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Ember Evanescent Nov 2014
Dear  Elsa Angelica,
So I have read through your poetry.
If you were made out of five words
Bent and tied with ribbons to shape your soul
Those words would be

I don’t know you
Your story
Your secrets
Your pain

I know that your poetry inspires me
Really it does
You are a kind person with loving words to offer at any given moment
You are so poetically talented it is outrageous
You are so, so beautiful inside and out
Your soul is beautiful
Your words are beautiful
YOU are beautiful
You are strong
To have held up so many others who were crumbling
You are STRONG
To have held up yourself
And been strong enough to admit when you are weak
I have selected some of my favorite lines of yours and responded to them.
I want you to know
I think you are a speechless and precious type of beauty that doesn’t exist anywhere else
Please keep writing
Because your writing
Changed me inside
And it keeps me going
Alive, not just existing
And I want to thank you for that
For fueling my smile

I want to be
Happy once and for
But how do I start
-Elsa angelica

What a lovely wistful wish verbalized for the rest of us who all wonder that same question. Pretty words, but also so much more than just pretty, so glimmering with deep meaning every syllable. You are so gifted with the pen.

I did not mean to hurt you.
I am sorry I caused you pain.
-Elsa angelica
You are so brave and should be admired and acknowledged for your strength in admitting you are sorry for something and apologizing for pain you may have caused. I have such extreme and overwhelming respect for you, reading this. Putting kindness and goodness before pride. You are wonderful.

Love is love
-Elsa angelica
So poetic, so simple, so brilliant. I can’t even say anything else, the line speaks for itself. Your work speaks for how exceptional you really are a person, as a poet and as a soul.

In autumn...
the leaves fall
like slow
motion rain
-Elsa angelica

I know this is an entire poem but I couldn’t split up specific lines I liked I was just so in love with this entire poem your wrote. Powerful imagery WOW.

Good bye
Fake love.
-Elsa angelica

You are wise to recognize falseness in love. We all struggle with that and we all struggle even more with farewells. You are admired and applauded by me for these lines. Magnificent poetic phrase. I adore this.

I know I was not a pretty flower
I know a few thorns I had.
-Elsa angelica
Oh, but even a flower with thorns is beautiful. As my close personal friend and Hellopoetry Poet friend Ena Alysopriano so wisely once said to me when I was calling myself a ****: Don’t confuse wildflower with ****. Well now I say to you, don’t confuse thorns with being unbeautiful along those same lines. You are so pretty on the inside and outside. Your work, your spirit, the way you choose to live, how kind you are, what a difference you make. Nevertheless, this line in the poem you wrote is gloriously delightful. Seriously. I am amazed.  

Cuz fear is knocking on my door
-Elsa angelica

Such an excellent metaphor, so achingly relatable to basically everyone and so genius. Incredible write by such an incredible poet. You. Are. Phenomenal.

Thank you for writing.
I just want to express my appreciation and gratitude for what you bring to the art of poetry itself.
Stay beautiful.
I think you are remarkably exquiste.
Your ever admiring Ember Evanescent

brandon nagley Jul 2015
This is a tribute to thee
If it wasn't for thyself helping me
I don't knoweth where I'd be!!!!
See everyone,
If it wasn't for elsa angelica sharing all mine works
Since I first came here,
I'd be a nobody poet!!!!
But out of her angel unearthly ways
She's madeth me a star for the hopeless!!!!
She's given us all a light
As tis lately she's been down and feels no worth,
Everyone should write elsa
And showeth her she's a poetic angel of gods work!!!
She wasn't sculpted here by mere creatures
The stars of ourn creator madeth her to be,
She's not any of us!!!
Canst thou see?
don't thou seeith?
She's been here for all of us,
Especially me....
She's a king's fantasy
And every real man's dream!!!
She may haveth her haters
Yet don't we all!!!
Yet we need to remind her
She's a seraphim we look to for her love...
Though she's struggling much
Why else art we here?
To help one another
As we shalt help her in these evil year's....
Giveth her notice,
Because angels cometh and goeth
She's a friend here to so many
As her affections to us she showeth...
She's an astronaut cherub from her moon
Yet she shalt return soon.
So whilst she's here HP,
Showeth her love
And let her know she's a true queen!!!!!
And she doesn't feel so beautiful inside
So I make a command to tell her different,
Because she's fulfilled all of ourn happiness
She's the serpahim of poet's wishes.  

