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Big Virge Jul 2021
Now Within Life’s Selections...
There Are Misdirections...
From Which You Need To Give...
Yourself... Good PROTECTION... !!!
Because Much That Is Said...
And Presented To Heads...
So Don’t Just Ingest...
What People Present...
As Being What’s Correct... !!!
So Check Who You're Sexing...
Because Misdirections...
Can Lead You To TENSIONS...
Relationship PRESSURES...
I Suggest That You CHECK...
And Then DOUBLE CHECK... !!!
... Historical Texts...
And What People Express...
Within Their Arguments... !!!
From Things Like Enslavement...
To Who You Call... FRIENDS...
SECRET... Experiments...
And The News That We’re Fed...
Oh And DON’T You FORGET...
About Our GOVERNMENTS... !!!
Because Time And Again...
They Clearly MISDIRECT...
WHATEVER Their Sect...
Or Agendas They Set... !!!
From The Smallest of Things...
To The BIGGEST of Grifts...
... Misdirections STING... !!!!!
If You Do NOT THINK...
About How Things Are Linked...
People Say A GREAT Deal...
That Just... ISN’T Real... !!!
Misdirections STEAL... !!!
As Well As Conceal...
The Truth To Maintain...
Falsehoods That Remain...
That Enslave Mind States...
And Keep People Restrained...
In Ways That Cause PAIN...
And DAMAGE To Brains... !!!
They DENIGRATE Names...
Who Won't Go Their Way...
So Make People Act Strange...
And Then Shift Their Shape...
Just Like New Gender Traits... ?!?
These Are Just A Few Ways...
Misdirections Now Sway...
And Affect Heads TODAY... !!!
Misdirections Shroud...
The World With Much Doubt...
And Are Now Used By Mouths...
To Leave People CLOWNED...
And To Make Them FROWN...
When Things In The World...
Are Turned UPSIDE DOWN... !!!
Like This Need For Protection...
Against... BAD INFECTIONS... !!!
From This Corona Thing... ?!?
That’s Been Quickly Spreading...
When You Take Time To THINK...
About Where We’re Heading...
MORE Than We’re PROTECTED... !?!
By Those Now Selected...
To Choose The Direction...
That’s Best For INVESTMENT...
AHEAD of Collections...
of... BETTER Directives...
Than Those We've Been Getting...
For THOUSANDS of Years... !!!
To Those Who Are JEERED...
For What They Have Cleared...
As Being... Directions...
That Lead To Ascensions...  
For Human Progression...
Or Is That REGRESSION... ?!?
This Poem Is Sending...
A VERY CLEAR Message... !!!
Will All This Pretension...
That’s Been Spread To Nations...
Through INCORRECT Lessons... !!!
From Names I WON'T Mention... !!!
When It Comes To INJECTIONS...
And New Tech Inventions...
As Well As Investments...
Through CASHLESS Inceptions... ?!?
The Dangers Are ENDLESS...
If You Are NOT Vested...
In Keeping Your Interests...
And Health WELL PROTECTED... !!!
From Modern Day Spreaders...
of Things That Need CHECKING...
That May Be... ?!?
It's clear that many have been used throughout history, so this poem merely suggests that it's wise to try to avoid being deceived by one.
April Jul 2018
A labyrinth expands before me,
Its only prize, the truth; reality
Awaits the shrewd of mind.
At every turn lie misdirections,
One wrong choice and I am
Lost, for perils lie ahead;
Webs of lies lie waiting for their prey.
I pray for wisdom that I may not fall,
Misguided by a ghost I thought I saw;
My own illusions turn me from the light.
The path ahead is cobbled from the shadows,
Bits of truth among them shining gold,
The only light to guide my weary feet
As Darkness beckons me with gentle hands.
Temptation offers respite from my search:
“Sit down and rest, poor ragged
traveler, you search in vain
For worthless lies. I tell the truth;
One as beautiful as I is honest, sure.”
I pay no heed. The truth is rarely beautiful or pure.
james nordlund Nov 2018
Whilst installed in the Blackhouse,
RumputiN's and vlad the impaler's latest
craven political attack on the military,
Against Admiral McRaven, who headed up
the capture of Osama, is just more raving.
This is clear to everyone since they,

the bi-headed underworld crown of
the bipolar axi of global supposed power,
RumputiN, republican capitalist materialists,
vlad the impaler, totalitarian socialist
materialists, put our military on TX's SE
border with Mexico, even though the "caravan"
which was 40 days away, was projected
to be arriving at the SW part instead,

A political stunt to get republican politicians
between 1/2 and 1 % more votes in the Midterms,
While it worked for the criminal gaining of votes,
The military is doing next to nothing there,
And should be allowed home by Thanksgiving.
Meanwhile, Trumpler said, the "Admiral didn't
do so well, since it took so long to capture
Bin Laden", when it was king george and his ****,
cheney, who ordered Osama to be allowed to escape
from Bora, Bora to Pakistan for safe keeping in

Abbottabad, "5 miles S. of Pakistan's Westpoint".  
You see, Bushs and Bin Ladens had been in business
for decades, and in the M.E. business is thicker
than blood, Bush could no more **** Bin Laden than
he could his own flesh and blood.  It's well known
that he received wedding invitations to Osama's kids
weddings, etc., for years, so, Trumpler blaming
McRaven and O'bama, when they caught him in the 2nd year
of his Presidency, is just more precious examples of our
king kong sized terrible two's use of 1st conclusion,
superficial, linear thought stragedy to attack everybody,
in attempts to silence, cower most if not All, in vain.

These attacks by Trumpler are also misdirections, to take
the news cycles off: his party's extreme losses and evident
voter crime they did, like in GA, where Abrams "couldn't
concede in her Governor's race for that would mean it was
proper...", it wasn't because Gov. Elect Kemp determined that
" wasn't a free, fair election, ...democracy failed in GA".
Also, his illegally installing Whitaker, a criminal the FBI is
investigating, to acting Attorney General, to preside over the
Mueller investigation (cover-up for: it doesn't use the RICO act
and asked for him to answer a take home test months ago, he
hasn't even handed in yet, while "...We(e),...", got our last
take home tests in 1st grade).  As well as his wasting a 1/2 a
billion of your tax $ on further militarization of our S. border.
His false, lame attacks against democratic leaders are unending.

