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Apr 2016 · 349
Katherine Laslie Apr 2016
Surrounded by water
I feel peace
As I let my body
Slip underneath the surface
I'm at home

I'm happy
There's only one thing
In front of me
And it's clear
And it carries me
There's no place that I'd rather be

I could spend my whole life
Intertwined with the current

Everything goes quiet
There's no stress
Not a voice inside my head
Apr 2016 · 528
Shut In
Katherine Laslie Apr 2016
There are so many things
So many reasons
Why I should care
About life
About people
Things that I can't learn to care about

I am a shut in
Alone and dry
But I never lonely
For my shadow
Holds me in the night
My reflection
Gives me conversation
I am my own source
Of entertainment

So many times
I've tried to reach out
Tried to be social
Tried to change my
Very way of thinking

But the darkness
As it lulls me to sleep
It ***** me in
Where I will forever be
Mar 2016 · 722
Compulsive Liar
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
Kick me down
But I won't fall

**** my spirit
But I'll come back strong

I've been abused
So many times before
So what's another beating?

I've been pushed so far
That I can no longer break
I clench my teeth
And brace my self
For the pain
I push right through
With a smile on my face
Nobody even questions
If it looks out of place

I've become so well
At hiding my feelings
So well at making everyone
Believe in
the words I say
But, you see, I
Am a compulsive liar
One who will never falter
In her charade
Because to me
It's more than just a game
I'm a survivor
In a cruel world
Mar 2016 · 688
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
Why did I
Suffer myself
On things
That hardly matter?

I have a tragic past
And sometimes
It finds me in the present
But in life
It's childish to sulk
Over it all

Many times
I wished I could die
And the worst part
is that I even tried

While  letting go is harder
Holding on hurts so much more

Why did I ever fret
Over heartbreak
Over loss
Over silly things?

Now my path is getting clearer
And life shoots me down
Every time that I stand
And when I start to drown
I remember who I am

I am not going to
Roll over and accept my fate
I will fight against this world
Until my last day
The bitter hate
Won't slow me down
Because I am much stronger now
Mar 2016 · 220
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
My mind
Searches for reasons why
I should care or be here at all

My soul
It yearns for something more
Something yet to come
Or something in the past
That has been taken from my

My heart
Aches and grows tired of beating
After every breath I take

My body
Has grown weary
From all the abuse
I give to myself from day to day

My skin
I wear it so well
But I want to get out of it
Because it's uncomfortable as hell

My eyes
Try to look towards a better life
But then I get snapped back
To where I started and I struggle to climb
Mar 2016 · 904
If I Don't Die
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
I don't fit in
This world
Everywhere i turn
It rejects me
My father, though
I know he means well
Puts her kids first
He neglects me
Taking them out to the movies
While I'm at home
Digging through
the pantry
And go to bed feeling empty
And my brother, well,
He has Chelsea
And he never plays
Games with me
Like he used to
Because he is too busy
Playing with her
And I go to bed
Feeling empty
While dad and
Get friendly
I fall asleep
To their sounds
I Fall asleep
And never make a sound
Because when I sleep
I hope that
If I don't die
At least I'll dream
Mar 2016 · 337
Wishful Thinking
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
If I had one wish
What would it be?

I'd wish that one day
I could live happily

No more tears
Shrouded in pain

No more fear
Of yesterday

No more checking
Over my shoulder

No more
Being pushed away

No more
Being cast astray

People would love me
In this very way

And I'd never have to worry
About my place
In this world

Because, for once
I would fit in
Anywhere I'd go
Mar 2016 · 703
Sleepless Nights
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
At times
I'm not sure why...
I'm sure there is a reason

I lie in bed
Awake last night
Imagining the day
I watched my friend burn alive

I asked myself
Why did I have to be there?
Why did his dad knock on MY door?
Couldn't it have been someone else?
Because those images are something
I cannot erase

Did seeing this
Make me stronger?
Was it meant to make me wise?
Or perhaps the only reason
Was to teach me to treasure life

It's been three months
Sense that day
And the images, I thought
Would go away
But still I lie awake at night
Thinking of it all
And it drives me insane

The way your brother lay
Your burnt body upon the driveway
And you gasped desperately for clean air
When the sirens were closing in
The old woman pulled me away
Into a hug
And asked me if I knew the boy
I said yes. Sense preschool
She said I shouldn't see this

Why did I have to see it?