( this is a thank you elsa) when I first got here you showed all me work to the world)
If it wasn't for you alot of us would be nothing!!!!!
Ps- this goes for other poets to who have boosted me
God bless you all!!!! Thank you
Especially you elsa angel !!!!!
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Elsa Angélica
Reina de la luna de la medianoche,
Anticuerpos de la oscuridad
Mi amour 'mío desmayo suave,

Elsa Angélica
Affuse abajo alma mía
¿En castellano Ourn del yacía
Para que todos seeith en la página corriente principal,

Picotazos Cassia, sudor convento
Multa de goteo entre las líneas
Estamos espíritu de la antigüedad en la búsqueda foulard
En donde otros de a nosotros arte ciego

Elsa Angélica
Glaive al dolor de la mina
Me sanó con tu canto América
Sólo soy una bestia volvió esclavo noble
Una visita obligada española a la mirada del poeta ....

Elsa Angélica
Ingrowing enamorada Ourn
Me Inhale a tu café almizcle,
En donde se tira por el empuje decisivo
Y de la celestiales nuestras de por amanecer y al atardecer ....

Me Kyanize, voy de Kudo thou
No lasitud, no hay gruñidos larrup
Calles de pasillo caballerosidad dorada
Capa del sol, con Ourn propia sonrisa de

Sólo una luna de un sol en la trayectoria de directos
Sin dolor, ni la ira, libre al fin ....
Sintiendo la explosión universal,
Almas que pasan, entrelazados como uno !!!!!!
( Spanish version)

( English translated)

Elsa Angelica
Queen of midnight moon,
Antibody of darkness
Mi amour' of mine gentle swoon,

Elsa Angelica
Affuse down mine soul
Wherein ourn castellan lay's
For all to seeith on mainstream page,

Cassia pecks, convent sweat
Drip's fine between the lines
We're spirit's of old in foulard quest
Wherein other's to us art blind

Elsa Angelica
Glaive to mine pain's
Healed me by thy Latin chant
I'm just a beast turned noble slave
A Spanish must to poet's glance....

Elsa Angelica
Ingrowing in ourn love
Inhale me to thy coffee musk,
Wherein were pulling by crucial ******
And the celestial's our's by dawn and dusk....

Kyanize me, I'll kudo's thou
No lassitude, no larrup growls
Streets of gilded chivalry aisle
Cloak the sun, with ourn own smile's

Just a moon an sun in direct path's
No hurt, nor anger, free at last....
Feeling the universal blast
Souls to pass, entwined as one!!!!!!
Matt Jul 2015
Elsa is so kind
She always writes
Supportive comments

I send a hug
Through the web
To you Elsa

Maybe I'll give my pillow
A small hug and pretend
It's you

If that's okay with you
Tes yeux sont si profonds qu'en me penchant pour boire
J'ai vu tous les soleils y venir se mirer
S'y jeter à mourir tous les désespérés
Tes yeux sont si profonds que j'y perds la mémoire

À l'ombre des oiseaux c'est l'océan troublé
Puis le beau temps soudain se lève et tes yeux changent
L'été taille la nue au tablier des anges
Le ciel n'est jamais bleu comme il l'est sur les blés

Les vents chassent en vain les chagrins de l'azur
Tes yeux plus clairs que lui lorsqu'une larme y luit
Tes yeux rendent jaloux le ciel d'après la pluie
Le verre n'est jamais si bleu qu'à sa brisure

