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Edna Sweetlove May 2015
I woke up to a beautiful summer morning. The sun was shining and the rainclouds were far away. I decided I would spend the day on the beach. I always enjoy visiting the beach as it gives me an opportunity to laugh at people's hideous bodies. But where? And then, suddenly, a wonderful idea came to me: why not go to a nudist beach as they always attract the ugliest people with the worst bodies imaginable. And you get to see their naughty bits too, for added humour.

So I rushed to my computer to check the Internet for possibilities and, to my utter amazement, I discovered there was a naturist beach only fifty miles from my beautiful home. As I read the details of the beach and the directions, I had a sense of déja vu; I realised with a frisson of ****** anticipation that it was the very same beach described by Victor the ****** in his wonderful story "Confessions of a ******" which held pride of place on my toilet reading shelf.

I was at the wheel of my incredibly expensive and luxurious car just as soon as my servants had packed my essential requirements: icebox with chilled vintage champagne, lightweight folding gold-plated sun-lounger, vicuna picnic rug and of course my lunch hamper. My chef had rapidly prepared a delicious impromptu luncheon of smoked salmon, steak tartare and a selection of other goodies. I decided to dispense with the services of my chauffeur in the interests of preserving the confidentiality of my destination.

In less than an hour and a half I was there; and the place was exactly as Victor had described it in his immortal novella: a long stretch of mixed sand and pebbles, backed by dunes planted with wild grass, waving romantically in the sea breeze. Idyllic, and crawling with naked perverts as a bonus. I parked my car and transported my equipment to the dunes. I regretted not having brought one of the servants as the hamper and icebox were quite cumbersome and heavy. I was perspiring gently by the time I had unloaded everything and set it all up to my satisfaction.

I took some care in selecting what I felt was the optimum location as I needed to combine the potentially conflicting benefits of wanting to see as many naked people as possible (hopefully including some *** action) with the need for privacy. After all I am famous. I finally chose a spot where there were several ghastly specimens on view for a few laughs and where I could also see a potentially interesting couple who might be exhibitionistic perverts. The man was about 45, shaven-headed, skinny and prematurely wrinkled all over by the sun (yes, I do mean all over) and he had an interesting tattoo on his back: "I love hot ***** ***", which I saw as promising. The woman was plump with pendulous ******* and very prominent buttocks; additionally - how can I put this delicately? - her **** was totally bereft of hair.

Before settling down to my lunch, I felt a little perambulation would not come amiss. So, as bold as brass, off I went for a little **** stroll through the dunes. I will not describe in full detail the visual horrors I encountered: hirsute old men playing aimlessly with wizened, shrunken todgers the size of a thimble; obese old biddies, their rolls of sun-tanned lard hanging round them like rows of bloated udders on a pregnant sow; tattooed bald queens, muscles bulging under lashings of sun-oil, their pierced genitals glinting wickedly in the sunshine; the list was endless. How could such grotesques revel in revealing their corporeal repulsion to the eager world?

And then I saw him! It had to be him! In a dip in the sand dunes lay a middle-aged, paunchy little man, intently watching a couple of old ******* groping each other incompetently. It could only be Victor the One-Legged ******! After all, just how many unipod Peeping Toms are there?

I strolled over to him, coughing discreetly so as to give him a chance to stop his furtive *******. 'Do excuse me for disturbing you,' I said, 'but are you by any chance Victor the famous ****** whose confession I read only last week?'

'Why yes,' he admitted, 'but how on earth did you recognise me?'

I smiled and pointed to the cast-off artificial leg lying next to his beach towel (which, incidentally, was emblazoned by a giant "V", a bit of an identity hint, I felt). He patted his stump ruefully and laughed uproariously so that his average-sized ***** flapped like a pennant in a Force Eight gale. 'I forgot,' he bellowed deliriously.

'I'm just about to have a spot of lunch,' I said. 'My personal Michelin-starred chef, Jean-Claude Anusse, always over-caters ridiculously as he knows I often pick up people on my excursions, so there'll be more than enough. I'm afraid it's nothing special: some smoked salmon and some assorted cold meats, possibly a spot of pâté de foie gras, if I know Jean-Claude. And, naturally, enough champagne to drown a hippo in. Please do say yes, as I have so many questions to ask you about your hobby.'

'That's very kind of you.' mumbled the astonished Peeping Tom, 'I should be very happy to accept your generous offer. Incidentally, to whom have I the honour of speaking?'

I was, frankly, shocked when I realised Victor had not recognised me, and then I remembered I was naked. That explained it. 'Why, I am none other than Edna Sweetlove, poetess to the stars, creator of the Barry Hodges "Memories" poems and biographer to the intrepid and incredible superhero SNOGGO,' I murmured sotto voce, not wishing to be mobbed for my autograph.

'Edna Sweetlove!' he exclaimed, 'you mean THE Edna Sweetlove?' And so saying he glanced down to my genital zone in order to answer the question which so many of my fans have asked over the years. He grinned as he saw the solution to the great mystery.

Victor quickly strapped on his prosthesis and accompanied me (slightly lopsidedly) to my little luncheon site. He helped me unpack our repast and then made himself as comfortable as a naked one legged ****** could reasonably expect to be without a chair.

I must say Chef and his team had excelled himself in the thirty minutes I had given them: smoked salmon roulades, a magnifique plateau de fruits de mer including a three-pound giant lobster, steak tartare, a whole cold pintarde à l'ail, a few dozen sushi rolls, a monster summer pudding, and naturally a Jeraboam of Krug '92. No wonder the hamper had been so ******* heavy. I could see Victor was impressed as I offered him a chilled flute of the most expensive champagne he had ever tasted. 'Better than the pathetic, poverty-stricken muck you were going to gobble, I expect,' I commented in a friendly way.

'Mmmmmmmmm! Absolutely delicious, Edna. I was certainly not expecting this! exclaimed the grateful freak. But before we start on what looks like a truly exquisite nosh-up, I must give you a word of warning.'

'A word of warning? What about, Victor dear?'

'Well, you see, there's no,,' he blushed charmingly.

'No what, Victor? Don't be embarrassed, sweetie. This is Edna you're talking to. Spit it out, baby.'

'Well, um, there's no ******* on the beach, Edna,' explained Victor uncomfortably. 'So, if you need to pump ship, you have to do it native-style "au naturel" in the dunes over there, which can be a bit messy what with all the filth lying about the place in that area, not to mention the lavvo-voyeurs hanging round. Or else you need to swim out a bit and unload into the sea. Judging by what's on offer at your stylish picnic, we'll both be bursting for a good old **** and crap afterwards.'

I shrieked with laughter and explained there was nothing I liked better than a widdle en plein air or a double act dans l'eau. We then tucked into lunch with a vengeance. It was ******* delicious, even though I say so myself. After about fifteen minutes' happy munching, interspersed with witty small talk, Victor suddenly went rigid. 'Look over there!' he hissed and indicated the middle-aged couple by the windbreak.

I looked and I was surprised. The plump woman with the big *** was on her knees in front of her partner, giving him a vigorous *******, and he was lolling back in ecstasy, a broad smile on his face. He seemed to be looking straight at us, almost visibly willing us to watch. He winked repeatedly in a conspiratorial fashion; maybe he had St Vitus’ Dance. Or even worse, he wanted me to get stuck into the action with them.

'They're regulars here, they normally put on quite a good show,' explained Victor excitedly, his hand reaching down automatically to his rapidly stiffening ****.

'Victor!' I admonished him, 'I would prefer it if you didn't **** yourself off during lunch. How about another oyster, you silly old ****?'

'Sorry, Edna, I forgot,' he replied shamefacedly. 'No more oysters thank you; they only make me more randy than I already am. But I'll have another lobster claw if I may. My compliments to your chef.'

So we sipped our champagne and enjoyed our luncheon as we watched the couple give us their little exhibition. After a few minutes *******, the fat lady turned around and leaned forward on her hands and knees and her gnarled bald hubby ******* her doggy fashion from behind with some gusto; this made her beefy buns bounce about like two ferrets fighting in a sack.

I glanced around us and realised that, totally unbeknown to me, the little spectacle had attracted quite an audience. Nine men, young and old, short and tall, fat and skinny, stood staring transfixed by the petite scène erotique before us, all ******* wildly. 'Oi!' I called out. 'Can't you see we're eating?' I admonished them, but to no ******* avail whatsoever.

Victor was visibly torn between his innate desire to watch the copulators and masturbators and with his understandable wish not to offend his lunch companion by manhandling himself unrestrainedly. But, thank God, his natural good manners prevailed and we continued to converse and enjoy our meal in the midst of this Bacchanalian scene of depravity.

I watched dispassionately as the couple came to what sounded like a very satisfactory mutual ******, accompanied by the observers' seminal tributes to their performance. I naturally had filmed the entire scene secretly on my state-of-the-art mobile.

'If you give me your email address, Victor my love, I'll send you a copy of that little show,' I promised. He nodded in gratitude. 'Victor  the ****** at yahoo dot co dot uk,' he mumbled rapidly, 'no dots, Victorthevoyeur is all one word.'

Once we had polished off lunch, I told Victor I would like to interview him with a view to writing a short story about his life's work. He was touchingly flattered and, with a little judicious prompting and probing, told me his saga, which I recorded on my Edna-phone. I naturally don't want to pre-empt my forthcoming mini-biography of Victor, but suffice it to say that Victor told me how and why he became a ******, he regaled me with some of the staggering things he had seen, he gave me a list of some really ace ******* locations, he shared all his best peeping places with me, he gave me the ultimate lowdown on the world of Britain's most celebrated *** snooper and I was touched by his burning honesty. I felt a tear ***** my eye at this tragic tale.

