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David Hilburn Apr 2023
Himself, in a crying shame
Spoil me with a door, a fury too overt...
Excuse a jaded court, mellifluent by name?
A rosey future, a mission to earn the word...?

Worlds to weigh, a happier conscience
Ruses and voiced rage, particular to winds
Of times trying, the boot of legends
With the turn of somewhere simple into lent minds...

Fists in the air, a fight will remember remorse...
Sides of same and days rue, to collect a heaven
Is such a fickle repose, the dawn of a new force?
Worth one spare moment, to tell the difference as leavened

Throw after throw - to tell a characters tale
With the gaunt terror of risen voices and deeds
That calmly collected a house, that secluded with what will
A house of reaches of tomorrow, has the sense of entirety of needs...?

A piece of cake, a dread to eat it...
There in an uncertain stare, with a rolling hiccough
The total of vice to share, the challenge of a chosen wit
That has seen the truth, a course to new causes that knew the tough

For a new land, the barriers of meagerness's echo
To a chastity in round eyes, and the curiosity of a waiting hour
Let with the light of opportunity, in these steps we hold
A mind at bay, that knew one thing more than patience, a salt so sour...
Tale of the ship, that treads the world for something greater than might...
zebra May 2017
are you my lover
in a dark heaven
come to me my beloved
kneel at my feet
as i penetrate your veil
that shrouds cryptic ravenous ardor
and ask of me
your hearts desire

dissolution you say
that i may be eternal
for loves sake
bowing at the knees
as you tremulously brush and sweep your fragrant  hair
over my thighs
and run your pink tongue across
my butter filled velvet sheath
our kisses will be born over and over again
a spinning ring of desire

are there not the debts of love
will you promise not to anguish to much
as one harm heaps upon another
you swear to give yourself fully
thrill to kisses crepuscular
aching to be bitten and bitten
and bitten through
your scent
blood perfume

everything about you excites me
long stretches in a stained white gown
wet summer fruit
and spilling seed
your body filled with waters mellifluent
and lush
yield unto me
you are a titillating voluptuous awe
of wild torments
dancing on a floor
that melts scorched feet
hallucinations invisible shadows
of burning witches *******

sweet girl incandescent
ridge pole bending
throat swollen parched
crude hair pulling
Medusa vipers in the grip of a god fist
loving you
with a hard drubbing
your all squeals and caresses
stay with me through the long night
of tender kisses and worship
and then prepare for release to paradise
shall it be fast
will you spread wide
and plead
for all and more

what does it matter
fluttering with wild abandon
in the temple of rituals dark
to see you writhe
inviting ruin
we are a party of hydras
writing in blood and thunder
in the book of wonders

our hungers endless
Gods and Devils
thrill to our theater
of mortal coils unraveled
in the thick torture tuileries
of Dark Heaven
Shofi Ahmed Aug 2018
When the intelligent design was
sizzling and shining in the soul,
and the rest were still in deep mute
yet one was playing the lute!
Paradise saw me, to her I drew
and tweet “So beautiful are you.”

Pronto, the heaven turned around,
as if the first light after the eternal night
hovers on her lips like she then spoke.
Hissed to me, “without prejudice
am I by design the enduring showpiece.
So ask me what's indeed the beauty is.”

Without blowing a horn or waxing lyrical I say:
Didn’t it blur before you, that a magic snap?
The first reflection of the feminine form
on your golden spiral smoothed out water,
because she breathed on it, on the spot.
Up till now did you view this intact mirror?

Only one drop, keeping tight into the core with
a shadow of the reflection within doled out.
Instantly croons in and danced through every
river across your one hundred layers.
You are still painting on, go on take your time!

Even the atom from the bottom of the black hole
reaches out to the water, the feminine did it first.
Peering through the water’s skin she floats
with the utmost high-surfaced designs into mirror.
Only the primo wonder of the all one peerless God
looks on it, there is no veil except the one is her!
The Uncreated Word, fluid beyond, finest mellifluent
coined the creation, only to loop back to itself far greater.
Therein the root the first (pure light) feminine rose,
for good ever after blossoming flower!
Shofi Ahmed Oct 2018
The Hebrew King David sings it once
everyone tunes in as if he stopped the time
it's a song sang in every mother tongue!

It's a sea of tunes flows on the shore of the body
outpours and dances fashioning in both science and art
waxes through every vein and reaches out to the heart.

