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The nearest Dream recedes—unrealized—
The Heaven we chase,
Like the June Bee—before the School Boy,
Invites the Race—
Stoops—to an easy Clover—
Then—to the Royal Clouds
Lifts his light Pinnace—
Heedless of the Boy—
Staring—bewildered—at the mocking sky—
Homesick for steadfast Honey—
Ah, the Bee flies not
That brews that rare variety!
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2016
I suddenly don't know who my friends are anymore
But I know who has never been,isn't and never will
You're not my friend if you think our whimpers propaganda
You're not my friend if you're not in support of a proper Uganda
You're not my friend if you opposed our
struggle till its seemingly dead end
You're not my friend if you think we shouldn't grieve
You're not my friend if in yellow rule you still believe
you're not my friend if you're still blinded
even after so many are hurt and lives ended
you're not my friend if you sung a song in praise
of he who won't our teacher's salary raise
you're not my friend if I reminded you of the Hospital
and you said them sick suffer for the love of free things with no remorse at all
you're not my friend if you've stuck to his support
simply because he fills your wallet while the rest are emptied,
you're not my friend if in this sad time you feel relief
you're not my friend if you forgot about the *** holes
the uncertainty that characterises the air all over the country,
you're not my friend if in your heart melancholy isn't,the despair
you're not my friend if you don't mind the pauper on the street
the emptiness of our capital competing with that in our hearts
you're not my friend if you don't think it badly hurts
you're not my friend if as long as your Porsche you drive
you don't mind about the state of a country
whether your neighbour's child is dead or alive
you're are not my friend if everything you wish for you have
and you don't give a **** if others starve
you're not my friend if you're contented with the shaky epicentre
forgetting that when the centre is shaky things fall apart
you're not my friend even if the politics ended
for my friend you weren't right from the start
you're not my friend if you've played part in steering us to a wrong course
against the pleas and cries of the despairing concourse
you're not my friend if you're the reason country man lies in a casket
in exchange for a piece of the national cake in your basket
you're not my friend if you believe in steady progress
even if you're my brother,whilst rest of the country lies in regrets
you're not my friend if you are against the people's choice
for the people's choice is the people's voice
You're not my friend if your government military deploys
dubbing the shout of our plight unnecessary noise
You're not my friend if you're smiling while we cry
in darkness as sunshine lights your home for you own our sky
you're not my friend if you forgot about those studying under a tree
you're not my friend if you still think we're free
You're my enemy if you're an enemy to my friend
You've wounded this nation by standing by the olden trend
you're an enemy to the state and so you're my enemy
you're not my friend, for God and my country
you're not my friend and that I will never forget traitor
no,I will remember through every January to December
I will remember even after you forget,centuries later
...So sad indeed
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
This here is my confession...

Today a man left home,
spent countless hours on the road,
and wound up where he meant to go.
A life of service is what he chose.
A respectable career is what we're told.

But father,
this man of honor,
is out romancing dolled up daughters,
while his girlfriend at home is left to wonder,
if distance really makes the heart grow fonder.
He doesn't worry, he'll always have her.

His back up option, his second choice.
He calls, but not to hear her voice.
She's something to play with, just one of his toys.
Something to brag about back home with his boys.
A good time to be had before he deploys.

They both knew that it wasn't wise,
to sneak her out and pick her up for 2am rides,
all their time spent in-between her thighs,
and so they made a compromise.
He'd have her for dessert, while his girlfriend ate lies.

And this girl, she thought she knew,
the extent to which she was being used,
thought she was just using him too,
but since he's been gone, she's just been confused.
These feelings she has can't be refused,
but now she has nothing left to lose.