All too soon it was time for us to part. After thanking me profusely and making me promise I would visit him one day so he could repay my generosity, he re-attached his metal leg and limped away towards his beach towel. I knew he was raring to go as the best of the action normally took place in the early evening.

'Farewell, dearest Victor,' I called out as he tripped clumsily over a fellow pervert who had been eavesdropping near us.
Jonny Angel Jul 2014
I ventured to
the farmer's market today,
got me some fresh white potatoes,
a pile of green beans,
stone ground rolls
& a few homemade sausages.

Oh, I picked up a jar
of wildflower honey,
some honeydew wine water
& a bar of lilac soap, too.

I can't wait 'till
the little lady shows up
later tonight.
We're gonna
have a super supper
& a nice warm bath
out under the stars.

O Lordy,
there ain't nothing
like eating home cookin'
& going au naturel,
I can't wait.
Glenn McCrary May 2012
Nature delivered me

Across the yonder countryside

Within a medley of colour

Nature delivered me

Wafting along oblivious decrees

Rendered I am sanctified

Nature delivered me

Across the yonder countryside
Nat Lipstadt Dec 2013
"Ben-Oni" is a Hebrew term meaning "son (Ben) of sorrow (oni)," and the name of an 1825 manuscript describing a chess opening.

"Whenever I felt in a sorrowful mood and wanted to take refuge from melancholy, I sat over a chessboard, for one or two hours according to circumstances. Thus this book came into being, and its name, Ben-Oni, 'Son of Sadness,' should indicate its origin." - Aaron Reinganum.  

From  the Old Testament,
Genesis 35:18;

“Her dying lips calls
her newborn son Ben-Oni,
the son of my sorrow.
But Jacob, because he would not
renew the sorrowful remembrance of his
mother's death every time
he called his son by name,
changed his name,
and called him Benjamin,
the son of my right hand."

Ben-Oni, Son of Sorrow

you can fall in
and out of.

comes and goes,
in waves,
cycles of differing amplitudes.

Its schedule of
arrivals and departures,
most erratic.

It is always
a two sided affair,
don't blame this messenger,
it's the way of the world
that it comes,
then it goes

Tho certain sorrows,
special, may
wax and wane,
they, a once, then a forever guest,
a full time resident,
taste, once acquired,
cannot be erased.

Part of your museum's
permanent collection,
an addiction affliction
that can't be undone,
be beat back,
ain't no emotional methadone,
to inhibit its delicious lows

Like a passerby,
a mound of stones espied,^
a grave marker au naturel,
compelled and compulsed,
duty bound to add a stone
to keep the pile intact and sound,
another 'sorrow' poem to add
to the internet's dustbin.

a rich, old moneyed patron,
with a wealth of ancient lineage
orders and commands
yet another a poem
to celebrate its entrenchment
in our constitution personal

Son of Sorrow,
Son, Sorrow,
two conditions,
one necessary and
one sufficient,
a logical causality,
or a casus belli.  

If you spoke Hebrew,
understood you would
the quality of the sound of

It is a soundless sigh,
a virulent scream, part wail,
part exclamation, part groan,
say it slow - oh nee.

You alone,
a father,
can own,
the sorrow of a son,
who denies you.

It cannot be denied,
expiated, signed away,
a syllable of grief
that says mine, all mine.

Watching the sun push away
the backdrop,
the stage curtain of the randomized
but they a-keep-on-coming,
summer thunderstorms
that have scattered
all living creatures
to the comforts,
the shelter
of loved ones,
but yours, present, or not,
return your message
either marked "well received'
or sadly, postmarked
"addressee unknown, get lost."

Curse me to stop,
and I can't,
already accursed,
add your curse to my collection,
makes no difference to my pile,
of sorrowfully fresh recollections

We slept together,
so many good night moon
stories read,
pillows shared,
side by side,
a stock exchange of
kisses and hugs,
trades that can't be cancelled,
having been entered officially
on the books and records of
our-sorrowful hearts.

Lesser men
cry to themselves,
their loneliness, their tragedy
a soliloquy, revealed in a
one man show,
Off Brodway,
before an audience of none.  

Not me kid, my oni,
is a public theater
of a visible shriek  
in every breathe,
but the Supreme Court
gone and ruled against me,
and now there is no possibility
of injunctive relief.

Will travel to faraway lands,
asking different courts
for a hearing, knowing full well,
that I will be plea-denied,
having no standing,
for here,
there and everywhere
I lack proofs
and my son-accuser
wears masks and presents
no charges,
and even if he did,
I would gladly confess,
if he but presented them
face to face.  

Son of Sorrow,
Son, Sorrow,
two conditions,
one necessary and
one sufficient,
a logical causality,
or a casus belli.

Come let us exchange
new names, new poems,
for we, though both poets,
do not read each other's

It is time.
I have a first born son who I rarely see and only, very, very occasionally hear from, and then it is by email or text.  I do not judge for he is the product of my *****, and who cannot wonder if...

^a Jewish custom is to place a small stone on the tombstone you are visiting at a cemetery. The custom, ancient, is derived from when a mound of stones would be a marker of a burial.  It became customary for a passerby to add a stone to the mound to perpetuate its existence.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2016

Every summer, I relearn a new language.
Every winter, it departs for warmer climes,
Its charms and naked arms,
Its own alphabet,
Clean forget.

Multi-lingual in the summer's peculiar
One language, one aleph bet,
With a mega-millions of dialects,
Know them all, cold,
know them all, hot.

I speak Woman.

Summer is soft, shapely, sweet,
Clean, bare, lush in a sparse way,
And Woman is spoken thusly.

There are no harsh sounds,
Guttural exclamations, nein!

I speak Woman.

There is no ugly in the summer.
Ugly being an ugly word.  
It cannot exist in an atmosphere of
Sun, greenery, sand, carefree days,
vacations, no school, no ways
Is there ugliness in any woman of the summer?

You could take this writ many places.
Most of them wrong,
So sputtering sexist or other labeling words,
Makes you ugly and wrong.

Could not give a good *******,
In the summer of 2013,
There should be no ugly, no prejudice.

In any summer,,
There should be no ugly, no prejudice at all.

Long past my primal,
I still speak Woman
With almost perfect fluency,
Au naturel,
Naturellement, à la française.

Gym clothes, denim short shorts, yoga pants gone mad,
A-line skirts swishing in the breeze,
High, god, so high the heels,
Flats clip clopping, flips flip flopping,
Stilettos making love craters,
All over my heart, like a surgeon doing good work.

It is the bare arms and the fluorescent, mint stripe hints of
Summer Cleavage, the short skirts,
Body hugging one piece fabrics,
stretching from here to down there
That do not hint.

The shoulder strap of the underthings,
Asking, commanding me to
Wonder where these paths lead...

Even the light shoulder wrap,
Casual over bare shoulders slung,
A late night elegance that mocks me,
Like gift wrapping over a
Smile demure, a teasing blindfold...

All these say:

Write us poetry in our very own tongue of

Will oblige.

I curve with curve of the *****,
Invert geometry of the S arc of the waist,
Mystifying, how it is the designed place
For my hands to grasp, never failing...never letting me fall

The crayola musical colors of flesh variations,
Boggle the senses...
How can
Tan and pale,
Dark and Light
Have so many
Symphonic variations?

Adagio, slow and leisurely, a pas de deux
For two eyes, following ******* by eyes sparkling,
Timpani crashing heart and thunderous pulse quickening,
Violin heart crying out, joyous wailing need and desire sparking.

Just as Byron wrote:

"Music arose with its voluptuous swell,"

Yeah, just swell,
a voluptuous sea swell.


My eloquence is a poor instrument to portray my

Early May man glorious loves life,
Late July, sadder man,
Knowing  the summer foliage colors will soon, fall-fade,
Come August, my vocabulary, already diminishing.

Never forget
how to say in the language of Woman, this:

Without you,
I am nothing,
With you,
I am more than everything.

Tho I can no longer say it well,
It is is still true and
Beyond belief.

My one true language of love
In a world gone mad.

August 2013 ~ July 2016 - May 2017
First posted here on August 22, 2013
Edited July, 2016, May 2017
Nat Lipstadt Jun 2014
This is the game, set and matching end-piece to what is known as:

by way of an introduction....

T'is season to move forward,
back to old acquaintances renewed,
sand, water and salty sun,
three lifelong friends who,
Auld Lang Syne,
never ever forget me

I get drunk on their eternity,
their celestial beauty,
and they, upon my tarnished earthly being,
muse and are bemused

unreservedly and never judgingly,
share shards of inspiration unstintingly,
we share, never measuring
this captain's humanity, his human efficacy,
by mystical formulae of reads or hearts

grains of sand, water wave droplets and sun rays,
and his beloved words, derived there from,
all only know one measure...

