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I've turned a blind eye to your heartwarming lies
I can't see anymore
but I hear the angels and their cries
They are upset
Upset with what I've sacrificed

I'm sorry for everything I've done
I just needed to escape the illusion
and flee to a place where I'm awakened
Nothing new there
**** religion
I've done my time and have risen from the ashes
No god or king is going to hold me down
That's for certain

I just wanted everything
So I slept with Satan
Who cares if I'm bleeding
Who cares if I'm falling
I lost nothing
but that was just the beginning.
Created by me on February 6th, 2020
I must tell you something that nobody should know;
something about the world in which you oughta know,
everything is just an illusion;
don't you know?
I know it sounds strange coming from me,
a high-school dropout with no college degree,
the hopeless child who fell from grace,
at least I don't believe whatever I see.
Created by me on October 21st, 2019.
I still consider this one of my favorites even after writing 85+ poems.
My mind has been scarred
Soul laying in the dark
Nevermind my heart
Which is nothing
But a tragic piece of art

I've lost all sense of direction
But I'm still here and aware
Even while looking in my reflection
He's got a grin
But I can tell
He's wearing thin

The world at large is falling apart
And I've done my part
So I guess it's time to get dressed
For the upcoming end

I took it all for granted
Including my friends
But I'm glad life was good
While it lasted.
Candles on the floor, Angels ignored
Blood on the wall
Enlightenment forevermore

Fallen angels beg for mercy
Screams echo throughout
Yesterday a fading memory
Us children locked out

Its as I feared
God bailed out.
Floating through life
While flopping my arms helplessly
Look at me go
Ain't I lovely?

The light is there
But it's so far away
I don't know what went wrong
Time went so fast
I thought I was strong
But I lost my way
Now I don't know
where I belong

Twisted mind, corrupted soul
Sacred heart
I have a lot to learn
in this life of mine
Which is ever so dark.
Off to wonderland, a nightmare of a dream
If only you could see

Nothing but a  stain
To those that be
No end in sight, for my misery
so here I lay
To numb the pain
I believed
But I was only deceived

Wonderland, the place
Where you don't make amends
A place where your beliefs
Are canned
The place
Where you'll surly know pain
First hand

It wasn't worth it
But I was desperate
Now I'm ******, forever
In wonderland.
The higher I go
The more things become bizarre
I don't have a lot to show
But I know I'll make it far
Even with all these scars

Everything is swell
here in hell
We are united
And we make the best of it
Not corrupted, just illuminated
A true free spirit is he
Who is not morally restricted
We do not judge
Only love

Feel no guilt
Become an outlaw
Do what thou wilt
Shall be the whole of the law
So mote it be
Society too shall see.
I broke free from being empty so I can see the real me
I can't think properly now that I've seen my full potential
I've got so much to learn
So much to see on this journey
I can't believe the things that are to come
It makes me rethink my decision to hang myself for being apart of humanity
Good job guys, I guess this isn't goodbye!
Finally got my energy to continue into the future filled with glory

There's so much that I've gotta do in this world
The underworld seems so far in the distance
Glad I'm not going there
Glad I'm away from the silence
Just need to shine the light on millions of victims
Show everyone that they've got a mission on this planet
And become more successful than the men who invented religions
I might not make a difference
But I sure as hell will wake up millions

This is my story and this meat suit will expire eventually
But I'll come around time and time again
To help humanity fulfill their destiny
To hell with secret societies
They will wither away as if they never existed
Not today, nor tomorrow
But eventually
Humanity will live on exactly as planned
While the industry becomes nothing more than a fantasy
A long lost dream
A memory.
Created by me on February 10th, 2020
Do you believe you're missing out?
that everything good is happening somewhere else?
I think it's time for me to checkout
I'm not scared to die but I'm a little scared of what comes after
will Jesus embrace me with open arms
or will he scold me with laughter
perhaps we will banter together about stuff that doesn't matter
after a while, we'll say goodbye to each other
I'll go back to the place where I'm set ablaze
and watch him while he's praised
I know he'll pray for me
forever and always.
Created by me on October 26th, 2019
This is my way of  "nodding" to the Christian community. there's also a bit of a Brand new reference in there, remember that band? I member...
I closed the door to the past then ran and ran
until I was stopped by a group of evil men
Their eyes empty
Void of all things heavenly
I tried to break through but my anxiety was killing me
So I screamed for somebody, anybody to help me
but not a single person came
It never surprised me
Why would anyone help a nobody