Folks love to take a dip in this same mellifluent cloud
but it's as varied as all the different mother tongues,
the one rhymes with all floats across the world.
Over all the different rivers that may zigzag
It knows the way because from the ocean they all come.
Brycical May 2015
a large, ancient native american tribe used to practice tending the light;
a fire pit in a temple village elders say contained the first flame,
here the fire was fed, and loved, usually the only source of brightness
the smokey orange glow would roar
all the time from dusk to dusk, from every moon to every sun,
always burning generations after generation,
considered one of the highest honors to be tasked with tending the sacred flame. But like all things, one day it went out.

Eons slipped by.
Darkness, thick brooding mists
with intermittent, iridescent flashes.
Most people slept.
Few unabashedly watched,
mesmerized by the brightness,
caught glimpses of sacred rhythms.  

Heartbeats synced--
the awakened ones linked arms,
wandered into the void,
( ( (source) ) )

               s      r     o       ed
             u            nd

wrapping around like a crystalline ivy.
vibrating bodies buzzzzzzed fuzzzzzzzzzy love.
glistening liquid amethyst crystals trickled from eyes.


They returned
with different faces,
every inch of skin vibrated
=ancient symphonies=
their chests glowed psychedelic explosions
of mellifluent wind chiming colors.
Dancing and humming awoke others.

Soon, more hearts & bodies swooned,
swooping cartwheel rainbows blooming like lilacs in June
from the darkest crevices
dissolving shadows and silhouettes
connecting all like mushrooms talk
the blindness gone
acquiesced to songs
of connection through breath, heartbeat, ground and life.

Bliss again,
the world burns like a roaring ******
of warm flame.
As it just so happens, the fire
never actually went out.
Instead it simply transported through time and space
into all of us, we just had to find it.
We looked to the past, digging into ancient wisdom
and tribal sounds,
returning to nature
ingesting nature
playing in nature
all the while sending out search parties
for lost tribemates
with that same fire
as a reminder from whence they came.

Also, the title "Back to the Future" was already taken.
Paul Sands Jun 2015
skinny dipping on sopping silk

a cold pooling of lunar refraction

steeps our summer drowsing

ghostly fish, lustrous slivers,

skip across tumid fleshy belly

where I kiss that soft arousing

lip traced phantom trails

follow silver shimmering wandering avenue

to a mellifluent mossy dowsing
(where once was abstract rambling now becomes imperative)
TheDenouement Aug 2014
Lucent gold halations that seer in sight,
flesh akin to plush saline gelatin,
kingfishers song, mellifluent as streams,
drones that palpitate in the heart and nag the mind,
hiding your enmity and silent screams.
Jack Aylward Aug 2015
Woman who I love
Your mind is a book of poems,
Your poetry is a romantic window
To my heart.

You whose perfume is rose;
Lavender skin
Of pure naked love.

Your lips I long
To make love to
With my kiss of eclipses,
Of sonnets,
Of Chopin-noctornal

Your curves of sun and moon
I want to caress
With my generous body
As passionate lover.

I feel you.

Your mellifluent tongue
Weaves poetic gaelic songs
In the timbre of ****** voice.

Whose eyes like a forest
Of campanillas
My heart and gaze
Looks deep into;
Waiting for your response.

Your smiles and you're cuteness
Makes me want more.
I smile back.

Woman who I love,
I'm in awe.

©Jack Aylward,
david mungoshi Oct 2015
My usual hard-sole morning walk
My candid talk with the devils in me
My necessary ritual right on cue as always
And the images from my mental shelf
Tumble out, then push and shove for prominence

The usual stop near the tall reeds
The soothing dose of lilting bird song
The throaty baritone of the lazy bull frog
And  the rapture is complete and infectious
In this mellifluent music of the open air

The unfailing breeze whistles a tune of freedom
As the supple  green reeds dance to the elements
Freedom is all around and I am a firm believer
A willing cadre on this road that travellers tread
And for one sated moment I am Che in a beret

Free to roam and free to wish for and dream
Of a world where life is a daily festival
Ajit Saigal Jan 2021
With promises of the rising sun galore
Down the oceans deep & dark she diffused;
Churned by the finest unheard-of melodies
Contrived the tunes so soft and lyrics so sweet
Concealed it solemnly within a mysterious seashell, did she?