To the firefighters, I was a witness
I had to give them everything I knew

They offered me trauma counseling
As to undo what had been done
But he died two days later
And I'd give anything to take that back

I couldn't save him
I only tried to help
Why did i have to be the one
To put the burden upon myself?

We never talked a day in our lives
But his life seemed to precious to me

When it came down to it,
I did my best to be there
When I should have let them be

Why must I be plagued with this memories?
Mar 2016 · 326
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
My demons
Follow me
Break me down
Until I'm nothing

They don't rest
And I can't hide
I've grown tired of
Running for my life

It's easier to let them in
To let all of my suffering
Seem to end

But I don't like it,
These words they say
I don't ever want
To play these games
Mar 2016 · 464
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
Now it's time
For you to rest
Close your eyes
Release your breath
I wasn't there

I wish I was there
To see your last moments
To see you breathe air

Slip away
Into an eternal embrace
Bask in the spiritual sense you've gained
Now you will never again
Feel pain

I just wish I was there
To watch you leave this plane
I couldn't be there
To say goodbye
As you passed away
Off into another life

I never got to say goodbye
I will never get to see you
One last time

You smile was warm,
Like June
You're eyes were so beautiful
Like an ocean, blue

Illness struck you
Like a plague
The doctors had no answers
To make it go away
There was no cure
No way to keep you
Upon this earth

Your lungs were like stone
But your heart, pure
I can never find a way
To separate
Myself from these thoughts of you
The warm feeling of June
And your voice as a melody
As you would sing to me

I want you back
That feeling of June
I want it all back
But it's too late
Mar 2016 · 597
My Son
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
Life can be hard, son
And before you know it
You wind up in the dirt

Beaten so hard
That you lose hope
But believe me when I say:
You've got to learn to cope

Your body, weak and worn
Your spirit, shaken and torn
You wonder
If you have the strength to stand

Will you be brave enough to fight again?

Get up off the floor
Dust off your knees and
Settle the score
Cause you don't win in life
By lying on your back
No, you don't win in life
When you cower in the sand

You can only conquer
The trials that are laid before you

Even if you can only muster
Up enough strength to get through today
Remember, this problem is only a grain of sand.
There will be more problems that come

Don't let it drag you down
Mar 2016 · 515
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
The chamber of torture

Wooden tables and knives

Surgical equipment
Used to cut open eyes

Pools of blood gushing
To the floor

I'm not sure if I can take much more

The chamber of torture
Is swallowing me

The voices in my head
Keep haunting me

What is that for?
To pull out your teeth

The chamber of torture
Is inside of me
Mar 2016 · 266
Another Empty Write
Katherine Laslie Mar 2016
I try
With all my might
To feel something
Because that's what you
Want of me

All my life
I've shut out my feelings
On not just you
But everything

You take it in
Offense, because
To you
I doesn't make sense
For that, I can understand
Why you want me to feel
But it's not who I am

I've never felt happy
Never felt sad
And though I can cry
Are these actual tears
That I shed?

I try as hard as I can
To feel anything
But it's not a switch
In the back of my brain
It's not easy
To feel love or pain

Why can't you see
I'm just an empty shell?
Why won't you accept
That I can't be anything else?
Feb 2016 · 770
Real or Make-believe
Katherine Laslie Feb 2016
They say
Is only a figment
Of the imagination

If that's so
Then, maybe
Pain is the same

Let's figure this out
And for all
And show you what
Your stomach looks like

With a twist
A twist
Of the knife
I plunge the
Into your side

As you cry
I cry out
In pleasure
Now that you beg
for your life

So tell me
Now that
You've seen every
Last drop
Of your blood

Was the fear real?
Or just in your head?
I guess
None of that matters
Now that you're dead
Feb 2016 · 222
Katherine Laslie Feb 2016
Hell if I know
Where life is going to take me
I don't really want to know
What lies on store for me