Those vile men tore my soul apart
Twisted my perception of all things good
and now I live in the dark

I once begged for mercy but now I force a smile
because everything
Is oh so gravy.
Created by me on February 2nd, 2020
You need to reach for the stars
Reach higher
Pay no mind to your scars
Just enjoy the laughter

Keep that in your mind
and always remember
You were born
for something greater.
Created by me on February 4th, 2020
Ain't that something.
Quiet day in a shade of grey
Today, the same as yesterday
Just like any other day
All the same
For a castaway.
Need someone to do remote work but want to pay less than minimum wage? then I'm your guy! just email me and I'll be happy to help!
Fading reality in the midsts of a rising fantasy
It's a dream come true
To those who dared to continue

There they walk on a path to nowhere and somewhere
For they are the ones who will save those in despair and anger
An incredible feat to some
An undesirable disaster to others
It matters not to those chosen few
The chosen few who are forever cursed

To sacrifice is to have a light guide your way
Guide your way on a road that is dark, awful, and dreadful
But it's beautiful
To those out there, remember that
In these dark times, I cry
Though the dream has come at a close
I keep my head held high
Because I will not surrender, not to my foes

I have the courage to fight for what I love
The knowledge to see through the darkness
In these times I will heal those empty
No matter how black their soul is
I will raise their consciousness, Bring out their happiness
Because this world is twisted, utterly infected
But I hereby give out my own energy
So the world might be mended...
So the world might be mended...
Keep your head held high and your heart strong
You'll make it to where your belong
You know, a world where you are happy
And not stuck in a world as a negative nancy

Sounds kinda cringe but it's true
You'll make it out like all others
So don't act all blue
Become a master of the universe
Defeat all challengers, you'll get there
It's something you deserve.
Don't wanna be like the rest
don't wanna listen to the lies
can you see the skies?
we're all gonna die!

Welcome to the hellhole
a world filled with *******
just pull the trigger and disappear
it's the best thing to do
when you're here.
Created by me on November 16th, 2019
No, I don't condone the action of killing yourself... But I do believe in the phrase "Do what thou wilt." ;)
I don't know where I belong;
Can't tell you what went wrong.
guess you were right all along,
I'm happy as the day is long,
so long.
Created by me on October 21st, 2019.
I was just started out writing poems and this is one of the few things that came out first.
Close your eyes
Free your mind
Don't let the light
Pass you by
Just Ignore your scars
And look up to the stars
You're a superstar
But better
You're a god
We all are
Or have you forgotten?
Created by me on February 7th, 2020
Most people look up, down, left, right, but never in. time to change that.
Washed up memories, aching body
What has become of me
In this fading reality
Torn out wings, unspoken secrets
This deafening silence
Beware, beware
Demons and puppets everywhere
Up high, down low
Ready to place your heart
Upon the altar

Soul shining bright
Forever shrouded in darkness
So here I'll remain, regardless
Of the pain.
Dancing to the melody of those that be
The wolves came out to set me free
They all began grinning
And doused me in some milk and  honey
Now my soul has gotten *****
Anything for a little money

They gave me a blindfold
And started to lead the way
Because they are the ones
Who are in control
Now I'm in a tub
Filled with blood

