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Coffee coffee a delacasy with a
tasty dehydrating quality
Farmers worked the feilds
where there once was a beautiful yield
Why the hell is my tongue all pasty
whatever cause that was Fuckn tasty

Chuck the paper cup, disrupt they all add up
bite your plastic shrunken lid lip
take it, grind it, its best brewed with a slow drip
this thing we speak of, it desires
the minds insatiable crazy love fires

Black or cream and with a little sugar
to some its a dream
ya sure theres water or h2o in there
but the caffine doesnt discriminate or even care
Substance abuse
people and nature swinging from a noose
His fingertips are doused in gasoline,
setting fire to everything he sees.
Each object he touches,
all the memories collected,
ash away and fall to crimes.
He's got eternal flames inside him,
and yet his eyes remain dimmed and submissive.
He's fragile and fractured,
and as his last heart string crackled,
you could see the hope unlit.
Fires and unsettling demons
are all he even seems to remember.
He might try and set his body ablaze,
to calmly dry off that crying pain,
sadly sticks and stones withhold his embers.
He won't die, but he can't learn,
the anguish manipulated to feed a burn.
His life was hanging in a balance of dry anger,
rather the deployment of washing hurt again,
he thought would dehydrate its annual return-
All feedback is welcome and appreciated!
Brycical Jul 2012
With a single
you make me sweat--
your sticky breath
melodically with every swagger
of your step.

You chronically
my thoughts--
ironically inspiring me
to bathe in refreshing
conscience streams
that are not mine.

I want to taste
the salty Sahara sands
between your toes
to feel what it's like this close
to the sun--
concealed by the  burning
Shisha smoke you breathe
with such control into your soul.

For one steamy night
I want to be the wind
those burning embers in your eyes
watching you slither,
as if an ice cube touched your spine.

I want white light smiles
to scar our faces
the next morning,
disfiguring our charred
our ashes scattered
by the wind from the burning
building we've collapsed.
Greatly inspired by "The Stroke," "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and a dear friend.
Emanuel Martinez Mar 2013
Does it sting you if I tell you, you're a ******, a thief, and a liar by association?
Sure you've been convicted and you wear your prison tags with pride
This is not a tale, this is not for your entertainment, I'm talking about you!

Wearing your abercrombie and fitch, am I interrupting the call on your iphone!
Sure what you buy has been cleansed to hide the stench of blood and sweat
Do you know where it's made? Do you care about those who made it?

Think you got it bad? Wait until you see factory workers cry!
They can't because their tears dehydrate their malnourished bodies
Your thinking its alright to be at ease, better think twice

Panic, your self-preservation is not safe, your body's agency will soon give way
Living in ghettos, urban centers, metropolises, seeking comfort among congestion
Depositories for the excesses of humanity, fresh produce scarce, drugs plenty
Commercial, social, fashion districts hiding alley ways and misery
March 9, 2013
Lee Janes Dec 2012
Sit down, take a seat, and hear me;
If you are comfortable tell me?
For I shall begin with words to soften
Your heart, which I wish to own.
I speak to you masses with confidence
For I know that my subject is common;
But with clear and fresh tongue do search
To recite anew song of unbridled love.

Do you all know me? My muse is yours at times
Such as these, a soul such as yours;
May she, Cyprian goddess, flow through my pores,
As with many a poet before.
Her help is needed, for this world turns
And shies her back away from truth.
Lost now are all souls in love, forsaken now
Is a pure emotion for the heart.
You know this, for I speak rights that even courts
Would nay sentence. Sentence me
Though! I would gladly serve twice my life,
For her to embrace mine alone.
No iron bars could hardly hold behind them
My desire, they'll drift on the wind.
She'll hear them as they tap her door,
Funnel under, and sneak passed gaps,
Hidden from the eye and from her ear;
Within her dreams they flow to her.
May visions appear from within my words,
And although her slumbers appear light,
Cascade falling images, that when she awakes
Make her sleeps troublesome ever more.

These words I sing, my dear, you understand
Already but refuse to summit for fear.
‘Tis true our time is now, and within this
Our hour glass continually spits its grain.
Present life is still filled and overflows the brim
With faith, love and tender passion.
Be gone these modern treasures, these allures
Which cause wants of no purpose.
Give in, surrender, and commit to your feelings;
For there is no wrong in what feels right!