This life is a cycle
As are the problems
They are born
They age
They due
And reincarnate
To grow another day

I won't let things bother me
That have happened in my past
I don't care what happens to me now
And I especially don't care
What hasn't happened yet
Feb 2016 · 399
Katherine Laslie Feb 2016
Has many faces:

All of these things
Are so hard to lose
But the one that I
Can't seem to set aside,
It is written on my skin
No place for it to hide
Any time I use it, I abuse it
Anything I can get my Hands on
Is good enough for me
A knife
A needle
A safety pin
A box cutter
To break open my skin
So when it heals, upon my arms
Is an inescapable sin
Will I ever be whole again?
The pain I feel is so addicting,
I won't pretend

It's not that I am sad
I just want to bleed
I am not depressed
For, I don't feel anything
I just want to hurt
Or learn what connective tissue
Looks like when it's stained red
I don't want anybody
To try to fix me
I'm already dead
Feb 2016 · 395
Katherine Laslie Feb 2016
Tell me now
How I'm supposed to feel

After all the numbing trauma
My mind can only try to heal

Show me how
I can learn to care

You tie me down,
I'll only offer you a blank stare

Nothing is real
I feel nonexistent

Something about the way
My lies flow past my lips
Makes me feel so distant

Charismatic, though I am
You cannot see past the depths
Of this mask

Twisted, I wish to feast on blood
Persistent in the way I just can't have enough

No one will ever see past the wall that I have built. No one will ever know that behind my actions is a lack of guilt

No remorse for the broken
No real laughs will leave my lungs
This is what it's like when
Pretending is never enough
Feb 2016 · 565
The Heart Never Lies
Katherine Laslie Feb 2016
The feeling of loss
Lingers for a lifetime
The sensation may fade
But as the tide, it shall fluxuate
Pulsating within my core
Reminding me of a pain
I've already felt before
I neglect the thought of you
To press through my day
But something about you
Will never go away
The feeling of loss
Has a bitter hold on my soul
This time, I don't think
It will ever let me go
Feb 2016 · 385
Make it Out Alive
Katherine Laslie Feb 2016
I think I
Am doing fine
After all the ****
I've done

I will stand above
My mistakes
My past
Those I miss
To conquer the
Despair within

I think I
Am satisfied
Relying on me
And I

Because who better
Is there to trust,
Than myself?
Especially when
I have no one else

I think I
Am doing fine
Going through the motions
I try to live my life

Looking back,
I'm still alive
Even after all the times
I almost took my life

I am doing fine
And, sure as hell
I'll make it out alive
Feb 2016 · 368
Katherine Laslie Feb 2016
The aroma
of you, it
Fills my senses
So intoxicating
As your neck
Is pulsating
I begin to
Lose my grip
My sanity begins to slip

May I come
Just a little closer?
I only need this one thing
To give me closure
I try to forget
Or redirect
My mind
As it starts to
Close in

Let me run the tips of my fingers
Upon the surface of your skin
Allow me to capture each drop
Of blood as it passes through your veins
Let me partake of your flesh
In every possible way

Your skin is ripe
And soft from youth
Your flesh is tender
And beautiful, too
Something that I must abuse
Something I can not refuse

Let me have one bite
Or two
Just Enough to keep
Me satisfied
Jan 2016 · 264
Katherine Laslie Jan 2016
Many questions fill my mind
But the key word
Always seems to be

Why did you have to go this way?

Why can't you still be here to stay?

Why can't you be here in my arms?

Why don't I grow tired of holding on?

My knees have grown tired
From asking God why?

My heart has been broken
Completely this time

What would he ask me,
As he gazes down upon me?
I believe
This, he would ask

Why do you let yourself
Live this way?

Why do you still grieve
In pain?

