Jan 2021
As I look beyond the ocean,
The horizon’s phantasmic light
Reflects a midnight’s oasis
Of never ending stars;
A planetary pastel painting
This distantly endless expanse,
Bringing color to my eyes,
And life to the world.

It’s this lightly salted bliss
Which I’ll come to miss.
No matter how much I move forward,
I’ll wish “once more” to see this.
I really do feel this way. I doubt I’ll be on the ocean much when I set off on my own. Even in the far off chance that I become rich (but hopefully not famous), I’ll live in an ok house that’s not on the ocean. I’m not into all this “big house, expensive stuff, nice car” *******. I just need what I can make-do with.
Ayn Mar 2022
What would you have thought?
I was fine all day to your knowledge.
All you heard was
“it’s been especially rough today.”

Would you have been shocked?
Sometimes i regret my choices.

Would it have been better for her if I didn’t turn around and step back in?
Would it have been better for you?
Ayn Mar 2020
They do!
Ayn May 2020
Be you.
Be what you are
Don’t try to uphold an illusion.
It will shimmer then fall,
And then you’ll be left to crawl,
Because they didn’t catch your fall.

As long as you be you as well,
I’ll be me.
Wow, I must be going mental, actual notes!

The first stanza is for me, the last two lines are for —.
Ayn Jun 2020
Sliding through salty waters,
Spray hitting my face
Each time I dip the paddle
Into the murky creek.

it’s so serene,
No people,
No yelling,
No sirens,
Just me and the geese,
And the wind.

Even though I’m thinking
About my next move,
You’re still there,
Lying, beautiful,
In the back of my mind.
Kayak is a palindrome.
Ayn Feb 2020
The kernel blows up,
Popping it’s solid shell,
And expanding into
An amazing...
And delicious form.

The kernel
Of a computer
Is the same,
Except the astounding amazingness
Comes from the interactiveness
With a hunk of silicon and copper.

Disclaimer: please don’t eat any circuitry...
My mind is full of IT stuff today...
Ayn Jan 2020
Knowledge is power.
If it’s a sin, then I’ll be
A drug lord in hell.
Hit me hard when writing the previous poem. Also a drug lord is the first thing that came to mind with evil powerful jobs.
Ayn Jul 2020
Lines marking a shimmering border,
Silence marks the void between.
Life and death are all that stand
In the way of a world pristine.

The labelmaker does not discriminate,
The labelmaker creates the groundwork for it.
It’s the people that created the labels for the lgbtq(+ however more there is now) community, the ones against discrimination based on who you are or who you like, that discriminated people into groups based on who someone was or who they like.
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