Pilgrimage (Reunion)

at last to begin,
to begin the 'at last,'
this reunion occurs
this first day of June
where on my
body's flesh colored calendar,
X red-marked,
deeper than any real cut of despair

this morn, leave for familiar parts,
embarking 100 steps to that
Adirondack chair,
my name, my self,
(oh god at long last)
so often, long lovingly
revealed unto you

the garden's sundial welcomes me,
Prince, Guardian, of the gate to the green,
the green steppe way to bay and beach,
a brief song of "ring around the irises,"
blooming around him,
he issues,
to celebrate his own glory recalled,
his own purpled prosed long ago one ecrivez'd,
by having the third mate
ring the greened worn,
bronzed ship bell
upon conclusion of
his raising of the gate

shorts and T white hair shirt,
costume de rigueur
of this Peconic pilgrimage,
turban and baseball uncapped,
stepping humbly
toward that worn wood throne
where carved are
the initials of
my poetic friends,
and his vast modest,
Concordia of poetic essays

Those odd disordered
collection of aleph bets
that have been prepared for this hour,
are sun dappled,
breeze caressed,
wave watched,
a fresh redressing after a
dum hiems,
a long dark winter

all rise up welcoming with voices
tremulous yet oratory,
sing with a love so spectacular ,
Handel's Messiah Hallelujah Chorus,
au naturel

the armies of ants declare this a
Truce Day,
parading before me in formation,
the rabbits race
in elegant uniforms,
white tailed bemedaled, dress grays,
announcing their  showoff arrival
with a new across-the-lawn
land speed record

the dear **** deer,
familiar families and generational,
look upon this human and
grumble while chewing our shrubbery,
an act of sherwooded lawn high robbery
but perforce acknowledging our entrance,
by uttering a Balaam blessing/curse,
a neutralized
"****, they're back"

the seagulls on the dock,
sovereign state observers from
Montauk and the far island city,
sent by the mother winds superior,
observers and reporters to nature everywhere,
Summer Season of Man Has Begun

a few white wakes disturb the water's composure,
the early low arc'd sun has not peaked in strength,
at 10:00am, the temp just breaches 60 Fahrenheit,
the beach sand untrod, no unlasting human impressions,
no children's red pails yet to them decorate,
amidst the sea life's detritus and smooth licked pebbles


each tree ring and grass blade demands a verse,
an all my own tributary accolade,
this too much to accommodate

a year ago I issued an invitation,
do so again for my word is my bond
my responsibilities, my *******,

there are chairs for all
on my righted round and my motet left,
here, there are
no Americans,
no Canadians,
no Aussies or Brits,
or Indians and Fillipinos,
no African or Asians present,
East nor West,
None Invited here,
Only Poets

even those hardy pioneer
West Coasters, a proud lot,
and my Southern family drawling,
and perhaps lessening the mourning
just a touch, a minute modicum,
all sit quiet in the admixture
of poets come to celebrate
the blessing to have been tasked,
to write from and of places we visit
in the cerebral,
and to imbibe each other's words

Three Hundred and Sixty Four Days ago,
I wrote :

We sit together in spirit, if not in body,
You join me in the Poet's Nook,
A few frayed and weathered Adirondack chairs
Overlooking the Peconic Bay,
Where inspiration glazes over the water,
And we drown happily in a sea of words...

I am exhausted.
So many gems (poets)
to decorate
My body, my soul

I must stop here,
So many of you have reached out,
none of you overlooked.

Overwhelmed, let us sit together now
And celebrate the silence that comes after the
Gasp, the sigh, that the words have taken from
Our selves, from within.

Once again, in your debt

I await your beckoning wave of hello,
greet you in your mellifluous native tongue,
iced drinks at the ready,
the opening ceremony already started,
when all are seats taken
we commence officially,
with a blessed

*"Now, let us begin"
See the banner photo...paying off the promissory notes owed to myself
Arzella Sep 2018
Surely you,


Abrasive ...
au naturel?

I think...
Surely not.

Had the aforementioned not just the will to rip through my throat,
 but too the audacity to penetrate the inclement root you call heart.

Well, I had made my decision.
and lo!
I would have stood by it too;
had my own form of insecurity been given the chance to wilt.

Not further admonished on
how to think. how to act
How 'one' should primarily be.
Instead I lie bludgeoned,
and by the very thing that
antecedently spurred  
a cascade of unsophisticated giddiness.

That too was far from the cry of a
Devil-may-care persona.
I would almost weep the lost opportunity,  
Whereas I should simply, and most ardently
Just be.
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
Babies au naturel

attracted you, I could tell

they never lacked your attention

caused many an *******

This illness has taken its toll

my ***** in doctor's control

they suggest I lose both

slice cancer at its throat

Will you still want me dear?

its one of my biggest fears

I know it's to save my life

but will you still fancy your wife?
katewinslet Nov 2015
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onlylovepoetry Sep 2017
the grit courage of trust**

still too young and now, too old, to comprehend,
love~trust and all its secondary derivatives,
not extant on a plane of new bed sheets of
silk~linen tablecloth rectangularity

go into the park's garden;
black soil fingernail coating
awaiting, impatiently for you,
dig in direct hands ungloved

is it not,
sensual and yet gritty,
two coextensive sensations?

slip inside (you/me, me/you),
there is a razor's edge duality duty,
trust, serve and protect,
take and
handle with rough-care, for this our state of beauty
au naturel, the rush and the fall,
the climb and the conquering,
only to start again, each step, each rung,
coated with the
the grit courage of trust -
                                          do you begin to comprehend?

trust is a bumpy landing on a glide path that is strewn
with potholes that can grow into sinkholes without
the grit of trust

the soles of my feet are a message,
gritty from walking
all-life, not just the edges,
is a two act play of roughening,
upon the limbs the things,  
that carries us *****
but bares the wearing of
unkind touches of reality
working us over

why the soothing,
but not the smoothing
daily twice is the cream that
emerges from the grit courage of trust

even the vinery's progeny of great love,
grapes that must
embrace the wind and rain,
the wearing down tools of
the exterior that brings an acknowledgement -
                                                            do you begin to comprehend?

this is not an algebraic formulaic solution solvable problem,
this derived from dirt, access to accidental, the tongue and the nail,
the cracks upon the skin, that grow wonderful deeper, unfillable,
where the love gets in,
were the words are written and stored,
rough to the touch,
under the grit courage of trust -
                                                       do you begin to comprehend?

this grit is unbelievable beautiful  
only a love po-em.      

DieingEmbers Jul 2012
A plain white rose without any scent is still beautiful.
A poem to all women that prefere not to hide behind make up and overpowering perfumes
Left Foot Poet Aug 2017
the server (waiter) raps
praise upon the sushi,
its integrity,
the harmonic
of its construct,
the curated singularity of
each rice grain

the innate elegance of
the thin sliced,
nearly translucent,
au naturel, organic,
ginger root

the skin smooth paste of
green wasabi,
grown naturally
along stream beds in
mountain river valleys in Japan

genuinely puzzled,
when he,
the old erstwhile poet
unabashedly weeps before all

no hero he,
just an overcome one,
his tears flavoring his food

mourning the
celebrated abuse
of his verbal children,
those natured nurtured babes
the stuff,
the words of his definition

each weird word,
loved for their cultured,
unique quality of their history
grown in languages's
perpetual petri dish

asked if something was a matter,
answered yes,

"this plated performance,
such an extravagant essay
on the beauteous wonder
of life's bounty,
left me wordless"

and she, burst out loud in laughter
Bella Isaacs Mar 2022
I can do this too, when I'm not au naturel
And trying to beat all of your @sses with how well
I make the gentleman, how excellently I am the imp,
How swell I step, dancing, aside, how terribly I simp -
Sometimes catch me getting back and giving the barman a chance -
I heeded their call; I washed off the day, and stepped into a trance
Of raspberry, rose and sandalwood; I donned my blue and pink silk,
And my black boots, tights and blazer - She's got style; And in that ilk
I also painted my face, with blues, whites, pinks, blacks, golds
And it was late when I stepped out, and in the very holds
Of the night that a lady like I should find terrifying, but I walked
The quarter of an hour to the Silk Mill; talked
For something more like four or five,
Face sharp, hair artfully mad, alive
In every sense, aided by the fine cocktails in this student setting
I could enchant all in four languages, and I did, forgetting
For a bit that another one of my faces I believe to be repugnant:
Because it begs for attention; and my current, commanded it
Because I came expecting nothing, and asking nothing,
And I quite frankly didn't give a d@mn about much of anything,
But if I wasn't very much a part of the room, and very much she
Whom every boy needed to speak to, and would ideally keep the company
Of, if that wasn't I
Then every lie's a truth, and every truth, a lie.
I need to remember more often that I can be stunning, easily, if I just remember that I have standards.
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2013
The Summer Alphabet of Woman

Every summer, I learn a new language.
Every winter, it departs for warmer climes,
And its charms and naked arms, its own alphabet,
clean forgot.

Multi-lingual in the summer's peculiar
One language, one aleph bet,
But mega-millions of dialects,
Know them all cold, know them all, hot.

I speak Woman.

Summer is soft, shapely, sweet,
Clean, bare, lush in a sparse way,
And Woman is spoken thusly.
There are no harsh sounds,
Guttural exclamations, nein!

I speak Woman.

There is no ugly in the summer.
Ugly being an ugly word.  
It cannot exist in an atmosphere of
Sun, greenery, sand, carefree days, vacations, no school.
There are no ugly women in the summer.

I could take this writ many places,
But if you are sputtering sexist or other labeling words,
Could not give a good *******, because in the summer,
There is no ugly, there is no prejudice.

And I still speak
Woman with an almost perfect fluency,
au naturel.

Gym clothes, short shorts, A-line skirts swishing in the breeze,
High, god, so high the heels, flats clip clopping, flip flopping
all over my heart,
But, it is the bare arms and the hints of summer
Cleavage, the short skirts, body hugging one piece fabrics
stretching from here to down there that does not
the shoulder strap of the underthings that asks,
that commands me,
to wonder where it leads too...

Even the light wrap at night mocks me,
Like gift wrapping with a smile demure...a teasing blindfold...

All these say:
Write us poetry in our very own tongue,

Will oblige.

I curve with curve of the ***** and
invert with  S arc of the waist,
Mystifying, how it is the designed place
For my hands to grasp, and never fails.

The crayola colors of flesh variations,
Boggle the senses... How can tan  and pale,
Dark and Light
Have so many
Symphonic variations?
Adagio, slow and leisurely, a pas de deux
For two eyes, then a
Timpani crash and thunder, as
Byron wrote,
"music arose with its voluptuous swell,"
Yes, swell...swell...swell

My eloquence, no match for my

Late August, and my vocabulary is already
I forget how to say in
Without you I am nothing,
With you, I am more than everything,

Tho I can no longer say it,
It is is still true and
Beyond belief.
Being trying to write this since June, so as u can see, I really struggled how to do write this w/o offending, realizing full well, I could not succeed. And that is poetic truth. If you want, just block me,
knock yourself out, as I said:
I could take this writ many places,
But if you are sputtering sexist or other labeling words,
Could not give a good *******, because in the summer,
There is no ugly, there is no prejudice...