She's coming clean, no secrets.
What's done is done, no more regrets.
Has a lot on her conscience she needs to confess.
She's not religious, doesn't believe in that,
but she prays after this,
his girlfriend won't love him any less.
That sailor's about to be in distress.
Pisceanesque Jul 2015
It slips,
this new surrender,
past the rusted locks
and caution signs
and crumbling roads
of cul-de-sacs
and vacant lots
and open tracks
to freedom;
where conundrums play
and secrets huddle
and bodies lie
and youth decays,
retired past expired days

Engraved in time,
cocoons and shells
and nests are hung
and quartered for a chance at love;
the way ahead,
half behind
and part enslaved
(a mask of promise worn from birth to lucid grave)

like an avalanche,
it falls in quick pursuit,
this multiverse of
filthy guise
– of liquid paths and dangerous eyes –
and ruby coloured blushing cheeks;
where every lover’s
heart of sponge or stone
descends to meet . . .
for another touch
beneath the fraying sheets

And all the while
in rush and glory,
******* moments
as it passes, flies away –
manifest instead as flesh,
with wings that only beat
to re-transcend
and scar
and mend in
for the warmth of smothered distance:
for a welcome end


spaced between
the tics
and tocs
of darting pain
and thrusting *****,
of ***** aroused, abused, and shamed,
a silence, near, deploys again
the ever caged
and emptied song
and lusting shame
of mouths and tongues,
inclining, fast at last
to go
from whence it came
to soak the mind
and strip the soul
and blur the lines
of time and toll,
in surrender, whole
© Tamara Natividad
Written 21 July, 2015
Frank DeRose Oct 2017
Jumped out of a plane today.
Willingly, knowingly, and confidently.

Climbed 14,000 feet in a plane with two benches and 20 people


Waddled out to the garage door
A gaping hole in a metal tube hurtling through the sky






Free fell, 120 miles an hour toward the unforgiving earth.

Sometimes I wonder about God.
He made us dumb enough to want to do this,
For his laughs? Or ours?
Of my own volition (and at a high velocity) I plummet to what could easily be my death and last memory on this earth.

I give zero *****.

It was the most exhilarating feeling in the world.

The parachute deploys,
I am tugged upwards.

My instructor spirals us downward,
Allows me to pull and steer.

I have no clue what exactly to do and try to follow his cues,
But I know one thing

This **** is *fun
Meandering minds recall their place,
with fraught emotions tangled;
Appearing in a shadowy world,
where words are torn and mangled.

In recesses of profound desire,
when fiery images lose their way;
Through many doors they've wandered,
yet their souls are tossed and frayed.

Again and again this fire deploys,
a fiercely bound intention;
To rise among the smoke and ash,
lifting hope for mass redemption.

So many doors from which to choose,
for the fractured shells of every man;
Laying undisturbed to diffuse the flames,
in the wild and wind-swept rain.
Matt Aug 2015
If the world ended tomorrow
I would just say who really cares

I'd just be sitting under a tree

Laughing at all the people
Running here and there

I guess this is the end
I'd say
Oh no

Looks like
I never found
A female friend

And the therapist
Left me

Earth really blows

So if Russia drops a nuke
Or China deploys an EMP

I'll just be the guy
With the akward shoulder

Eating dried apricots
In some random tree
thunder declaring with a mighty noise
what we once knew but later chose to hide
believing we had so few other ploys
and only a small chance to save our pride
this was the the noble sound we came to hear
sublimest product of the engineer
of music there was the full weight of night
being lifted up around us the height
of passion reached in moments and the pace
of dragons felt as if it were their right
we knew it all and knew it all for grace

the calm the strain the skill that he deploys
marks the director as the truest guide
brimful of zest and  yet with equipoise
he knows he's got us all here for the ride
to turn us all at once to wolf and deer
and have a world of magic just appear
before our eyes without the power of sight
by mass effect of sound and not of light
no easy thing our plain lives to displace
a thousand voices is a tool of might
we knew it all and knew it all for grace

my eye is on the many girls and boys
in rank behind as all these worlds collide
what do they know how do they have such poise
in the great task in which they are allied
so much depends on voice bright and austere
all deeply human that is very clear
we have full understanding of the rite
and know the meaning all the words incite
into the sacred silence of this space
hope for escape from the old mortal plight
we knew it all and knew it all for grace

prince you have asked about that magic night
and how the mass of sound was got just right
across the world i tell you to your face
you had to be there darkness vanished quite
we knew it all and knew it all for grace
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
Oh there she goes again
Another broken heart wins again
Her eyes were once beautiful and full of life
Now rimmed in red like blood from a sacrifice

