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TR Takoda May 2013
I believe in equality. In life and death. In the ever existent turning of the earth and the burning heat of the sun.
I believe in equality. In people’s hearts and minds. In the rights that we choose to indulge in. And the ones we choose to ignore.
I believe in equality. In the little things. The common phrases. The not-so-common courtesies that we extend.
I believe in equality. For those who are well respected. For those who barely exist. For those who cannot afford to pay for their own meals.
I believe in equality. As human beings. As men. As women. As whatever the hell you want to be. As whoever you are, have been, and will become.
I believe in equality.
Big Virge Nov 2015
Everybody lacks ... something ...
That's a ... Fact ... !!!  
So ...
Let me ask you this ... ?
What do ... You Lack ... ?
Do you lack ...  
" Common Sense "  
or .... Confidence ... ???
or ...  
Do you lack what it takes ... ?
to forsake what you gain ...
from living ... just for money ...
like these ... Corporate Heads ... !!!
Well money ...
" Certainly " .... Pays .... !!!
But ....
Does not ... " Allay " ...
Unhappy Days ... !!! ...
Ask those ... who take ...
"Every Piece" ... of the cake ... !!!
If they say ... Their Cash ... !!!
Removes ... Their Pain ...
They're being ... Fake ... !!!
Question .... ?
what they say ... ?
If they lost their ...
... " Loved Ones ' ...
Could their cash ... Replace ... ?
" Loved Ones " ... who'd placed ...
Smiles on ... Their face ... !!! ? !!! ...
The answer is ... NO ... !!!
and this ... They Know ... !!!
So ...
Do you lack ...  
" Other things " ... ?
that ... make you think ...  
" What is The Point !!?!! "
of ... Making Noise ...  
about the way ...
we live ... today ...
Well ...  
that's okay ...
it's been ... that way ...
since the ... early days ...
of ... " Shackled Slaves ! " ...
Many lack ... the ability ...
to face ... " The Truth " ... !!!
Do those ... last words ...
Apply ... to you ... !!?!! ...
Well ...  
If they ... DO ... ?!?
You're lacking in food ...
You should ... Consume ... !!!
These days ...  
I Lack ... " Patience " ...
with those who are ...
..... " Blatant " .....
" Ignorant Fools !!! " ...
Those I find ...
with ... " Narrow Minds " ...
who choose to ... move ...
in the land ... of the blind ... !!!
Those now inclined ...
to ... Ignoring Signs ... ?!?
that .... " Indicate " ....
.......... " New " ...........  
" Troubled Times " ... !!! ...
for ... "Our" ...
" Human Kind " ... !!!
But ... if we pressed ...  
"CLICK" ...........  

Rewind ...  
I'm sure we'd find ...
Many Things ... " Replicated " ...
Like ...... " Old Pastimes " ......  
Do you lack ...  ?
The Ability ...
to want to ... " Backtrack " ... ?
Can I ask you ...  
" Freely " ... ?
Why are you ... like that ... ???
Afraid of what you'll see ... ??!??
or ... what you'll ... FIND ...
that'll ... EXPOSE ... Lies ...
"Cleverly" ... disGuiSed ...
to keep ... The Truth ...
hidden ......
..... From .....  
" Enquiring Minds ? " ...
This seems to be ...
... " Planned " ... !?!
to ... Ensure Most ...
..... " Lack " .....  
" The Ability " .....
to deal with ... FACTS ...  
Like .....
Why are women ...
Soooo hard ... to understand ... ???
In the very beginning ....
They're ... HARD to ATTRACT ... !!!!!
If ....  
You're a man ...
who ... HOLDS ... Your Stance ...
THAT ... You give a **** ...
" About " ... Their Needs ...  
while those who ... Lack ...
such ..... " Courtesies " .....  
seem to get ... ***** ...
Like .... " Next one please !!! "
Girls who ... LACK ...
any ... Common Sense ...
are those ... I don't want ...
inside ..... My Bed ..... !!!!!!!!!!
But ....
Hell Yes ... Yeah ...
I'll pass through theirs' ... !!!!!
Now ....
Hear me out girls ...  
Don't take ... Offence ... !!!!!
But ....
Too Many ... of you ...
Pick The  ....
"Wrong ****** Men ?!?"  
Again and Again .....
Your Case ... CLEARLY ...
Has .... " No Defence " ... !!!!!
These days ...
There's a .... LACK ....
of ... " Good ol' ... FUN ... !!!
Especially with ...
A ... " Good Woman ! " ...
..... " Relationships " .....
seem to end ... So Quick ... !!!
Before ... " Love's Able " ...
to get a .... " GRIP !!! " ....
and have a chance to ...
........ " Sit " .........
at the ... Dinner Table ...
That's ... " REALITY " ...
and is ... " No Fable ! " ...
Like .... Cain and Abel ...
Things are ... CLEARLY ...
Quite .... " Unstable " .... !!!!!
Like ... reception through ...
Those ... " Dodgy Cables ! ' ...
No ... MTV ...
or ... Sky TV ...
But ...  
Here's the link ...
So take ... THIS IN ... !!!
There's now a ... LACK ...
of ..... " RELIABILITY " .....
in how .... People ....
Now Seem ... to be ... !!!!!
"I'll call you tonight !"
"Cool, that's just fine,
I should be home,
by, half past nine,
don't let me down,
I don't like to be clowned !!!"
"Trust me man,
I will ring you !!!"
" Haven't heard from  
..... THAT FOOL .....
for a whole week now ...
if he calls me with ...
A Poor excuse ...
My mouth is gonna,
leave him ... Schooled ...
and make him ... frown ...
with the words ... I Choose ... !!! "
I just can't stand ....
when people .... LACK ....
..... " Reliability " ..... !!!!!!!!!!!
or ... is it ... Just Me ... ?!?
Asking ... TOO MUCH ... !!!
to hope that .... Some ....
"Good Ones" ... are left ... !!!
who are .... " Reliable " ....
from ... Start to End ... !!!
and deal in ...  
" Honesty " ...