Can't you see, that I
Didn't leave?
You hold a piece of me
Everywhere you go

I may be gone
But I'll never let you go

Will you please
Be strong for me?
For, one day you will see
That we can be together again

It may seem like forever
Dear friend
But your broken heart
Will some day mend

When we can be
Together again
Jan 2016 · 360
A Glimpse of Insanity
Katherine Laslie Jan 2016
Clouding my judgement
the smoke
Shrouds my soul

Charring the essence
Of my humanity
Dark as coal

Visions of the past
Haunts me
Still to this day

Letting me know
This feeling
May never go away

Still the smoke
Churns from the house
On that night

And his flesh burns
From the flames
That ignite

Here I stand
So helpless
Frozen where I stand

As the heat radiates
From the house
Where you live

Every time
I see smoke taint the air
I remember that night

It was the last night
I'd ever seen you alive

It was the last night
Before the smoke
Filled my mind
Jan 2016 · 640
Red Rain
Katherine Laslie Jan 2016
My heart
Can't take this

All the pain
The hate

All the precious
Drops of rain
They drip
And leave a stain

My life
Is shattered
I've been
Bruised and battered

But these precious
Drops of rain
Bleed away
At my mistakes

I've ever wanted
Slips between my fingers
Like the tide pulls from the earth

Still these precious
Drops of rain
Forgive me
For what it's worth

Finally I can be
One with harmony

With a knife
I take my life
What a peaceful

I'll drift away
And feel no pain
With last words spoken,
I will say,

*"Red rain
Flow free
Take this world
Away from me"
Jan 2016 · 227
I'm alright
Katherine Laslie Jan 2016
A smile
A nod
Such a gentle gesture

I know
You're gone
I'm fighting harder to let
Myself move on
But the burden's
Getting harder

Too hard to go on
I've grown tired
Of being strong

There's not a day
That passes me by
That I don't dream
of your face
And the pain
Never fades

A sore reminder
That you are gone
Is when I expect you
To be there
-I call your name-
But you're really not

I'm sad
And weary
These same old days
Are dark and dreary

My veins filled with ice
So cold
You were the warmth
That filled my soul

Now I'm left
A shell
Of the person
You once knew
Because without you
I am gone
The only difference
Between us
Is your heart
No longer beats

But mine
In my mind
I've been dead a long time
The moment
You left my life
Jan 2016 · 232
Liar Liar
Katherine Laslie Jan 2016
Why can't I write
Of good times?

Why can't I be
A normal human being?

Why can't I smile
For once and mean it?

Why can't I have a hope
And believe it?

Why am I cursed
To be this way?

Why do I suffer,
Always feel ashamed?

Why do I write my pain
Upon my skin?

Why can't I let happiness
Enter in?

Sometimes I fear
I will never find peace

Sometimes I cry
In search for a life
That is so much better
Than the one I try
Why must I believe
In such a foolish lie?
Jan 2016 · 238
Katherine Laslie Jan 2016
The youngest child
Is normally spoiled
Coddled and sheltered
Until it's been taken too far

Not me
I've been walked on
Looked through
I've been abused
And no one did one **** thing

I could never do
What I want
Not even one innocent thing

I could never
Do what my brother does
Because I'm a girl
And he isn't me
He is free

I walked my life
All alone
My mother loved
Her precious phone
Above me

Playing on Facebook
Ignoring me
For hours
If I spoke to her
She wouldn't acknowledge me

My father
He's unfair
Even if he tries to be fair
I'm always left out

I'm the child, unwanted

I wish

For once

They could see me

Or maybe

For once

They would believe me

But I'm just here
Breathing borrowed air
Wasting away
In the frozen atmosphere
Dec 2015 · 295
My Rock
Katherine Laslie Dec 2015
I love him so completely
That I rely on his strength
Never do I fear of him leaving me
Because he's there for me
He cares for me
Even my rediculous stories, he believes

I love him so deeply
That I need not fear any more
When he is by my side
The storm, that is called my life
Vanishes to clear skies

I love him so truly
That I will never love another
Even when our time is done
My love for him
Will forever live on

I love him unconditionally
That I don't even see
The flaws that he points out
Or when he gets on my nerves
My heart swells and pours out love
Dec 2015 · 806
White Rose
Katherine Laslie Dec 2015
Like a rose, white
With no color