On the letter by 16 democrat politicians who signed onto "the
leadership fight against Pelosi (for the republicans), Ocasio-
Cortez, Elect, says, "what's the point of changing just to...,
we might get a more conservative leader, for signers aren't diverse,
14 are male, very few people of color, progressives aren't signing."
I agree, why would the non-repubs get rid of their strongest
political leader going into impeachment time and 2020?  The supposed
left said "Hillary wasn't perfect", and helped to install him, when,
if you didn't vote Hillary you voted for the bi-headed, RumputiN/vlad
the impaler, head of the global oligarchy and bi-polar global axi of
supposed power to dictate the extermination to extinction of humanity,
large mammals, for the corp structure's convolution's devolutionary
direction + 'la machine''s, sociological programming (machining) human
(into not) being, individually, which is the social challenge of our
day, as the convolution's dictating cult of personality is almost all
and the socialist's extemist lie that "there's no reality without
their agreement", is the political one.  Don't be undone, be one well.
Thanx for the great worx, I look forward....  "...We(e),..." are advancing the Evolution in it's struggle against the corporate structure's (la machine) convolution and it's devolutionary direction.  You, indivisible life and illimitable potential, and your worx go along way in that evolutionary direction, for, we can walk in nature's balance, giving back to Earth's abundance.  If you didn't vote Hillary you voted for the bi-headed, RumputiN/vlad the impaler, head of the global oligarchy to dictate the extermination to extinction of humanity, large mammals, for the corp structure's convolution's devolutionary direction + 'la machine''s, sociological programming (machining) human (into not) being, individually, which is the social challenge of our day, as the convolution's dictating cult of personality is almost all and the socialist's extemist lie that "there's no reality without their agreement", is the political one.  All life are necessary threads in life's fabric, we can't allow to be torn asunder, as we followed none, we leave no footprints that will echo on, in all ways, always.   reality
ryn Sep 2014
Life is full of mischief and artful trickery
The way through never made easy for the foolhardy

Misleading gestures only employed to solely distract
Left up to you to decipher and hopefully extract

Experiences teach much, had you only been accepting and learning
That a dove could be made to appear; out of thin air, out of nothing

When the road ahead offers no more than mere misdirections
Altered trajectories stemming from convenient misinterpretations

Your cards may have been dealt revealing astonishing outcomes
"Not the hand you get but the game you play," said some

Depending on deft wrists and a flick of the wand
Overnight you'll wake to find that a new day had dawned

Only would happen if into the wind you hadn't spat
Hope would emerge like a hare out of a top hat

The play on light and shadow, nothing short of dramatic
You volunteer onstage, accompanied by apprehension and suspenseful music

Faced with an eager audience; you realise that alone you stand
Be not surprised to learn that love is life's sleight of hand...
mark john junor Aug 2014
whom do you trust
solider, sailor, tinker, tailor....
what eyes see the meaning of the blind
what tongues listen...which lies
in the picturesque morning
beauty spins its deceptions with golden hued sunlight
weaves its hand puppet theatricals made of
fleeting wisps of smiles
kissing gestures weakly delivered
    solider,  sailor,  tinker,  tailor...
    they gather round the dead man
    some come to mourn the lost
    some come to rifle through his pockets
    some come to silently wait for their own fate
he sits in his worn chair
in a pool of lamplight
with a small hammer in hand
his spectacles on bridge of his nose
tapping tapping ever so gently the thin metal mask
the uniform of his mind shifts according to his lie
his tool is always the deceptions and misdirections
a sly smile...firm handshake...a signature style
'to whom do you trust' is a phrase that troubles him
her perfume lingers in the air
years have buried the cold war
but not its warriors
not their handiwork
     they dress the dead man for his burial
     with his decorations and platitudes
     with his shiny sword and neat uniform
     with honors they lay him
     with truths his secret they bury him
     why did he do whom did he answer
     to the tomb with his truths and lies
     to the tomb
he gathers the long coat
and the umbrella
walks out in london's chill spring night
to a bridge
and throws a small box into the river
long years after the cold war died
these men of shadows still play
these keepers of the gate still watch for hannibal and his horde
solider,  sailor,  tinker,  tailor
whom do you trust
(reference to John Le Carre's novel)
brandon nagley Mar 2016
Note; this is for all to read everyone .... Everyone involved in HP war of words with another, , everyone on this site... This isn't singling out anyone, this is truth, that no one will say. Though I choose no sides, I stand for god, and god told us to love one another.... So here's a message for all to read. Note; this message isn't to boost wolf by any means, this message isn't to boost me. This message isn't to cut down anyone, or hurt anyone. I support all of you equally. And love wolf just as much as all involved in war with wolf,as wolf wars with you!!!...,read first, and see truth. As there's a war here over words between all. So this goes for all... I'll tell you before you read this, after I found out Gary originally unblocked wolf first. Mine heart spoke to me to unblock wolf and write him. And wolf was humble enough to write me kind message, and the message is from a hurting but real and open heart... As everyone knows me and wolf had throughout the time I've been here been dealing with our own conflict. Though who am I to scorn this man? And judge him? Being a sinner mine self, and a man whose done wrong a lot in life... Please read, if I loose support from even those I support, so be it, but truth is, I stand with god, and the reason why were here is to love one another, and forgive. No matter what the actions or words said. Please read,this goes for wolf,and all in a battle with wolf, and wolf in battle with these others who I love just the same as wolf, no partisan ways meaning not choosing sides, just speaking truth to each of you so please listen and read.

(Wolf Spirit  5 days ago)
thanks for the unblock and friendliness, B..i know you have seen some viscera from me....i apologize for that...seems some folks have ways of making all look bad in the wrong light. i wont use names...please accept my whole hearted apologies for any misdirections.....and indiscretions....if you prefer, i will post a public apology. HP is no longer a viable option for my poetry, and i am sorry that this came at this really are, and have turned out to be, a stand up guy. may your travels be fruitful and your days be many and most jubilant. bless you, good sir poet.

