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David J
Your eyes sang the song of loss
And I recognized the chorus
I was reading a book in a place no normal person would be. When I was accomponied by a lovely gal who had the same plans as me. We never spoke a word to eachother but I've never felt so understood.
Persephone II
She was giddy
A sparkle laying behind her eye
When surrounded
by collections
Collections, crafted and created by her
A few Trinkets,
A handful of Treasures
And a steaming cup of tea
I know,
I'm not good,
No need to point it out.

Tears in eyes,
waiting to fall,
lump in my throat,
trembling hands,
and an insulated, aching heart.

"Don't cry",
"You're strong",
"We'll be the best too"
the minds says,
facing the quiet mirror,
having tear-edge eyes.

I know,
I'm not good,
No need to mock.
My younger sister is an all-rounder. Beauty, intelligent, A++ student, brain, good behavior, sense of humor, communication, etc. which I am fail at.
I am just a ugly stupid girl having high temper, whom most people dislike.
Does that affects me? maybe................or maybe not.
She doesn't to point that out, indirectly sarcastically. I know she is the best among out and childish too but I have feeling too, even though I just shrug them off. She may say that for fun, to lighten the mood but still.................... She is a lot childish innocent cute too, but still.................... don't say that please. Please.
what i've noticed is
love usually simmers into a boil
the heat of it becomes
bubbly laughter, its warmth is the
evaporation of the senses
its result fog up my lenses
until all i can see is the smoke
then if i want, i could either
bring it down and let it cool
or let it reach a fever pitch
and watch it overflow
and instead of filling in the shape
it breaks the container it was in
it takes a while for me to decide
whether i got burnt
or have become alive
Ocean swells and cracks
Pushing foamy white lines
Higher and higher
Onto sand

Moon, so full
And unbelievably bright
Glows steady and far
This clear blue night
Sleeping on the beach tonight  😉
I long to see me
As you do,
Entirely foreign and
Mundanely beautiful.
I wish to trace
The curves of my lettering,
Attempting to decode
A message I have already
I have already unraveled
All of my mysteries but you
Still startle at each creak
Of the floor, each squeak
Of the door.
That elsewise wonder
Is only reserved for

adj. struck by the poignant strangeness of other people's homes, which smell and feel so different than your own—seeing the details of their private living space, noticing their little daily rituals, the way they've arranged their things, the framed photos of people you'll never know.
amanda cooper
mental illness is the
most expensive thing
i've ever owned but
never wanted
the stars dance
behind her mask
holding her together
both helpless and unremarkably dull.

she did not ask for this,
but was made that way,
with sorrow unravelling,
complimenting her
like poets do the night sky.
James Joyce
Because your voice was at my side
I gave him pain,
Because within my hand I held
Your hand again.

There is no word nor any sign
Can make amend -- -
He is a stranger to me now
Who was my friend.
Michael Leo
Reading a book once more,
New insights may unfold,
Yet the ending stays the same.

Meeting you, wasn't it the same?
Moments might change,
Yet never rearrange.

Parting is still parting, heart still yearns.
Yet fate's cold hand has cast us into the deep ocean.
Bitterness still flows.
For 576
" i'm going to kiss you now"


i think we sealed our fate that day
Peter Wyatt
Relaying a message,
receiving failure, once more
in its futile attempt.

I've been waking up
to hear your call,
screaming in the silence,
pacing after the expression
of unmatched violence.

What can I wield,
if not a torch to illuminate
all walls in this heart?
Noah V
I’m painfully aware
of the existence of
my hands,
When they are not
touching you.
the heart escapes when it finally realizes what it truly wants
Universe Poems
Autumn unfold

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.
À Mademoiselle Marie Laurencin.