Mère des Sept douleurs ô lumière mouillée
Sept glaives ont percé le prisme des couleurs
Le jour est plus poignant qui point entre les pleurs
L'iris troué de noir plus bleu d'être endeuillé

Tes yeux dans le malheur ouvrent la double brèche
Par où se reproduit le miracle des Rois
Lorsque le coeur battant ils virent tous les trois
Le manteau de Marie accroché dans la crèche

Une bouche suffit au mois de Mai des mots
Pour toutes les chansons et pour tous les hélas
Trop peu d'un firmament pour des millions d'astres
Il leur fallait tes yeux et leurs secrets gémeaux

L'enfant accaparé par les belles images
Écarquille les siens moins démesurément
Quand tu fais les grands yeux je ne sais si tu mens
On dirait que l'averse ouvre des fleurs sauvages

Cachent-ils des éclairs dans cette lavande où
Des insectes défont leurs amours violentes
Je suis pris au filet des étoiles filantes
Comme un marin qui meurt en mer en plein mois d'août

J'ai retiré ce radium de la pechblende
Et j'ai brûlé mes doigts à ce feu défendu
Ô paradis cent fois retrouvé reperdu
Tes yeux sont mon Pérou ma Golconde mes Indes

Il advint qu'un beau soir l'univers se brisa
Sur des récifs que les naufrageurs enflammèrent
Moi je voyais briller au-dessus de la mer
Les yeux d'Elsa les yeux d'Elsa les yeux d'Elsa.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
I haveth
Soul innocence
Spirit remembrance
No cares
Free of this world
Free from fear
All these
When mine queen Elsa is near!
Àŧùl Jan 2015
I agree what her name says,
I disagree with whatever any donkey brays.

She's kindhearted and also so very gorgeous,
She has got an angelic heart.

Elsa you are one of the most beautiful poets I've ever seen,
And you just need to ignore people contradicting it as they are not free from sin.
Elsa, this one's for you.
You are one of the few good hearts I know.
Trust me when I say so, because the mirror might be wrong but not me.
My HP Poem #728
©Atul Kaushal
Grave símbolo esquivo.
Grave símbolo esquivo, nocturna
torva idea en el caos girando.
Hámlet frío que nada enardece.
Aquí, allá, va la sombra señera,
allá, aquí, señorial, taciturna,
(señorial, hiperbóreo, elusivo):
fantasmal Segismundo parece
y harto asaz metafísico, cuando
cruza impávido el árida esfera.

Grave símbolo huraño.
Grave símbolo huraño, fantasma
vagueante por muelle archipiélago
-bruma ingrave y caletas de nube
y ensenadas y fjords de neblina-.
Grave símbolo hermético: pasma
su presciencia del huésped de ogaño,
su pergenio de gríseo querube
(del calígene caos murciélago)
vagueante en la onda opalina.

Más lontano que nunca.
Más lontano que nunca. Más solo
que si fuese ficción. Puro endriago
y entelequia y emblema cerébreo:
del antártico al ártico Polo
sombra aciaga de atuendo fatal
-exhumada de cúya espelunca?-,
gris fantasma lucífugo y vago
por el fondo angoroso, tenébreo,
que sacude hosco viento abisal.

Más lontano jamás.
Más lontano jamás. Ciego, mudo,
mares surca y océanos hiende
metafísicos: mástil de roble
que no curva el henchido velamen,
ni el de Zeus zig-zag troza crudo...,
ni se abate ante el tedio, quizás.
Más lontano jamás: Fosco, inmoble
De su hito insular no desciende
y aunque voces lascivas lo llamen.

Juglar ebrio de añejo y hodierno
mosto clásico o filtros letales.
Si Dionisos o Baco.
Baco rubio o Dionysos de endrino
crespo casco de obscuro falerno.
Trovador para el lay venusino.
Juglar ebrio de bocas o vino:
me dominan las fuerzas sensuales
-hondo amor o femíneo arrumaco-
trovador, amadís sempiterno.
Me saturan los zumos fatales
-denso aroma, perfume calino-
del ajenjo de oriente opalino.