August 2013
Path Humble Sep 2017
I believe in myths.

Every naturel blonde was first someone else.  By that I mean, she was known as Norma Jean, maybe Katy, in high school (see reincarnation below).

My teenage glory days, when I was the king of cool,
will revisit when I am 75 years old, the man-in-demand (wink), wearing his lucky wide cord corduroys and letting my man-bun,
all the way down, at the prom in the senior citizen home, getting lucky, say once a month...

God, yup, after all, he/she cometh to me regular-like,
when he needs a poet~father to take his confession,
and pays me most excellently for refusing him forgiveness,
with the most excellent poem suggestions or lesser valuable things.

Love at first sight, of course, happens to me all the time,
twenty, thirty times when I am walking home.  I tell ya, it's exhausting, the stress of living in the big city

Not only will I win the lottery someday,
will take down both,  Powerball and MegaMillions,
in the very same week the odds for which
there ain't enough zeroes in HP's servers. (See God, above).

Reincarnation. One time they Hale(d) and then hanged me (my "namesake") and I said: " I only regret, that I have but one life to lose for my country."  Well, the selfies all show oh-boy-o-boy, was I ever grinning and winking.

Only boys are bullies, girls get off easy, by getting called
just mean.

One day my city's teams will win the World Series, the Stanley Cup, the NBA Finals and the Superbowl all in the same year but only after I die and me, well, only after they will have buried me in Wyoming or France, just for spite, and nobody will hear me screaming.

My children will speak fondly of me even after they find out I died broke, well maybe not fondly, but they will most definitely call out my name, regularly.

After my demise, all the typoes in my poems will magically disappear.

All these good things will come to fruition, because I am a believer, and walked the humble path. The autopsy will also show that my tongue was permanently stuck to my cheek.
ogdiddynash May 2017
Gumby, Wood Woodpecker and Me

somewhere in the mother lode
of a thousand poems scripted,
lies a pen-pained tribulation, an old ode,
to the taming of the shrew,
the shock and awe of my new born,
slept-on hair mode

she says,
rise up quick!
thy self to the mirror dispatch,
see what god hath wrought
upon thy head this brand new morn

blessed am I,
at this late stage,
in posses of a
goodly and shocking amount
of hair au naturel

each of my body's parts has a mind of its own,
my hairs, each one a different opinion and resultantly
an amazing new creation born come dawn

sometimes straight up like Gumby
she quips,
sometimes a shocking tail to one side
in the style of one Woody Woodpecker,
she mockingly cries!

and on and on each daily
a new cartoon characterization proposition,
until one day in feigned wrath I do reply

*just you wait Mrs. Higgins, just you wait,
you will rue the day my do
will be best described and descried by you
as akin to that of one known as
SpongeBob SquarePants
Le nom du court métrage c'est Miction Première.

Le personnage: un homme nu. On ne voit de lui que ses deux membres du bas et son membre viril

Les décors : une chambre de jeune femme bourrée de livres sur l'art et les oiseaux

Un matelas queen size sur un lit en bois verni couvert d'un drap rose et deux oreillers roses

Au mur un tableau

On entend le bruit des pales d'un ventilateur.

Près de la fenêtre un fauteuil en velours rouge. La lumière de la nuit filtre par les persiennes.

Une armoire occupe tout le pan du mur à côté de la porte de la chambre. Cette armoire possède un grand miroir.

A la droite du lit il y a une table de nuit ou se trouve un portable branché sur son chargeur.

Juste à côté de la chambre c'est la salle de bains close par une porte

Dans cette salle de bains il y a une ****** italienne, un évier, une cuvette d'aisance, un bidet. Les murs sont en faïence bleue.

Le script: Il est entre trois heures et trois heures et demie du matin

Un homme se réveille et saisit son portable. Cette lumière éclaire la pièce et donne l"heure
L'homme qui était allongé sur le côté est désormais allongé sur le dos.
On ne voit de lui que son sexe qui frétille dans un demi-sommeil au-dessus d'une forêt de poils blancs

Sa peau est aussi noire que la nuit est bleue.

Il dort nu, se lève.

Et se dirige vers les toilettes en tâtonnant

Il allume la lumière qui inonde la pièce.

Et se présente au-dessus de la cuvette

Où il satisfait un besoin naturel.

Il pisse en un long jet de 45 secondes

Colorant l'eau transparente de la cuvette

D'un jaune mordoré

On entend clairement le bruit d'un ruisseau ou d'une source qui se déverse

Puis la chasse est actionnée

Et on voit le sexe qui palpite pendant que ses eaux disparaissent dans la fosse septique

Tandis que perle la dernière goutte d'*****.
Jim Kleinhenz Feb 2010
I mean, it felt like I was a dead fish
Or something, left to rot out there in the sun,
Left there on purpose, you know, like it was
A threat—and Charles, it stinks—you know that?—
—the stench of all those old thoughts—
Yeah, thoughts…you know,
Like guppies maybe, sturgeon, or flounder.
You laugh? Why? Fish can think, can’t they? They flounder.
Suppose as we grow old the ancient thoughts
Appear as songs a child might sing—sotto voce.
Suppose they’re like the masks the actors wore
In some Commedia dell’Arte farce,
Or like the web a spider strings across
A road, hidden, dark, all subtle tension,
The strands still wet with the coagulate air…
Too wet to breath, Charles, way too wet.

There’s more. Suppose a face inside that mask
Looks back, looks out. Suppose the rings run circles round
The eyes, for fear. Suppose it’s an old face of yours,
Charles, smiling too, with all that sullen pride
You once were so capable of…so proud.
This is not the Lone Ranger, kimosabi.
Not Zorro either. Man is least himself
When he talks in his own person. So let’s
Try on that mask, shall we?
One for you and one for me.
Masks aplenty, masks abound,
Masks askance…
There, it fits. Welcome, Charles. Welcome back.

And welcome ghost.

…a ghost to prompt you in your mask, a ghost
off stage, and hoarse from shouting, diaphanous,
just like the real thing: for curiously,

at that moment while he is in you,
in situ, as it were, I will be left
au naturel—yeah, me—king for a day.
We were all meant to crawl away from the sea,
were we not?

…and I count the collective ghosts here too,
… atavistic, frightened, unaneled,
and openly integumentary
(thus, open to the sea, but repellant
to air)
—owls, Orion, a star-scarred sky,
too cold to breath that night,
too cold not to, eh, Charles?
Like Don Quixote and Sancho Panza,
like Hamlet and Horatio,
out with the watch, in search
of ghosts and fathers…
ghosts and fathers, Charles.
You remember that?
Back then, when you used to listen to me
when I spoke. You did listen, then, Charles when
I said things, right?
All those old thoughts…
When I could sing…
Every woman should bathe herself
then look in the mirror au naturel and say,
"My body is beautiful" because
we forget sometimes that the only person
we need to please is
Tu voudrais que j'improvise
Les chemins qui mènent au septième ciel
Pour notre prochain congrès
Que je vienne les mains vides
Sans notes ni croquis
Pour te couronner reine et courtisane.

Mais demanderais-tu au peintre de venir à toi
Sans son pinceau, ses fusains, ses tubes d'aquarelle et son papier canson

Ou au photographe sans son posemètre, son trépied et ses filtres, son appareil photo et ses objectifs

Et un auteur de théâtre pourrait-il officier sans donner des indications?

Des orientations, des pistes pour que les acteurs puissent mieux jouer leurs personnages

Eh bien moi je voudrais écrire de concert avec toi les didascalies de notre lune de miel.

Pense au Cantique des Cantiques
Pense à Salomon, à son épouse et aux jeunes filles ,
Penses-y bien, ma sans rivale,
Ma muse venue au monde sept fois
Et dont aucune galante n 'arrive aux chevilles
Comment veux-tu qu'on se retrouve dans la mare aux nénuphars
Deux canards mandarins batifolant
Sans didascalies...
Tu connais les soixante-quatre manières du kama
Tu sais la différence entre baratement et percement
Et tu veux goûter le chalumeau du miel
Lors du congrès de la corneille
Alors tandis que tu me provoques du regard et du geste
En dansant comme une bayadère accomplie
Souviens toi des didascalies.
Je suis ton vert-galant, ton esclave, ton cornac
Ton renifleur, ton cunnilingue, ton Sigisté
Si tu veux tu seras ma nymphe, mon myrte, ma lanterne, ma crête,
Ma landie, ma douceur, mon amour de Vénus
Mon gaude mihi, mon impudique
Organisons nos langues et nos boutons
Nos protubérances.
Pour qu'aucune partie ne soit honteuse
Pour que toutes soient honnêtes
Il faut des chapitres et des actes
Dans lesquels les morsures, les égratignures, les baisers
Les succions et les caresses s'emboîtent dans un naturel
Si joliment organisé que chaque posture génère
Une improvisation et que chaque improvisation génère une nouvelle posture.
Alternons les phases pudiques et impudiques
Sans tabou éperonnons-nous
Empalons-nous dans les postures de singe ou d'éléphant
Peu importe si la mentule précède le tentigo
Ou le contraire
Peu importe qui est dessus ou dessous
Qui lèche et qui est léché, qui est mordillé, qui est marqué,
Qui est baisé et pénétré
Si c'est simultanément ou séparément
Nous appartenons nous aussi au règne animal
Et que la verge soit masculine ou féminine
C 'est toujours l'aiguillon de la volupté qui guidera nos didascalies.
Nat Lipstadt Mar 2014
I am addicted to skin,
not a particular woman's skin,
all and every woman's skin