To you, my Emily, this little verse is sent,
As with splendour your name escapes my lips;
Is as wondrous as this sight I behold,
Relaxing upon this golden beach.
You bring me warmth that no sun, nor sand,
Nor ocean could ever duly match.
Forever will my kisses linger on your lips,
So love may wonder earth unharmed.
Without you I have clung to sickness while
My pain is joy. Take doves paired off in love
As model! Male and female a perfect match!
Ones wrong to look for limits to loves madness;
True love knows no bounds.
The sun god sooner drive black steeds, and fish
Dehydrate in dry ocean than I could
Shift my passion elsewhere; I'm yours alive,
Yours dead! All your kisses are still too few!
How many sighs toss me from side to side of the bed?
While I can not admit that you will not come.

Unique, most lovely trouble, born to make me suffer,
Your beauty shall be made famous by my books.
I saw you in a dream, my life, my desire, and tossing
On the purple waves, like every would-be lover,
I am willingly your slave! !
mars Apr 2014
it's been thirty seven days
since we last spoke and the
only reason i know is because
that's how many packs of cigarettes
I've forced into my lungs

i drank an entire liquor store out
just to feel your bitter kisses burn
my lips and dehydrate my heart the
way you would rip me apart and leave
me to wither away in the dark night

i've gotten an inhaler just so i could
pump your heartbeat into my chest
to feel alive because this feeling is
so **** ******* suffocating and im
dying im dying imdyingimdying

please send help

please don't leave

please love me

i cant breath it hurts so much
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
My heart skips like a rock across the river filled in my sorrows
I'm down today, but there's hope for tomorrow
This hope lets me cope like its dope and I'm a fiend
Each ripple of a wave shows me the way
Taking me, making my mental depression raise
And in the breeze that kisses my tear streaked face
I find a glimmer of a smile the dawning of a new day
A day that dissolves anguish and brings an abundance of happiness
Like hot chocolate deep in winters mist
I find that I'm deep within these myths
Buried in lies beyond lies, I've tried and I've tried
Floundering time after time
Sinking deep until the bottom was my place to hide
Struggling for air, lungs unable to rise
Weight of burdened waters and tides
Until in the darkness I chose to swim and rise
The time is now determination fills my eyes
Thru pain comes happiness I have come to realize
Press to the top this Ian my life and my sunrise
I am the drive train in the machine that motivates me
The I in the team that solely consist of me
Like a beam of light it strikes me
Profusely enlightens me ,
Adjust my contrast and brightens me
No longer will I huddle in the dark acquiescly
Eloquence bubbles up inside of me
Hope serenades from within
As an illuminating light in my eyes begins
I can see now the fantastical future depends
On where I lay my burdens and my sins
I chose to be free, live my life, plant seeds
And allow destiny to drive and fulfill my needs
As I cry out the pain Heaven has heard my pleads
The anguish washed away, my soul no longer bleeds
My Utopia awaits, this cages bird is freed
Its times flee and gambol
No longer gambling on the shadows
Luminaries of the sky let me spread my wings and fly
Nature lifts me high, the birds chirp hi, as they gracefully fly by
I can't fathom the fugacious elegance so prevalent
With great relevance to my contentment with life
No longer with I struggle or strife
I'll dehydrate my eyes no longer will I cry
Time is ineffable so I'll pay no mind,
To the hands that control the lie
By Jay Bryant and Cole Jackson
ross Sep 2015
I am the product of two naked bodies
That no longer intertwine but are now
Only seen as broken vacant homes and empty parking lots.
I grew up in shells as big as mountains and bathed in salt water tears of grief
Hoping that my loose skin would hold tight and dehydrate
And then maybe for once I could put my thoughts aside and sleep at night.
I've been haunted my whole life except when I close my eyes and dream of you and all soft and vibrant things that relate to you.
My body is a broken vessel that I've been piecing together by other broken shipwrecks and tattered rags that I'm still learning how to use.
I'll keep on drowning because you sailed away with my heart and I was never good at swimming from the start.
The machines in my mind are getting tired of the dreams where you and I are on rocks and we intertwine with veins like naked bodies that are only seen as broken vacant homes.
midnight prague Jan 2011
the year unravels beside me like a new born child
opening its eyes and only seeing in black & white
It is still adjusting to what will manifest, the things it will see
in such a short amount of time before its death
I wish the years where made to be longer
I think it is simply unfair
and what is my connection with this strange thing
a band that has a restricted time suffocated between its two ends
where do I come into this ebb of time
every second is precious I believe
disappearing in the air like smoke
as if it never happened, as if it was never there
my *** has not been touched in almost more months
than I can count on my two hands
and does that mean anything to anyone,
I have become eagerly selfish with my body
and then you come along and make me question my greed
but I stand firm and strong, like a column of dark gray stone
ascending from the bottom of the ocean and kissing the moon
and does that mean anything to anyone