(brandon cory nagley  4 days ago)
Hey thank you friend wolf!!! Glad you wrote friend , I wanted to yet didn't feel the time was yet right , not knowing all to say right asap, lol. Glad to see you hanging in their Wolfie. As you see I try to stay away from others who still cut you down so on and don't like poems that cut you down.. I have no hard feelings against you like so many others do, though I respect the ones who don't like you much , though I respect you a lot to, and stand like you just to write poetry. Not here to hate or **** with words another,.. But to learn from each other, show love to another, as I have seen you do give love to so many despite many fights on here with others.,,I've seen and see your beautiful soul wolf... You are a man whose humble, and has much influence!!! Use thy influence to the good brother, when others attack you like I've been attacked.. forgive them no matter if they keep attacking, forgive them. When one cheeks slapped, let them slap the other,,, the fact is you win with love wolf..hatred and anger as you well know, as any human knows burdens our souls, not just in this living physical world. But the next spiritual world. The next reality that's more real as you know then this one. So while here we need most to love another... Forgive always! Even when people keep attacking you and backstabbing you and all other hating speeches, or defaming, and ones murdering us with words, or physically, however the case, yes as you know we must stand up against it. Though while doing it, showing the one killing us love, forgiveness, maybe just maybe to change their hearts in the process of that love, friend wolf I don't expect no apology to the public lol you are a good soul, yet with burdens like me and everyone else...I've seen you wrote you had a stroke? Many say that's quote ( a lie) though I don't know whether you have had stroke or not? I can't judge you and I also can't assume you didn't... If you did friend I pray you will heal wolf... You want to know something? Since I first joined hp I've always respected you as a soul... The one behind the flesh and bones....... I've always respected your soul is bright, many as you know hate bright lights.,. And like me friend. You have many spiritual demons you are battiling as I have ( literally) battled them with proof, not just in the head lol... As I see you battle very real ones, though wolf you can and we can overcome them, and part of that is trading love from your heart, to those of hatred, and when darkness comes... Light it up with light... Your a true light wolf not just a poetic one, but a true spirit of light and yes everyone deals with struggles, depression at times! And literally demons that attack us on a regular basis, attacking both me and you, not speaking of people actually speaking ( demons forces) and real demons, we can overcome them. Though you must have faith to do so, it took a lot for you to write me I know, and its taking me some courage,,, I have no hard feelings for you friend!!! As I said, I respect your real soul wolf. I take no sides with no one.., as I friend I tell you this, I love all people, you, everyone including others who have all written bad about one another,,, I love each and every one of you equally, not just because your all flesh blood and bone like me. But because god put us here to love another, not judge another's skin. Or look, or life... But to help one another... And as you know in poetry especially a site like this, we can learn from another, if we choose not to learn from another and hate another, what help does that give another soul? And our soul? NONE help... So friend, I take no sides,., I stand for gods love to others, what we were sent here to do, love another.., and wolf I see you have love in you. I don't hate you nor any others, the fact is I'll say this as a friend ( I've seen you attack others, though the other truth, I've seen others attack you) and a person who wants to show love, and not give into hatred I step out of the bounds beyond the hatred that was spewed out on this site..,, but I love each and every one of you all equally... Now you all must do the same.., mine Christ I believe in spoke this... As a christian this is what I do, even if I didn't believe in jesus I'd still do it,,,
John 13:34-35

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

1 john chapter 3-
13Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. 14We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. 15Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

One who hates another god considers same as being a murderer, and no life will abide in him, and he won't have life, our goal here is to love and forgive always friend..
Verse 23-same chapter and john...
23And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

Just as peter the disciple of christ spoke and asked jesus he said ( lord how many times shall I forgive a man? 7 times lord,).....
Jesus replied to him( I tell you forgive him 77 times) he was trying to teach peter,, there is no limit on how many times you forgive, you always
ALWAYS forgive, no matter what friend wolf. always,
As I forgive you Wolfie... As I hope as well if there was anything in the past I don't remember saying if maybe I did wrong to, you may forgive me.,, thank you for your letter wolf, you ever need a friend... Please write ok(:: anytime wolf...

Your friend, Brandon Cory Nagley

(Wolf Spirit  4 days ago)
thank you for that....hang in there

brandon cory nagley  4 days ago
No thank you friend wolf like I said friend write anytime you want, and you ever need anything just write (:::

Wolf Spirit  4 days ago
thanks, B
I wrote as you noticed, I stay away from any writing cutting another down, defaming another, and hateful angry words, whether they be from wolf, others, all involved with war!!!!so on. YES wolf has attacked many, though fact is how is this war on HP ( poetic site) going to end. If no one ends it? The fact is wolf will keep attacking back if being attacked, even his name, wolf you know what a wolf does? They will keep fighting when you attack them. Christ spoke to you when someone smacks your cheek, you turn the other and let them smack that also, This goes for wolf and everyone involved in this nonending war!!!! Peace doesn't come by continuing in attacking... This goes for each of you involved... Peace comes from being humble, forgiving another ( as Christ also forgave you by suffering on a cross,) the Christ you deny by actions and words,.,, as Christians there is a verse we go by. ( love god, because he FIRST LOVED US) yet I love you wolf, though friend if you keep attacking Vicki Gary, r, James, woody, so so. Whoever. Wolf this is for you, if you keep attacking. You will be attacked back. Though fact is, same goes the other way around. If others keep attacking wolf. The WAR WONT END!!! Why? Because neither of you are doing the simple task of just stopping the warring words... Instead every one of you! Everyone!!! Continue to attack another, cussing at one another.... Though in reality, you could all ALL stop the hateful things toward another, and instead attacking another, learning from each other... Sharing a poem that's beautiful as all of you I look up to as some of the most amazing poets I've ever met!!! And most amazing poets in today's era!!! Though you know what saddens me? Not just seeing poets attack poets, but you not realizing there are real demons tempting each and every one of you... The ones others deny that I deal with spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally. Real ones !!! With real proof as I said already. Not ( ones in head for you skeptics..) Real demons that scratch me leaving physical marks. As old testament spoke of the fallen angels ( demons) and Satan being kicked out of heaven. By god, because they followed Satan, and turned from god. And those fallen angels run the first and second heavens. Air we breathe and sky are first heaven. Second heaven universe planets, stars moon sun, third heaven Paul spoke of where Christians will be raptured ( or caught up, taken away) as spoken in new testament, where real heaven is ( gods throne)... These demons are swaying you all, because Satan's goal to humanity, is to ruin them. Why? Because it goes against god. To pin another against his own flesh. To have one **** another ( mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically) this is reality happening before thy own eyes. And no ones paying ATTN!!!!! This is reality, what's happening on your planet... Take a look around you can see there's not just a warring already between humanity, but between good angels and bad. Gods angels and the fallen ones... Yet the world isn't waking only few are compared to over 6 billion plus people on the I ask each and every one of you a personal ? This goes for wolf, and all involved with wolf... And war... everyone of you plus more names I can't think of. I ask you this. Do you think a continuance of hateful words toward another will make peace? Or continue to hurt another? I ask you this? Do you forgive? Can you? Is it in you heart if ones hates you and continues to do so, can't you forgive them as Christ said to peter do 77 times? ( meaning no end to forgiving) or continue to be hurt and respond back to another in verbal violence,.. Not helping any one of your souls...I also ask you this? You realize one day, every one of you shall pass away. When you pass away ( die) give last breathe, what you did in this life, you get to see played back for you, told by thousands in near death accounts ( real dying experience) people brain heart dead... You will see all you've done whether good or bad by god, or Christ (gods son) showing you as they'll all tell you. And I ask you this? When god shows you your life before your eyes. What will each and every one of you see? How you didint do as god wanted? ( love another, forgive another if even others mock hurt you **** you) what would you see in your life being played out before you? Hating others? Continuing to write hatred? Or will he show you your self forgiving and loving another as he asked? And will you see yourself giving unconditional love, as christ gave you on that cross, I ask you that ? And I will leave it at all....
Your friend Brandon Cory Nagley... With this I'll leave you from Luke 6;27-49 king James bible.
(Jesus speaking)
27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,

28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.