Casiopeia de luz que amortigua
fonje niebla, tul fosco de bruma,
copo blándulo, flor de la espuma,
cendal níveo y aéreo...
Cendal níveo y aéreo... La ambigua
color vaga que apenas se esfuma
si aparece... fugaz Casiopeia
peregnina, la errátil Ligeia,
la de hoy y de ayer y la antigua
-entre un vaho letal, deletéreo... -

Casiopeia con ojos azules,
Elsa grácil y esbelta,
Elsa grácil y esbelta, Elsa blonda!
-si morena Xatlí, la lontana-.
Elsa blonda y esbelta, Elsa grácil!
Casiopeia en el mar! Quién Ulises
de esa núbil Calypso! Odiseo
de esa ingrávida Circe temprana
-blonda, ebúrnea y pueril!- Impoluta
Casiopeia -auniendnino su delta-.
Nea Aglae ni arisca ni fácil...
Casiopeia triscando en la onda,
Casiopeia en la playa! Sus gules
labios húmidos son los de Iseo!
Oh Tristán! de las sienes ya grises!
Oh Tristán!: con tus ojos escruta:
¿ves la nao en la linde lontana?

Turbio afán o morboso deseo
sangre y carne y espíritu incendie.
Ebrio en torno -falena-.
Ebrio en torno -falena piróvaga-
ronde, al cálido surco: Leteo
que el orsado senil vilipendie
si antes fuera la misma giróvaga...
-si ayer Paris de Helena la helena,
si ayer Paris, rival de Romeo... -
Turbio afán y deseo sin lindes,
siempre, oh Vida, me infundas y brindes!

Cante siempre a mi oído.
Cante siempre a mi oído la tibia
voz fragante de Circe y Onfalia.
Siempre séanme sólo refugio
pulcro amor y acendrada lascivia.
Bruna endrina de muslos de dahlia,
rubia láctea de ardido regazo!
Lejos váyase el frío artilugio
cerebral ante el lúbrico abrazo!

Casiopeia, los ojos de alinde
muy más tersos que vívidas gémulas
irradiantes: la frente de argento
-flava crencha a su frente,
flava crencha a su frente las alas
si a las róseas orejas los nidos;
frágil cinto; el eréctil portento
par sin par retador e insurgente;
frágil cinto que casi se rinde
de qué hechizo al agobio -tan grato-.
En sus ojos giraban sus émulas
-danzarinas lontanas y trémulas-:
estrellada cohorte: de Palas
la sapiencia, en sus ojos dormidos.
De Afrodita posesa el acento
caricioso. Medea furente...
Salomé, la bacante demente...

Casiopeia danzando.
Casiopeia danzando en la sombra
vagueante, irisada de ópalos:
nefelíbata al són de inasible
rumor lieto, velada armonía
cuasi muda y susurro inaudible
(muelle y tibio, melífico y blando)
para torpes oídos: que asombra
con febril sortilegio, si tópalos
sabio oído: les sigue, les halla,
les acoge, goloso, en su malla,
y en gozarlos su ser se extasía.

Casiopeia de luz.
Casiopeia de luz inexhausta,
halo blondo en el mar de zafiro,
rubia estrella en el mar de abenuz.
Irreal concreción de la eterna
maravilla del cosmos: su fausta
lumbre, siempre, y en éxtasis, miro
de la hórrida, absurda caverna
poeana o guindado en mi cruz.