(stop here,

If you are uncomfortable,
with this writ, for me then,
it be a consoling poem,
an adoration of skin,
a comfort food,
that I cannot live without)

see what you cannot see,
inside this one's
whatever you name his five sense-sifting-all combination,
I don't care

I drink skin
all textures
all colors
every woman
every woman ageless  
every woman street passing
touched and taken
no fabric but the
fabric of her skin
tween my thumb and forefinger
on my stippled senses

I taste skin,
like a good poem,
the cheek, the shoulder bare,
the in between spaces,
the minty hint of décolleté,
the ankle chain,
turning my breath heated,
tips of red noses,
I take and
I keep
and no,
no refunds, no returns

I see
your skin, as a gift to myself
created, donated, by you,
and by me,

tho you think I am selfish
I thank you always

I hear
you cells splitting,
you nourish,
I flourish

I smell your
skin-scented au naturel aroma,
and inward smile,
a parfume
named after me,
who knew?

you knew

stop enough!

softly, no, softly never enough...

every wrinkle, every blemish
every tablecloth of skin so
lovely set, so smooth glowing,
I weep,
I seep
touch me touching you
for every cell of mine dying,
two of you,
two for you,
so you may live longer,
one of mine,
within you

you nourish,
I flourish
Sunday afternoon
March 23rd, 2014
Jonny Angel Jan 2014
I thought about you this morning &
wondered about so many things.
Did you sleep well or spin in between your sheets,
dream of anything special, mind draw a blank,
drink strong coffee, spiced-tea or have neither?
Perhaps you’re a juicer, do you fancy
carrots or strawberries or both?

Enjoy two Eggs Benedict or three scrambled,
have whole wheat toast or rye, some nutritious
granola crunch with a bit of soy milk?
Did you partake in a quick steamy-shower or
draw a soothing hot bath with lit candles & soft-jazz?
I’m wondering if you wore your hair
up in a bun or let it fall down,
all round your pretty angel face?
Did you apply make-up or
go Au Naturel, frown
putting on lipstick & smile
getting dialed in
for the start of a brand new day?
Did you dress to the nines or go business-like,
perhaps a trip to the gym for a spot of yoga?

Did you drive your earthy VW-bug or rev up the sporty Saab,
take the trolley, ride the moped, or hop on a bike?
Where you late to your work or
did you get there early enough
so you’d have plenty of time
to think about me?
I think about that too.
onlylovepoetry Aug 2016
the desperado cowboy-poet awakes
anxious, needing-ending relief,
the craving greater than great,
he begs-raggedly, with Raggedy handily Andy words,
to all and anyone in the aroused surrounded vicinity,
give please give, of something to write

the bay, soothingly plays the would-be author,
"place me, look my way,
have I not droplets endless
from which you've drunk exquisitely,
so many more to fair share"

the birds twit and flit,
raucous caucus demanding
to be seated
by the tablet's keypad
to gain entry
to one more congressional natural tribute

the sky and sun organize a
joint session, extraordinary mission;
"we are the first of your day,
thus primarily,
we win the primary,
deserving in your recording of our
nomination as the first day's
sound and light show victorious"

sorry folks,
got a better tale to tell,
natural in its way,
titillating, and quite suitable
for reputating Au Naturel humanity
and it's a quirky, say hey tale,
morning coffee fresh,
a first word report from an
untelivised convention
of a different kind of congressing

awoke to find the:

chauffeur in bed with the cook,
the Poppy, beside the sleeping Nana,
the poet, eyeing the lying next to him, tango dancer,
the classicist eyeing the sleeping moderne,
ditty ditsy Ogden Nash astride a Shakesperian sonnet,
the thinning gray line defending his bedded half,
from an invading horde of unionizing blonde tresses,
the republican with the democrat,
the conservative with the liberal,
heated discussions, non-neutralizing negotiations
conducting and watched by
peeping tom skies, clouds, birds and waters
pretending to fly flow past


now that,
is quite interesting
deserving worthy of a
disrobing disputatious disreputation,
very newsworthy and why not,
a poem all its own?

the bay waved goodbye,
the birds disbanded in silence,
quietly disenfranchised.

the sun and the sky hung around
pretending to be UN neutrality observers
wearing cute blue and white helmets
looking every where but not,
at the line of demarcation

the beggar, by his new impoverishment, enriched,
another love poem writ,
niched and pitched
one more itch,
so very well scratched
new sign on the bedroom door:
No Politicking Beyond This Point

8:09am August 6, 2019
Peins-moi, Janet, peins-moi, je te supplie
Dans ce tableau les beautés de m'amie
De la façon que je te les dirai.
Comme importun je ne te supplierai
D'un art menteur quelque faveur lui faire :
Il suffit bien si tu la sais portraire
Ainsi qu'elle est, sans vouloir déguiser
Son naturel pour la favoriser,
Car la faveur n'est bonne que pour celles
Qui se font peindre, et qui ne sont pas belles.

Fais-lui premier les cheveux ondelés,
Noués, retors, recrêpés, annelés,
Qui de couleur le cèdre représentent ;
Ou les démêle, et que libres ils sentent
Dans le tableau, si par art tu le peux,
La même odeur de ses propres cheveux,
Car ses cheveux comme fleurettes sentent,
Quand les Zéphyrs au printemps les éventent.

Que son beau front ne soit entrefendu
De nul sillon en profond étendu,
Mais qu'il soit tel qu'est la pleine marine,
Quand tant soit peu le vent ne la mutine,
Et que gisante en son lit elle dort,
Calmant ses flots sillés d'un somme mort.
Tout au milieu par la grève descende
Un beau rubis, de qui l'éclat s'épande
Par le tableau, ainsi qu'on voit de nuit
Briller les rais de la Lune qui luit
Dessus la neige au fond d'un val coulée,
De trace d'homme encore non foulée.

Après fais-lui son beau sourcil voûtis
D'ébène noir, et que son pli tortis
Semble un croissant qui montre par la nue
Au premier mois sa voûture cornue.
Ou si jamais tu as vu l'arc d'Amour,
Prends le portrait dessus le demi-tour
De sa courbure à demi-cercle dose,
Car l'arc d'Amour et lui n'est qu'une chose.
Mais las ! mon Dieu, mon Dieu je ne sais pas
Par quel moyen, ni comment, tu peindras
(Voire eusses-tu l'artifice d'Apelle)
De ses beaux yeux la grâce naturelle,
Qui font vergogne aux étoiles des Cieux.
Que l'un soit doux, l'autre soit furieux,
Que l'un de Mars, l'autre de Vénus tienne ;
Que du bénin toute espérance vienne,

Et du cruel vienne tout désespoir ;
L'un soit piteux et larmoyant à voir,
Comme celui d'Ariane laissée
Aux bords de Die, alors que l'insensée,
Près de la mer, de pleurs se consommait,
Et son Thésée en vain elle nommait ;
L'autre soit ***, comme il est bien croyable
Que l'eut jadis Pénélope louable
Quand elle vit son mari retourné,
Ayant vingt ans **** d'elle séjourné.
Après fais-lui sa rondelette oreille,
Petite, unie, entre blanche et vermeille,
Qui sous le voile apparaisse à l'égal
Que fait un lis enclos dans un cristal,
Ou tout ainsi qu'apparaît une rose
Tout fraîchement dedans un verre enclose.

Mais pour néant tu aurais fait si beau
Tout l'ornement de ton riche tableau,
Si tu n'avais de la linéature
De son beau nez bien portrait la peinture.
Peins-le-moi donc grêle, long, aquilin,
Poli, traitis, où l'envieux malin,
Quand il voudrait, n'y saurait que reprendre,
Tant proprement tu le feras descendre
Parmi la face, ainsi comme descend
Dans une plaine un petit mont qui pend.
Après au vif peins-moi sa belle joue
Pareille au teint de la rose qui noue
Dessus du lait, ou au teint blanchissant
Du lis qui baise un oeillet rougissant.
Dans le milieu portrais une fossette,
Fossette, non, mais d'Amour la cachette,
D'où ce garçon de sa petite main
Lâche cent traits, et jamais un en vain,
Que par les yeux droit au coeur il ne touche.

Hélas ! Janet, pour bien peindre sa bouche,
A peine Homère en ses vers te dirait
Quel vermillon égaler la pourrait,
Car pour la peindre ainsi qu'elle mérite,
Peindre il faudrait celle d'une Charite.
Peins-la-moi donc, qu'elle semble parler,
Ores sourire, ores embaumer l'air
De ne sais quelle ambrosienne haleine.
Mais par sur tout fais qu'elle semble pleine
De la douceur de persuasion.
Tout à l'entour attache un million
De ris, d'attraits, de jeux, de courtoisies,
Et que deux rangs de perlettes choisies
D'un ordre égal en la place des dents
Bien poliment soient arrangés dedans.
Peins tout autour une lèvre bessonne,
Qui d'elle-même, en s'élevant, semonne,
D'être baisée, ayant le teint pareil
Ou de la rose, ou du corail vermeil,
Elle flambante au Printemps sur l'épine,
Lui rougissant au fond de la marine.

Peins son menton au milieu fosselu,
Et que le bout en rondeur pommelu
Soit tout ainsi que l'on voit apparaître
Le bout d'un coin qui jà commence à croître.

Plus blanc que lait caillé dessus le jonc
Peins-lui le col, mais peins-le un petit long,
Grêle et charnu, et sa gorge douillette
Comme le col soit un petit longuette.

Après fais-lui, par un juste compas,
Et de Junon les coudes et les bras,
Et les beaux doigts de Minerve, et encore
La main pareille à celle de l'Aurore.