I generate scenarios in my head of all the possible happiness,
of all the possible people, all the possible anguish that is far
beyond my comprehension and  maybe more than I desire to comprehend
I have recently came to an understanding of endless pain
I dont believe I quite understood it before
but after watching that man out of hate **** 2 men of a different color
a hate generated due to his fathers ******
then released from prison a clean slate
only to have his brother killed by one of the victims younger brothers
my head twisted and I felt his pain when I saw him hold his ****** brother
and my heart felt as if it was being suffocated between his very tears
I felt my heart disappear with his heart
I felt the deepest thing inside of my chest beyond my body
something that goes far beyond that
I felt that  thing weeping
and to think that there are agonies that surpass that
makes me question all my beliefs
makes me question myself
and quite honestly makes me question the things that I have cried for
and the things that I was unhappy for

me, a simple woman staring out into the sky
and I am but an atom
or something so much smaller than that when standing on the edge
of a black hole in our universe, falling into something that our human
minds cannot comprehend
and then where do I go
born into this world from my mother and father
my mother who came from the love of two orphans
and my father who came from the unfortunate meeting of a innocent
woman gone mad and a mad man
and my parents who came from two separate worlds
what has bred through my generations to lead to this
what happened in the seconds of my ancestors
the women who would in their free time sit alone
what is it that they thought of
did I ever cross their minds
did this madness ever cross their minds
are they flowing through me

I lay on my bedroom floor
a bedroom that I simply cannot stand but have somehow grown fond of
one that probably wont be mine in another year and someone else's
will my energy rub into them, did the previous owners energy run
through me, this previous child

its quite amazing how every human is a absolute work of art
generated by two people who at some point in time mixed the paint
of their bodies together and came out with a piece
call it cheap art, bad art, disastrous, ******
every human is still a work of art
filled with thought and emotion
peoples eyes lately have come to **** me
I cannot handle it, the thought of this alone
is so overwhelming

and here I am writing of it
like the slave I am to my own mind
like the slave that I am to my own thoughts
I am a faithful miner digging through the pits of life
eager to find something worth drilling for
eager to find something worth crying and laughing for
eager to find fuel to add to my fire of a raging heart

I have come across a mind recently
that is bent in all sort of shapes and directions
I can hear the bizarre in that voice
and I have been rather amused, for a longer stretch of time than I usually let myself be consumed within another human
I have forgotten what those waters have felt like
coming to me, yet staying far away
there is so much room for me to breathe
and yet so much room for me to be close

I have found new sanctuaries within myself
where the elimination of boundaries have been discovered
where nature breathes like a blushing ghost
where the flowers are dead yet sing the tales of liveliness
and bewilderment and they are just as beautiful as the new born
flowers, but they have the death and wrinkles of wisdom
the rivers butcher into the oceans
and within their butchering they make love in the most
calmly fashion  
lovers roam these lands touching and kissing each others hands
there are no promises of love made, only ceasing of the moments
and a lingering future of mystery and hope
that is all

and many times I retreat in my thoughts and wish that I lived within
this state of mind when I met you or you or perhaps you

I have been known to suffocate love
I have been known to walk away full
to empty myself and dehydrate my body of life's genuine water
I have been known to drown that emotion
I have been called the reaper of these beautiful things
but I have done quite more than forgive myself and accept these things
and I have done quite more than just make myself believe that I can

restraint bled through me since I was young
because emotions where made to be wrong
these things erupted in me the wrong way

but I am here now in this state of mind
and have come to the realization that this is where I belong
the risks I shall take
I am not preaching only endless beautiful things
no, I am preach things of a true life
and taking it in for simply everything that it is worth
I don't believe in solid dedication
I hunger for space still
but now I hunger for other things as well
and the mix of the two
has made new souls within me
DC raw love Feb 2015
Little molly who
the little white pill

crave and rave
dance all night

*** into the light
makes it feel right

the ******* night
they all live for

dehydrate all week
eat with the meek

dream of that molly night
throughout the week
and crave for the rave

they strive all night
end up in a fight for their life

Little molly who
the little white pill
While MDA is generally similar to MDMA, users report that MDA has more stimulant and psychedelic qualities and less intense entactogenic effects than MDMA. MDA is also considered less predictable than MDMA, with effects varying greatly from person to person. MDA is best known for its enhancement of the experiences of dancing and ***.