Like a newborn child
Untainted, and certain

the door was left
Wide open

Filled her eyes
As her life was filled with lies

From others
Oh, how they'd deceived her

Of living another day
For, she knew not
What tomorrow would bring

Until the day
She learned that

In order to survive
She had to become
What she feared the most

She soon became
A master of lies

Accustomed to
Being used and molested
By those she called "friends"

And neglected
She was no longer sheltered
From the world

She was still
That pure white rose

That her actions
Were wrong

But still
That girl
Struggles to live
In a world so tainted
Deeply in sin
Dec 2015 · 565
Angel of Darkness
Katherine Laslie Dec 2015
I don't know
Where you are
But I feel your eyes
Studying me intensely

I've seen you once
From the window of the church
In a black, hooded robe
You held a white candle
That burned so ominously
As the was dripped onto
the palm of your hands
You had a small, twisted smile
But the shadows cast out your image
That was the day
I knew I was finished

I've seen you twice
Backing my car
From the driveway
In my rear view mirror

Three times
From acrossed
The street

Each time
You grew closer
And closer
To getting me

On the fourth
You were in my yard
As I came home from work

And the fifth
Was the final straw
When, from my bedroom door,
Stretched your long fingers
Long nails
Bony yet frail
But somehow threatening
Down to the soul

"Don't come any closer"
She begged
Before it swallowed her whole
Dec 2015 · 593
Lull me to Sleep
Katherine Laslie Dec 2015
I wish my parents
Had never separated

I know they are better off
Without eachother...
I never see my mom
Because part of me
Can't stop being mad
About the way that she
Abandoned dad and took me away

This pain
Took over a year
To find its place
Inside of me

I want to hear mom's
Beautiful voice
Lull me to sleep
Singing "Baby Mine"
As she did when I was a child
And trace her finger
Over the bridge of my nose
As tears fell from my eyes
She was a comfort to me

I want my mom
To be here to help me
Through college
Because I'm in it alone

I want her by my side
The motherly way
She was before
That's the version of her
That I ache for

But sometimes, I fear
That side of her is gone
She may never be
Who I once thought she was
Dec 2015 · 280
Katherine Laslie Dec 2015
I am plagued with dreams
Of your face
Every night
I close my eyes
Knowing I'll see you again

I want to stay
And know it's true
But in reality you're dead
You're never coming back

I called you my friend
And I, yours
We spent so much time together
Playing guitar
Walking to the park
Going to church
Getting into trouble at school

But never again
I will never see you again
I just want you back
I want to see you
Not in my dreams
I want reality to be
What it used to be

I'm left here alive
And you died of disease
You were so young
You were only 19
Dec 2015 · 258
Katherine Laslie Dec 2015
These past few weeks
Have drained at my life
Two friends in twelve days
Tragically died
I finally chose
To go to college
I have no financial help
Because the aid never acknowledged
That my dad is being sued
By my mom who is poor
He cannot help me at all
Because he is planning his wedding
So I'm all alone
To sit here
I'm here all alone
Feeling the raw pain
And it's nauseating
So I struggle and try
To scrape through my life
As the world around me
Decays and dies
I have no hope
And I've never felt so alone
As a child
I was pushed into the world
To grow up too fast
And struggle to stand
My knees are weak and shaking
But here I am
Dec 2015 · 377
~It Wasn't Mine~
Katherine Laslie Dec 2015
They tell me
"You must be traumatized, honey"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
After what I've seen, most people
Go insane

Yet here I am
Living life normally
And I only feel bad
Because I'm feeling nothing

"You must be traumatized, honey"
Well, should I be?
After the burning bodies I've seen

"Are you sure you're okay?"
Why would I not be?
I'm just going through life
So casually

"You should seek help"
Who could even help?
"You're too young, those memories will ruin your mind and destroy your life"
But I'm doing just fine

