The Art of Salvation
River running..
That rushing sound in these parts
spell out the words, crystal-clear..
Tree-lined banks, giving way
to the Dark Hills, upslope
Giving way, to
granite-rocked outcroppings
giving way to elk-hidden quakeys
Surrendering their holy-huddle's
pristine stances
to tall prairie-grass, waving
wild raspberries and tall pines
And I, myself..
am surrendering also
She is watching the water, believing
That as it flows,
she will not lose herself in it
That it will not steal, but heal
That I will not rage again
within my fear
I am watching her,
watch the water
I am watching the water-- believing
That as I give of myself
further into the flow
that I will not become diffused
by humanity
By the love of man
and all of its dishonesty
and all of its diabolical treachery
Of its lack of concern,
or understanding
Or ability to break through
its own, self-centeredness
Or its need to swallow me up
into the mundane.
Her hands are in the air now,
the true nature of the flow,
that I will let all of this, go
And as she wades in
I ease, back--
up the Dark Hills, *****
Clutching tightly..
To granite-rocked outcroppings,
Hiding in the quakeys,
among the majestic elk
Begging for the tallgrass, cover
among the wild raspberries.
Now, fully concealed
in tall pines.
Her hands
are stretched out, now..
as if hovering over the waters,
While I hide from it all
While I hide, from humanity;
From the fallen, love of man
She is wading in,
As I am leaving;
As the cloud-hidden sky,
starts raining--
playing the most incredible, of tunes..
xox"Little Spirits were born
with their little freedoms intact--
In freedom.. they are only
drawn out by Love"