Casiopeia, eternal Casiopeia,
sutil símbolo, lis, donosura;
su luz fausta y su música, hechizo
de sortílega acción obsesora
e inebriante, muy más que la obscura
flor dormida en las redes del rizo
toisón, urna que ensueño atesora
y el hastío a la vez: Casiopeia
peregrina, la errátil Ligeia,
la de hoy y de ayer y ventura...
janice chinn Apr 2017
I luv my ford fiesta
Her name is princess Elsa
Because she's frozen white
And because she's automatic
To drive her is a delight
We go for miles Elsa am me
Up to the towncentre
On a shopping  spree
Down to Dunelms on to Tesco
Where we buy food to eat alfresco
On sunny days we go to  buy  plants
Sometimes tree's  or flowers sweet
Some to plant higgledy  piggled
Or some to plant neat
Whatever the weather rain or shine
Me and my Elsa we do just fine
She's good on fuel
And great on looks
She may not be a flashy SAV
With all its arrogant ways
But she's  kinder on the environment
And in my book that's what pays
Matt Jul 2015
A message for Elsa
Please won't you be

Won't you be
My hug Bud-ee?

We can hug in the night
And during the day

We are loving friends
And its okay

If you have a boyfriend

We are just hugging anyway

We share a concern
For each other

And to show how
We love one another
In our special way

We love to hug
And this is okay

One hug
Two hugs
Three or Four

We care for
Each other
So much
Let's just hug some more

I'm so huggable
And so are you

Just look at what
These hugs can do

We are laughing
And smiling
Because hugs feel good

You should try hugging to
You really should

Elsa will you forever be
Forever be
My hug buddy?

Would you care
For a fruit bowl
Maybe a yogurt cup?

I'll make some good food
To fill you up

I'm thankful for
The loving comments
You write

And I'm not embarrassed
To say

I think of giving you a hug
When I squeeze my pillow
At night

A warm and caring person
Is what you are

And my how your
Eyes shine
Like the north star

I'm grateful
To have you
As a friend

You are my hug buddy

And my hugs
To you I send
Bunhead17 Dec 2015
When you need that special friend
one who cares deeply and is real
i think of elsa, a real true godsend
her heart is deep, and she has sense appeal

Everyone should have a ''Elsa'' in their life.
She makes me laugh louder,
smile brighter,
and live alittle bit better

Her love is contagious
her eyes are to die for
the warmth she exhibits
grown men have cried for

She gives the best advice &
she is always there for others.
Girls can survive without a boyfriend
but, they can't survive without a bestfriend.

She has been my rock
when my world began to roll
brought me back uphill
before things took their toll

She was the one who told me to
ask for a second a chance with ''him''
She was the one who realized
that he wasn't the one
She knew that I deserved better
than ''him'' before I did

Wise beyond her years
listens to your fears
loves unconditionally
darling elsa. true friend, always, to me

You're an angel,
it's in your last name for crying out loud.

Such a sweet angel
and being your friend makes me feel proud*

Thank you Elsa for everything you do.
For Elsa. Thank you for being the best. Hope you like it!<3
Matt Oct 2015
I was watching
"The Pacific"
An HBO series

It was pretty well done
I just don't really much care
For the violent scenes
Although I know its realistic

Then I went to a chatroom
A christian chat I joined
It's fun sometimes

Now I'm eating kidney beans
And maybe I'll look for another
Show to watch

If not I'll watch a
Documentary again

It was a full moon tonight
I thought of Elsa Angelica
I hope you are having
A good night Elsa
Loveless Jan 2016
Today I'm so happy
Know why
My mom and my dad
Are out this evening
They are eating out
I am all alone
At our home
I can do whatever i want
As much as i want
For as long as i want
But I'm lazy
All I'd do is lay and eat
They should have took me with them
Anyway I'm still happy
It's the first time
They left me alone at home

An hour have passed
Since they left
I'm not getting bored
Before it was fun
But it's so boring now
Without them
I used to share them
My stories
What i did in day
How me and my friends played
And some of my secret stuff
But now it got boring
And i am feeling so sleepy so quick

I heard two loud bangs
I was asleep already
But those loud bangs woke me up
I thought they were sound of thunder
But there were no clouds above
I was wondering where those bangs came from
But it's first time i heard those
Couldn't figure out
And I'm feeling sleepy again

I woke up at mid night
I am feeling restless
It's so late
Moon is shining above
It's so scary
The closes are above
And lightening falling down
And its really so scary
Before when i used to get up at midnight
My dad or my mom used to
Get up for me and make me sleep again