30 Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.

31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

32 For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.

33 And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.

34 And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your *****. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.

41 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

42 Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.

43 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.

45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

47 Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like:

48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.

49 But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

Also good one for all
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant-
21 Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?
22 Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
Leon Hart Apr 2013
We are trapped by our predisposed characteristics
Seemingly inescapable,
but little did you know it is nothing more than a facade,
Like an arrow that tells you where to go,
But your instincts tell you not to follow
the choice is always yours,
now choose the right course.
Ramsha Ahmed Feb 2015
And I don't know how many days have passed since the moment I started wondering about the tempest that came with the realization of existence.
And I don't know how many hours of those days I wondered about whether I was the spawn being played on the chessboard, or whether I was the knight that was eliminated.
And I don't know how many minutes of those hours I spent burning myself with the matchstick that would soon be incinerated like the string of emotions within me, nor do I know of whether I am the pheonix, or whether I am merely its ashes that were washed away with the rain. And I do not know how many seconds of those minutes I sought refuge in, nor have I paid any heed to the spasms that overtook me on the bridges in the photographs of the yesterdays. And I know not of how many lives I led in those seconds. And in those minutes, my memory fades unto, and in those hours, I write the stories, and in those days, I throw the paints onto the streets, so that they flow through the nooks and crannies and spread a few colours that I knew not of, for all I really knew was that my insomnia visited me when I missed you the most.
Is this what insomnia feels like?
Tommy Johnson Jul 2014
What have I done?
I've unleashed Quincy Valero into The Big Bad City, upon Greenwich Village for the first time
The 177 express, round trip
To Port Authority
To the A train to Canal

We missed our stop
Had to walk from Soho to Washington Square Park
But along the way we saw artists and galleries
Head shops and street performers
Hobos and junkies

"We made it"
"We in this *****!"
Quincy said as we walked through the arches

We saw a multitude of creatures
An artist drawing floral murals with chalk
Meditating Buddhists
A cello player playing for a meal
A drummer drumming for money to get back home
A jazz band
A clarinet player
Writers scribbling down whatever came to mind

We saw beautiful women everywhere
"Look, my ten, your two"
Quincy said nodding to a **** brunette wearing a sundress walking by

We got coffee at The Third Rail coffee shop
We met lovey dovey couples and a girl poet sipping espresso

Treading down Bleaker to Sullivan to Macdougal to Huston
*** shops, leather and studs, ****** and flavored lubes
"This **** reminds me of Saw"
Quincy said with a laugh
"Too much for your threshold aye?"
I said nudging him

We passed a guy selling vinyl on the street
"How much for the Charlie Parker record?" I asked
He took the record out and inspected it
"Five bucks" he said
"How long you gonna be here, like till what time?" I asked
"Oh I don't live by time or numbers" he answered
"Time ain't your mast huh?" I laughed
"Nope, you cant spell T-I-M-E without M-E" he said
Quincy and I looked at eachother with a grin
"I'll be back, if I'm not here before you leave good luck in your ventures" I said as we walked away
"Thanks brother enjoy the day" he said smiling and waving

We ate to Papaya Hot dogs
Best in the city
Then to the pool hall

Now folks, it is common knowledge where I'm from the Quincy Valero is the local pool shark
He can break and sink three *****
He can jump over your ball and get his in
He can shoot behind his back with one hand

Playing with him is a guaranteed loss
But I never cared, I just like playing
We talked and laughed about all the stupid nonsense back at home
And planned our next move

We went to The Blue Note, the best jazz club in the city
The Dizzy Gillespie All Star Band was playing that night
But it was too expensive for both of us so we went on to St. Mark's place

More head shops
More *** shops
And book stores, clothing stores
Punk things in Search and Destroy, record stores
All that good stuff

It was getting late
Back to Bleaker to start drinking
First stop, a little pub
The bartender was a gorgeous blonde, sweet as could be
We ordered two beers
She seemed to be having trouble with the tap
"Sorry guys it's a little foamy, next rounds on me"
We were amazed by that because back home all the bartenders couldn't care less if we got a whole mug of foam
We clinked glasses and took that first cool icy sip
So nice on such a hot day

"Ya know dude, this is it this is perfect" Quincy said
"What you mean?" I asked
"Well this is a great time, I'm on vacation right now and were here exploring and relaxing and enjoying the moment, this moment" he said with his beer hovering over his mouth

Quincy always talked about "This"
This moment
This time
This feeling
This thing

"This" is that time when you're in the moment
That moment of complete and total encumbrance
When you're wrapped up in what you'r doing because you love it and you're happy
The moment you live for
The moment you want to last forever
This moment
This right here
Not then, not before or after
But right now, this
We lived our lives trying to to make this happen every second of everyday
Living it up

Quincy took me to Artichoke Pizza
And my God, it was immaculate
A nine in wide, nine inch long and half inch thick slice of heaven
It was a mixture of crunchy, gooey, savory goodness
I highly recommend it

Then back to the bars
Wicked *****'s
Off The Wagon
The Bitter End
The Red Lion
Cafe Wha?