Je ne sais plus, mon Janet, où j'en suis,
Je suis confus et muet : je ne puis,
Comme j'ai fait, te déclarer le reste
De ses beautés, qui ne m'est manifeste.
Las ! car jamais tant de faveurs je n'eus
Que d'avoir vu ses beaux tétins à nu.
Mais si l'on peut juger par conjecture,
Persuadé de raisons, je m'assure
Que la beauté qui ne s'apparaît, doit
Du tout répondre à celle que l'on voit.
Doncque peins-la, et qu'elle me soit faite

Parfaite autant comme l'autre est parfaite.
Ainsi qu'en bosse élève-moi son sein,
Net, blanc, poli, large, profond et plein,
Dedans lequel mille rameuses veines
De rouge sang tressaillent toutes pleines.
Puis, quand au vif tu auras découvert
Dessous la peau les muscles et les nerfs,
Enfle au-dessus deux pommes nouvelettes,
Comme l'on voit deux pommes verdelettes
D'un oranger, qui encore du tout
Ne font qu'à l'heure à se rougir au bout.

Tout au plus haut des épaules marbrines,
Peins le séjour des Charites divines,
Et que l'Amour sans cesse voletant
Toujours les couve, et les aille éventant,
Pensant voler avec le Jeu son frère
De branche en branche ès vergers de Cythère.

Un peu plus bas, en miroir arrondi,
Tout poupellé, grasselet, rebondi,
Comme celui de Vénus, peins son ventre ;
Peins son nombril ainsi qu'un petit centre,
Le fond duquel paraisse plus vermeil
Qu'un bel oeillet entrouvert au Soleil.

Qu'attends-tu plus ? portrais-moi l'autre chose
Qui est si belle, et que dire je n'ose,
Et dont l'espoir impatient me point ;
Mais je te prie, ne me l'ombrage point,
Si ce n'était d'un voile fait de soie,
Clair et subtil, à fin qu'on l'entrevoie.

Ses cuisses soient comme faites au tour
A pleine chair, rondes tout à l'entour,
Ainsi qu'un Terme arrondi d'artifice
Qui soutient ferme un royal édifice.

Comme deux monts enlève ses genoux,
Douillets, charnus, ronds, délicats et mous,
Dessous lesquels fais-lui la grève pleine,
Telle que l'ont les vierges de Lacène,
Allant lutter au rivage connu
Du fleuve Eurote, ayant le corps tout nu,
Ou bien chassant à meutes découplées
Quelque grand cerf ès forêts Amyclées.
Puis, pour la fin, portrais-lui de Thétis
Les pieds étroits, et les talons petits.

Ha, je la vois ! elle est presque portraite,
Encore un trait, encore un, elle est faite !
Lève tes mains, ha mon Dieu ! je la vois !
Bien peu s'en faut qu'elle ne parle à moi.
Poetoftheway Sep 2017
the simplicity of grandeur (what I want of you)*

every conversation, must have a name,
a blessing and a bane,
every poem, twice as much,
twice the same, a division fine
tween the holy and the mundane

an end, a start and
a finishing line,
untitled, it is without grandeur,
difficult to understand,
every grande boulevard, every country road must be either ,
either be an Avenue des Champs-Élysées, ou Route Napoléon,
each with a unique simplicity, et histoire individuelle,
like the persons who traverse it with eyes thirsty to learn
all about those who preceded their voyage

want nothing but seek everything:

the comprehension and the mystery of the next verse,
where the potion of poetic notion came from,
beg that any scratching is genteel, distingué, sans sang,
how you you breathe and see the smell of wet cobblestones,
how you hear them talking and what tales they hint of,
but never reveal the ending-prematurely?

what I want is what you want.

self portraits realized, that each a particle of the mystery,
self portraits that ask, and answer, but forever insufficient,

what is the idea of you?

Quelle est l'idée de toi?

what is naturel, what is imaginary,
to be a visitor in your museum,
your ******, a voice that listens to the answers,
a mail recipient to  what ever you wish to enclose,
in the poems that make perfect
no sense, that are yet, fully comprehensible,
grand, in their simplicity*

m. naturel
Tempestuous angels shape
Inner angels
Laid as
design of one lovely lovely
being who once saw heavens
and a hand of God there
partially enjoying
This sacred intimacy of
Organic Puffy
lambs repose to mortem ipsum
measuring meandres of butterflies
in my mind tummy's mimicry of moral
cathegories only to those who perceived
something as such
Body is a body yet we think
distinctive difference
when subject or a predicat
are in mind~ heart~thoughts
and particularity:
proportions to Antecedens to Consequetias  
lovely etapes of young yet
real old life
on a bycicle
of wrath and wonders
Neverland aware of It-Self
by cosmic serpent   wave pattern  anouncing it's
cycle of pointing nowhere else el Elysium dispersing
the mirrors reflection just to Gather it together
in a cusp of life's elixir sweet and sour
to humans only not to immortal vine
veins where salmon jumps
willingly to open
grizzlys lust for
knowing their
love debt pays
off as in-carnation
shape­ Shifts streams of consciousness
Emerging as
A fabulous
Omnipresent finger of Faith
fulfiled with alive clouds
Heartfelt colourful Cedar essences
and a spectrum of sharp larch tree leaves
tender transient orchestra nature of many faces
passsing by as facets of magnolias pollen
the insight
sounds were Revealed as
Music Divine
Rainbow wariors drawn over the horizon
of the known Universe to love the primordial
Void Emanating Odes of Big Bangs
A bow of light's harphiscord
Protective Madam
Madonna Prima et Ultima
Palpitations of Pondering Pieta
Of Our World
Swayed in hands
of swines we revrewinding our wake-up walk
dissolving black wars of unconsciousness to bow to Beauty
Embraced we approach
as affirmative pat on a back
Graceful caress on womanly cheek,
bare *******, bodies by bones rattlled
touched marching peacefully
toward the seats of an old caffe
where lotus flowers grow
within beautiful little lake
within the core of a
Lovely capital city Our city of dreams
There is a park
on our
there is
o' de naturel
library under
the tree crowns
free leisure for kids
on the swings and slides
over there where our love
was heading
the wheel
of fortune
never stand above their nails
but were using softest sandals
to touch firm grasp of grasses and white
♥ mon amour ♥
Imagined by
Impeccable space
love Poet

11 Jun 2010
floatin in the air of innoncence
holdin on to kisses
that surpasses these shaded lips
oh in this daydream
in my corner of despair
she stands
loud as reasons
which I cannot remand
impossible to let go
the rushed night and shy goodbye
creepin home before the mornin light
esthetic eyes that devour
these invariable melancholic smiles
of mine
amorously disposed desire for
deceivin bedshaped moves
again, to put this body on fire  
charmed in shame
this au naturel attire
suitably awaitin ur tardly arrival
nice and slow
utterin words
for ur ears alone
"take me down, kiss me below"


On ne songe à la Mort que dans son voisinage :
Au sépulcre éloquent d'un être qui m'est cher,
J'ai, pour m'en pénétrer, fait un pèlerinage,
Et je pèse aujourd'hui ma tristesse d'hier.

Je veux, à mon retour de cette sombre place
Où semblait m'envahir la funèbre torpeur,
Je veux me recueillir et contempler en face
La mort, la grande mort, sans défi, mais sans peur.

Assiste ma pensée, austère poésie
Qui sacres de beauté ce qu'on a bien senti ;
Ta sévère caresse aux pleurs vrais s'associe,
Et tu sais que mon cœur ne t'a jamais menti.

Si ton charme n'est point un misérable leurre,
Ton art un jeu servile, un vain culte sans foi,
Ne m'abandonne pas précisément à l'heure
Où, pour ne pas sombrer, j'ai tant besoin de toi.

Devant l'atroce énigme où la raison succombe,
Si la mienne fléchit tu la relèveras ;
Fais-moi donc explorer l'infini d'outre-tombe
Sur ta grande poitrine entre tes puissants bras ;

Fais taire l'envieux qui t'appelle frivole,
Toi qui dans l'inconnu fais crier des échos
Et prêtes par l'accent, plus sûr que la parole,
Un sens révélateur au seul frisson des mots.

Ne crains pas qu'au tombeau la morte s'en offense,
Ô poésie, ô toi, mon naturel secours,
Ma seconde berceuse au sortir de l'enfance,
Qui seras la dernière au dernier de mes jours.


Hélas ! J'ai trop songé sous les blêmes ténèbres
Où les astres ne sont que des bûchers lointains,
Pour croire qu'échappé de ses voiles funèbres
L'homme s'envole et monte à de plus beaux matins ;

J'ai trop vu sans raison pâtir les créatures
Pour croire qu'il existe au delà d'ici-bas
Quelque plaisir sans pleurs, quelque amour sans tortures,
Quelque être ayant pris forme et qui ne souffre pas.

Toute forme est sur terre un vase de souffrances,
Qui, s'usant à s'emplir, se brise au moindre heurt ;
Apparence mobile entre mille apparences
Toute vie est sur terre un flot qui roule et meurt.

N'es-tu plus qu'une chose au vague aspect de femme,
N'es-tu plus rien ? Je cherche à croire sans effroi
Que, ta vie et ta chair ayant rompu leur trame,
Aujourd'hui, morte aimée, il n'est plus rien de toi.

Je ne puis, je subis des preuves que j'ignore.
S'il ne restait plus rien pour m'entendre en ce lieu,
Même après mainte année y reviendrais-je encore,
Répéter au néant un inutile adieu ?

Serais-je épouvanté de te laisser sous terre ?
Et navré de partir, sans pouvoir t'assister
Dans la nuit formidable où tu gis solitaire,
Penserais-je à fleurir l'ombre où tu dois rester ?


Pourtant je ne sais rien, rien, pas même ton âge :
Mes jours font suite au jour de ton dernier soupir,
Les tiens n'ont-ils pas fait quelque immense passage
Du temps qui court au temps qui n'a plus à courir ?