See the lines from the cuts on her skin?
Any deeper and it would be a sin
What did she do to deserve this?
It all started with just one kiss

Her heart was pure gold
Now it's just stone cold
He charmed her with his words,
Singing like the birds

But in the end, it wasn't working for him
She only saw it on a whim
Still he fed her lies
While she fell for them like honey attracting flies

She refused to see the truth that everyone else saw
It was then that she made her first draw
Lines of scarlett soon appeared
She had hoped it would make the pain disappear

Now she is found walking in the dark
As if life was one big amusement park
When one person suffers another one enjoys
So again she deploys

Another heartbreak takes its claim
The poor girl will never be the same
George Krokos Dec 2017
A business is known by all the resources it deploys
how it treats its customers with the staff it employs.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Jack R Fehlmann Feb 2021
Ink in water
A dark rolls
In the invisible
Like light at night

As the candle warns
Forlornly to wage
Quiet battle

against defends
and Unseen deploys

A shadow dances
Rising silent
Defined by denial

The glowing quill
Lifted, weilded
Strokes such ink well

To borne a truth
To what end shown
from hence within.
Poetic truth of the depressed type of mind.
Tom Higgins May 2014
We look up in wonder at the stars,
We ponder on there being life on Mars,
And so we've sent a craft to see,
A marvellous thing called 'Curiosity'.
And on the surface of the big red rock,
The last of its kind looks up in shock,
As from the sky there falls a star,
Which has travelled there from afar.
Then the star begins to slow,
And the last Martian feline down below,
Stares in wonder, as a chute deploys,
Soon followed by the strangest noise,
As the thrusters ignite to stop,
The rapidity of the strange craft's drop.
And then the craft begins to lower,
A separate large object from below her,
Which lands upon the creature's head,
Leaving it squashed and very dead!
Now just how ****** ironic is that?
'Curiosity' killed the cat!

Tom Higgins 05/08/2012
Jacob Oct 2017
Poised and ready
My body wants to leap
From its vessel
It deploys itself of its duties
And leaves me shipwrecked
I lick my wounds
Spend time doing the things
You don’t want to see
And as if you could ever
Hold me down
Instead you turn off the lights
Living in another galaxy
Despite my gravity being yours
The aqueducts are released
Like a flowing current
If I crash one more **** time
All I’ll see is a hologram of a boy
Confused of what it doesn’t know
AntoinetteBrandt Aug 2017
Here is my rendition of “somewhere over the rainbow” this is my “song about hope”
I see blue birds fly far from here but those left behind will have the strength to cope.
Those baby birds will fly, fly away from the burning smoke.  The dreams that we dreamed
Long ago before bedtime will lift us out of this dark tundra, where all we see or seem to see
Is what isn’t or will never be. How can we sing if the blackness clogs our throats? A little birdie
stuttered, as she stared wistfully at the sky, “that even if I don’t know how I still have got to try. “
Around us is madness, a civil desperation from our soul, that greed and *** can’t fill alone. My
friend jumps from the safe zone and falls like a stone, but before I could lose hope she was flying
on her own.
I feel ready all the time to be the change I need but I never found the courage to let my spirit free.
We are defined by what we create, but also what we refuse to destroy.  
The little birdie announces, then deploys.
You start to realize that the only one who can save you is yourself.
Love is equal to the wingspan.
– I see blue birds fly far from here, and those left behind will find
The strength to cope. those baby birds will fly, fly away from the burning smoke
wichitarick Jul 2016
Certain pieces, particles, possessions  even though detained we never fully retain