as well as ...
" Respect " ...
People ... You TRULY ..
can call ... Your Friends ... !!!!!
Well ....
One thing ... I Don't Lack ... !
is a will to ... " Express " ...
through poetry .... sent ....
to my .... Notepad .... !!! ....
So ... now it's time ...
to end ... This Rhyme ...  
About ....  
Some Things ....
That ... WE ALL ...  
...... " Lack " ...... !!!!!
But ....
If you think ....
You DON"T ... Lack Anything ... ???  
Let me just say this ....
You are ... DREAMING ... !!!!!!!!!
Lacks something ....
That's just ... FACT ... !!!!!!!
So .....
Be HONEST ... with yourself ...
What Do ... You ... ?
........ Lack ........ ???
We ALL ... Lack something, as the piece says ....Dunno what really inspired this, but, clearly one day, the question entered my mind !
Ekym Reyotem Jan 2019
Throughout the course of this life, I, just like you, have made my fair share of mistakes. To compensate for this & also out of a fear of letting others down or causing pain or suffering to anyone other than myself, over the years I have tried to hone to almost perfection, the habit of seeing down the line when it comes to the decisions I make and the chances I take.
But alas, no one is perfect, especially not I.

Although I was compelled to grow up long ago, I feel as though I am still a young man, a young man with old values. Values like honor, loyalty, dignity and a wonderful sense of shame. A trait which I feel compliments the first three aforementioned values quite well.
Traits far removed from the gooey 'Quick’mix’d Battered' personalities we find ourselves standing shoulder to shoulder with in the oven of today’s irreversible societal meltdown. Everyone seems to have forgotten to teach their off-spring of that which makes life worth living & keeps the world turning. Which is of course, living for others just as much as we live for ourselves. Unfortunately, due to the selfish pace of today, rarely is anyone noticed for their gestures towards humanity. The reason for this phenomenon, being of course; Man Kinds evolution into the Narcissistic Vampire he is today. And as a result of this, not only do our efforts towards one another merely go unnoticed & unappreciated, it's far worse than that, courtesy is no longer even recognized for what it is, is rarely reciprocated, and has thus been phased out completely. And as a result of this; Man Kinds new triumphant mutation, 'The All-consuming Ego', is free to simply **** the meaning out of all that was once so valuable to the fabric of human society, while arrogantly presuming to be deserving of it all anyways, regardless of it's contribution to anyone or any thing.
Now the ego acts as a new type of biological O rgan,
an invisible 'Iron Lung'. Processing the very niceties that once separated us from the beasts, as if they were just like any other natural resource. But there is a difference & that difference is that these are human resources and in my opinion are just as valuable as the air we breathe, and just as nourishing as the sweet waters we drink. Manners are things to be noticed, cherished and savored. They are decency's. Gifts, that when given & returned, should impart on us the feeling of being recognized for our own decency and our own efforts towards our fellow man.
However, since Man has placed his Ego at the forefront, where once stood the Human Heart, 'It' now sits at the receiving window of human courtesies, absorbing and indifferent. So instead, it all goes unnoticed, unrecognized and underappreciated just like a gulp of air and is simply exhaled without a second thought, or a shred of gratitude as to how precious it really was.

If you were able to ask a fish, to name one thing which It considered to be both the most obvious aspect of his environment and also the thing most essential to the survival of its species, the last thing it will mention is the water.
Ask a man today the same question, but replace the words “his environment” with “humanity” and the last thing He will mention is another human being.

But I digress…

You'll have to excuse me. I am after-all a true romantic in every sense of the word and I have always been quite partial to dramatic effect.
I consider myself a realist, a term all too often confused with having a negative outlook. I beg to differ. In a world gone mad, I just prefer to keep my eyes wide open and my head in the game, as opposed to having it shoved all the way up my own a$$ like most. And although the world may not be so pretty out here, at least it’s real, as am I.
Allow me to make something abundantly clear, I never have been, nor will I ever be, anyone special.
And being aware of these facts is still far better than pretending that both of them are anything other than just that, facts.
I find no comfort in self-congratulation, delusions, or deliberate oblivious ignorance.
I am what I am.

What more can I say?
Another year come and gone and just like the rest of the world, it seems things for me too have only grown worse.
I am full of regret, all old, and none new. And for the exceptions of my Daughter and the Almighty Himself, I apologize for nothing and to no one else. After a lifetime of experiences and lessons learned, all that I am truly certain of, is that I am still here. And unfortunately, so are most of you.
And I am also still standing. Upright, with both feet planted firmly in reality and God willing, that is exactly how I intend to remain. There is not one ****** thing in this world which I have any control over and everything I have ever wanted, I have never gotten, and everything I have ever had, has been taken from me.
And yet here I remain, standing till the day I die. And when that day comes, the depth of the grave will have to be dug twice as deep, so as to bury me upright & on my feet.
Canaan Massie Jan 2013
We are protected from so much pain. For example: graves.
The earth’s roots and brown-black blood are busy
covering the soft, violated bodies of our loves.
Death is a secret, and the rain with its many hands

washes off the streets to the gutters death’s thick surprise.
The automatic shutter of the eye never fails,

the courtesies of the tongue. What goes on in the rooms of houses
is guarded from us by the hardwood doors,

the carefully closed windows. Whatever was said or done,
night will come, eagerly, to clean up.

And death will shield us, in time,
from the sun’s megalithic promise:

Tomorrow, the same day.
Tomorrow, the same day.

For example: A flower
is the most beautiful lie.
Arkaye Kierulf - ”For Example, A Flower”
I stumbled across this today and decided you guys needed to read this, so I posted it. lol
Aroused and angry,
I thought to beat the alarum, and urge relentless war;
But soon my fingers fail’d me, my face droop’d, and I resign’d myself,
To sit by the wounded and soothe them, or silently watch the dead.