They haven't come home yet
Why aren't they here
I feel so fearful
I feel so alone
The hooting of owls
The small roars
The buzzing of insects
I can hear it all
My body shivers with each sound
The darkness is taming me
I'm so afraid
Please come back mom and dad

And they never came................
The parents of baby deer got hunted
I could have never done it without elsa angelica
Stop hinting animals
anu Oct 2015
A Year ago, in the same date
As A Stranger I entered this beautiful Garden Hp
A Beautiful flower (Elsa) drags me with her pure heart
Wise words (from wolf, Sir Poet,Jack, etc.) kept me to know the life’s secret
Sweet buds (Smiriti, Aarvie,) enjoys me with their great writes
Love Birds (Brandon &jane;) echoes me their beautiful rhythms
My Beautiful Bros (ryn, Joe, pradip,spt, Mufiq) supports me and admires with their strong writes
My Sweet sisters (Donna, pax, nimah, Vicki) fills my heart with their pure poems
All my new friends (Eddie, patty, gray l, tropica, wepping willow, Mysterious , Jimmy, its gona make sense, packin heat ,Poetry journal,Dark n beautiful, Wilson, Rose, James, Margaux, Asim, etc) gave me beautiful space and spirits..
Being a part of this beautiful family, felt proud and happy. I take this day to thank all my family who supports me and hears me. My sincere thanks to all.(might missed someone. Thanks to them too.)
I miss many beutiful poets especially my aka (elsa)..
Sorry missed some important members who constantly support me
(Ignetious Hosina,Gutham,HB,Thomas A Robinson)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I don't write of amare
Out of boredom or dying thought's
I write for mine mi amour'
Because it's mine heart she hath got.

I don't write of amour'
Out of lonesomeness or to get attention
I write out mine souls truth
Because I loveth a godly invention...

I writeth for mine ELSA
Because that's where love taketh us...
I writeth for mine ELSA
Because it's her who to me is a must.

I writeth for mine ELSA
Because many ages for her I hadst to wait...
I got lost from her before
Yet met her at heaven's gate...

I writeth to mine soulmate
Because she's all to me,
And though tis she canst seeith it all right now...
Trust me, I do see....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
Do you wanna build a snowman?
Come on, let's go and play.
I never see you anymore,
come out the door,
it's like you've gone away.
We used to be best buddies.
But now we're not.
I wish you would tell me why!
Do you wanna build a snowman?
It doesn't have to be a snowman.
8 year old Elsa: Go away, Anna.
5 year old Anna: Okay, bye.

8 year old Anna: (knocks) Do you wanna build a snowman?
Or ride our bikes around the halls?
I think some company is overdue.
I've started talking to,
the pictures on the walls! (Hang in there, Joan!)
It gets a little lonely.
All these empty rooms,
just watching the hours tick by (tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock)

15 yr old Anna: (Knocks) Elsa?
Please, I know you're in there.
People are asking where you've been.
They say, "Have courage."
And I'm trying to,
I'm right out here for you.
Just let me in.
We only have each other.
It's just you and me.
What are we gonna do?

Do you wanna build a snowman?
Copyrights of this song go to Kristen Bell and everyone in the movie Frozen.
ML Jun 2014
Elsa are you there?
I am still waiting for you
I know you are there...
Frozen Haiku
Anna & Elsa
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
She is a good friend she listens to what I have to say she never judges me she loves me for me not me for someone else she says I'm sweet and nice to her and I love her cuz she believes in me she is amazing she sits there and listens to my pain I love you Elsa.
Best friend....
Arcassin B Oct 2014
The hardest thing I ever had to do,
Is tell you that I love you,
Regretting staying friends,
In reality to never hurt you,
I miss the way you kiss me softly on the cheek,
Not knowing I like you,
It was like this every week,
Safe to say I haven't found the words to say,
Silence says a lot,
But in the end you gotta pay,

Hey its been a while that we've been friends
and I'm shaking at my knees
Cuz I've got some things to say.
Do you know how I use to think
I could never love another human being
but when my heart felt yours
This girl  changed really quick.