The trauma
The rituals
It wasn't worth my soul
So here I lay
Just another youth
Gone hollow.
Follow the white rabbit
and you'll find yourself enchanted
Go over the rainbow
and you'll find yourself stranded
Those are the words that I should have listened to
Hollywood was a trap and I've been tricked
Now I'm nothing more
then a puppet.
Created by me on December 29th, 2019
Another one of those truth poems with a kick to it if you understand it.
I don't know what I'm doing
and have no clue on where I'm heading
all I know is that it's great
wherever I'm going

hell to some, heaven to others
the promised land, a place full of wonders
the place where we no longer suffer
a place where we have each other
a place, full of sinners
I hope to see you soon
my brothers and sisters.
Created by me on November 23rd, 2019
I've been told that I'm an old soul
trusting my intuition, seeking spiritual growth
I've also been told that I'm an *******
guess it's the way I roll.
Created by me on December 29th, 2019
Cheers to all the old souls out there.
This land built off lies
You've got Hollywood filled demons
And The Vatican keeping secrets
Billions of people following blindly
Never asking questions
Look at society
Look at humanity
We were meant for so much more
What a tragedy.
Created by me on February 8th, 2020
The time I spent at school was miserable
and I envy those who had a great time
though the end was beautiful
Being there was a waste of time

I know it may seem a little sad
but seriously, it was just awful
I did slack on some days
but for that, I am thankful
because I didn't waste any time
on something so deceitful
Something outright hurtful to the mind.

Remember to come out alive as a human
and not as a machine
for you are a man
not a machine.
Created by me on January 7th, 2020
I have a story to tell
a story about a little boy who fell
this boy was said to not be any good
when in reality, he was misunderstood.

this boy could see beyond the lines
could see the signs of the coming times
"you're crazy," they told him
"They are nothing but lies!"

little did they know that the boy was right
the ones who didn't know were taken in the night
never to be seen again
far from alright.
Created by me on October 23rd, 2019
Not much to say about this one but it does inspire me to write like this again.
I'm sorry for all the darkness I've brought into the world
I understand I'm a being of light, I've seen the signs
but these are changing times and one must climb high
high into the sky with great strides
I'm sorry for all the light I've curated in this world
I know it sounds like a lie but please look into my eyes
I'm not among the flies, I've empathized with them
but I still want to see their demise
I want all my family and friends to know
that I love you guys, please don't worry about me
I'm doing fine, and I'm sorry
Sorry for pushing you guys away
Sorry for being too honest
Sorry for saying sorry
I apologize, I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry for saying sorry
I'm not sorry for caring too much
I'm not sorry for being too honest
And I'm not sorry for being this way.
Created by me on October 27th, 2019 (I did delete a few repeated things now though)
Yeah.. how I feel most days.
My insomnia is back
Mind is outta whack
This isn't really poetry
But I think you know that
Thoughts of something heavenly
Looking back on past memories

*******, I need to do something with my life
I write poetry
and have written a few stories
Tried programming as well as screenwriting
which I enjoyed immensely, but it costs too much money!
So here I am, back again with a poem
Another form of a story
I like it a lot
and have been writing them for about six months
And I'll write them again and again
Until my heart stops beating
Does this have meaning?
I don't know, it's rhyming
So it must mean something

Anyways, I don't know what to say
I thought I had it today
But in darkness comes the devil
His presence ever so powerful
Telling me I am special
But I struggle, yet he smiles
Saying that I have potential
Which I can't even fathom, not in this world of mine
That I'd like to abandon
Nah, I'm only kidding
It ain't too bad
No idea where it's heading
But I'm glad
Because I hate spoilers
Just as much as my handlers

That's a joke, I ain't controlled
I would go on and on
But I ain't going down that rabbit hole
My time is on a tight schedule, I don't got all-day
Another joke, ain't that funny?

You are wasting time though honestly
Reading this poem filled with much variety
Quite interesting though, wouldn't you say honey?
Yikes, a major yikes
That was pretty cringe, but hey
You're alive! maybe lost a few brain cells
But you already lost 6 billion from reading this poem
Ain't that swell?
You should see no difference though
You're already dumb
And quite frankly, appear to be a major eyesore
You look like something from Mordor
Now that's a joke

I'm sure you look great
A person that all should appreciate
Perhaps someone with heavenly energy
Something I wish to duplicate
But I can't, because I can't escape
Not from these snakes
I have a role I must play, which is fake
So many roles, so many faces
All  of which I can't break