First, O songs, for a prelude,
Lightly strike on the stretch’d tympanum, pride and joy in my city,
How she led the rest to arms—how she gave the cue,
How at once with lithe limbs, unwaiting a moment, she sprang;
(O superb! O Manhattan, my own, my peerless!
O strongest you in the hour of danger, in crisis! O truer than steel!)
How you sprang! how you threw off the costumes of peace with indifferent hand;
How your soft opera-music changed, and the drum and fife were heard in their stead;
How you led to the war, (that shall serve for our prelude, songs of soldiers,)
How Manhattan drum-taps led.


Forty years had I in my city seen soldiers parading;
Forty years as a pageant—till unawares, the Lady of this teeming and turbulent city,
Sleepless amid her ships, her houses, her incalculable wealth,
With her million children around her—suddenly,
At dead of night, at news from the south,
Incens’d, struck with clench’d hand the pavement.

A shock electric—the night sustain’d it;
Till with ominous hum, our hive at day-break pour’d out its myriads.

From the houses then, and the workshops, and through all the doorways,
Leapt they tumultuous—and lo! Manhattan arming.


To the drum-taps prompt,
The young men falling in and arming;
The mechanics arming, (the trowel, the jack-plane, the blacksmith’s hammer, tost aside with precipitation;)
The lawyer leaving his office, and arming—the judge leaving the court;
The driver deserting his wagon in the street, jumping down, throwing the reins abruptly down on the horses’ backs;
The salesman leaving the store—the boss, book-keeper, porter, all leaving;
Squads gather everywhere by common consent, and arm;
The new recruits, even boys—the old men show them how to wear their accoutrements—they buckle the straps carefully;
Outdoors arming—indoors arming—the flash of the musket-barrels;
The white tents cluster in camps—the arm’d sentries around—the sunrise cannon, and again at sunset;
Arm’d regiments arrive every day, pass through the city, and embark from the wharves;
(How good they look, as they ***** down to the river, sweaty, with their guns on their shoulders!
How I love them! how I could hug them, with their brown faces, and their clothes and knapsacks cover’d with dust!)
The blood of the city up—arm’d! arm’d! the cry everywhere;
The flags flung out from the steeples of churches, and from all the public buildings and stores;
The tearful parting—the mother kisses her son—the son kisses his mother;
(Loth is the mother to part—yet not a word does she speak to detain him;)
The tumultuous escort—the ranks of policemen preceding, clearing the way;
The unpent enthusiasm—the wild cheers of the crowd for their favorites;
The artillery—the silent cannons, bright as gold, drawn along, rumble lightly over the stones;
(Silent cannons—soon to cease your silence!
Soon, unlimber’d, to begin the red business;)
All the mutter of preparation—all the determin’d arming;
The hospital service—the lint, bandages, and medicines;
The women volunteering for nurses—the work begun for, in earnest—no mere parade now;
War! an arm’d race is advancing!—the welcome for battle—no turning away;
War! be it weeks, months, or years—an arm’d race is advancing to welcome it.


Mannahatta a-march!—and it’s O to sing it well!
It’s O for a manly life in the camp!
And the sturdy artillery!
The guns, bright as gold—the work for giants—to serve well the guns:
Unlimber them! no more, as the past forty years, for salutes for courtesies merely;
Put in something else now besides powder and wadding.


And you, Lady of Ships! you Mannahatta!
Old matron of this proud, friendly, turbulent city!
Often in peace and wealth you were pensive, or covertly frown’d amid all your children;
But now you smile with joy, exulting old Mannahatta!
Storm Mar 2014
Between you and me,
Those lies have come crashing on
Pretenses stripped off of
Our nakedness; look
At all the scars on our bodies.
****** flaws.  
These tattoos I’d hidden from you. All conversations ever do,
Under the dissimulation of words
(I could laugh),
Lash out at us the acute lack
Of conversations. The absence
Of meanings, the shredded ruins of laughter, some very
Jagged melodies that cannot be
In-tuned into a single code, no no.  Courtesies.
Courtesies have put up quite a show.
What has become of us. It is sad.
kk Jul 2018
I hurt with the pleasure of carving knives
plunged into blood-lusting hands.
Standing in the storm of stab wounds
and searching for Gods dressed in human
to give me mental medicine
for wounds that they must trust me to see.
I am the glass-tongued mediator.
I am the vortex that turns worlds to ink-soaked scenery
and words to black noise.
They gurgle out blandishments like they're true! And to them,
I'm a glass door to better days;
they put their famished hands
onto my handle and tug for good luck.
I open and warble out what they want to hear;
a fortune teller who cries courtesies and fills her glass ball
with a concoction of
tears and liquid caution.
I don't want to lose them.
But I choke on their
distorted, glazed looks,
I stuff my throat with gauze,
my chest fills with blood
as they throw their clocks into the garbage
and raise me on glass pedestals
and drool praises as I cry for me
and for them and
for us
and for-
Useless. I am useless.
Wasteful. I am wasteful.
Broken. I am and should be broken.
Did anyone ever realize? How would they
when I am so selfishly unselfish?
sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense. it was very stream of consciousness.
edit: adjusted enjambment, minor changes to phrasing
andrew desantis Feb 2010
unfiltered asiatic plaything seeks
hypoactive cradle technocrat
evicting meaningful poach,
mendacious transcripts of
past events found in his
memoryless playhouse.
poplar crowd scribbles observations
outbound punch of laughter
sighs to the scrambled, ethnic
postgrad nation.
microfiche telegram exploits
meaning to deeper courtesies
current surrendered upon

psychotropic sustenance
fizz thru ***** vein corridor
secret mission lifestyle
learning fast in enormous packs of
tiny lies.
spew logic chagrin mediated
bloodstain; cerebus twitching
outside of beingself.