I noticed the feelings,
I could see it in your eyes,
Want to press my lips against yours,
Don't be surprised,
When I do,
I want you to feel absolute passion,
Kissing you,
Firecrackers in the sky taking action,
Feeling so loved,
With you sitting in the meadows,
The one I'm thinking of,
But not sneaking in windows,

Hey I just want to say,
don't get me wrong I'm not that kind.
I'm not not easy girl but with you
Its so so easy when it comes to you.
I swear I just want to make crazy love to you.
But if my skin never touches yours,
it is OK Cuz its your  touch I really crave.

I put you first,
In the mist of loving females
I need to rule the earth,
To make you queen of the outer relms,
Love u elsa
Me and Elsa ❤❤❤
Riot Jun 2014
now frozen is a tale about a girl who has some powers
but forget to tell
from heaven or hell
where did they come from?

the the boloved cliche of love at first sight
cruched by her sister
but the delivery was not right
instead of being nice and saying
"maybe take it slow"
she tells her sister it's stupid
"if you don't like it then just go"

so the gloves she held so tightly
never meant to show
were stolen by here sister who just wanted to know
"why are you waring them?"
as if stealing imagination can save the kids from a world
of ice

so instead of staying
to the world who loves her so
instead of being royal and not running
she lets it go

so her sister turns to no other
then her love at first sight
to take care of elsa's kingdom
while she travles through the night

while she isn't used to snowy weather
all she wants is to see her sister
because unlike elsa with her kindom she cannot let it go

so she turns to a stranger
with what he calls a talking randeer
maybe she's a little too trusting with her men?
well he thinks so

meanwhile at the ice kingdom

while elsa is making her ice castle
with a lengendary song
she has no idea who she is hurting
by not telling what is going on

but that song though

so the quest
the test of love is at stake
because elsa grew up
surronded by her mistake
the hate
of those glove
trying to control her every move
no wonder she had to let it go

it took so long for her to realze
it was not her mistake
she didn't know why this happened
but now she had to take
and keep it close
your mistakes make you stronger
if you let it go then you'll forget

so now the beginning of the problem
the love at first sight
causing the problem
for her sister now hair white
because nothing can change the heart
except love
true love
it might not be at first sight
but it's sister's for a lifetime

sometimes a single tear
can change what's inside
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Goodnight mine love
Goodnight mine sweet
Goodnight mine pet
Thine soul I keep


Do not fret
Close thine eye's
I loveth thee
Mi amour of mine


Cuddle me in clover
Wrapeth me in Spanish garb
I am thy angel
I am thy guard.


Sleep well queen
I'll seeith thou in mine dreams
Wherein me and thou shalt dance
Upon thy own moon gleams....


Forgiveth me mine rose
Mine holy one
Forgiveth me for all the pain I've caused, and the word's ive stung
Goodnight mine amour, mi amour, goodnight. Loveth thee more..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
"follow the yellow brick road"
the witch didn't die
cinderella didn't go to the ball
sleeping beauty didn't wake up
belle escaped the beast
snow white was poisoned and killed
jasmine didn't go with aladin
moana stayed on the island
ariel sayed under water
tiana didn't kiss the prince
rapunzel stayed in the tower
pocahontas didn't save john smith
mulan stayed in the village
anna didn't go after elsa
elsa controlled her powers
anastasia/anya didn't care about her past

a world where evil wins
and there are no princesses
is a scary world.

be careful, princess.
Thomas clark Jan 2016
I looked at your profile
Are those your eyes
I could swim in them forever
Like the never ending skies

They say our eyes
Are windows to our soul
I could dive in your eyes
Like a never ending pool

I look in your eyes
I see my inspiration
Beauty is the eye of the beholder
I behold you are amazing

I liken your eyes
To two diamond bright stars
Are you truly from our world
Or do you come from mars

Do people born on earth
Ever have eyes like you
Your my mirage in my desert
I know this much is true

It was a pleasure
To look into your eyes
Thank you elsa
You win first prize
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

This will be a long write.
There are so many I wish
to honor and thank.