Scotch on the rocks

Smoking electronic cigarettes down cobble stone roads
Passing hipsters, college students and tweakers
Locals and tourists
"Out of my way you tourist *******" I yelled frantically pushing my way passed them with Quincy trudging behind

You can always spot a tourist because they got their cameras, their ***** packs and their head looking up saying "ooo look at the building and that one!" taking snap shots in awe

We walked to The V-club
As we walked up to the entrance a little old lady in a wheel chair called out to us, "Are you two brothers?"
We laughed and said "no, were best friends and next door neighbors"
"Oh, well you too look very similar, very young" she said
"Yeah we're both twenty one" Quincy said
"You live around here?" I asked
"Right over there" she said pointing to the building across the street
She told us about how the building was falling apart and how all the law students got booted out leaving the little old lady and one other person living in the nine floor heap
"Back in the day there were river rats in their the sized of cats, but now we only have mice" she said
"I'm being moved though, whenever the land lords and the officials decided where" she added
She had some sort old senior citizen perk that allowed her to be taken care of
She then started to spit some of her poetry from thirty years ago, perfectly from memory
It was full of truth, insight and hope
We were floored by this wheelchair bound geriatric
She was a a retired barmaid, a poet, and an ex-lounge singer
Her name was Tracy Warren

The three of us walked into the V-club
I ordered a glass of Pinot Noir
And Quincy got a draft Brooklyn Lager
While pulling out a stool a spilled my wine all over the wooden table
"****" I said as everyone in the bar watched me put my face in my palms
I got paper towels and cleaned up my mess while the bartender leaned over to Quincy and said "If you don't tip me that will be your last drink ever in here"
"Okay" Quincy said as he walked over to me laughing at my expense
"If it was Burgundy I'd be in tears" I said with a half serious frown

I went to the bartender and apologized and asked sheepishly if I could possibly get a refill

"You spilled your wine?" he asked with sarcasm
"Yeah" I said
"And you want me to give you another?" he asked
"Well, I mean I don't know if that's okay or not that's why I'm asking" I said
"We don't, it isn't okay, you have to buy another one" he said with the most insulting tone I've ever heard
"Okay" I said with disdain

"**** this guy" Quincy and I both said
I left the remaining wine dripping off the table
Quincy ****** all over the bathroom
He finished his beer and we left without tipping that bearded-high and mighty- *******
We said goodbye to Tracy and she told us to enjoy every moment and to get home safely

We went to one more bar, had one more drink and headed home
But on the way to the train we got stopped by a ***
"Hey you give me money I know you got it" he yelled at Quincy
"Na man, hes broke trust me" I said to end the oncoming confrontation
"No yous lying i know it" he said
"Na, see those shoes? I got him those shoes, fifty five bucks" I told him
"Stop putting me on" he yelled
Then some white knight hipster wearing thick rimmed glasses and a green flannel stepped in and said "What's going on here? You picking on my friend?" While putting his arm around the *** mocking him and making trouble for us
"This ******* won't give me any money for my troubles" he told the hipster
"Come on man, give 'em something" he said to Quincy
"Dude, he has no money he spent all he had today" I said to the hipster and the ***
"He's a trust fund kid, he gets it from mommy and daddy" I said winking to Quincy
"Trust fund kid?!" the hipster said
"Trust fund kid!" said the ***
"TRUST FUND KID, TRUST FUND KID" screamed the hipster, the *** and myself laughing at Quincy making a scene
Then me and Quincy just walked away throwing our heads back howling at the full moon, drunk and exhausted heading for the subway  

The subway to Port Authority
Our legs, our feet and our ***** were killing us
We just wanted to sit

We could not for the life of us find our gate
We got misdirections from officers, other public transportation patrons
Thank God for this one janitor for pointing us in the right direction out of our wild goose chase
And ***** the guy who I asked "Hey man do you know where I can find the gate for the 177 express?"
And all I got was a blank indifferent stare
"WELL **** ME RIGHT?!" I yelled in his face

Finally we got on the line for our bus
We saw some weaselly looking guy cutting the line until he got booted to the back of the line
As he passed us we both looked at his and said "Weet, get meerkatted scumbag"
He had to wait for the next bus, whenever that was

The bus ride home felt like an eternity
But we made it
We had to walk down the unpaved dirt road to our street

We did it
We took on The Village
Sailed through the bars
Walked the streets
Met cool, hip people
Made memories
And now we have stories to tell
Sieve Jan 2013
I live my life
for the jolts and tingles
the prickling of skin
and the involuntary wrinkles
I live my life
for instances of bliss and euphoria
the experiences that floor ya
for the moments of clarity
when I make plans with sincerity
whether or not accomplishment,
may indeed be a rarity
I live my life
for the sensular shudder
of the feminine other
for the flashing and thrashing
and skin-tingling flutter
for those shots to be made
without use of a putter
I live my life
for new connections and epiphanies
for misdirections and the mysteries
for all the questions without answers
like, why does life give you cancer?
according to the state of california.
I live my life
through a miasma of sidewalks
and ticking clocks
through drunken walks
and forgotten talks
for the chance of a Win
and the inevitable balks
I live my life
sometimes for him or for her
in sin or while pure
and without hope of a cure
for the human condition
"the human condition?"
you know, when the world says,
"assume the position!"
and your teacher says
"are you even listenin'?"
I live my life
for zoning out and finding Rules to flout
for the workings of my mind
the ability to rewind
analyze the times
and uncover the blinds
I live my life
Silver Heinsaar Dec 2017
Sunshine, cigarettes and amphetamine
Laid down between the rail trails
Bathing in the rays of our minds
We thrive and try, alas to no avail
We pray to stay relevant but fail
What a time to be alive
And all you can say,
Why do they cry.

Why indeed
Some may think it's greed
Pointing out what's happening
Around the world, millions of miserable people
And you who have everything they need
Still unhappy, still jealous
Restricted by your religion, your selfish beliefs

Supremacy takes priority
Who cares about minority
We're more qualified, there's no privilege
Come out of your realm of fairy tales
Only when you face the truth
Will you be able to.

Able to stop complaining
Blaming others for your misfortune
Yet it's a torture
Proportion of the magnitude
Prelude to the future awaiting you
It's true.

We all live under the same same sky
But consider that maybe yours is blue
While others are pressured by the gloom
Given no room to enjoy
Things you take for granted
And it would be blatant to say you never wanted
Because you don't know any better
How it would feel without it.

I've had enough
Now i stand up
Facing towards the bullet train
Forget about the pain
Veins full of *******
And as you move forward
You'll find the direction to the answers you were looking for.
I met a girl, one day or night
who taught me how to live
An empty truth, you may observe
I hope you can forgive

She spoke of something more to me,
or so she did perceive
As demons sneer at angel's wings
when tripping on their sleeves

"Where have you been tonight my dear,
I trust you will not lie?
Because lying is a bow my dear,
I trust you cannot tie?"

Lost. I had no argument.
No angle could I find.
No brilliant light bulbs brilliant light.
No swift turn of the mind.

But, amidst my overanxious thoughts,
one detail sharply stood.
Of all my prior misdirections,
this one had to be good.

"I've walked in halls of marbled stone
and well carved wooden walls.
I've talked of nations fighting wars,
and when that they might fall"

"I've conversed the winter weather wild,
heard what spring may bring.
I've bolstered men who'd have fallen down,
sang with women who cannot sing".

"And now you nag nag nag at me,
when all I want is sleep!
Why can't you leave me well alone,
when towards my dreams I creep?"