heart ceases,
sacred whitepaint moans.
o infidel,
strike thrice; a chord
binding us- nasty, *****
beads bleeding rich.
cloaked bushes tasting,
hisses cured human oaks;
tapered horns that sob,
casting waved heels.

dawn fallen, only concrete
possible now. separated by
thousands of what is not,
shocks disintricate; undwindling
patriots mailing lessness,
laughter sounds fetching
offband pitch.
YOU gave, but will not give again
Until enough of paudeen's pence
By Biddy's halfpennies have lain
To be "some sort of evidence',
Before you'll put your guineas down,
That things it were a pride to give
Are what the blind and ignorant town
Imagines best to make it thrive.
What cared Duke Ercole, that bid
His mummers to the market-place,
What th' onion-sellers thought or did
So that his plautus set the pace
For the Italian comedies?
And Guidobaldo, when he made
That grammar school of courtesies
Where wit and beauty learned their trade
Upon Urbino's windy hill,
Had sent no runners to and fro
That he might learn the shepherds' will
And when they drove out Cosimo,
Indifferent how the rancour ran,
He gave the hours they had set free
To Michelozzo's latest plan
For the San Marco Library,
Whence turbulent Italy should draw
Delight in Art whoSe end is peace,
In logic and in natural law
By ******* at the dugs of Greece.
Your open hand but shows our loss,
For he knew better how to live.
Let paudeens play at pitch and toss,
Look up in the sun's eye and give
What the exultant heart calls good
That some new day may breed the best
Because you gave, not what they would,
But the right twigs for an eagle's nest!
(At Inversneyde, upon Loch Lomond)

  Sweet Highland Girl, a very shower
Of beauty is thy earthly dower!
Twice seven consenting years have shed
Their utmost bounty on thy head:
And these grey rocks; that household lawn;
Those trees, a veil just half withdrawn;
This fall of water that doth make
A murmur near the silent lake;
This little bay; a quiet road
That holds in shelter thy Abode—
In truth together do ye seem
Like something fashioned in a dream;
Such Forms as from their covert peep
When earthly cares are laid asleep!
But, O fair Creature! in the light
Of common day, so heavenly bright,
I bless Thee, Vision as thou art,
I bless thee with a human heart;
God shield thee to thy latest years!
Thee, neither know I, nor thy peers;
And yet my eyes are filled with tears.

      With earnest feeling I shall pray
For thee when I am far away:
For never saw I mien, or face,
In which more plainly I could trace
Benignity and home-bred sense
Ripening in perfect innocence.
Here scattered, like a random seed,
Remote from men, Thou dost not need
The embarrassed look of shy distress,
And maidenly shamefacedness:
Thou wear’st upon thy forehead clear
The freedom of a Mountaineer:
A face with gladness overspread!
Soft smiles, by human kindness bred!
And seemliness complete, that sways
Thy courtesies, about thee plays;
With no restraint, but such as springs
From quick and eager visitings
Of thoughts that lie beyond the reach
Of thy few words of English speech:
A ******* sweetly brooked, a strife
That gives thy gestures grace and life!
So have I, not unmoved in mind,
Seen birds of tempest-loving kind—
Thus beating up against the wind.

      What hand but would a garland cull
For thee who art so beautiful?
O happy pleasure! here to dwell
Beside thee in some heathy dell;
Adopt your homely ways, and dress,
A Shepherd, thou a Shepherdess!
But I could frame a wish for thee
More like a grave reality:
Thou art to me but as a wave
Of the wild sea; and I would have
Some claim upon thee, if I could,
Though but of common neighbourhood.
What joy to hear thee, and to see!
Thy elder Brother I would be,
Thy Father—anything to thee!

      Now thanks to Heaven! that of its grace
Hath led me to this lonely place.
Joy have I had; and going hence
I bear away my recompense.
In spots like these it is we prize
Our Memory, feel that she hath eyes:
Then, why should I be loth to stir?
I feel this place was made for her;
To give new pleasure like the past,
Continued long as life shall last.
Nor am I loth, though pleased at heart,
Sweet Highland Girl! from thee to part;
For I, methinks, till I grow old,
As fair before me shall behold,
As I do now, the cabin small,
The lake, the bay, the waterfall;
And thee, the spirit of them all!

Recollect the Face of me
When in thy Felicity,
Due in Paradise today
Guest of mine assuredly—

Other Courtesies have been—
Other Courtesy may be—
We commend ourselves to thee
Paragon of Chivalry.
All hail these small and sweet courtesies of life.
For smooth do they make the road of it.
Grace and beauty – each cut so deep like a knife.
They beg all these inclinations toward love at first sight.
Yes, ‘tis those courtesies which let the stranger in.
With tones and mannerisms - they do have such meaning.

Oh - ‘tis such a blessed thing,
One for which I could lose myself
To the honor of my aching.
I feel a heart which bears all to itself.
Oh yes, tis' open – ‘lest I shut it all out.
So I ask, “Are not my eyes the scout
For which my heart journeys?
That vision, is it not flowing through my arteries
Bringing my heartbeat’s rhythm in tune?
Oh, let that beat be mine none too soon.”

With that said, she laid out her arm in front of me.
Taking hold of her fingers in one hand, I aptly
Applied ******* of my other hand to her wrist -
Firmly - and begin counting each heart throb.
“One – two – three – four,” counting out aloud
Measuring each heartbeat as it happens –
Hoping to find the art of her fever.
I close my eyes as I continue to count – thinking –
There is no occupation in the world comparable
To feeling a woman’s pulse.
And when I had counted to twenty five
I looked up into her eyes and
At that instant I felt her pulse quicken.
She clutched my fingers tighter in the one hand
While pressing the wrist of her other hand
Harder into my account.