Frôlée par les ombres des morts
Sur l'herbe où le jour s'exténue
L'arlequine s'est mise nue
Et dans l'étang mire son corps

Un charlatan crépusculaire
Vante les tours que l'on va faire
Le ciel sans teinte est constellé
D'astres pâles comme du lait

Sur les tréteaux l'arlequin blême
Salue d'abord les spectateurs
Des sorciers venus de Bohême
Quelques fées et les enchanteurs

Ayant décroché une étoile
Il la manie à bras tendu
Tandis que des pieds un pendu
Sonne en mesure les cymbales

L'aveugle berce un bel enfant
La biche passe avec ses faons
Le nain regarde d'un air triste
Grandir l'arlequin trismégiste.
Skyler H
I'm running out of love
Have never had enough
One day when I'm done,
I hope what I have done
I did it out of love.
Like the dawn
The glorious sunrise
Pinkish hues awash with silent beiges
And the sun
Is a fiery orb
Coloring life into every living thing

I feel the new
With my breath
In and out
And I think of the ocean
The powerful ocean
I can feel it within my heart,
The waves rumbling through my veins

I can see the new
In not so distant visions
Of a future full of growth
I’ve healed so much
And yet there’s more
More of the new
I open my doors
Let it all in
All the gloriously soothing beauty
Of life’s simplest pleasures
Healing me

There’s been a crack made in my lifelong illusions
I’m beginning to feel clarity, and not confusion
Saying yes yes yes
To more beauty.
old story remembered  from the beach
that warm afternoon while all were playing

the hunted tried not to sleep
for fear of being robbed or found
Belinda S Richmond
If I can escape to my Utopia
Connect with my own bliss
Create my own Arcadia
A Wonderland of Happiness
A Tropical Island get away
Palm Trees, Coconuts and more
A Fantasy Island of my own
So, what am I waiting for!!
I so just want to Get Away and
Save my Troubles for another Day
No  more worries it would be so nice
To Get away to my Paradise
If I had the opportunity, I wouldn't think Twice
Of this being my Paradise
My, my, my, "What A Sight!!"
This would DEFINITELY be my Paradise!!!

By: B.R.
Date: 10/15/2022
Velvety morning rise in the West.
Apricot-skin like, you appear.
While half moon is still here.
You announce the sun
to greet her before she goes.
To shine her tender light elsewhere.
Ocean waters change with your interplay.
Peaceful beach morning awaits.

Shell ✨🐚
What a beautiful early morning sky.
Grateful to see another day rising.
Jeremy Betts
Could I have done more, yes
But I'm worn out at best
Sore by the pound and stressed
The more I try to get it back like before
The more I regress
I know the score,
I know what's in store,
What it is I'm in for
But sure,
Let's hear what YOU suggest?

They say time heals all wounds,
and I suppose that’s true,
But how do I heal the scars
that always remind me of you?
Shane Lease
You Wanted Flowers So Bad,
But You Forgot to Water Them.
They Cant Grow On Their Own
And Neither Can You
Ethan P Jones
Finding love is like Halloween
Roaming the street in your best costume
Knocking on strangers doors
Asking them trick or treat
Until you find the one you feel comfortable
Taking the mask off with
sandra wyllie
in a quilted cornflower blanket
and set it on fire. I'll puncture
a hole in the thick of it, till it
flattens like a tire. I'll package

it and ship it off to sunny
Mexico, taking with it all the ice
and the heavy snow. I'll rip pages
off the calendar till May,  

taking November through April
minus two days. Leaving Thanksgiving
and Christmas there to stay. Or else
I'll hibernate like a bear and sleep

the months away, rolled up like
cigarettes in the mountains of Tibet
till the frosty air makes my breath dance
pirouettes on the stratosphere.
Lost Indeed
In the ocean of your eyes
I drowned
In the warmth of your hug
I burned
In the darkness of your hair
I lost
In the whispers of your mouth
I learned what words taste like

You walked on the holy grounds of my soul
Made a joke out of my idols
And burned the altars of my Gods