The ocean floor whipped and whacked vehemently
Unsettling the ***** & span seabed
Unbridling the galaxy of buoyant seashells
Washing up these secret treasure troves
Strewing them across those vagrant seashores.
Was she awaiting the passionate sublime Pursuer
Heeding to unravel the divine euphoric ode she once hummed?

Many a seashore he spurred & scrambled
Gone berserk for that special soothing one
Came across a myriad of elegant supreme seashells
Never found the mystical superlative one he'd been screening for.

He once whispered the code of love
Mellowing down her mysterious mazy ears
Unlocking a spree of pulsating sonnets
The odes of love from deep down her throbbing soulful heart.
How naive of him all these years
He had just discovered the evasive enigmatic shell
The mystical musical mellifluent conch shell
With its eternal pristine music well preserved for the ad rem.
Praggya Joshi Aug 2018
Be the lighthouse
That would gently illuminate
The ever-expanding wilderness
Beneath my soft seas
Be the breath
Of a rarefied wind
That would blithely stir
This supine silence
With a mellifluent melody
Be the glorious beams
Of an enthralling
Aureate moon
That would caress and adorn
My weeping shores
With delicate shades
And delightful nuances
Be that dream
That I've forgotten
To blissfully dream
zebra Oct 2017
oh, the poet
antagonist to the good and evil alike
a sobbing child
let lose in the world
with words and appetites piqued and sensual
transgressors of the middle class
and dull speak

their literary magnitude
sometimes perfume and sometimes stench
dripping on wet pages
written by electric brains
nimble figures and wet crotches
to relieve themselves of stupidities accumulations
wrought by their culture
mired in stink think
of either or

from the head up
high minded saints
from the hips down
undulating demons
each in denial of the other
a buffet of lies

the poet
purging private pleasures and torments
for the bemusement of the world
laid-out on the page
like public masturbations
for all to see in the theater of the ear
with mellifluent grace
and silver tongued appreciations
David Hilburn May 2021
Likewise I'm sure
Being a sporadic and callous fate
Through the envy of the wind, to brace and save curiosity
The language of money has appeared, with a comely sate

Busy is the name of the game
Burden is the count of hand and some
Belief is a rendering hope, to season a wakeful fame
Being is a question left to autonomy, the ire's of whole and done

Seeing the condone, the fruit of poise...
Will a shrewd or subtlety of composure
Seek the charisma of another, the order of clash or choice?
The priority of dignity has become, the selection of purity...

Invite it in...
And save the seldom, with a rise of condition
Make the ilk of compromises, the ordeal of silence
And know their friendship in the step of stead, is fruition...

Notions to excel, nations to weal
The richness of opportunity, is a waiting conversation
Of comparison to endurance, that if a question to heal
Was a night of decency and resolution archaic enough, to lend or lead mellifluent sin?

Paces of moments, and the craving of a brand new day
Taken to exception in the now, the benign to tell a wiser tale
Of wishes and summations speed, seen in the cause of may
The integrity of psyche, that has spent the reach of prowess, with a need's dream to never fail?
Travis Green Sep 2021
I don’t care what anyone says
About you because I know
That you are the love for me
The only one I can be with
And share my most personal
Thoughts with
Your heart is perfect and pure
Your body is a whole army
Of ardor and affection
My sweet fragranced man
Unflawed, my safeguard
My sweetheart, my vivacious
Vanguard, my sparkling greatness
I can’t envision a universe
Without you not existent
Not with me, not following me
To the ends of extremes
Listening to the seas and winds
Mellifluent sounds
The sensual power that transpires
That takes us further outward
Into uncharted nirvana
Travis Green Aug 2021
All you need to know
Is wherever I’m stationed at
You will always be my world
Of sun and stars, my sweet, spacious
Horizon, my living dopasetic heavenliness
My gentle and dreamy rose
That grows to greatness
So frolicious, frelicious
Boomtastic poetry
Forever pleasing to my senses

All you need to know
Is I’ll go wherever you go
Hold on to your bodylicious body
Treasuring the way your mellifluent
Thighs and legs feel meshed to mine
Your soft, heartening strokes
Upon my neck and upper back
My chestastic ******* and niplastic flashlights
Your yummylicious tongue all over them
Kissing me ever so maztastically

— The End —