Ont-ils joint leur durée à l'ancienne durée ?
Pour toi s'enchaînent-ils aux ans chez nous vécus ?
Ou dois-tu quelque part, immuable et sacrée,
Dans l'absolu survivre à ta chair qui n'est plus ?

Certes, dans ma pensée, aux autres invisible,
Ton image demeure impossible à ternir,
Où t'évoque mon cœur tu luis incorruptible,
Mais serais-tu sans moi, hors de mon souvenir ?

Servant de sanctuaire à l'ombre de ta vie,
Je la préserve encor de périr en entier.
Mais que suis-je ? Et demain quand je t'aurai suivie,
Quel ami me promet de ne pas t'oublier ?

Depuis longtemps ta forme est en proie à la terre,
Et jusque dans les cœurs elle meurt par lambeaux,
J'en voudrais découvrir le vrai dépositaire,
Plus sûr que tous les cœurs et que tous les tombeaux.


Les mains, dans l'agonie, écartent quelque chose.
Est-ce aux mots d'ici-bas l'impatient adieu
Du mourant qui pressent sa lente apothéose ?
Ou l'horreur d'un calice imposé par un dieu ?

Est-ce l'élan qu'imprime au corps l'âme envolée ?
Ou contre le néant un héroïque effort ?
Ou le jeu machinal de l'aiguille affolée,
Quand le balancier tombe, oublié du ressort ?

Naguère ce problème où mon doute s'enfonce,
Ne semblait pas m'atteindre assez pour m'offenser ;
J'interrogeais de ****, sans craindre la réponse,
Maintenant je tiens plus à savoir qu'à penser.

Ah ! Doctrines sans nombre où l'été de mon âge
Au vent froid du discours s'est flétri sans mûrir,
De mes veilles sans fruit réparez le dommage,
Prouvez-moi que la morte ailleurs doit refleurir,

Ou bien qu'anéantie, à l'abri de l'épreuve,
Elle n'a plus jamais de calvaire à gravir,
Ou que, la même encor sous une forme neuve,
Vers la plus haute étoile elle se sent ravir !

Faites-moi croire enfin dans le néant ou l'être,
Pour elle et tous les morts que d'autres ont aimés,
Ayez pitié de moi, car j'ai faim de connaître,
Mais vous n'enseignez rien, verbes inanimés !

Ni vous, dogmes cruels, insensés que vous êtes,
Qui du juif magnanime avez couvert la voix ;
Ni toi, qui n'es qu'un bruit pour les cerveaux honnêtes,
Vaine philosophie où tout sombre à la fois ;

Toi non plus, qui sur Dieu résignée à te taire
Changes la vision pour le tâtonnement,
Science, qui partout te heurtant au mystère
Et n'osant l'affronter, l'ajournes seulement.

Des mots ! Des mots ! Pour l'un la vie est un prodige,
Pour l'autre un phénomène. Eh ! Que m'importe à moi !
Nécessaire ou créé je réclame, vous dis-je,
Et vous les ignorez, ma cause et mon pourquoi.


Puisque je n'ai pas pu, disciple de tant d'autres,
Apprendre ton vrai sort, ô morte que j'aimais,
Arrière les savants, les docteurs, les apôtres.
Je n'interroge plus, je subis désormais.

Quand la nature en nous mit ce qu'on nomme l'âme,
Elle a contre elle-même armé son propre enfant ;
L'esprit qu'elle a fait juste au nom du droit la blâme,
Le cœur qu'elle a fait haut la méprise en rêvant.

Avec elle longtemps, de toute ma pensée
Et de tout mon cœur, j'ai lutté corps à corps,
Mais sur son œuvre inique, et pour l'homme insensée,
Mon front et ma poitrine ont brisé leurs efforts.

Sa loi qui par le meurtre a fait le choix des races,
Abominable excuse au carnage que font
Des peuples malheureux les nations voraces,
De tout aveugle espoir m'a vidé l'âme à fond ;

Je succombe épuisé, comme en pleine bataille
Un soldat, par la veille et la marche affaibli,
Sans vaincre, ni mourir d'une héroïque entaille,
Laisse en lui les clairons s'éteindre dans l'oubli ;

Pourtant sa cause est belle, et si doux est d'y croire
Qu'il cherche en sommeillant la vigueur qui l'a fui ;
Mais trop las pour frapper, il lègue la victoire
Aux fermes compagnons qu'il sent passer sur lui.

Ah ! Qui que vous soyez, vous qui m'avez fait naître,
Qu'on vous nomme hasard, force, matière ou dieux,
Accomplissez en moi, qui n'en suis pas le maître,
Les destins sans refuge, aussi vains qu'odieux.

Faites, faites de moi tout ce que bon vous semble,
Ouvriers inconnus de l'infini malheur,
Je viens de vous maudire, et voyez si je tremble,
Prenez ou me laissez mon souffle et ma chaleur !

Et si je dois fournir aux avides racines
De quoi changer mon être en mille êtres divers,
Dans l'éternel retour des fins aux origines,
Je m'abandonne en proie aux lois de l'univers.
Et si on essayait primo l'omelette bio

De rires sauvages péché à l'épuisette

Au fin fond de nos Atlantiques ?

Si on essayait deuxio la paella bio

De nos yeux assaisonnés d'étincelles de thym

Et de pétales de coquelicot cueillis dans la rosée du petit matin ?

Et si l 'on ne s'abreuvait tercio que de vins bio

Des bains jaunes des torrents chauds

Qui jaillissent de nos sources volcaniques ?

Si on essayait encore le lit de braises bio

A combustion lente, sans adjuvant

Cent pour cent naturel et écologique ?

Si on se plongeait enfin dans l'abîme bio

Des eaux organiques de l'océan tantrique

Pour y construire des châteaux de corail ?
Bob B Oct 2016
Merle and June needed a break
From their Midwestern town.
Inundated with sales and receipts,
Both were starting to drown.
After years without a vacation,
June found an ideal
Vacation spot at a mountain resort,
And the price was a steal.
Ah, finally, to be one with nature!
To sit on their behinds!
To escape the intolerable prairie heat!
To put work out of their minds!
During their drive, Merle said, "Dear,
This trip should calm your nerves."
He couldn't see the fear in June's face
As he sped 'round the mountain curves.
Once they were settled in their cabin,
June's calm turned out to be brief.
Staring out the window she shrieked
"What?" in disbelief.
"Merle," she said, "On the path out there…
I tell you, I could have sworn
I saw a man and woman walk by
As naked as the day they were born!"
Grabbing her glasses to read the brochure,
June had to squint
To see that it stated "nudist camp"
In very, very small print.
More **** couples sauntered by
With body parts a-dangling.
"Bite the bullet," she said to poor
Merle whose nerves were jangling.
"Lock up all of our clothes in our safe
So no one can purloin 'em.
It states right here: No Refund, so
If you CAN'T beat 'em, join 'em."
So au naturel Merle and June
Enjoyed the fresh mountain air.
Then Merle got a mosquito bite
On his…well…you know…down there.
They started to feel a bit more relaxed
After sitting and sipping
On a few cold drinks. Suddenly, they realized:
They'd never gone skinny dipping.
Merle learned in the cool mountain lake
That he was a quick reactor:
Walking back to the shore he complained,
"Blasted shrinkage factor!"
Walking around unclad was fine--
With that they had no disputes.
But dining felt a little bit strange
In their birthday suits.
Swimming, golfing, hiking, riding,
And sunbathing were all fun,
But they burned parts of their bodies that
Had never seen the sun.
Burning his *** wasn't part of the plan,
Merle had to admit.
For three whole days it curtailed activities
Because he couldn't sit.
After two weeks of mosquito bites
And sunburned rumps they set
Off on their journey home from a trip
The two would never forget.
So, what lessons did they learn?
Being a nature lover
Is fine and dandy, but next time they'll do it
With some sort of cover.
And to feel the wind blow on them
Could put their mind at ease;
But they also learned that parts of the body
Don’t need to feel a breeze.

- by Bob B
Heidi Liu Feb 2012
Danses-elle, en reverie
You are the spastic source of the ocean life form
Moving between your cage of ribs
To juxtapose the gray, the human decay, and the
Preoccupation of what can, who should,
What you might and come what may –
Waking up with a stranger in bed to have
Wine in the morning, starve the dismay
Evenings of making coffee and sense,
Making away with the day

La fille, danse
Pacific sway
Pas de cheval, mais actuellement
Il est le pas d’homme naturel
There are a lot of things ugly about a place
Where we chase until fall out, fall away
Into acting offstage, and we can’t get away, no no
Dance on, girl
Dans la rue des esprits anciens
And we’ll dance and we’ll dance
Il est un pays superbe, un pays de Cocagne, dit-on, que je rêve de visiter avec une vieille amie. Pays singulier, noyé dans les brumes de notre Nord, et qu'on pourrait appeler l'Orient de l'Occident, la Chine de l'Europe, tant la chaude et capricieuse fantaisie s'y est donné carrière, tant elle l'a patiemment et opiniâtrement illustré de ses savantes et délicates végétations.

Un vrai pays de Cocagne, où tout est beau, riche, tranquille, honnête ; où le luxe a plaisir à se mirer dans l'ordre ; où la vie est grasse et douce à respirer ; d'où le désordre, la turbulence et l'imprévu sont exclus ; où le bonheur est marié au silence ; où la cuisine elle-même est poétique, grasse et excitante à la fois ; où tout vous ressemble, mon cher ange.

Tu connais cette maladie fiévreuse qui s'empare de nous dans les froides misères, cette nostalgie du pays qu'on ignore, cette angoisse de la curiosité ? Il est une contrée qui te ressemble, où tout est beau, riche, tranquille et honnête, où la fantaisie a bâti et décoré une Chine occidentale, où la vie est douce à respirer, où le bonheur est marié au silence. C'est là qu'il faut aller vivre, c'est là qu'il faut aller mourir !