You are me... if I loved myself.
I haven’t done much poetry lately
Too much going on
A sick husband and a very poorly friend
I need to care for whilst they are there for
Because life is fickle life is frail
We’re not immortal we can fail
Nothing lasts forever
It’s like a feather
It floats, it’s fragile,
But for a while
We can live
And we can smile!
Make the most
And run that mile!
Peter Garrett
The only thing worse
Than pulling the trigger
Is spending your entire Life
With a barrel on your mouth
Just waiting for that 'bang'
P.s. This is not a poem about suicide. It's about expectations. About living with a heavy burden and never being able to set free of it.
Peter Garrett
Empires have fallen
For a beauty lesser
Than yours
Helen of Troy would pale by your side
Anna Wakefield
I had some news today.
The kind of news that sits on the surface
Skimming like oil on water.
Then, when least expected,
A match is dropped
And the oil burns.

I watched the fire
Knowing all I could do
Was to let it burn out.

There is nothing but ashes now.
The oil is gone.
The water is gone.
All that is left is a black, toxic sludge.
I stare
Knowing I need to face it.
Knowing I need to sift through
The ashes
And sludge
And fear
And horror
To find what's underneath.

Will anything be left?
Or will I be scorched
I went through a very personal trauma in the past couple of weeks.
This was my catharsis.
Morgan Howard
My mind is forever consumed
By thoughts of you
You are all I can think about
All I can dream about
All I can sing about

Your sweet voice
Is music to my ears
Your beautiful smile
Brightens my day
And illuminates me
In a golden glow
Your eyes
So full of life
And I long to get lost
In them forever
Sonja Kettunen
I would be this gentle mist that lingers
On autumn’s flowered field—
Yet I wish I could be a golden sunbeam,
Painting my lover's lashes in a gilded haze.
But that is not me. With gentle kisses,
I **** the summer’s flowers;
I am the coldness they fear.
I wrap the earth within my arms, but blind its sight—
My love summons winter’s night to arrive,
Stilling the pulse of all that once breathed life.
I swear my love brings death to every chamber,
But maybe that is the price we’re meant to pay.
For love and pain have always been entwined,
And when we bleed, as everyone must one day,
We will bleed as one.

-Sonja Kettunen (ig: @sojafoxpoetry)
Got inspired? :)
remembering so vividly
the promises you spoke
the way they remained long after you left
the roses whiting away beside my bed
remembering is painful
but i can never forget
tried to smoke away, drink my regret
but you are at the bottom of the bottle
remembering too potent
Mary Huxley
I'm scared to look in the mirror,
My reflection saddens me,
I don't feel pretty anymore,
The more I grow, the more I realize my insecurities.
I hide myself from the world,
It pains, it hurts.
What can I do?
My scars are internal,
But they show on my face.
Every day is a battle of comparison
Between myself and the pretty folks.
Maybe one day I'll sing the beauty melody...
Suman Ipe
At the crack of dawn as my young memory serves  
In a nook of Thazhathangady on a historic curve
Melodies of children chanting Rama abounding
Drifting through trees an uplifting moment
The household still still
Can they not hear?
Of beauty, devotion, and innocence near
Ray Dunn
your heart
breaks different
when it beats
idk something that just popped into my head
Peter Garrett
It'll all work out
It'll all work out
It'll all work out

These are the words
I've been repeating
To myself nonstop for
The past few months
Like a compulsive

But I'm not sure
Of them anymore
To be honest I'm not
Quite sure of anything
These days other than
Death and taxes
A piece about anxiety... plus, I'm a tax auditor, so a little joke about work as well.
So are we strangers now?
As you don't miss me anymore,
And tell her she is all you need.
As you don't want me anymore,
And love her the way you never loved me.
Said I was sorry,
Still you made a fool out of me.
So are we strangers now?
Yes we better be!
I love you more than I hate you
चुप्पी में चुप्पी अच्छी नहीं
कोलाहल में कोलाहल
दम्पति में एक बोले तो
जीने में फिर नहीं खलल।।
SOMEONE is stealing the silver around here.


Some of my words have "i"s. 👀

🤣😂🤣 Cathy
Hahaha.... but it's not funny!
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