Please, if you can, pull up
Bruce Cockburn's song
Maybe the Poet on YouTube.
Listen to the words as you read this.
It will greatly add to your enjoyment.

I play no favorites...
you ALL are class acts!

Here's a tribute. Yep. It's long!
But listen to Bruce Cockburn's song.
I want to emulate what's sung
Yes, not miss a poet, one!

ryn has got a range of art
Ded Poet's got a poet's heart
elsa angelica's soul resounds
Bhumika's a dove
with a golden crown!

Wolfspirit's pen can spill his love
Wonderman's ink from up above
sjr...1000 words so wise
Scarlet Pimpernel's talent's
not disguised!

Joe Malgeri's a spiritual gent
Paige Pots' work is heaven sent
Tivonna has love for natural things
Helena's work has roots and wings!

Pradip, in my eyes number one
as is Thomas A Robinson
jeffrey robin's style is loose and bold
Rupal has a heart of gold!

John Stevens has an earthy wit
Pax means peace, his candle's lit
Tryst's ballads are a perfect fit
and I love Lidi Minuet!

donna's sweet as honeydew
Jason Cole fits like a shoe
Prttybrd sings songs with style
Day Wing flies! He has a smile!

Deborah's walking on her beach
her talent has a range and reach
Rapunzel let's her hair way down
Weeping Willow
has a pleasant sound!

Joe Cole loves all fantasy
SSilkenTounge has a mind that's free
Solaces is a very old friend
I hope to see Botan again!

Urmilla writes beyond her years
Chalsey Wilder writes bring tears
Tonya Maria and I share pain
Wise is K Balachandran!

CA Guifoyle lives in my town
Adam Childs' the best around
SE Reimer can put us in the mood
Musfiq us Shaleheen
Is so VERY good!

Richard Riddle honors with poetry
Love my collab, Arcassin B!
Sally A Bayan's good and kind
Hayden Swan's a real find!

Love comments from Joe Adomavicia
zik, I'm always glad to see ya!
TGWLY has a heart that hurts
Erenn Y does heartfelt works...

Elizabeth Squires has classic writes
Frank Ruland's fights
for what is right
And if a scare you want to see
just look up POETIC T!

Oh! There are SO many more!
There are poets by the score!
I don't want to be a bore
But read them ALL! You will be


Lori Jones McCaffery
Niamh Price
Mya Angel
Mike Hauser
Ignatius Hosiana
Frankie J
Chris Green
mark cleavenger
brandon nagley
Puds (Pete)
Deborah Brooks Langford
Harriet Tecumsah Watt
it's gonna make sense
Dark n Beautiful
WL Winter
Pamela Rae
Eddie Starr
Olivia Kent
Brenden Thomas
Raj Arumugam
Jonny Angel
Dylan Mitchell
James M Vines
i am miss brightside
Chris Fracc
Ocean Blue
Phil Lindsay
Mike Hauser
Christi Michaels Moon Flower
Raj Nandy
Makayla Kelly
Paul Gafney
Nan Trapp Messer
Steven Langhorst
Daniel Palmer
Chris Smith Dark Poet Soul
C A Guilfoyle
GitacharYa VedaLa
Rosalind heather Alexander
S R Matts
Paul Gattney
Danny Mak
patty m
liv frances
Gary L
Ngamau Boniface
Earl Jane
Justin G
ste'phanie noir
Aztec Warrior

Last but not least... olestoryteller
and Francie Lynch! Ketoma Rose!
If there's someone I've forgotten

Also please read Hello again, Poets!
I wrote more! Also please read the poem 'diamonds'. There are many tributes to people who i missed in this write.



— The End —