Symptoms of acute toxicity may include agitation, sweating, increased blood pressure and heart rate, dramatic increase in body temperature, convulsions, and death. Death is usually caused by cardiac effects and subsequent hemorrhaging in the brain from the brain swelling which can lead to a stroke and\or  memory loss that is not regainable and again it can ****.
alex Aug 2016
You were an exquisite boy, or so I thought. You looked past normalcy in individuals & dug around in their chests for something to cling to. I saw a light in you. I'm guessing because you came from a far off place. A place I hadn't known to be tainted & hollow. I looked to you for answers. Answers you didn't have. I looked to you for safety. And a safe place, you weren't. Nights were spent indulging in music I had never heard, & sewing my skin back together in rows. It's hard to let go of the one who reminded you to drink. But eventually you just left me to dehydrate. It's for the better, I know. It was self destruction honestly. & although I no longer romanticize this silence, I will always love the boy who loved me when I was sad.
He sprinkles salt in my wounds, gently, as every word digs deeper and deeper
He deprives my life of flavor, saving it like ammo for the next fresh water war
He buries me in a pile of crystals
Shining, sparkling, dazzling, until they dehydrate every ounce of ambrosial hope
He throws salt over his shoulder for 'good luck', leaving anything and everything behind him burning, withering
Like binging and purging, the ocean rolling in and out, he's suffocating me under what he claimed was sugar
Like the mastermind behind water-boarding, he jerks me left and right, pure and tainted, innocent and soiled
He promises that this time it's Confectioner's
He promises the water he's leading me to is fresh
But every time it's salt
And I'm the definition of insane, constantly falling for the same look in his eyes, the same half smile
And every grain is one hundred lies,
And every grain brings another ten-year war
Sodium chloride might as well be cyanide
Simple table salt bottles may as well be containers of gunpowder
We're fighting through the desert, sand turned into his favorite compound
We're losing, bleeding, lacerated, with only his promises as bandages
I'm betrayed by my own body, as I wipe my tears and realize their chemical makeup
I'm trying to explain why I panic if my dish is too salty, why I panic if I'm near the ocean
I'm rebuilding my pallet, substitution after substitution
I'm learning to use other spices
I'm remembering the taste of a simpler world.
I'm washing over my scars with water I filtered myself.
you turned me into ....
into an anxious person
passive aggressive

trembles at your absence
screaming your name

now I'm a scary puppy
licking my wounds
going around in circles
waiting for you to return
... your words
a gesture of love in your eyes
... to throw the ball

i wait ... and waiting I get weak
dehydrate me, I'm getting carbonized
my eyes are dry watching the window
my lashes fall
and my hands wrinkle

this time is cruel
makes me feel anxious, awkward, desperate
is like a tunnel crowded, which I can't leave
as tying the laces without hands

falling limply to the floor
without intermediaries
Here I'm
They’d sat beneath the sweltering sun
For an hour, or maybe two,
Lost somewhere on the Birdsville Track
They didn’t know what to do.
‘Stay with the car,’ said Derek Beech,
‘They’ll come and find us soon.’
‘Better we walk,’ said Colleen Scott,
‘Til we find that last lagoon.’

They glared and bickered, and pursed their lips,
The battlelines were drawn,
He to stay with the crippled car,
She to go wandering on.
‘The temperature’s hitting fifty C
If you go, you won’t survive.’
‘Rather than dehydrate out here,
I want to get out alive!’

They’d driven through Cooper’s Crossing
As the day was becoming dark,
He had been keen for pushing on
Though she had wanted to park.
The driver had the advantage, so
Their lights cut into the night,
In through the gibber country, where
The tracks crossed, left and right.

They’d entered the Stony Desert when
The first of the tyres blew,
They’d only taken a single spare,
She said, ‘That’s down to you!’
It took an hour to change it
Trying to jack the car in the sand,
The jack would sink in the bulldust mix
So she had to lend a hand.

By morning they were completely lost
And the radiator boiled,
The lights had flashed all over the dash
And the motor suddenly stalled.
‘I can’t believe that we’re stuck out here,’
She’d wailed, and punched his arm,
‘Why did I ever listen to you?
I should have stayed on the farm.’

‘Maybe you should,’ said Derek Beech,
His temper beginning to show,
‘You’re not much good at the outback life,
Go back to your Auntie Flo!’
‘That’s it,’ she said, and she pulled the ring
He’d given her days before,
Flung it down in his lap, and watched
It bounce to the desert floor.

She took a bottle of water, then
Stomped off the way that they came,
‘If you get lost you will die out there
With only yourself to blame!’
She took a short cut back to the track
They’d turned off, hours before,
And gradually drank the water, though
She knew that she needed more.

The endless dry and barren land
Had not seen rain for years,
The track wiped out by the drifting sand,
Colleen was soon in tears,
She stopped beneath a coolibah tree
Surviving on its own,
And rested there in the paltry shade
In the land of the great unknown.