I don't even know the real me, what I want to be
I thought I enjoyed writing
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy writing poetry
But I don't really have that same feeling
When it comes to writing stories
What I want in life is to be free and happy
No worries, that type of thing
Writing poetry makes me happy
But it isn't stable, it doesn't bring money
What other thing is there besides poetry?
Maybe I'm being naive
Maybe I need to sacrifice some freedom
To have a stable income
But.. that isn't me, oh, I see!
At least I think
Help me, please

Yeah, this was one wild poem
If you can even call it that
It might be random
but that's okay
Insomnia made it whack
But also made me open about my current problem
You know, me not knowing what to be
Will poetry ever save me?
I suppose we will find out
When I wake up
From a deep sleep.
What's with this fixation on isolation
During the coronavirus outbreak
Is isolation such a bad thing?
I think it's a great thing
Maybe it's because I'm introverted
Maybe it's because I'm gifted
My house is locked and loaded
Want food? I'll gift it to you
Not just you
But your friends too!
Because that's just me
Giving to those in need
Anything for humanity
I ain't letting some Chinese virus
Take away the good in me
Do I look like some Winnie-the-pooh looking fool
Who kills those who speak the truth?

Nah, my names Anthony
You may have never heard of me
But let me tell you how  I'm feeling
About China's president
I'm frustrated
I'm devastated
I wish I could help those in tragedy
You know, the ones who are forcefully locked away
By those that be
He sent people to **** those who spoke out
"There's no virus!"
But people kept speaking out
No more hiding
Now it's all over the world
All because of Xi Jinping's silence
During the first couple of weeks
And for that
He must pay

Such an awful president
How many deaths are on your hands?
How many people suffered?
It's all your fault Xi Jinping
Should be charged
For crimes against humanity.
Guess I'm CANCELLED in China. ah well, Japan number one anyway ;)
My body is being pulled in two different directions
Do I go left and feel gods wrath
Or go right and have the wolves eat me on the overpass
I don't know which path but either way
it's going to be a bloodbath.
Created by me on December 27th, 2019
It's almost doomsday
that's alright, that's okay
Life's been pretty gay anyway
I know that's sad, a bit depressing
but I know how things are
and I can't stand living
So goodbye, farewell
you'll see me somewhere
Probably in hell.
Created by me on January 11th, 2020
And to think the Coronavirus was right around the corner. I hope everyone has their can of beans stocked up, DON'T FORGET THE CAN OPENER! lol.
I don't know what to do
Got a ticket for two, but have no friends
Guess they all fade away in the end

Stuck on this lonely world of mine
It was built by design, nothing divine
But I think it's time for a redesign
Don't know when that day will come
Don't think it will ever
So I walk like a phantom
Fantasizing for something better.
Don't be silly and wrap your ***** said a hippy named Billy
who was ***** for a gypsy who was clearly into whiskey
and was ready for a ****** even after feeling ******.
Created by me on November 7th, 2019
I said this once and I'll say it again, don't ask.
Don't talk about going to heaven
There is nobody there
Perhaps that's just an opinion
By those elsewhere
Open your eyes and listen with your ears
Meanings and symbolism are everywhere
You may never know
What you'll see and hear
But it might too little too late for you my dear
Because one day you'll disappear
All alone
With nothing remarkable
On your gravestone

To some, it's a blessing
For others, it's a curse
Is everything.
Meditating where darkness and light meet
Its something I long for to feel complete
During the long session
I keep my thoughts discreet
Where my heart sounds like a drumbeat

Finding the thing inside of me
To feel like a whole new being
I suppose it isn't new
It's always been in me
If only society were able to see
The world will probably be less evil
We will all live happily
Or maybe that's just a theory
Ah well
I'm sure we'll get there eventually

I'm not a perfect being for meditating
But it helps me realize that we are something more
Something more then what we see in this reality
I wish I found its true meaning
My true reason for existing
But I haven't found it yet
Surely it isn't to give out my energy
When it comes to poetry
Because I know it won't last
It'll just fade away
Just like a distant memory