I don't understand
I can't comprehend
Why everyone thinks
I should be so upset

It could have been me
It wasn't
And I'm glad

My heart aches
For his death
Not for seeing him die

I have no self pity
I have no problems
I'm letting go of
The things that should cause them

Corey is gone
He's not coming back
I know that he is dead





But I can't accept it yet
But I do accept what happened
And I don't let myself cry
Because my tears need not be shed
Because the pain, it wasn't mine
Dec 2015 · 319
On My Own
Katherine Laslie Dec 2015
I let out a sigh
Of exhaustion
Haven't slept right
In two weeks

The medicine
Is not kicking in
And I can't bring
Myself to speak

My body shakes
Constantly with adrenaline
But I am sitting still
My nerves are
It's hard to focus

My vision tremors
Just as the lights above me
Flicker like strobe lights

Is this what it feels like
To be alone?
Is this just my body
Shutting down?

I never want
To be alone
But some how solitude
Is where I belong
What a desolate feeling
What a delicate soul

This is what it's like
To be completely
On my own
Nov 2015 · 456
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
How many times
Can one heart break?

How many years
Will pass to make
The pain go away?

Where there is love
There is loss
Even if the love
Is not the cause

My heart breaks

It breaks

For you

My very soul


For you

But somewhere, I know
I will never see you again
So why am I still
Waiting for you to come in?

Death is hard
For all who are near
It's like a blast
That sends ripples through the earth
Striking shock into the hearts
Of all that it hurt

So we lie upon the ash
With tears in our eyes
As our hearts yearn
To see you one more time

We will never stand
We will never rise from the ashes
We will resurrect
And carry the lashes
Like an open wound
Will some day fade
A hidden scar
Will fall in its place

Death strikes a wound
So deep
It touches both the heart an soul

It can never truly heal
But we eventually learn to cope

Good bye for now
But just know
I'll see you smile again
Some day
I'll see you once again
My friend
Nov 2015 · 329
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
Your life
Was a light to many
In this world

Your presence
A gift
To everyone in it

Your light burned bright
As you marched
Into the flames
To save
Your little brother
A life to give
A life to take

You were so young
Only 19 years of age
A time of beginnings
Became a time that slipped away

We will never understand
Why you had to be
There on that day
Of the explosion
It took everything from you

You died
You died
And fought until the end
You died a hero
In a way we know
You'll never regret

There may never come the day
In which we truly understand
Why God took you away
We will pick up
Rise from the ashes
And go on another day
Knowing that's the way
You would have it
I've never seen
Anything so tragic
Nov 2015 · 973
Grim Reaper
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
There are things
Only a trained eye can see
While others
Go through life so obliviously

To see your loved ones
Die in a car crash
A thousand times
Dying over and over
Because the images just won't leave your mind

A body burning
In an oven
Begging for someone
To save him
The heat slowly eats
Away at his skin

An unknown person
Skinned alive
Lies in a meat cooler
Blending in with
the animals
Who shared the same fate

There are things
That only a trained eye can see
A pool of blood
With no visible source
The grim reaper
Has taken his hold on you
And you can't run
From these delusions
That plague
Nov 2015 · 3.4k
Fox Spirit
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
I am the sly fox
Sacred and misleading

My spirit,
You worship
A treasured diety

Beautiful, though I am
I am horrible within
Tread carefully
Treat me with care
Or ignore me, if you so dare

I am the sly fox
Colorful and cruel
Loyal, though I am
Don't ever take me for a fool

My spirit
Is in the air
I can hear you
Don't underestimate
A wild fox
That can't be tamed

We are born to destroy
For, destruction flows through
Our veins

Be ever wary
Stay alert
Keep your voices
Hushed and unheard
The sly fox
Is on the loose
And knows of no boundary
Nov 2015 · 559
Parallel Universe
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
My body
Is failing me
It's hard to stay awake
Hard for me to breathe
Most of all
It's hard for me to sleep

Part of me
Wants to remember
What it's like to dream
So I sleep my life away
In wait
For the images to start to play
And dance inside my head
So realistic
That it won't make sense
If this is a dream
Or reality