While Derek sat in an agony
Of doubts, to cloud his mind,
Should he have gone along with her,
Or should he have stayed behind?
Some hours had passed before he rose
To place the ring on the car,
Along with a note, ‘I love you, girl,
But I don’t know where you are.’

He started to walk the way she’d gone,
The sun, it was going down,
He knew that hope was a step too far
As he walked along, and frowned,
If only he’d thought to call her name
Snapped out of his mute dismay,
He might have met her along the track,
Coming the other way.

They were only a hundred yards apart
When they passed like ships in the night,
And she had stumbled back to the car
When the sun put gloom to flight,
She found the note and she found the ring
And she placed it back on her hand,
Then sank beside their wreck of a car
And was covered by drifting sand.

While he was found, propped up by the tree
In the glare of the blazing sun,
His final thought of the way they’d fought
That never could be undone.
But love was there in the desert air
As she lay, the ring on her hand,
While he clung on to the bottle, she’d
Flung empty, down on the sand.

David Lewis Paget
jane doe Jun 2014
Dehydrate my bones and
Sprinkle the crumbs over a deliciously
Warm winter dessert, creamy
In the centre like surprise ice
Floating above the tide.

Do I melt in your mouth
The way he did?
Your memories of me now are just

Strange dreams
That remind you of
My ashes.
ash Aug 2016
I am weeping for the trees
And for the grass, and for the flowers.
I am weeping for the souls
And the soulless, and the soulful.

When I tune my brain correctly
All I can feel is deep, throbbing, horrid pain.
And I wonder if anyone could feel the pain I feel,
Would they weep with me?

I feel the pain of the animals in the plants,
I feel their blood-curdling screams looping
Over and over until it's all I can hear.
I feel the abuse and depression in every creature  who knows they will be violently slaughtered.

I feel the pain of mother nature.
She is asking, "why do you destroy the gifts I have given you?"
She is crying, "nobody is listening to my warnings,
The droughts, the storms, the disasters"

I feel the pain of human beings
I feel the pain they know not yet that they feel.
That each and every one of them is enslaved, bred, and controlled.
Maybe we aren't so different from the cattle on our plate.

I feel the pain of the creatures in the ocean
Who are lucky if they don't ingest poison early on in their lifetime,
Who are lucky if they don't get caught in plastic
Or in a net, to suddenly-slowly dehydrate and die.

I feel, mostly the pain of our creator,
Who goes by many different names.
That they created us to learn and grow, and love, and spread love
Yet, all anyone can focus on is their own gain.

I am weeping for the world
Because the weight is pushing down on me.
I am weeping for the souls
Who are overwhelmed by the pain and cry with me.
I just want to change everything.
Mateuš Conrad May 2016
r a n, or: reformed alcoholics named, such pretty,
saintly creatures, you can almost yawn at the whole affair;
i've never heard such gracious life-affirming stories as these -
watch them scuttling like rats from a sinking
ship, you can count them, hell, you can even name them:
oh there's jerry who ****** himself in bed,
there's bradley in black-out mode
at liverpool st. station,
james the one who puked blood in the toilet...
and there's me, using alcohol for what
the arabs feared it could do to a man:
dehydrate him and leave him with a snail-tongue,
all slurry and slow - not a very known
sedative back then, it was first used to sterilise
medical equipment used in removing an
appendix, or the third tonsil (e.g.) -
rarely was it used as a sedative, people abused it
during Bacchus ****** - they'd dance and sing;
Spartan meat-heads used to drink diluted wine
(all that six-pack growling and Hoplite Phallus...
Phalax... whatever RAA!) and would give pure
wine to shame someone and walk him down
the street, tumbling... the Japanese... hmm, what
an odd case indeed... i'd need a barrel of sāké /
säké to get drunk... and they drink it... warm,
disgusting... mulled wine i can understand...
but drinking ****-***** ***** warm is sick...
            now concerning the diacritical marks,
so the umlaut a (dot dot)... am i right in assuming
that in english it would be equivalent to write
it as: a a            and whatever letters either side?
oh oh! like aardvark? i'm good at arithmetic, . .    . .
    . .        . .            . .         . .                             σ 12, yes?
then surely the macron on the other variant is also
a prolongation, or perhaps an elongation of the vowel,
but of course with the     e           you're sort of supposed
to jump, make the tongue jump or fire a slingshot
or throw a Molotov cocktail or something, ṝight?
(yep, that's not a trill but a "growl", the english
                                        hollowed-out r -
     meaning it is prolonged, but it's not trilled -
                                        the posh Chelsea girls would know,
puffs and toffs and macaroons, whatnot, oh ya,
yeah, those kind of girls, they'd tell you all about
                   the hollowed-out and prolonged english ṝ
there's no greater amount of ambiguity like there is in
that and why w is said to be a double-u but is written
like a double-v, and translated into polish
a                 w is actually             a         ł;
                            i think this is where we ref. everything
to the dispersion of the peoples and the tower of Babylon).
Denise Feb 2012
The sun
The rain
The ocean
The clouds