I'm sure my purpose in life will be found
I hope it's something for the good of humanity
Raising its vibrations or something like that
Ah well
I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.
There are so many ways to die
So don't try to hide
And please
Be sure to say goodbye
Because you may never know
When it's your time
It isn't sad, if anything
It's scary
Because you never actually die
What is truly sad is being dead
While still alive
So, please
Help those who are dead on the inside
Because you may never know
What blessings they will bring in your life.
I'm tired but I'm hungry too
so I'm going to grab a slice of bread
and lay in bed until the afternoon.
Created by me on November 18th, 2019
Short and simple, gotta love it.
Dear friends
It's me, Anthony
I took you all for granted
And for that
I'm sorry
Though I have good memories
Things could have been better

I wasn't really there some days
Anxiety filled my mind
I don't know why exactly
But I had to getaway
And stay at home some days
I guess me being traumatized
Is what made me more closed off
I should of went to a therapist
But I was too stubborn
I guess that isn't too surprising

I haven't seen you guys in years
But when I do
I break into tears
Well, that isn't true
A man crying is weird
So I hold it in
You guys don't know that though
But you do now
Nevermind, I have no emotions
But if you do ever see me cry
It's actually because of invisible onions
It's true I say!
No laughing!!
I've been thinking about you guys recently
Due to the amount of dreams I've been getting
And it has me thinking
Why not make a poem
To write about my current situation
I'm kidding, I just wanted to write about you guys
No specific reason
What I'm trying to say
Is that I love you guys
And I miss you all so much
I've said that so many times
But when we were all together
I never said it enough times
So I'm saying it a billion times
I'll lose my sanity

I don't know what hallway I'm in
But I really need to find the exit
I hope to become a millionaire when I do
So I can bring you guys to a big barbecue
Because that's what adults do
We're so old.. time flies
I just wanted to say this
And I'm sorry for all of this
I'm also sorry
For what I'm going to do
After saying all of this
Oh, sorry for the mess too
I love you guys
And I miss all of you so ******* much
I'll keep you all in my mind
And always
So goodbye
And farewell
See you all
On the other side

Your friend who is sorry
I don't wanna go into the land filled with castaways
The place is cold, long lost angels with their wings torn
Their screams ring in my ears
Their blessings lost into the heavens
I will find a way out of this mess, I will break through the silence
I will do everything in my power to expose the secrets
You can't do anything to me anymore

That's what I said before
Now I've come to an understanding
An understanding after the war
The war on my mind, body, and soul
Now you've taken control and my very being has taken its toll

Wait.. no, I-I will stop those who are in control
It's what I've been saying all this time
but tell me, why do I feel so different?
Has my soul become corrupted
or did a new door just open for my soul mission?
The blood is on the wall and the room is closing on me
It's getting dark, this isn't how it's supposed to be
I guess this is it
this is what true wickedness looks like

I've gone through hell and bled but I'm still here along with my spirit
and I vow to never ever submit
Not to those who sacrifice for profit
nor to those who are seen as infinite
For I am a misfit who illuminates those who are blinded by the wicked
and I am committed to raising the consciousness of humanity
forever and always, even if it takes an eternity.
Created by me on January 31st, 2020
When I was 13 I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up
now that I'm 21, I still have no clue on what to do
I've been told to grow up, shows what everyone knows
we're all kids in grown-up bodies and have no idea on what's going on
what is the point to all of this
wake up, work, home, sleep, repeat?
I understand there's some fun to be made with friends, games, hobbies and such
but seriously? anything else? hello? this can't be it
this isn't how it's supposed to be, right?
it seems as if everyone has lost their sight
all is lost and we are doomed
we can't win this fight
says those who are truly doomed
I have my sight, all is not lost
have faith, we will win this fight.
Created by me on November 1st, 2019
I wrote this as a way to get it out of my "system" during the time.
If things were normal
We'd still be in the trees
That truth is remarkable
If only society would see
Though they are ignorant, sometimes filled with judgment
I'm sure there will come a spark
For them to open their hearts
Darkness replaced by unconditional love
Happiness for all that be, a higher consciousness for all to see
What a wonderful existence
That would be