Is it possible for two to become one flesh and bone?
And if 'tis true, what is everything else to become?
Sometimes yours while at other times the other has it?
All the while to be generally on par tallying up the score
As we each permit the other to share in ourselves –
At least in as much as a man and a woman have the right to.
Like a bag full of pebbles which started out jagged
And rough, with very little gleam.
Only ‘tis after being years in the bag together
Do the stones, having had many amicable collisions
Wearing down their angles and edges, do they
Become well rounded and smooth with the brilliance
Of their combined luster.
Nothing to either could have been
Accomplished alone.

She looks back into my eyes as she presses her wrist into me
and asks,
“How does it beat with you?”
Placing her hand on my neck I say,
“Feel for yourself -
‘Tis an improvement –
‘Tis my evidence.”
Musing without a muse
SelinaSharday Mar 2018
Left with no suga for lemonade..
You didn't give me any.
Its the bed you made.

My suga hidden locked away I always keep plenty.
Yet you should've  given me some.
You didn't give me any.
Should things become unraveled undone.

Like gentle flavors
Gifted courtesies.
Texting etiquettes.
Is like a lumpy  preserved sugar cube.
Know that rules in texting has its magnitude.      
Proper mannerisms set for the right attitude.
Like sensual videos from youtube.

Proper texting skills.
Sets the flow for good word adjectives.
If texting don't just walk away.. at least say bye  have a good day.
You were texting me and simply vanished away.
Didn't hear from you till some other day.

No good morning no how are you.
No Sorry I hadn't replied back to you.
The stems that builds proper relationships.
Simple actions that can untie good friendships.
Rude mannerisms, actions, bad timing..too many crazy smilies.
Too much giving, too much doing, way too many gifs cheezies.
Texting at wrongful innappropriate times.
Like at the movies or on a date no good signs.
Manners gone like public phone booths uneeded dimes.

Your rudeness Your going I can't miss.
You have no suga cubes.
Just sour lemons..
Easy to dismiss.

You gave me nothing to make lemonade.
Can't fix this mess you have made.
No suga for lemonade!
By selinasharday all rights reserved..3-2018
texting skills learn some.. like if you were on the phone you wouldn't just hang up,, be kind be considerate.

Take your Heaven further on—
This—to Heaven divine Has gone—
Had You earlier blundered in
Possibly, e’en You had seen
An Eternity—put on—
Now—to ring a Door beyond
Is the utmost of Your Hand—
To the Skies—apologize—
Nearer to Your Courtesies
Than this Sufferer polite—
Dressed to meet You—
See—in White!
Martine Jan 2013
Intangible computer guy

The one you trick yourself into feeling closest to,

When in reality he is the farthest away.

Hell, an entire ocean separates the two of you.

But none the less,

He has gained importance.

Your life has become so lack luster

That more and more you find anticipation rising

As you near your PC.

It practically singes your fingertips

As you reach for the keyboard

And paw at the mouse.

Your body is

Taken over by an infestation of cyber butterflies;

Flapping their steel bolted wings

So hard,

That they thin your breath in anticipation of his next paragraph

Of small talk words;

Adorned with innocent courtesies

And make-shift smiley faces of semi-colons and parentheses.

Perhaps you’re eager because of the complement he threw in near the end of his last message?

As you scroll slowly down the page,

You see that he has not replied

Even though it has been two days.

In that instant

you realize that “intangible computer guy”

Is only so intangible to you;

For on the other side of the Atlantic,

He lives a life that is real.

Maybe it is you who is intangible?

Your shell of a life has been a bit depressing as of late.

For you,

A 20 year old

Who should be having flings and going to parties,

Has only been kissed once and never been touched;

Stuck living a life not your own.

Maybe “intangible computer guy” is so real

That your pathetic life can’t fathom the fact that he has one too.

You realize this as the mild depression

That has been like an infestation of maggots,

Gnaws at your senses;

Causing your eyes to burn, redden and cry.


You realize that with Mr. Computer Guy

You get the chance to be charming

And talk about yourself,

When in reality you can barely get a word in edgewise;

Too busy living for others

That you,

In a sense,

Have begun to fade.

Becoming almost…

Her Courtesy

WITH the old kindness, the old distinguished grace,
She lies, her lovely piteous head amid dull red hair
propped upon pillows, rouge on the pallor of her face.
She would not have us sad because she is lying there,
And when she meets our gaze her eyes are laughter-lit,
Her speech a wicked tale that we may vie with her,
Matching our broken-hearted wit against her wit,
Thinking of saints and of petronius Arbiter.

Curtain Artist bring her Dolls and Drawings
Bring where our Beauty lies
A new modelled doll, or drawing,
With a friend's or an enemy's
Features, or maybe showing
Her features when a tress
Of dull red hair was flowing
Over some silken dress
Cut in the Turkish fashion,
Or, it may be, like a boy's.
We have given the world our passion,
We have naught for death but toys.

She turns the Dolls' Faces to the Wall
Because to-day is some religious festival
They had a priest say Mass, and even the Japanese,
Heel up and weight on toe, must face the wall
-- Pedant in passion, learned in old courtesies,
Vehement and witty she had seemed -- ; the Venetian lady
Who had seemed to glide to some intrigue in her red shoes,
Her domino, her panniered skirt copied from Longhi;
The meditative critic; all are on their toes,
Even our Beauty with her Turkish trousers on.
Because the priest must have like every dog his day
Or keep us all awake with baying at the moon,
We and our dolls being but the world were best away.

The End of Day
She is playing like a child
And penance is the play,
Fantastical and wild
Because the end of day
Shows her that some one soon
Will come from the house, and say --
Though play is but half done --
"Come in and leave the play.'

Her Race
She has not grown uncivil
As narrow natures would
And called the pleasures evil
Happier days thought good;
She knows herself a woman,
No red and white of a face,
Or rank, raised from a common
Vnreckonable race;
And how should her heart fail her
Or sickness break her will
With her dead brother's valour
For an example still?