those beautiful things
they hurt the most

they burn, dehydrate, and blind us
they flood the land, and drown our people
they carry diseases, spread blights, batter our shores
they electrify us with their crashing waves

they ****, ******, and maim
they *******, mutilate, and ****
they break, batter, and wound
they incapacitate, wrong, and hurt us
our mind, our bodies, our souls

they are malicious
they are pain
they are life
jonathan valonis Jul 2010
I make believe and always dream,
Of nothing practical except the mean,
In all those random thoughts,
From a kid being taught,
To a teenager wanting to forget,
To an adult holding no regret,
Falling down and breaking,
Holding my stomach aching,
Searching for some kind of relief,
Not sure what it is I seek,
A thrill falling from the sky,
Pushing buttons asking why,
The sounds I hear are there,
Wondering why I have fear,
Being strong and knowing when I'm wrong,
Making art through story and song,
Exercising to the point of exhaustion,
Unable to cast even notion,
Towards verbalizing perfect silence,
While keeping peace from violence,
A guardian for some,
Wanting to fight none,
Teaching others to be honest,
And life having plenty of test,
For everyone to pass,
While many speak crass,
I know what it is,
I want to say this,
I want love,
I've tried all the above,
I'm failing but not giving up,
Not now nor abrupt,
Will this stop,
A passion from the top,
Of my heart to the bottom of my soul,
I want to give you full control,
Some say foolish I may have to agree,
However I'd rather it be,
So I will keep on going,
Confessing to you and showing,
How much I want,
Until I taunt,
Myself of your dreams,
So our lives meet at the seam,
Connecting us like a zipper,
Fastening us to deliver,
Something new to this world,
Spin around and twirl,
With that beautiful figure,
Making life even bigger,
Then we could hope,
Of having a castle with a moat,
O' how I wish,
This were a dish,
That would be served,
O' how much you deserve,
Give me your hand,
Let's walk through the sand,
Counting the stars,
Where there's no pollution or cars,
I will go on forever,
Trying to be clever,
Enough to get your attention,
And will always continue to mention,
Every time I encounter you,
I like you,
And ask you out,
I'll even shout,
Til my veins dehydrate,
Til my heart fails to cooperate,
With my brain,
To the point my eyes rain,
That I'm no longer sane,
I will fill this pane,
Of shattering proportions,
A simple solution not an illusion,
A chance worth taking,
Don't you know I'm not faking,
My feelings are real,
I don't want to steal,
Your heart and break it,
I want to mend it,
From everyone who has,
In your past,
Let me be there,
I am one who cares,
Be my girlfriend,
I'll be your boyfriend
The line "Of nothing practical except the mean" I am using the mean as if it were math. Such as, adding all the integers together then dividing by the total of number of integers, to reach the middle. To take it a step further an integer is a whole number (not a fraction) that can be positive, negative, or zero. So when it comes "the mean" it can be positive, negative, or nothing. Rather then "the mean" meaning mean.
Creepstar Apr 2016
When copulating with a cadaver
Warm in a bath,with moisturiser slather
Its fine to cut a few new holes in
Providing once done you sew where you've been
They're better fresh unless you wish to gump
While they still have blood they give a better pump
To preserve like biscuits you'll need a cool dry place
And bodies dehydrate so you'll need botox for the face
uh im rude like awakening
*knock those out who fakin' flakin'

like they frosted i leave ya exhausted
hard to see me when them black ants
crawlin' over eye visions cuz my visions
dehydrate your precisions
stingin' ya harder the bees like wind to breeze
ya cant slow me yall haters below me
bring force like kinobi just show me
yo head so i can fill it with led down goes yo bread
tears in the hearts of families fatalities bring joy to me
emcees beware ya in for a scare no truth or dare
pause ya like ya in a stare
first glare ya see im in ya shadows
check my plateau ruthless as Don Vito evils we see no
remorse for those who try to show
out they *** we never chased the cash
we burned out like brass true with me class
yall dont want no clash
dancin' with the titan fast as lightening
strike so compellin' enticin' frightening
no late night news can fused or abuse
our images we mass murderers lowerin' percentages
of those in advantage we bringin' mo' carnage
than the average savage live in havoc
dont thread the best unless ya wanna die like the rest
ease my stress with totes of canibus while yall diss
im chillin' like maximus
full potential we never been bought out chips just sought out
takin' over islands reestablish demands with illegal contrabands
one man stand
dont need no fan feel me i be the straight loco true colo
******* by nature too a few bites from forbidden manzana
makin' miracles like ana
from lyrical content bites critics like piranhas sound the black madonna whos gonna?
*stop me once i began the tears so ***** *** commentators beware
Mona May 2017
Your need is a knife,
Sometimes a chainsaw.