I want to escape
From the things I face
From day to day
By resting in my bed

I want to get lost
Inside my head
In a distant universe
Parallel to the life I lead
Something quite opposite
Of this routine
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Little Freak
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
I don't know
If I could ever
Make you understand
But I can paint a picture clearly

My parents
The doctors
All made a desperate attempt
To save my right eye

Only 6 years old
And I was already
Doomed to go blind

I was not dyslexic
But I wrote backwards
I could see
Out of my eye
But I had to accept at a young age
That I would never see

Later on
I realized
I will never accept
Going blind
In my right eye

My sight fades
As my vision deteriorates
With each passing day
I can't feel my eye

I have to hold out an arm
As to avoid running into things
It's so embarrassing

When I was Young
Kids made fun of me
Because I wore an eyepatch
It was like a bandaid
At night
My mom would tear it off
And I would cry myself to sleep
In pain
Because my skin came off with it
And my nerves were on fire

The doctors said
I'm too old now
I will never see out of that eye
Ever again
I couldn't help
But fight the tears
This diagnose felt terminal
After all the hard years

I still can not accept
That I will never see again
Going through life
With a blind side
I was never meant to fit in
This poem is more for myself than anything, I guess. I doubt anyone would read the whole thing.. but I don't really care. It took a lot of courage to write this, believe it or not. Haha :) and for those who might wonder, I have an underdeveloped muscle, and my brain ignores anything that eye takes in. Because it knows which image is the right one... that's what I was told, at least...
Nov 2015 · 439
Broken Angel
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
All my life
Starting young,
I was told
How to act
How to sit
How to dress
How to talk
Like some robot

I hate to say it
But I'm human
I will make mistakes

I never knew who I was
Because I was always told who to be
And no one could ever understand
To the extent that I mean

Kids hated me
Said I was weird
Because wearing skirts everyday
Well, it was weird
But that was my life
Sheltered and nice

But corruption found its way inside
Like a serpent
I was a place for darkness to hide

I acted out
To make a stand
Became the rebel
That I really am
Took a knife to my skin
With crimson red
I turned my purity to sin

It means pure, yknow
And there was a time
When I could have been

Is what my parents wanted me to be

In the eyes of everyone
Except me

Ostracized in my own world

I doubt anyone could even imagine
All the pain I went through
I was a freak
With the face of an angel
So innocent
More like ignorant
But without bliss

I was the angel
Who never smiled
The angel
Who never spoke
The angel
Who cried in her room all alone
Even when I was
Just five years old
The angel with shackles
Clamped to my ankles
The chains pulled me to earth

I am an angel
With broken wings
And no one could ever
Feel empathy
I was raised in a particularly strange way... but I didn't exactly turn out the way that everyone wanted me to.
Nov 2015 · 297
I'll Think of You
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
Today came too fast
It's time to depart
Although you are leaving
I will give you my heart

Everyday could be your last
If you return
With your scars
And your burns
I'll be waiting for you
There is nothing else to do

I'll pray every day
That you'll be okay
And when I close my eyes
I'll think of
I wrote this a long time ago when my brother went into the military. We are so close, so the distance was very harsh on me. Now he is home :) ♡
Nov 2015 · 268
Never Again
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
Sometimes, I would drive by your house
And my hopes would rise
Because I wanted to see you so bad
But then I realized...
You're dead
You're not home, in fact, you're very far
I will never get to be exactly where you are

I laughed in the bitterness of reality
Through tears, I realized just how cruel it can be
Every fiber in my being yearns for you
Wants to hear your voice
And seek your advice

If that's not enough to **** me inside, this one fact has killed me twice
You will never see my wedding or my kids
I wanted you to be apart of everything
After all you did...