Grit on our soles is not the same as whit in our souls

Our own breath is only used once recycled then passed on to help others maintain

Did that sneeze help to create a breeze? new breath taking on new  roles

Did someone really count all the sands as they passed through the hourglass

Flecks,flakes minor when alone accumulated they stand marking time as a bell tolls

Individual sweat & tears, evaporating, hoarding into clouds marking a future forecast

Body temperatures while stable  together adding to global warming and what it embroils

Energy's of our mind as single are almost blind, gathered  create power hard to grasp

Simple soul alone held back, Numbers bring FORCE gaining breadth as it deploys

Throat like a moat holding voices need releasing maybe to be used by birds whose calls  are stashed

Did sound originate from the ground or an inner core, belting out, ringing home bringing joys

First sights as bright lights black & white pixels into hues forming rainbows & their secrets they have cached

Smell as singular seems impossible neutral formed to fresh, roses to death & all that it employs

Taking on a new day maybe more feeling for what we share ,sensing with new sensibility's
Our shared feelings ? maybe more than we give credit for?
Fun idea to play with anyway:) . any input is appreciated, thank you for reading. Rick
A trained martial artist knows how to move
because that is the way he's able to groove.
He often turns quickly and looks all around
then at times jumps or leaps off the ground.
Balanced and ready to show one his skill
by these movements he is able to thrill.
You can easily get captivated by his speed
which seems so very impressive indeed.
A swift block, ****** or kick he deploys
all the measures of self defense employs.
It's amazing what a disciplined life can do
as both the body and mind will benefit too.
Written in the 2nd half of 2020.
wichitarick Jul 2016
Certain pieces, particles, possessions  even though detained we never fully retain.

Grit on our soles is not the same as whit in our souls.

Our own breath is only used once, recycled then passed on to help others maintain.

Did that sneeze help to create a breeze? new breath taking on new  roles.

Did someone really count all the sands as they passed through the hourglass?

Flecks,flakes minor when alone accumulated they stand marking time as a bell tolls.

Individual sweat & tears, evaporating, hoarding into clouds marking a future forecast.

Body temperatures while stable  together adding to global warming and what it embroils.

Energy's of our mind as single are almost blind, gathered  creating power even harder  to grasp.

Simple soul alone, held back, numbers bring FORCE gaining breadth as it deploys.

Throat like a moat holding voices need releasing maybe to be used by birds whose calls  are stashed.

Did sound originate from the ground or an inner core, belting out, ringing home bringing joys.

First sights as bright lights black & white pixels into hues forming rainbows & their secrets they have cached.

Smell as singular seems impossible, neutral formed to fresh, roses to death & all that it employs.

Taking on a new day maybe more feeling for what we share ,sensing with new sensibility's
Passing on the thoughts seems to just part of the process.
No separation of anything? but possibly truly linked back and back again,then forward again & again:)  Thanks for reading any in put is appreciated. Rick
Earthen, is what makes it so,
Through waking moments vertigo,
This drive which makes the day begin
Through early morning stumbleing,

To run the clods of rich, black soil
Through fingers, roughened by my toil,
To gaze with pride across this field
Of furrows deeply ploughed, to yeild.

Here, my quintessential joy
To smile as golden grain deploys
To emerald shoots, in morning light,
By row for harvesting, when right.

For earthen, is what makes it so,
By morning's warm and pleasant glow,
Standing midst my field of wheat
Enriches soul, to make complete.