Oui, c'est là qu'il faut aller respirer, rêver et allonger les heures par l'infini des sensations. Un musicien a écrit l'Invitation à la valse ; quel est celui qui composera l'Invitation au voyage, qu'on puisse offrir à la femme aimée, à la sœur d'élection ?

Oui, c'est dans cette atmosphère qu'il ferait bon vivre, - là-bas, où les heures plus lentes contiennent plus de pensées, où les horloges sonnent le bonheur avec une plus profonde et plus significative solennité.

Sur des panneaux luisants, ou sur des cuirs dorés et d'une richesse sombre, vivent discrètement des peintures béates, calmes et profondes, comme les âmes des artistes qui les créèrent. Les soleils couchants, qui colorent si richement la salle à manger ou le salon, sont tamisés par de belles étoffes ou par ces hautes fenêtres ouvragées que le plomb divise en nombreux compartiments. Les meubles sont vastes, curieux, bizarres, armés de serrures et de secrets comme des âmes raffinées. Les miroirs, les métaux, les étoffes, l'orfèvrerie et la faïence y jouent pour les yeux une symphonie muette et mystérieuse ; et de toutes choses, de tous les coins, des fissures des tiroirs et des plis des étoffes s'échappe un parfum singulier, un revenez-y de Sumatra, qui est comme l'âme de l'appartement.

Un vrai pays de Cocagne, te dis-je, où tout est riche, propre et luisant, comme une belle conscience, comme une magnifique batterie de cuisine, comme une splendide orfèvrerie, comme une bijouterie bariolée ! Les trésors du monde y affluent, comme dans la maison d'un homme laborieux et qui a bien mérité du monde entier. Pays singulier, supérieur aux autres, comme l'Art l'est à la Nature, où celle-ci est réformée par le rêve, où elle est corrigée, embellie, refondue.

Qu'ils cherchent, qu'ils cherchent encore, qu'ils reculent sans cesse les limites de leur bonheur, ces alchimistes de l'horticulture ! Qu'ils proposent des prix de soixante et de cent mille florins pour qui résoudra leurs ambitieux problèmes ! Moi, j'ai trouvé ma tulipe noire et mon dahlia bleu !

Fleur incomparable, tulipe retrouvée, allégorique dahlia, c'est là, n'est-ce pas, dans ce beau pays si calme et si rêveur, qu'il faudrait aller vivre et fleurir ? Ne serais-tu pas encadrée dans ton analogie, et ne pourrais-tu pas te mirer, pour parler comme les mystiques, dans ta propre correspondance ?

Des rêves ! toujours des rêves ! et plus l'âme est ambitieuse et délicate, plus les rêves l'éloignent du possible. Chaque homme porte en lui sa dose d'***** naturel, incessamment sécrétée et renouvelée, et, de la naissance à la mort, combien comptons-nous d'heures remplies par la jouissance positive, par l'action réussie et décidée ? Vivrons-nous jamais, passerons-nous jamais dans ce tableau qu'a peint mon esprit, ce tableau qui te ressemble ?

Ces trésors, ces meubles, ce luxe, cet ordre, ces parfums, ces fleurs miraculeuses, c'est toi. C'est encore toi, ces grands fleuves et ces canaux tranquilles. Ces énormes navires qu'ils charrient, tout chargés de richesses, et d'où montent les chants monotones de la manœuvre, ce sont mes pensées qui dorment ou qui roulent sur ton sein. Tu les conduis doucement vers la mer qui est l'Infini, tout en réfléchissant les profondeurs du ciel dans la limpidité de ta belle âme ; - et quand, fatigués par la houle et gorgés des produits de l'Orient, ils rentrent au port natal, ce sont encore mes pensées enrichies qui reviennent de l'infini vers toi.
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
Le temps circulaire
Le temps naturel
Le temps sans commencement, ni fin
A tout en même temps rapide, et insubmersible , fragile
Pourtant indélébile
Le temps qu'il traverse le quadrant de l'horloge
Et que redémarre toutes les douze heures
Sa ronde éternelle .
Joseph Childress Oct 2011
Mother Earth

Two birds sing
In sweet harmony
Through spring
A favorite plant blossoms
On the side
Of a white-washed fence
Blends beautifully
Sun bathes in the ambiance
Of clouds
A cirrus haze
Mountain tops
For days
It sets
As if lying in bed

From a wolf
Howls at the moon
Goodnight world
Awake soon
Day's bright
Before night

Frost bite…
More of fury!
The wind knocks down
I'll feel it
I don’t know
Why I'm the victim
I'll take
Your worse
And still love

Earth reign on me
I promise
To turn a leaf before
The end of fall
All in all
Through ups and downs
The hurricane
Of life
Brings strife
On my greatest day

I labor
Not pillage
Your tillage
And worship your wondrous
More refreshing than sleep
More than diamonds
Under sunlight

Lakes lie
Across as bodies
Embodying art
Au naturel
As "oooo's"
And "ahhh's"
Set the mood

No boo’s
From the crowd of bees
Only a buzz
About your love.
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2014
First posted here on August 22, 2013

Every summer, I relearn a new language.
Every winter, it departs for warmer climes,
And its charms and naked arms,
Its own alphabet,
Clean forgot.

Multi-lingual in the summer's peculiar
One language, one aleph bet,
But mega-millions of dialects,
Know them all cold, know them all, hot.

I speak Woman.

Summer is soft, shapely, sweet,
Clean, bare, lush in a sparse way,
And Woman is spoken thusly.
There are no harsh sounds,
Guttural exclamations, nein!

I speak Woman.

There is no ugly in the summer.
Ugly being an ugly word.  
It cannot exist in an atmosphere of
Sun, greenery, sand, carefree days, vacations, no school.
There are no ugly women in the summer.

I could take this writ many places,
But if you are sputtering sexist or other labeling words,
Could not give a good *******, because in the summer,
There is no ugly, there is no prejudice.

And I still speak
Woman with an almost perfect fluency,
au naturel.

Gym clothes, short shorts, A-line skirts swishing in the breeze,
High, god, so high the heels, flats clip clopping, flip flopping
all over my heart,

But, it is the bare arms and the hints of summer
Cleavage, the short skirts, body hugging one piece fabrics
stretching from here to down there that do not
The shoulder strap of the underthings that asks,
That commands me:
Wonder where it leads too...

Even the light shoulder wrap
Casual over bare shoulders slung, at night, mocks me,
Like gift wrapping with a smile demure...a teasing blindfold...

All these say:
Write us poetry in our very own tongue,

Will oblige.

I curve with curve of the ***** and
invert with  S arc of the waist,
Mystifying, how it is the designed place
For my hands to grasp, and never fails.

The crayola colors of flesh variations,
Boggle the senses... How can tan and pale,
Dark and Light
Have so many
Symphonic variations?
Adagio, slow and leisurely, a pas de deux
For two eyes, then a
Timpani crash and thunder,
Just as Byron wrote:
"music arose with its voluptuous swell,"
Yes, swell...swell...voluptuous swell

My eloquence, no match for my

Late August, and my vocabulary is already
I forget how to say in
Without you I am nothing,
With you, I am more than everything,

Tho I can no longer say it well,
It is is still true and
Beyond belief.

August 2013
wordvango Nov 2014
au naturel no hormones nor seed
nature made, me
no viagara no ddt,
no preservatives in,
no bionics or
genetic alteration
there is nothing
could make you as sick,
as my reflections.
jo spencer Apr 2013
He  pulled off a masterstroke
braiding himself to a  chair;
singing au  naturel , the  corner of the winds
picking up on the wavelets.
Pleasantries and greetings now never wear.
Grace its the time  to unwind
asking contrite  forgiveness
before hibernating,
quietly evolving.
Hebert Logerie Oct 2024
Parlons du charme pittoresque de l’automne
Des cloches de l’Angélus qui carillonnent
Des fleurs autrefois jolies et fortes, sur le gazon
Oh ! Automne, tu es une très belle saison!

Parlons des pétales et sépales tombés du ciel
Où les arbres sont médusés et presque dévêtus
Et les oiseaux stupéfaits sont tombés des nues
Oh ! Automne, j’aime ton sourire doux et naturel.

La saison de l’automne a un charme sensationnel
Une fraîcheur tiède et confortable et un ton solennel
C’est l’or du soir qui tombe toute la sainte journée.

Ce sont les feuilles et fleurs multicolores sur le tapis
Oh ! Automne, tu nous donnes beaucoup à imaginer
Et nous montres comment mirer des moments polis.

P.S. Ce poème est dédié à Victor Hugo.

Copyright © Octobre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés.
Hébert Logerie est l’auteur de nombreux recueils de poésie.
Eva Elyse Nov 2013
It's midnight.
The sky is pitch black and the wind is crisp.
The scent of evergreen leaves and city pubs begin to intertwine.
The old, black, street cat begins to purr as it searches for warmth.
The moon is at it's highest point, and the glow of it's face is beaming towards me.
There's a stillness in the air and it brings assurance of bliss.
It's almost ethereal, the way in which the silence of this hour moves me.
I am experiencing the earth at it's rawest state.
Untouched and unnerved.
Undone, unanxious and au naturel.
How could this serene hour produce such an awakening in me?
Causing the pupils of my eyes to dilate in increasing darkness.
Causing my mouth to slow down in speech.
Yet, my mind wanders rapidly.
Images of my yesterdays and my tomorrows bombard me.
I begin to reminisce  on all of my joy and sorrows.
The stillness pushes me to confront my being in full transparency.
I feel privileged to partake in the earth's midnight hour.

— The End —