"Oh! Please do forgive me,
My most almighty Tsar.
But must One sleep with One's head,
still resting on the bar?"
Big Virge Sep 2021
Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet... ?!?
of Our Global Governments...
And The Plans That They Set... ???

When They Make Folks IRATE... !!!

Because One Day They Say...
That Things Are Okay...
But The Next Day Relate...
That Things Aren't Quite So Great... ??!

‘So Prepare For Dismay !
And Some Difficult Days !’

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet... ?!?
of... Mistakes That They Make...
That They Claim AREN'T Mistakes... !!!

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet... ?!?
of Their Mismanagement...
of... Financial Trades...
That Leave THEM WELL PAID... !!!

While Most People Are Paid...
An... Average Wage...
That Makes Them Slave For Pay...
Pretty Much EVERYDAY... ?!?

Doesn’t That Seem Quite Strange... !?!
When They Have Keys To Chains...
To Where Big Money’s MADE... ?!?

THINK About That Last Line...
And Let It... FUEL Your Mind... !!!

Because Money Is MADE...
And Printed By Their Mates... !!!

That’s Right Their CLOSE Friends...

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet...
of NOT Questioning Them... ?!?

Those With LONG Legacies...
That Connect To MONEY...
That Has Made Them Wealthy...

Due To Dollars And Cents...
And Of Course Pound And Pence...
That Give Them DOMINANCE... !!!

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet... ?!?

of How They Defend...
NOT Making Payments...
Because Bankers Won’t Lend...
So That They Can Then Spend...

Does Their Talk Make Much Sense... ?!?

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet...
of All of Their Nonsense... !?!

It Would Clearly Seem NOT...
When It Comes To Flu Shots...
And Getting Injections...
That... Upon Reflection...
May Just Need CLOSE Inspection.. ?!?

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet... ???

of All Their... Misdirections...
When It Comes Fact Checking...
About The Protection...
That They Claim To Give...
That Does NOT Seem Legit...  ?!?

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet... ???
of Them Running Their Lips...

From New Medicines...
To How People Should Live...
Yeah That’s Right The MASSES...

When These Heads Seem To Be...
Who INFLATE The Tax Rates...
That THEY Seem To EVADE... !?!
Because of Slick Tricks...
That Their Cliques Keep PRIVATE... ?!?

Until They’re Found Out... !!!

Aren’t You Tired of How...
They Keep Running Their Mouths...
Like A Group of Bad Clowns...
Who Just Make People FROWN... ?!?

Aren’t You Tired of How...
They All Seem To Get Down... ?!?

Always Flying Around...
In Ways That Just ASTOUND... !!!

Hanging With The Jet Set...
Up In Their Private Jets... !!!

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet...
of Having To Accept...
That You Will NEVER Get...
To Live YOUR Life Like THEM... !?!

Always Making Statements...

Then Being...

Instead of Existing...
To Just Make A Living...
In Ways More Restrictive...
Than They Are Permissive...

Aren't You People THINKING... !?!

Instead of... Dismissing...
... Giving CRITICISM...
To These FAKE Politicians... !?!

Aren’t You People Now Linking...
Your Lives To Decisions...
That Come From Their Missions... ???

And Statements So Vacant...
That They Need Replacement...

Aren’t You Folks TIRED Yet... !?!

of Having To Listen...
To Them And Their Minions...
Keep Fuelling Division...

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet...
of All Their Pretence...
And Poor Governance...
That Has Left Us Subject...
To These New Viruses... !?!

Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet...
of All These... Variants... ?!?

That Seem To Now Be...
Part of What We Will See...
And Now Be Subject To..
Like High Prices For Food...
And Most Basic Things Too...

Well If You Are Cool...
With Political Crews...

I Really Am TIRED...
of Being A Writer...
Who Simply Wants YOU...
To Observe What They Do...

And To Just...
... THINK Things Through... !!!

And AVOID Being... Fooled...
By The Moves That They Use...
And What They Feed As News...

The Establishment RULES...
And AVOID What Is... TRUE... !!!

I Bet You’re Tired Now... !!!
of What I’ve Written Down...

Because of My Venting...
On Things Worth Inspecting...

Well Okay Here’s The End...
of This Simple Poem...

That’s Asked...

Thoughtful Questions  ...
That Merely Enquire  ...
About Governments...
And The Paths That They Chart...

Their Means And Their Ends...
And Political Liars...
Who Need To Retire...
BEFORE What Is Left...
Is A World of PROBLEMS... !!!

So When Leaders Are Proven...
To Deal In... Pretence...
And To Come INCORRECT...

When You Think About THEM...
And All of Their Movements...
And The Plans That They Set...
That Corrupt And Cause STRESS...

To YOU And Your CHILDREN....

“ Aren’t You Folks Tired Yet  ? “
Just another question.....
Leafar Mamede Mar 2012
Simple thoughts for simple minds
Complex sights for the blinds
Blends of attractions and misdirections
Oh, so innocent are the imperfections

One, two
I said one and the lies begun
Two, three
I said two and there it comes the true
Three and nothing more
I said three 'cause I agree
I said nothing more 'cause I don't like the four

           Knock, knock
Are you looking for the key?
Does this make any sence?
Well, life makes no sence!
But you may find the key in the i
   ­                                                      n
 ­                                                             e of **simple thoughts
Too simple for actions
Too complicated for words,
Too much in my head
Permeates even through
The peanut butter on this bread,
These thoughts are waxed
Philosophical economical perspective,
On oh so jaded misdirections
Suggestions that I took to heart,
Listened to no one because they
Don't pay my bills, heart was always
In command, but I hold no one
Accountable, but I, I alone
Stepped down to follow
Her, and her alone
With very little
Broke me down
Walls of clay
But she walked away
And dry, dried I did
Gained my composure
Once more,
But brittle I remain
Waiting for
That sledgehammer
From a song
A place, a memory,
That'll come
And powder me
All over,
Wait until
The tears rain
Puddle me back
To mud
All together again...
© okpoet
D L Smith Jan 2017
Obviously there has been some misplaced affection, a slight calculation of misdirection. See there is so much attraction yet your actions tell me you're only looking for attention. Not to mention your constant desire for attention, puts me in a position where I have to make a decision...

You aren't worth the mental condition, the constant strain to make sure you are alright to function, because with you there is no assumptions, especially with your depression.

I won't let it become an obsession that has possession over my mind.

I've got my own distractions, got my own reactions, I have my own complexion, my own limitation.

My own corrections, to every day life.
My own explanations, that give reasons to this.

Though every bit of preparation could not prepare me for this feeling still. The want to have motivation, the want to be apart of a beautiful creation. The need to feel great appreciation, the need to have greater expectations.