Normality, the downfall
Of humanity.
I swear I'm not crazy
not totally, but maybe
I like to say things and experience things
not bad things, well not really
but good things, great things most definitely
I hope I don't seem strange to you
hopefully just a tad bit funny
making people laugh makes my world all sunny
though the brightness makes me feel crazy
not really, but maybe, I really don't know
my mind has been kinda muddy
I hope that's okay, please don't take pity
I swear I wasn't always like this
it was that stupid talking bunny
it took my family and even split my identity
there are a gazillion people inside me
well maybe, I don't know in all honesty
I feel strange talking about this
I think it's my tummy, it's getting hungry
where's daddy? where's mommy?
can they give me some gummies?
Created by me on January 9th, 2020
This was written as if a child were writing, so please keep that in mind when reading it.
Don't know what to do in this life
I guess I'll grab a knife, slice it up
And find something in the next life
Sounds like a plan Batman
Maybe when I wake up in the next life
I'll be in the body of superman
Oh goody,  you sure are the man Batman!

I'll fly in the skies like a bird
Destroy those who are cruel
Be remembered forever and ever
Wouldn't that be beautiful

Hey captain boss man, how long is my lifespan?
I don't want to wait
Don't wanna watch my life dissipate
Can you **** me now Mr. captain bossman
Oh geez Batman captain man, thanks!
After you **** me
please give my best friend my underpants
Him having them is his destiny
Thanks, now I'll die happily.
Breathe in slow, let the mind start flowing
You are one of a kind
A one in a gazillion as it's known
So cheer up, do not cry
Listen to life's lullaby
And keep your head held high
Your future may just blow your mind
So please, continue on - seize the day
Become the master of your own mind

And don't just survive in hell
We sit beneath the stars
Asking to mend our scars
We keep each other's secrets
Hoping we'll get a new experience
But here we are, drifting and singing
Only to feel empty
I'm sure we'll make it through the night
We have each other
So it'll be alright

You are everything I want, everything I need
A bond that we'll keep down here in the flames
Here, where our souls are set ablaze
But it'll be okay
I'll be with you
Need someone to do remote work but want to pay less than minimum wage? then I'm your guy! just email me and I'll be happy to help!
What do you do
If your spirits feeling blue?
Grab a jacket, go outside
And don't forget your shoes!
Take a walk, enjoy the sun
And enjoy the breeze
It'll feel like heaven, unlike this hell
Which we're living.
I'm just your average joe who knows what the **** is going on
And I've been traveling for god knows how long
I was once standing in front of the pearly gates
But I somehow ended up in Babylon
I don't know how I ended up here
But I swear I'll crawl my way back
Back to the pearly gates
Just for chance
To get inside that lovely place.
Created by me on February 8th, 2020
Going through the motions
Doing what I can to stop this silence
It's numbing
Just like the secrets I keep
Which are ever so deep

I do my part, they do their part
We are one
Even as we drift apart
It's a wonderful thing
A meaningful thing
And it makes me think
Are we doing the right thing?

So many questions
So little answers
It's what I must blindly accept
In order to become perfect
Because the perfect me
Is what I want to be
Especially in this world
Filled with the dead.
I'm bored outta my mind
Wish I could rewind time
So I can eat that sandwich again

WOW, So poetic, so relatable
Thanks for this poem!

Yeah, I know
And your whalecum.
Take me away, lead me astray
I obey
I bend the knee
Can't see, please
Get away from those that be

Poetry and Solitary
Help me, I'm stuck in purgatory
Save me, I'm lost in glory
It was just a hobby
Now I'm feeling lonely, empty
I can't escape my destiny

It's just a neverending downpour filled with stress
Then there's me who's fallen in the abyss
Poetry, why'd you do this to me?
I wanted more but you gave me less
Lost my soul and lost my friends
I thought you were bliss but that wasn't reality
You were just another step towards death
Another step in losing my humanity
Why'd this have to be?
Why me?
If you have any questions then feel free emailing me:
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