Her Courage
When her soul flies to the predestined dancing-place
(I have no speech but symbol, the pagan speech I made
Amid the dreams of youth) let her come face to face,
Amid that first astonishment, with Grania's shade,
All but the terrors of the woodland flight forgot
That made her Diatmuid dear, and some old cardinal
Pacing with half-closed eyelids in a sunny spot
Who had murmured of Giorgione at his latest breath --
Aye, and Achilles, Timor, Babar, Barhaim, all
Who have lived in joy and laughed into the face of Death.

Her Friends bring her a Christmas Tree
pardon, great enemy,
Without an angry thought
We've carried in our tree,
And here and there have bought
Till all the boughs are gay,
And she may look from the bed
On pretty things that may
please a fantastic head.
Give her a little grace,
What if a laughing eye
Have looked into your face?
It is about to die.
My home has been invaded.
Not by the usual suspects.
Instead, by the ravenous locusts of judgement.
Of the "I told you so's" and not good enough's.
A territorial plague that infests the very structure of molecules.
Never has a room so full felt so empty.

They digest.
Devouring the fabric of electron bonds
To where the air itself is heavier than water

And my lungs choke,
Desperate for smoke.
The condescending eyes,
The pollution of a space I once called mine.
A space once pristine has now
Festooned itself in patternous greed
Where opinion is paragon before law
And the laws once laid
Leave a cavitated wake
As they lay helpless by the wayside
Waiting for a passer-by
To claim the unclean deed
And draw away what sickens me

The raw and busted hide
Plays brave but cracks to the festering wound
Of unbridled, wild pride.
So strong are those that sit on perceived thrones
That even in another's home
Basic courtesies are considered contrived.

And the sickness soaks
Deep in the bones
Of the worn and weary
We should all hope to press without due regard
Ngoni L A Mupure May 2014
You are one hell of a book,
Written in a simple style.
A song with a catchy hook,
Complicated page to file.

Your plot is intricate,
but you are still intriguing.
Your petals are colourful and delicate,
You got me hallucinating.

Been scripting this piece-
Its nearly a week but still,
Rehearsing it like a first kiss
Punching lines like a till-

Suppressing thrills,
Chasing footsteps of shadows and thoughts.
Swallowing bitter pills-
Thoughts being cast everywhere like votes...

And writing heart desires- as if my poem is a will.
With words that burn as forest fires.
Thoughts of you bring my world to a standstill.

Your stubborn attitude
and the Monalisa smiles,
Raise my heart like altitude.
Ironic enough memories of you keep piling like files.

Your silence captures my curiosity,
Preying on it like a predator.
Your quiet moments are pretty-
Lips made of nectar...

Your expressions are strong-
They challenge my mind set.
You are a hit song,
Your beat makes one sweat.

I hate to play you,
Because your melodies are too deep,
And your lyrics are too true.
So if I fall for you I will forever slip.

You are hard to forget,
When did I learn your facts?
Actions and reactions-a magnet?
You are warm, deep inside like pockets.

No conclusions-
Just casting controversial cute courtesies,
Confused for confessions yet caressing illusions-
Maybe social prophecies...

Thoughts of you are without a conclusion-
Limitless, bottomless-
They run deep like confusion.
So I crowned them with words like a princess.

Naked truth-
True lies...

OutspokenArt #2014
The Year Jan 2012
Left alone to wander
Down the black stone road
Gushing, splintered, homebound
Spinning from the fall

Tightened, tinkered, totaled
Forced to reconcile
Is a call to arms in order,
Or is this just a trial?

Patched by panes of forgiveness
Light seeps through the blinds
The hurt is not well hidden
It’s just a matter of time.

Swelling, steaming, simmer
It flows over the brim
Caught by common courtesies
Stifled by general decency

Animalistic glances
Looks of sheer desire
Civilization is not well organized

Let’s set the ******* on fire.
Jai Oct 2013
No sun-no moon
No morn-no noon
No dawn-no dusk-no proper time of day
No sky-no earthly view
No distance looking blue
No road-no street-no 't' other side this way
No end to any road
No indications where the crescents go
No top to any steeple
No recognition of familiar people
No courtesies for showing them
No knowing them
No travelling at all-no locomotion
No inkling of the way-no notion-
"No go by land or ocean-
No mail- no post
No news from any foreign coast-
No park, no ring, no afternoon gentility
No company - no nobility -
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds
Only November!!!
Brycical Jan 2013
Social graces are--
becoming overrated
far away from our minds.

We're finding vines
of thorns in the gardens
of our blooming lotus thoughts.

There's an echo of drums and primal screams
and we feel lower than dirt
disconnected beneath the earth
our cosmic tongue severed
and waiting to grow
out from the ground.

We shout out--
silently hoping
for meaning in the greening
grass smoking
choking up
& burning down
old rickety clown cars
we thought were sound ideas for living.

What-does this matter?

Courtesies bug splattered
against our windshield--
a metaphor representing
plowing through the ****
to find the truth
of us.
Inspired by this painting by Saeed Akhtar:
Jae Elle Oct 2012
quick -- hand me your
clinical nest
so easily disguised
in the form of
white tears that
glisten with hints of
subtle blue

they tend to find easy
on the edge of
my lips
when they see the
are falling

honey, don't you know
if you keep the
window open
eventually I'm going to

fly away?

we can't count our
as often as our
& you were never there
to know
the difference

one day you'll stop trying
to predict my

& I'll stop trying to
how well you
written long long ago in a galaxy far away
or the year 2009
Silence upon other silence grows;
Taller than any skyward cathedral,
Wider than divisions, between two brothers.

The only sincere silence is natural,
Or found by a flickering candle’s flame,
And the latency, of a sleeping child.

After a death, some silence may roar
Down zigzagging corridors, of dazed;
Haunting midnight's vertiginous dreams.

Numbness opens vast reservoirs of quiet
And in the resultant- preternaturally stilled-
Silence sometimes finds its earthly voice.