It cuts at my shoulders,
The bones in my arms,
Some days it's quite greedy,
Wanting a share of my soul,
Dissecting a chamber or two
of my heart.

You eagerly want to drink my sanity,
To dehydrate me of any positivity,
Till life seeps through me and into you,
And osmosis makes us even,
Two distorted figures with no aim,
That's when you can sleep.

I'm afraid we can't both reside
in my fraying body,
You weigh a million unsaid words,
And my spine isn't strong enough
To keep pushing us through
your derailing paths.
J Arturo Sep 2014
particles never stay in the same place.
you were a tin can but now you're a horse, running alone
tethered maybe to a burned up stable
but mostly a creature of fire, muscle, sweet speed sweat that
takes pause only to graze from the land.

you are a machine.
a machine that runs.
a running machine.

and you tried to change, didn't you?
saw a California sunset in a psychedelic silhouette,
grew legs and became a beast of the land.

there was a great plain with mountain frame but
your legs. your eyes. your tail your flies by god
if I could tame.

very few could love you but those that do,
will dehydrate, expire, at the mirage that rises
and fades with you from view.

you are a horse running alone and my
body aches to be the stream you drink from, to be the
sunset that gives you solace, if
ever you require some.

you are different now and I am the same shape,
dressed even as I was the day you left.

I want your love for me
to be the ruined running ground
beneath sweat soaked feet:
stable, and strong
then impermanent, and weak.
Drifton A Way Jul 2017
You are the epitome of a Broken, masterpiece
A Happy little accident, like a Robert Ross Tree

To procrastinate would just dehydrate their fate
Riddled and widdled to core instincts so innate

Like when reincarnated DNA lays a dinosaur egg

Like someone offering you a hand when you need a leg

Like a slap in the face when you wanted a hug

Like a crap in the place, but right on your rug

My point is you're rare, so much so much I just don't know or care, because such blind luck should appropriately just not give a ****, or maybe give two...... and so the challenge lay at an absolute stalemate. Next time we shall both properly hydrate and then get in too mate and then hit the snooze and sleep in late...
I'll  make breakfast
Jake O Apr 2015
When I take my glasses off
When I stay up too late
When I don't drink enough water
My vision becomes blurry

When I take out my contacts
When I pull an all-nighter
When I dehydrate myself
My writing makes more sense

When I squint
When I wipe the tears from my eyes
When I put the drops in
The world I see hasn't changed
All that's changed
Is what I see of the world

And yet
No matter how much I
Blur, sharpen, obscure, or improve my vision
My feelings remain unclear to me
An Apollonian
will dehydrate
swamp in
petri dish
if platitude
shall inhibit
crab to
crack shell
ramble in
vicissitude that
anymore is
congenial with
genesis rational
in mode
with a
seance inhabit
extreme viability.
uh im rude like awakening knock those out who fakin'
flakin' like  they frosted i leave ya exhaushted
hard to see me when them black ants
crawlin' over eye visions cuz my visions
dehydrate your precisions
stingin' ya harder the bees like wind to breeze
ya cant slow me yall haters below me
bring force like kinobi just show me
yo head so i can fill it with led down goes yo bread
tears in the hearts of families fatalities bring joy to me
emcees beware ya in for a scare no truth or dare
pause ya like a stare first glare ya see
im in ya shadows check my plateau ruthless as Don Vito  
evils we see no remorse for those who try to show
out they *** we never chased the cash
we burned out like brass true with me class
yall dont want clash dancin' with the titan fast as lightening
strike so compellin' enticin' frightening
no late night news can fused or abuse
our images we mass murderers lowerin' percentages
of those in advantage we bringin' mo' carnage
than the average savage live in havoc
dont thread the best unless ya wanna die like the rest
ease my stress with totes of canibus while yall diss
im chillin' like maximus full potential
we never bought out chips just sought out
takin' over islands reestablish demands
with illegal contrabands one man stand dont need no fan
feel me i be the straight loco true colo ******* by nature
too a few bites from forbidden manzana
makin'  miracles like ana from lyrical content
bites critics like piranhas sound the black madonna whos gonna?
stop me once i began the tears
so you imitators
commentators beware
Illya Oz Apr 2018
A million centipedes are crawling under my skin.
I've killed all the plants in my mind's garden.
Waterlogged with saline as I try to dehydrate my face.
But I'm not prepared when they come out to play.
They climb up the hypertrophic ladders on my skin.
Clawing at me while I rip off all their anthropomorphic legs.
They seep poison into my bloodstream that contaminates my brain.
It leaves me helpless.
Stefan Michener Mar 2016
If the weather is good,
it's too hot to play outside
dehydrate, incinerate