Megan Sherman Dec 2016
I heralded that first flower
Resplendent in the Spring
And hearkened to the Robin's tune
Her stunning carolling

I thought there is no mortal joy
Comparable to this
The tune without words deploys
The most beatific bliss

I dared not interrupt her
For fear that I might startle
Her delicate, timid soul
And end her tender warble

I could not bear a world
Where I would be denied to swoon
To Nature's passionate music
Lifting souls like a Balloon
Yazad Tafti Oct 2022
when bruises turn to cuts
and cuts turn to wounds
and wounds turn into lovers leaving too soon

when ill doings turn to trouble
and trouble turns to joy
the cringing smile on an officer who's punishment deploys

when you i see a star
and in your eyes i see the moon
but i look down at my chest to see a knifing harpoon

and when lovers turn to dust and
dust sprays along the moon
it will always be your station
to that frequency i will tune
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
The world is on edge,
And rightly so, too,
From caskets strewn like *******,
To withdrawn funding for WHO;

Like something off a horror story,
What's left is for reanimated dead,
Flesh eating, mindless monsters,
Only lead to the friggin' head!

Pulpit shysters, con men of the cloth,
Boasting, the battle is theirs, not the Lords,
Dared the unseen guest, profanely,
All is well, now, laying between nailed boards;

Somewhere, in the dark continent,
The tropics had all the heat,
Coronavirus surely couldn't stand,
Well seated, many dead, no signs of retreat;

Far East, some crazy, mad scientists,
Playing with their bio toys,
Cook up another RNA weapon,
The Communist, westward, someday deploys;

It's the WWIII,
We eagerly awaited,
Shame, it's fought without explosions,
What a sight! To see civilisations obliterated!

Depopulation strategy of the antichrist,
Yes, he made mention during a talk,
****, he can't even protect his operating system,
From which he made his billions bulk;

Led by an African,
Surely he couldn't be that smart,
Misled the greatest civilisation?
Oh dear! From where do we start?

Our people have never known better,
Good governance is a pipe dream,
Here's another scheme to enrich politicians,
Juicy donations flowing in like a stream;

The big pharms engineered this,
Let loose something to **** millions,
Scramble, make a show, of concern,
Develop a vaccine, rake in the billions.
The truth's out there, somewhere.
J Vital Sep 2023
In the quiet hush
A subtle serenade begins–
“Dun Dun, dun dun, dun dun!”
As I surrender to slumber, I ask
“What Is this sound I hear?”
A sound not felt within
Although it’s near,

A slow lullaby,
from beating drums,
Playing unheard rhythms
without the tips of the thumbs,
Travelling in the river of my pulse
From the sweet symphonies of waltz;

Each beat holds and deploys-
Gentle hidden notes bringing us joy,
Also, sadness for the broken
From hurtless pains, that’s unspoken;

Heart in hand, I drift
in sound travelling through
left palm’s sensitive terrain–
“Dun dun, dun dun, Dun dun!”
"What is this sound?" I ask again,
Is this a whispered reminder
of life’s steady rhythms that remain?​

As I rest so soft and deep,
I listen to the sound of life
in my heart's loving keep.
Jevaugn Oct 2021
how i feel right now?
dejected - tip toeing to
i wallow in reflection
riddle pebbles in every direction
disturb placid lakes with intention
i’m a degenerate…
or so my story shows -
malignant magic toss me to and fro
i’m tooth and claw born:
a black rose
raised to be a thorn for the gouge
implored the gorges and found
hollow mounds of sound
empty words compiled like faces
in a crowd  
i’m in a shroud -
humming ghost hymnals
diamond of april in prosaic pose
minstrels -
how i’m bound and crowned
ten toes down
ten middle fingers up
Shin Sūsenju lay hands on a runt

is this what you want?  
am i built to your woes?
fervor to shatter molds
i can’t control
black jade shields my soul
but i still dance with the world
we both in a whirl…
derogatory spirits in my head
my toes curl
involuntary shifts in my bed
my toes furl
restless nights - so i sip the earl
guess i’m grey like mama’s pearls

baby blue world in a swirl
navy blue denim -
legs in a twirl
body immersed in
a dream deferred -
from this curse i emerge
from birth i drove the hearse
from birth i drove the hearse