I now present to you, Silence itself-
Bereft of courtesies, or dignified flourishes;
Bare as a babe at death- or birth.
Don Bouchard Mar 2016
A hundred-forty west-bound miles of
Montana Highway 200 see a summer
Traveler somewhere between
Grass Range and Jordan,
Deep in grass and antelope.

Waterless miles of meandering
Dry creek beds and barbwire alleyways
Herd the occasional car or truck
Down narrow asphalt chutes of road.

Speed limit signs stamped "70 mph"
Stand mortified and silent at Speed
Demons hurtling westward to Great Falls,
Round Up, or Flowing Wells, or east to
Jordan, Circle, Richey, Lambert, and Sidney.

Extreme heat and cold on the open plain
Demand courtesies of the West;
Travelers always stop to
Help the stranded.

So it was I came at speed to Sand Springs,
A sultry July day, heading to Billings,
Sad to be leaving my lover and my bairns.

A long way off, I saw her car,
Hood up and steam rising.
I shifted down and idled to a stop.
"Can I help you?"

An older woman,
Crow, I think, looked out,
A bit confused at first
Until her eyes cleared.

"I need a ride," she said,
And so began our adventure.

I made room in the truck
And turned around to find
The ranch where she cooked.

Ten miles back, we left the road
To take a trail that wound back
Into hills, dry with early heat.
"About five miles in," she said.

We found the place,
Resting in a scrap heap
Of old vehicles and broken corrals,
Middle of nowhere,
But she was home
And opened up the door.

She asked me to wait a bit,
So I sat, wondering what was next,
While she walked in through her door.

In a minute she returned
Her offering in her hand.
"Thank you," she murmured.

Nodding, I took the gift,
Shifted into reverse,
Left her there.

The braid of sweet grass,
An unburned prayer,
Rode on my dash
All summer long....
Anshita Mehrotra Sep 2015
i hate it;
i ******* hate the way you hold me in your arms
-and make me feel like nothing could ever matter more,
and so i sat in the rain for hours
until i went numb
felt anything but your touch;
dancing on the tips of my skin
carving courtesies in the pores of my heart
and every drop burnt like acid
-because the rain was an intruder beginning the tango
when i had only ever learnt;
the waltz
so then my bones chartered swiftly with the violin that was your voice and with the waltz that is this heart
this may be a bit confusing.
but simply,states that all of me was accustomed to him,and now the touch of anything but him,felt too foriegn to contemplate.
Satsih Verma May 2018
Mounting surveillance
on myself after snapping
hyphenated bond.

I will set you free
from the white paper, carrying―
your beautiful face.

The slanting eyes
will haunt me in dark, I will
turn around and cry.

When did rift emerge―
while playing the moons? The lake
was ready to drown me.
S S Oct 2016
The Dark mist, it beckons,
It curls its manicured tip.
I twist, no, I resist,
Pleas die softly on my lip.

I conjure my life's images,
Of decent well adjusted folks.
Crumpets, giggles and tea bags.
Pinks and yellows that it evokes.

But fragile as an egg shell,
The cracks they show some more.
Lust and desire bubble forth,
Crimson lies sprawled upon the floor.

I'm told that I'm the Good Girl
Of frocks, and poise, and grace.
Yet the cracks they draw me in,
Fingers touch velvet and lace.

The Good Girl she suffocates,
In deaf silence she screams.
Awake she hides the gaping cracks,
Plays freely in her dreams.

So, Good courtesies in the light,
Smiling pleasantries at the fore.
But with heads turned I come to life,
Filled by the Dark I fight no more.

Two lives I live in parallel,
Soft moan sneaks past my lip
I am the dark, I am home,
I curl my manicured tip....
Got entangled in life, and became silent.
Found my voice again: feeble and immature still.
Ayeshah Jan 2014
Five months ago
  things didn't seem
to matter,
this spiral
             I've crashed down
into was my
every day norm.

           Five months ago
I'd allow myself to
be talked to
any type of way,
find comfort
in your

I thought
five months ago
he would change,
            I praised myself for
being in a
toxic relationship
& staying strong,
I'd be weak if I left.

    I thought

I needed
thought that
I was your soul catcher
the one meant to
protect & support your tyrant ways.

               I'd listen to
you & follow
           your lead,
pray for us
prayed for me,
the answer came
                when I felt lies welling up
drowning on em choking from
      them swimming deep
like sharks attacking
                   me over & over
I five months ago
felt the magnitude of betrayal
                     felt what I thought was
my world caving in,
          hurt me with your
words then love me
            in bed so slowly,
I laid there most times
                thinking what the ****
I doing here-
you'd make
       my body react,
make me feel so good,
                  five months ago I'd let you.
Let you control and demand things
                             from me more of myself
                to where
I had barley anything left to give.

        I'm grieving a loss
that's easily mending,

Five months
I'd of begged
        even pleaded,

Five months ago
I'd of ran into those
         strong open arms,
       I've recapture
the woman
I wish to become
the woman
     I'm working on.

How's it
         I've allowed you so
  much authority
             over me & courtesies
       of my life,

I made you boss
I like the luggage & baggage
I still carry,
you where the one
                  playing with my strings
the puppet- your dummy
a fowl fool

I've been
         but that's
    no longer
           that was

FIVE Months Ago!*

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
just thinking out loud.... therapeutic.............
I don’t remember getting old.
When did the days get so cold,
And all the things I used to care for not matter anymore.

I used to not be afraid,
Of putting everything I had
Into any little thing
And never look back

The days you left behind you weigh you down
And the candle you left lit starts to gets low.
You’ve burned through all your shoes over the past two years
From carrying all that weight.

I’ll never be the man you want me to be,
But I am the man my father taught me to be.
I take aim with my courtesies and hide all my worries,
Deep down in my veins with my endless insecurities

Every piece of me’s been built up from the ground with supports in all directions.
But I’ve taken them all away,
Ever since that day you left that day.
But I don’t think I needed them as much as I think you needed mine.