babies feel a little better
feel a little later
in the morning

Maybe my'll heart sing
in the morning
I'll feel a little better
Caro Jun 2024
The blue dust of death
Lingers by your elbows
A skeleton in a t-shirt
Who insists he isn’t hungry
Who insists he doesn’t deserve
The dust used to sit around you in big puffs
Blown in fresh from the latest round of chemo
Now it swirls by your ears
Seeps at your nail beds
Swishes in the wispy little hair you have left
Now we’re doing the natural method
Many methods exist
And we’ve chosen one with good results
From a friend of a friend
She had three lumps in her breast and now they’re all gone
So now we talk to the good dr Valentina
Who answers questions and tells us what to do
And you are awake for all of it
You are not lost in a stupor of narcotics
Lost in the brain slickening wash of chemo
Lost in a stupor of alcohol
Lost in a rise of vivid emotions like rage and shame
Lost in the waves of the Holy Ghost
No, no you are here
In the stillness, in the quiet morning
In the house with your worried wife
Your worried daughters
With yourself
You are awake, conscious
Making these healthy, guided, slow, steady, daily choices
You’re surrendering consciously
And it’s hard
You’re present with your demons
And it’s hard
Maybe you see the blue dust of death
And maybe since your eyes are now clear
Maybe you think it’s new
Maybe you think it’s worsened and not lessened
You know so little, dad
You know about submarines, trains, fear, National Geographic, how to give a cutting death stare, how to starve your body, how to dehydrate, how to laugh off the pain of a friends wife, how to to convert someone to our lord and savior Jesus Christ in a broom closet, how to make a savage dog submit, how to provide for a family for 20 years, how to leave your young children, how to not care, how to brush it off, how to hide your drinking, how to lie, how to inquire, how to shame, how to apologize
Some of these skills are new and I’m grateful for them
And now you are learning how to live, blue dust of death and all
jonas Jan 2020
I feel constriction in my throat
I know it's you who put it there.
My limbs, they shake
My voice doth quake
I burn from the inside out.

I feel emptiness in my abdomen
I know it's you who wants it there
I labored til my soul went brittle
You played my heart like a broken fiddle
I collapse from the inside out.

I feel heaviness in my heart
I know it's your fault that it's there
Your treatment chained me to the ground
I ******* miss you when you're not around
I disintegrate from the inside out.

I feel blood-drops in my wrists
I know it's you who doesn't care
No matter how hard I tried for you
You refuse to see what's clear and true
I dehydrate from the inside out.
Written in October of 2019
mottled bookmarks pin  
     tiny fragments of mine.
       pages unfold from within
   and resist to curve behind the time.
       grimaces fade into memoirs.
         suit coats on petit bourgeois
     wink at my shredding guard vest of tin.
           to wipe off those band-aids,
             to slim my baggage sutcase,
       to bury the laundry in silk waters is to see
             it's lifting aloft no casting aground
               so I murmur aloud shunning the clout.
         a biting leech tot under battings of the brick.
               me overlooking my hot spice of a boy
                 is cringy to mimic a sickening coy.
           seems like I'm a worm and blood I eat and drink
                   to transmiss leukocytes all over the globe
                   when my maw is stuffed and my bulge bobes.
         two sides of me rubbed along are two poles.
                 I bite far and I link two organisms
               meds' substitution with itchy feelers
       and a deep chested sweetheart, him I fret.
               when to run my slabber in his blood
             is to dehydrate and self-slenderize me?
     awe-eyed lover man slim'd my tube in size.
           me be loved for a healer then be dumped
         but it's in my cytoplasm and in my blood
   to bottom the gutters as if by dirt under the fingernails.
         a biting thot inside the bloodsucker ***
       seen by people as a nocuous germ.
they may wash their hands with a laundry soap
       everybody is no island, I unrobe my cloth.
     to cut sheets from life diaries isn't tougher any more.
© 4 days ago, Anton   nature  • humor  • personal  • societ

— The End —