The world has ever only been a depressing gravitation, putting every bit of joy at mass extinction. There are always going to be hesitations to do what makes us happy.

There will forever be misdirections on our paths, unavailable to direct corrections.

I only have one question, of a simple fashion, where did you come from, my beautiful misdirection.

D. L. Smith 1/16/2017
Tom Waiting Jun 2020

reversed a verse from “Like a Rolling Stone;
~complements to Mr. B. Dylan, a Nobel man~

you, me, hear what you’re hearing, feeling it,
you, me, hear what you’re thinking, feeling that,
regenerating, excising, pinching a single word of Bobby’s
lyricizing, knowing, you’ve just handbag-snatched a poem full.

the rolling stone sings of next meal scrounging,
he’s talking to you, knowing you, you customizing
his lyrics modifying-jiggering, for your purposeful brain,
emotional crazed notions, your monsanto seed of needs and strains.

nah, I’m fibbing, polite-ly lying,
like clover waves springing up
overnight after a night’s soaking,
raining, picking up hints, misdirections, clues,
***, poem titles dripping from my glassy eyes!

des idées for the next poem, the one, in the garden hereafter,
now called thereafter, all arriving in tranches, backyard bunches,
just to write down the titles fast enough, sometimes, trouble,
oft easy, sometimes rough, but always a fast rush jiggling job.

yeah, I’m liking that word, scrounging,
got character, internal noises aclashing,

so I’m scrounging
while lounging , it’s so ******* easy,

it’s getting borrowed till you! steal
it out from under me,
like an ill reputed
good poet should...

P.S. don’t keep me waiting!
let the scrounging commencin’

Aniq Ahmad Aug 2018
People never see the future
They just focus on the Was

We live without reasons
Just end all on Because

Just take the shovel and bury all
Our life's nothing just bachelor of laws

I should've, I could've, I would've is what we know
No one stops and lives, they just lost the glow

We surround ourselves with people who we want
I don't even care is now our favorite flaunt

Our world is defined by comment sections
Made so many routes and all are misdirections

Why do we don't challenge how we wanna be?
Just running and hiding has become our spree

The real you is not defined by the size of your office
The real you is who you are even with empty pockets
Sarah Clark Jun 2019
surprising misdirections
      palliate these

floral hearts, echoic,

             right in the

                           ­                          middle.
Panda - Feb 2016
I don’t think you care that daddy had too many drinks that night. His intoxicated soul enwrapped me with bruises and scars that will never go away.
I don’t think you care that ***** got locked out of my room, and I feel more guilty than everyone because I was not there to protect her.
I don’t think you realize that my biggest insecurity is labeled with a capital DAD entangled in my toxic heart.
Who said dads were supposed to be there for you?
My dad was at the kitchen table telling us to eat or else.
My dad was the dad who would rather chose a bottle of Gin over his family.
My dad was the one who lit the fire in my lungs, clattering up the debris, making it hard to breathe.
In all honesty, I never really learned how to breathe.
I was taught by hyperventilating cries, red puffy eyes, where everyone lies, to black and blue oceans covering up my spine
I was taught by a collision in my brain, because I can’t help the dagger that’s stuck way too deep from misfortunes and misdirections.
I was taught that no one but myself could be trusted because sooner then you know it, you might be the one jumping off the edge.  
Even with all the alcoholic rivers leading up to my room, from all the red stains flowing down my limbs.
Did you just enjoy the flow of the venom that you injected into your veins?
Did you enjoy becoming a monster?
Did you enjoy the river flow that with every wave drowned us a little more.
Did you enjoy never becoming my father.
Michael Raymond Jan 2017
She was born spectacular in every way
Eyes wide open and full head of hair
Doctor and nurses frozen in a stare
from the beginning oh so rare
and as she grew, even more amazing she was
more beautiful, more aware,  smarter, more perceptive, and more smart
I knew that she would always be a work of art
explosions of stimuli bombaded her heightened ways
clinging to the love from her parents wanting her to play
What could change the way she saw the beauty of her core
group after group and their misdirections-where's the door?
I wanted to shelter her for I knew what might come
educate at home, stay away from the craziness of systems in place
but all my words were shunned by those in the race
and even my own marriage failed to replace
as the parents group was now bombarded
with challenges we slowly came unlaced
insensitive to brilliant awareness so clear in her view
Schools with their systems bowling over all but a few
Religion using force and hitting her when logic failed
Musical instructors trusted and even then, slapping entailed
Friends, family, mates, and dates all seemed fake
What was the truth was it me at stake
All that was trusted eventually failed
Leaving doubts of self when feeling your ship sailed
Pointing only to YOU compared to nothing outside
The glory of you is not what groups hide
Not in any comparison to all that was wrong
jadesola james Jul 2018
thoughts running through my head

...of you

it ain’t a west side story; no need for intimate romance
not taking a chance, can't even afford a glance.

i’m intrigued by the way you move
eyes follow you from room to room but
doesn’t keep you.
i guess you just got it like that

lust ain’t lacking here.
being a woman provokes glares, stares,
glinting eyes like wolves seeking to gnaw on a prize,
rip apart my flesh and leave scraps behind
but you don’t look at the challenge in my eyes
or the shape of my *******
(though they’re not hard to miss)
and i sometimes wish you would
because then i’d be one step closer to knowing

what’s behind the words your recite, the career you’re pursuing
oh you spit too?? you must be joking
the rhymes you’ve inspired in the margins of my mind
probably wouldn’t be worth half your time

and don’t tell me twice. i’m aware that i see you through rose-colored glasses that deceive my eyes
my vision is already deceptive as it is
always looking for something that usually ain’t there
aggrandizing your every move
and barely knowing you

doesn’t help that my inferiority complex be shaking the table
the devil on my shoulder whispering poison in my ear
‘you’re wack. in a sea full of broads, there’s nothing that makes you stand apart. keep your head down and don’t play the odds.’
‘you’re destined to lose.’

the devil, she’s cruel. but the angel is too
she’ll visit out of the blue and croon sweet nothings that fill me with fire.
‘you’re ****, you’re smart. your ambition is a powerhouse. what you carry is commodity, it’s effervescent. from what utters out your lips, the treasure between your thighs; let me not start on what’s behind those eyes. what a mind. he should be so lucky.’
i only dislike her because she’s too quiet.

the angel is always right, but the devil is louder. as they bicker, i stare at the ceiling and wonder whether my projections of mediocrity and *** appeal
are misdirections from what’s real
and issues that pervade my subconscious.