I want to see your smile again
I want to feel your embrace
Although you're gone, somehow
I can feel you Deep within
Comforting me when I cry

Guiding me through my life
Nov 2015 · 714
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
Death will never stop
The love between you and I
For the feelings that we share
Are strong enough to withstand
the hands of time

All my life
I've searched for you
Searched for someone who
Would always love me
Always treat me the way I wanted
You are more than I'd ever dreamed
You are everything to me

Death could never
Break apart this bond that we hold
We're joined at the hip
We are of one accord
You are the one
Who I've been thirsting for

Follow me to death
And you shall see
I was waiting for you
And you were waiting for me
Nov 2015 · 331
November Rain
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
Drips fall
From the ceiling above

As water seeps through
The floor upstairs

Just as the rain
Falls down
The world outside
Is cold

There you lie
In a damp
And ****** grave

I never understood
A thing about pain
Until you left my heart cold
In the November rain

Nothing but
a heart that aches
Can become silent
Leaving a crimson stain

You left yourself

The water
Became your refuge
As you slipped
From this life
To the next

A day does not go by
That I don't feel the pain begin
A dark cloud
Haunting me

A year goes by
And there is no rain
It's frozen
As I've been sense that day
Nov 2015 · 489
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
All my life
I was left out
I've been ashamed of
Who I really am and
You never knew the truth
'Cause every time you asked
I never told you

But it's now
I realize
It's wrong to let others
Who I am
Who I was
I've got a lot of things
I'm dying to say
A lot of things
I never really
got to say

I'm a criminal because
I've stayed in the shadows
And never confessed the truth
I've waited
for the answers
But I never had a clue
I was born
To fight until I won
I was born
To overcome

All this time
I've had this doubt
Never trusted myself
And let others control my life
I got ******* and
Locked up in your selfish ways
When to you
I was never anything
But one huge mistake
I know now
It's wrong to hide
So hide, I will
No more
Once my eyes
Were opened wide
My energy was restored

I'm a criminal because
I've lived in the darkness
And never confessed
The truth
I don't need you
I've waited for the answers
But never had a clue

I have overcome
Who I was
I don't need you
I will never
Need you

Turn away
Accept your fate
Like the criminal
You are
And I've always faced
I have overcome
Nov 2015 · 435
Painted Grin
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
I'd give anything
To smile again
To see happiness
Within myself
Instead of a painted grin

There was a time
Long ago
When things seemed right
And I didn't have
To fight every waking moment
To stay alive

Now, I'm stuck here
Wondering why
While the world
Feeds off of my lies

They never question
The words I say
They never care
To see my pain

So I go through life
Wearing my painted grin
Hiding so many secrets
Behind a life of sin
Nov 2015 · 423
Falling is Flying
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
My heart
Slows for a moment
As my hands
Brush against my face

This is a feeling
I've learned to know well
So numb and distant

No one understands
They will never know
Or hear my cries
Because the silence
Has become my new home

Four walls surround me
As I lie in my bed
It feels more like a coffin
Is where I rest my head
My hands are folded
And then I realize
I am ready to stay like this

The very thread
Of my existence
Is tearing apart
And I do not fight
To catch myself
Before I fall apart

I'm tired of running
Tired of hiding
I'm tired of being the
Only one who is trying

This is not living
So, perhaps I am dying

After all

Falling is flying
When you're barely
Nov 2015 · 567
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
Tongue tied
And butterflies

Twisted words
And hateful lies
Can all mean the same thing
If there is nothing
Behind the words

Tongue tied
You are afraid to speak
Fearing that she might
Possibly reject you

Fill your chest
Everytime you're near her
So you give her your very best

Twisted words
Have got your mind
Racing to understand
Their meaning

Hateful lies
Decrypt the way
She feels for you
Deep down inside
Nov 2015 · 315
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
A dream
That can be harder than it seems

There was a time
When I was Young
That I wanted to be
Just like my mom,
The cosmetologist

I grew up
And killed that dream
Because it doesn't pay well

Then I wanted
To be a famous musician
And play in a band
With all of my friends
and for some time I did

That all ended
When I reminded myself
That catching fame
Is like catching a star
Something so close
Can only be far

So I started to draw
My own manga
Started to write
My own stories
No one would ever read them
No one would ever care
Not once did I try to
Make a life from it
Because living out of stories
Wouldn't get me anywhere

So now I am to be
a medical coder
Chasing something that is
Not at all what I wanted to be
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