So I’ll take my life and build it up from the inside.
But if you knew the burdens I carry,
You’d know why I’m timid, broken and careful.
Ella Downing Mar 2019
but not in a polite way
Basking in a round of warm-beer-belly laughs

Pillow soft
No-man's land
Lay down your weapons
on my shoulder.

Never bossy.
An everyday diplomat navigating courtesies
A heard point.


or unliked
The choice is theirs
I have little time for it.

To be all this at once
or not at all
on my count

Take aim
Don Bouchard Jan 2015
At first,
Love is a Choice
To act,
Not in emotions,
Nor perceived rewards,
Done from duty as duty,
Because we would be

Love may mellow
Over time,
See traits worthy of surrender...
Take root,
Become reason of itself
For pleasure,
For staying true.

We performed the ritual courtesies:
Reiterated "Love yous,"
"Thank yous,"
Farewell prayers,
Waving good-bye,
We hoped our window tint
Hid relief shining in our eyes....

And then another farewell,
A mother crippled, old,
Bent low by time and widowed,
Gentle now, and grateful
For our shortest stays.
This mellowed love we would desire
When we have nearly lived our days.
Smiling tears and long embrace,
Juxtaposed these loves that end in sighs
The differences in love's good-byes.
juxtaposition of farewells between the two mothers
Henry Mulligan Mar 2013
Disrobe for a moment
and preserve
for us our sanity.
We exchange courtesies,
in this language
we have only learned
to begin.
So question not
this focused silence.
Listen to its eloquence,
partake in its fluent
Ignatius Hosiana Jan 2016
For the bridges burnt and the lessons learnt
For seeds of faith watered to blossoming plant
For the days I lived to the moment I died
The truths I said to the few times I lied
The laughs I managed till the moment I cried
For the words I said to the silence I sighed
For the spectrum we shared that suddenly turned grey
The moments I held it together and those I frayed
The time of doubt and when I prayed
For the cowardice when only nothing could be said
For the years of thinking through out the day
When the sky was clear and painted in light
To the moment of darkness, the pitch of night
That I wasn't and even those when I was okay
For the time I was whole and even when I'm shards
the minute I was lonely and was lost for words
when pleasure was watching butterflies and birds
the seconds that mattered but I hadn't the guts
For the moments I was on time and those I delayed
The opportunities exploited and those decayed
when I chose the right path and when I strayed
the chances I took that didn't plus those that paid
the times I matched and those I stayed
when together we toiled,the impossible strategies we laid
for the first kiss till the last,the present and past
and a future without you that's come at last
for the big dreams that kept my eyes open
for those times when you were my token
for the merry shared when you still cared
for the miles we veered, the far we dared
the milestones we succeeded and those we failed
for your freedom and my heart that's jailed

for the songs we sung, with our palms fitted
for those smiles you gave with your head tilted
for the sombre times and when jilted
for the far we reached, doors opened and those bolted
for the endless calls and when they ended
for whoever we lost and whoever we befriended
for the memories we made,now phantoms instead
for the times of calm and when I lost my head
for growing up and losing faith in our fantasies
of crossing oceans and seas,for the courtesies
for those beautiful nights under moonlight and stars
for the wounds and bruises,spotless healed and scars
for what was real and what we were faking
the footprints behind and those we're taking
for the much risked and which we didn't try
for the inadequate strength to say goodbye
for the promises broken, the crazy mission to forever
thank you, and good luck in your each and every endeavour
Pen Lux Nov 2014
I read his poetry like Bukowski
I spent time drinking and *******

in protest to the aching inside of me
raking through old poems was easier
than writing new ones about the life
I was throwing away, because the
heartbreak was nothing but a wedge
even further from the                       writing

I read his poems like I drink coffee
every morning
that I'm not feeling sick to my stomach
and I choke him down to spit him out
no longer masked or guarded
sparing courtesies
because the mysteries
weren't as mystical
as all the fantasies
used to be saying
it's good to look
and it's a privilege to touch

these lips ache in your absence
yet I haven't learned enough
wichitarick May 2016
With the world watching a virtuous soul is now presented, porous as a sponge  blindly absorbing life
Simple cause taken on without the applause ,not self seeking but more a fellowship of thinking
helping others to decrease a possible pressure ,naturally obligated by their own inward beauty hiding self righteous strife
Lifes progression played as simple evolution ,also reasoning with simple goodness coming naturally with no blinking

  Many brought into redemption even before conception, playing life as a parable will be good for their soul
They build natural wealth by not showing favor. walking tall, facing forward taking a stand while not being standoffish
Fellows with friendship easily find kinship in what mutual aid there is to give away ,freely  taking on any role
Normal folks with nominal means paying penance , providing blindly for others ,giving rather than being selfish

Humans acting coarsely can be part of the picture ,further testing each others  humanity
While many of us show promise & always perpetuate common courtesies ,fewer show perfection with gratitude
without showing An outward goal not freely recognizing their basic role not to become enveloped in the vanity
Not blind but with blinders ,risking without being risque governing of their morality is now their internal attitude

  Always having lived in a spiral ,the living sphere the bountiful bowl adjusting ,making room , to arise above the gloom
Not anointed,never seeking personal gain but truly absorbing fellow peoples pain,passing it on in a progression of kindhearted folk
Simple as an up front demeanor paying a cost for freedom ,karma ,day by day ,pay to stay ,sweeping ALL  the corner to sleep in the room
Melding fortunes of anonymous humanity is brick by brick helping good fortunes stick ,solid marks on humanity they did invoke. R.C
Written as a self note,or the awareness of some people that came into mine & my teenage daughters life, asking for nothing,promoting nothing,expecting nothing but maybe to pass it on. a village can raise a child.people subtly pointing a safe direction will pay in many multiples for us all. Peace takes practice. Rick

— The End —