****. what was i saying?
right. you’re so fine. dare i compare you to wine?
dare i acknowledge the intoxicating quality of your smile? dare i ask for a sip from your chalice?

wouldn’t mind a taste of what you’re not flaunting.
(plus, i need a distraction, from the haunting thoughts
adulthood has failed to give me certainty of self.)

i like that you move slow. you keep the world waiting, no rush
a contrast to my racing heart as i try to beat all the odds
you’re the main attraction, built for my satisfaction.

your vocabulary rivals mine. i could argue with you all night
verbal sparring, and hopefully more. i’ll take you to war if you get to know me,
feel the smooth drag of your teeth on my skin. don’t let me win
the fight is all of the fun.
put it all in the air,
i want all the smoke right here

you’re beauty to me. but if I ever got close enough
to learn your flows, share a smoke,
see your smile from up close...
would you still be so pretty?
Wither Bloodfall May 2020
So you peered into my mind
Are you treating this as a joke
Are you here to feast on my imperfections?
Or perhaps you’re searching for my misdirections

They’res nothing there for you
Since the beginning, I’ve been empty
Even the moments I've smiled
They were all augmented

It’s amusing really
What you thought i was
Was probably a lie
Comedy to my ears

Alas i cannot laugh
I cannot chuckle
Not even a giggle
Nor a smile

In this world lies a few things
Seven swords
Broken dreams
And a rose

With each petal that sheds
From the rose, is a moment
Of my self-existence
That has been changed

On the ground there lies
One single monochrome petal
But it’s one you cannot pick up
For once you do

You’ll fade, it’ll fade
From me, from your hands
And once I, once you
Forget it all, remember it’s color
I will see, you’ll be blind to
Why you tried, why i lied

For me, to you.

That color..
Universe Poems Jul 2022
There is time to rewire
Modify connections of the entire
Neural plasticity
Known as neuroplasticity
The nervous system can change its activity,
in response to intrinsic,
or extrinsic stimuli
Recognise the structure,
as well as functions,
and connections,
without misdirections
Without this ability
any brain,
not just the human brain,
would be unable to develop the gain
From infancy to adulthood,
or recover from brain injury if it stood

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now In My Opinion...
When It Comes To Our Thinking...

Humans Need To Make Improvements...
Like... Progressive Students... !!!

Because It’s Clear That Most Humans...
Seem To Embrace Looseness...
MUCH MORE Than Prudence... !?!

Too Many Act STUPID...
And Truly Are FOOLISH... !?!

When It Comes To Their Movements...

So It Seems That Improvements...
Like A LOT MORE Schooling...
Is Required Like Tutors...
Who Are Far From Foolish... !!!

In These Crazy Days...
It Really Is A SHAME...
To See SO MUCH PAIN... !!!

Due To VIRUS Strains...
That Now Are Claimed...
To Infect And MUTATE... !?!

Because of Movements...
LACKING Shrewdness... !?!

From Scientists...
And Those Who Enlist...
With DANGEROUS Things... !!!

And As For These Medics...
What They Seem To Be Spreading...
Seems To Need FACT CHECKING...
Because They’re INFECTING...

The Minds of MANY...
With Misdirections...
That Need Correcting... !!!

One Day It’s THIS...
Then The Next It’s THAT...

But What Is FACT...
Within Their Chat... ?!?

Because It’s Clear That Improvements...
Need To Be Included...
In How They’re Advice Is Fed To Minds... !!!

Who DON'T Seem Inclined...
To Fall In Line With Vaccine Vibes...

It’s A World Where LIES...
Are Now Fed Online...

Where New Tech Improves...
FASTER Than Track Shoes...
That... USAIN Used... !!!

If You Want PROOF...
Just Check The News...
Or Of Course Youtube...
If What You Choose...
Is To Formulate Views...
From Conspiracy Crews...

But I Suggest That You...
You Choose To Listen To... !!!

Because Many Confuse...
And Need To IMPROVE...
Their... World Wide View... !!!

Because The Net Is Used...
To Spread Conspiracies Too... !!!

The Spreading of TRUTH... !!!

Because What We Have Now...
Is A World of... DOUBTS... ?!?

When It Comes To The Sounds...
That Government Mouths...
Are Spreading Around...

I Dunno Anymore... ?
If They’re Really Clowns...
Whose Political Grounds...
Are Filled With FLAWS...
That Are Now Absorbed...
By Masses And Hoards...

Whose Levels of Thought...
When It Comes To WARS...
And Racism Born From Ignorant Talk...
Are Shrewd... Or Infused...
With The Type of Falsehoods...
That Now Seem To RULE...
And Vaccination Crews... !!!

There’s So Much In This World...
That When... OBSERVED...

Leaves The Truth Askew...
And Now Creates Issues... !!!

That Continue To Prove...
That Our Human Regiments...


.... “ IMPROVEMENTS “....
Humans clearly do need to make some SERIOUS ones !
Jack R Fehlmann Oct 2020
Beautiful yet, those
Constructed misdirections
Barbed and sharp
Lacerations left behind
Belied the severity
The depth of which
Truth now sheds light
Yet to face weak denial

How am i
What thoughts bitter
Like bile at such
Loss of trust
Cost of those lies
As such I loved faithfully
To wound this fool
Your actions stain
And betrayal so careless

Makes the ending
A place of hate
As I am that price
We are that ending
I ask why?
Lies steal any closure
And I never heal.
Universe Poems Jul 2023
When born everyone is an artist
Creativity the right hemisphere
The left of hand use is also there
Cerebrum sits at the topmost,
part of the brain
It holds your memories
It enables you to imagine and think
The source of intellectual activities
Nature and Nurture,
your creative artist is from birth
Our brains can rewire
Our nervous system,
can change its activity
in response to intrinsic,
or extrinsic stimuli
Without this ability any brain,
not just the human brain,
would be unable to develop the gain
From infancy to adulthood,
or recover from brain injury if it stood
The Arts are in existence,
because Society's roots,
are from human stem shoots
This is where art and culture started
Human Culture for all
would never have been created
Maintaining the Arts
is paramount in all creative parts
So the baby to adult artist,
will have support when the inner artist calls,
the memory won't pause,
and the nervous system,
will keep it's modified connections,
without fictions needing to rewire the systems
No misdirections only artist's reflections

© 2023 Carol Natasha Diviney
John Prophet Oct 2022
on uneven
by ignorance,
Push me,
pull you.
Lust for
dims progress.
echo Mar 2016
Passive imperfections
breed the truest misdirections
and the paths that curl beneath us
lead us on, and off again.

Be cautious now,
what winds allow
your waves to stir the sea
The law will howl
in lonely hours

the cost of being free.

— The End —