sleep with one eye open: i’m a seer
before i ever touched the drugs
i knew the truths and the dares
a reckless ***** for the care
loud deploys of thunderous tokes
i’m eloping with peace through
blunts rolled in hope -
made a bond with a newer self
thinking i was better in health…
in euphoric fog I grew fond
dissipate to city songs
but in smog i loathe like kong
angry, lost, and no nia long -
i can’t give away my heart
baby just come for the ride…
i put it all in the song…
through that water, yea i trogged
in that whip, now i boss
manifest strength in welts from past hands dealt with tongs
i should’ve never…
i should’ve…

baby blue world in a swirl
navy blue denim -
legs in a twirl
body immersed in
a dream deferred -
from this curse i emerge
from birth i drove the hearse
from birth i drove the hearse

tryna be the greatest ever
i’m tryna be the greatest ever felt
i was never tryna be the greatest ever
till i lost my pelt
cold with my skin out…
i got my **** out
fear me.. love me.. hate me..
i got my chest out
ain’t **** to this paper
bet i wipe up boogers
till it’s runny south
bronx be the come up -
27 world rings
smell the daises
in a suit oof i’m done up
these ****** allergies
but i’m in them daily till the sun up
i’m just killin my time
got 3hunnid to my name…
make that 270..
feedin my vices with 30 dollar
indo strains
feelings dissapate
lung muscle gains
hear the hustle gland
grab a duffle bag
fillin it with everything i never had
i’m scripting nations and armies
i’m ****** every thing up like
we should’ve had
and when i’m done, *****
it’s a permanent scab
betta feel the reps in my jabs, *****

baby blue world in a swirl
navy blue denim -
legs in a twirl
body immersed in
a dream deferred -
from this curse i emerge

from birth i drove the hearse

from birth i drove the hearse

i’m the Reaper’s first son
raised in the church
from birth the earth i worked
see it in my blood exposed -
my love
mortal man neva shown
A song.
Locked inside a summer dream that never ends
I am a breathing tree, a pushing flower, a seedling
Hemmed in by a sun that shines and never spends,
I am a rose in a garden, filled with mystical healing

Enfolded in the hour I am a sunny season of joy
laughing, giggling, scintillating, playing with the wind
Concealed with beauty that never ends nor deploys
I am June, July and August, rushing in without rescind

Immersed in the scent of sweet mulched fruits
I am an apple in the orchard of crimson cherry red
****** in heat I dip into pacific waters find my route
I am all the things you can imagine in your head

Locked inside a summer dream that never ends,  
I am hemmed by a sun that shines and never spends .
Yenson Mar 2021
the discriminations and racisms that built an empire
the racisms that made Republics
the discriminations and racisms that checks innocent
successful people of colour
the discriminations and racisms that upholds Blighty
is not a Republic
the discriminations and racisms that ordain only black
Royalty are subjected to Republicanism extremisms

the discriminations, racisms and Colonialism that holds
its Caucasians  that determines
who is to be cancelled and checked because they are titled
and dared call Caucasian thieves, thieving scums

the discriminations and racisms that deploys covert designs
to hide ignorance injustice discrimination and racism

calling the mobbing harassment and bullying an innocent and lawful Blackman, People Power
Teaching what teachers teach reaching for a textbook because you have to practice what they preach and having not one thought of your  own and when they put you in a home?
why ask why?

'Do or Die' a motto in a seaside grotto because we're not allowed to fight anymore and riding the ghost train in that frame of signed In for duty Sgt Bilko.

A slip and we all make then try to unmake them
and they break men for less.

The stunning suburban
the middle class businessman
with a wife on prosecco
by the way
who is Sgt Bilko?

Another slip
the cord rips and the parachute deploys
oh joy of joys
it's not grim at all.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
Jingoistic nationalism
Noise from bully boys

I still wander lonely
Poetry I deploys

No grand philosophy
No builder of a system

Just my sleeping sons
And O! how I miss them
Qualyxian Quest May 2020
I gave away some secrets
Which I may one day regret

But the secrets which she shared
May do some good still yet

Protection for my loved ones
Joys for the boys

Peace like a river
Hope that deploys

Little boats

— The End —